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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Tales of the Underground: Blinded - 23. Brothers

Aaron made a face, and cautiously watched me as I headed back into our room “What’s up with you?”

“Nothin” I shrugged, well aware that the emotion was still clear on my face “Jus needed to talk some stuff over.”
“Aww did the baby of the family need his mommy and daddy?” Aaron teased, not realizing how serious I was being. I moved my lips from side to side, but didn’t bother to respond “Is everything okay?” he let out, finally catching on.

“Its fine” I shrugged “Jus needed Mom and Dad real quick.”

Aaron’s eyes nearly jumped out of his head as he heard my words “Who’s help?”

“Man don’t…” I clicked, beginning to shake my head.

“I’m sorry, I just…I didn’t know if you’d ever actually call them that.” He shook, taking a closer look at me “You sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, it’s been like a month since I first got here, and I’m bout to be adopted, so I jus feel like it’s time.” I dismissed, starting to grow annoyed by the stream of questions.

“So then are you getting your own room soon?” he perked up with a smile.

“Man, this is my room.” I teased, laying back on my bed “Imma tell mom I deserve it.”

“Over my dead body!” he yelped, jumping up

I giggled at his overreaction “I can make that happen bruh”

“Cy, I’m not joking, this is my room!” he insisted “You were only supposed to sleep in here until we got along, and we get along just fine if you ask me.”

“Imma ask them for it for my birthday.” I continued, pressing his buttons a little more “It’s closer to their bedroom too, they need the baby close.”

“You like that title way too much!” he judged, rolling his eyes to my words.

I shrugged my shoulders and put on a mischievous grin “If it gets me what I want, I’ll ride it til I die.”

“Why’d I have to want a brother?” He jokingly groaned to himself “I could’ve just said no, I could’ve stayed an only child forever.”

“You life would be so boring without me” I smiled “you white bread boring fuck.”

“I’d go to bed with less headaches, and actually stay asleep!” he teased “Please! Please! Please! Don’t have a nightmare tonight…I’m begging you!”

I swayed my head back and forth and thought about the report I had read “Honestly, I probably will” I confessed “I get em when I think bout home.”

“Then don’t think about home.” He groaned “Think about…about basketball, about puppies…we can get you a puppy for your birthday! Anything to take your mind off the Southside! Please!”

“Too late, been thinkin bout it all day” I exhaled fully laying back “Maybe this time I won’t wake you up.”

“I doubt it” he grumbled, holding onto his head “I just hope to wake you up and get back to sleep as fast as possible.”

I shrugged my shoulders and made a face “I would stop it if I could.”

“I know” he comforted, changing his tone so he came across as more brotherly “We’ll figure it out.”

I raised my eyebrows and turned on my side “I wont hold my breath”

Sure enough that night I was hit with a nightmare from my past. I could hear the screams cry out of the man tied down in the chair, black bag over his face, and skin torn to pieces.

“Alright Cy, your turn.” Ro boomed, offering me the large knife “Get what we need from him.”

“Nah…I can’t” I refused, taking a step back. I took another look at the blood all over the floor, as pieces of skin hung from the captives’ body, and had to take a deep breath to stop myself from vomiting “I can’t.” I repeated with a shake of my head.

Before I knew it I felt an open palm slam against my bare chest “I said it’s your turn.” Ro roared trying to force the knife into my hands “When I say somethin, you listen…you got that?”

“I know, it’s jus…”

“Come on man, he’s only 12” one of the lieutenants standing by began “and he’s been a thief up until now, you can’t ask him to be muscle…not this young.”

“Bitch I’ll make him what I want to make him.” Ro shouted, stepping towards the out spoken lieutenant “Now take the knife, and do what needs to be done.”

“But I…”

“Your brothers lives are on the line” he angrily lectured “You want our own killed in a drive by cause you too much of a pussy to do what needs to be done.”


“Then fuckin do it!” he barked, finally forcing the knife into my hand.

Before I knew it I was forcing the sharp edge against the man’s skin…doing whatever I had to to get what I needed. My heart felt like it was going to explode from anxiety as I carved the man like a pumpkin, pleading with him to talk…begging him so I could just stop. Finally as I reached his hands the man passed out from blood loss…or from shock…I really couldn’t tell.

I turned towards my shot caller to speak but before I could I felt the metal edge of a belt slash across my chest “You pussy!” he shouted “You fucked around and now we can’t get shit from him!” Ro boomed, as I felt another crack come in and catch me in the stomach, taking a big chunk of skin with it. As I fell to the floor I could feel the blows coming harder and harder…the blood began to coat my back and chest like a blanket as I couldn’t help but cry out in pain. Finally when he had worked out all his anger he threw the belt at my head and walked off “Someone get that kid a few drinks and a blunt…he looks like shit.”

“Fuck you” I spit as blood started to drip from my mouth.

He let out a laugh of anger before running back and kicking me in the stomach. Once more my cries echoed throughout the room, except this time he grabbed onto my hair and pulled my face close to his “You feel that anger stirring inside of you? That pure rage? Use it next time I ask you to do somethin, and maybe you won’t fuck it up.” He spit, getting as close as possible “and let me make it clear to you, the only reason I don’t put a bullet in your thick little head is cause you’re the only one around here who can pull off a job without getting caught. That’s the only worth you’ll ever have, you got that? No one values you but me…and that’s the way it’ll always be.”

For whatever reason the nightmare didn’t rip me back into reality…not yet. I seemed to flash forward a few years…standing on a rooftop overlooking my city, worn down sneakers on my feet, with dirty ragged clothes covering my body. I was the definition of a street kid, and by now I was proud of it.

“Cy” A soldier called out, watching me take in the sights “What we doin now?”

“There” I pointed at a store down below “He didn make his payments, and called the brass on the runner.”

“So we gonna put a few bullets in the window, teach him to…”

“No” I grumbled turning towards a nearby fire escape “I want him to know it’s me.”

“Why would you…”

“Shut up and watch” I commanded, quickly scaling down the escape. “Hurry your ass up before I put lead in it” I growled, watching the much bigger soldier climb down ladder by ladder. Eventually he made it to the ground, and we quietly lurked to the store front, waiting patiently to make sure no one was nearby. “On my go” I quietly instructed, taking a deep breath. “I waited a few seconds, and threw my hood up over my head, ready for what needed to be done. “Alright now” I nodded; turning the corner and slamming open the front door.

“Sorry, but we’re closed, you’ll have too…” The clerks’ words trailed off as I pulled the gun from my waistband and aimed it at his head “Look you can have all the money, just please don’t…”

“Shut the fuck up” I shouted pulling the heavy register off the counter and down onto the ground in front of the tall counter. I nodded as I heard the soldier lock the door behind us, and quickly jumped over the counter, making sure to keep the gun aimed at his head the whole time.

“What the hell…”

“shut up” I repeated staring him down “Where’s my money?”

“Money?” he repeated shaking his head, “Its in the…”

“Not that money” I cut off, pulling a knife from my side with my free hand “You didn’t make your payment last week…so that means you ain’t protected no more…and you know how dangerous Chicago can get without protection.”

“What?” he repeated, too scared to connect the pieces of what was happening.

I lightly pulled my hood back enough to expose my eye, and watched as he put it all together “You tol a runner cause I was a kid you didn have to pay.”

“Well I paid for protection from Baz, and now that he’s gone…”

“Now that’s he’s buried, you don need protection no more?” I provoked taking a few steps closer

“No, no” he shook, slipping and falling to the ground as he tried to create more space “I-I misspoke…”

“you’re damn right you did.” I growled, starting to stand over him “Motherfucker I’m more dangerous than Baz ever was, you think cause I’m young I won’t put a clip in your head? Baz got into this game when he was 20, but motherfucker I was born into this game.” I nodded my head as the soldier got closer, so that I could put my gun back into my waist “See my mommy never taught me right from wrong…” I began, crouching over the shaking shop owner “All I know is that this…” I started, running the tip of the knife across his hand “hurt’s just as bad as this.” I continued, taking the knife and slashing him across the cheek.

“I’ll pay! I’ll pay!” he shrieked as blood began to flow out of his face.

I looked back to the soldier and laughed “Oh we know you will, but see you had to go and start a trend, so I gotta make an example outta you.”

“No, I’ll tell everyone, I’ll let them know that…”

Before he could finish his plea I wound back and kicked him across the face. “Hold him up for me” I nodded towards the soldier. He did as commanded, and I got to work, carving up the man just like I had been raised to do over the past year and a half. Finally when the 3 of us were covered in his blood I nodded towards the solider to let him go. “Look at me” I shouted, getting close to his face “LOOK AT ME!” The clerk weakly lifted his head and tried his best to look into my eyes “You don’t tell the badges shit about this, but you gonna go out and tell all your little buddies that Cy runs this block now…and that if they don start payin up…they won’t walk away from what I do to em.”

“You…you’re not a boy…” the clerk faintly let out “You’re a monster.”

I let out a cocky laugh and hopped back over the counter “Compliments will get you nowhere” I smiled, taking whatever money I could out of the register “Let’s go” I nodded towards the solider “We got more stores to hit.”

The solider nodded and followed me out of the store, and back to the rooftops “That...Baz woulda never done that…Baz woulda had someone break his arm and…”

“And where’s Baz now?” I asked taking another look at my newly given turf. Silence filled the air as he refused to answer “Exactly. I do my own work, I show my own face…I make it known I’m more than just talk…when I’m done here everyone will know who the hell Cy is.”

“You jus like Ro.” The soldier shook “Same hot temper, same ruthlessness…no wonder he likes you so much.”

“That’s cause he raised me” I growled, heading towards another rooftop “Now keep up, we got work to do.”

Suddenly a loud beeping flung me awake. Cold sweat poured from my head, and my heart seemed to pump a mile a minute. I took a deep breath and turned to Aaron, who was sitting up on his phone “I thought you said you were going to have a nightmare?”

“I didn?” I prodded, trying my best to calm down.

He shrugged his shoulders and looked at me “We made it until my phone alarm without you yelling.”

“But I…” I confusingly shooked “It’s whatever.”

“So you had a nightmare?” he poked, tilting his head slightly.

“More like flashbacks.” I shook off “It was like my past was tryin to remind me of somethin.”

“Oh yeah? What?” Aaron eagerly waited, imagining a story about parties or girls.

“Nothin you wanna hear bout” I dismissed climbing out of bed. I grabbed my uniform and headed towards the bathroom. The second I took off my shirt I looked in the mirror at all the thick scarring and marks that covered my chest and stomach. Once more the muscles from underneath struggled to show themselves through the dark red scar tissue. Reminders of those dreams, reminders of where I’ve been and the lessons I’ve learned…reminders of who I once was.

Natasha had every right to hold my past against me…to make me out to be some type of monster…after all; I was one…maybe I still… “Riley, you’re going to be late!” Nancy called out “Come on, I’m not writing you a note.”

“1 second!” I yelped back. I made eye contact with myself and shook my head…as long as I have them and Carter…I’ll be jus fine. Old habits like stealin, shit talkin, fightin…they gonna die hard…but shooting people, threatening em…carving em up…those are gone. As long as I can keep my temper I won’t be that guy anymore.

I threw the uniform on, and quickly ran through my morning routine, doing my best not to make us late. As I went through class my mind raced with memories of the dream…of the nights I ran out and enforced what I needed to.

“Earth to Riley” Carter teased, trying to get my attention for Noah.

“Sorry man” I shook, looking towards him “Didn sleep well.”

“Guilt keeping you awake?” Owen smiled, seeing what buttons he could push today.

I looked towards him and narrowed in my gaze “Nah, but you keep talkin and I think I’ll have somethin to feel guilty bout.”

“Hey, why does he get to call you Riley?” Noah observed, looking at Carter then to me.

“Cause he won’t stop” I quickly lied, rolling my eyes “I tried to tell him to stop, trus me.”

“Well Riley…” Aaron began, trying to test the waters.

“Man shut the fuck.” I dismissed, quickly elbowing him “You know you don’t call me that.”

“So Mom and Carter are the only ones who get to?” he defensively let out, giving me a slightly frustrated look.

“Yeah cause they both pain in the asses.” I shook “You see how many times I tell mom to stop.” As the words escaped my lips I saw the table all look at one another in confusion

“Mom?” Carter echoed, looking towards Aaron. Who answered him with the shrug of his shoulders.

“She my mom ain’t she?” I defensively asked, looking towards him.

“Yup” Carter quickly answered “I just didn’t know if you knew that.”


“Shut up Owen” Aaron angrily looked at him, shutting him down before he could even start.

“All I’m saying is…”

“Shut up” he repeated “It’s going to be something ignorant and stupid.”

“I can’t ask questions?” he deviously shrugged “I mean are birth parents and adoptive parents really the same…”

“Are you that stupid?” Aaron yelped, as his face turned red with anger. I had never seen him this angry…he didn’t even hesitate.

“Aaron, just take a breath…” Carter began, starting to shoot Owen daggers.

“What? It’s just a question.” Owen continued, walking further into his own trap. “I mean she’s not actually his mom.”

“You want to bring down Cy so much that you forgot I’m adopted too!” he shouted, as the anger began to flow out of his face “If they’re not his mom and dad, then they’re not mine either! You wouldn’t even know the first thing about family…”

I patted Aaron on the back, and turned towards Carter “When does the regular season for basketball start?” I quietly let out, as Aaron kept yelling.

“Not for another week and a half.” He shrugged with concern entering his face “Why?”

I looked over to him as half a smile covered my face…let’s see…a suspension for fighting is a few days…and if the regular season doesn’t start yet…I thought over, getting to my feet. “I mean are you that stupid?” Aaron shouted, continuing his tirade “You attack me and my brother just because you’re so insecure about who you are? And you think you can just get away with it?”

“It’s cool” I exhaled standing behind Aaron, making sure to pat him on the back as I turned the corner.

“No Cy, it’s really not! I’ve had enough of him trying to…” Aaron continued, but before he could finish his sentence I turned the corner, balled up a fist and slammed Owen across the face with it.

“Mother fucker you want to talk shit to me, that’s just fine, but you fuck with Aaron? You fuck with my brother?” I shouted, standing over him as his mouth began to drip with blood “I will shut you the fuck up” I grabbed onto his shirt, nearly losing control, but looked back to Carter and let him go…I’ll always be rough around my edges…I’ll always be a splash of trouble…but I don’t have to be dangerous…I don’t have to be deadly. I’ll have my families back, and as long as they have mine…well those memories of the ruthless gang member I once was will stay memories.

Copyright © 2018 Aceinthehole; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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I was asking for this to happen, but of course it had to be Riley that hit him.  I'm glad he's sticking up for his family (and he fully considers them his family now), but because of his past any hint of violent behaviour could seriously fuck up the adoption.  After what he did to Natasha, Riley is seriously hurting his own case here.  And you just know that Owen is going to go cry over it and do everything he can to get Riley sent back to jail over this, and Riley fell right into his trap.


But, well, compared to what Cy did, a punch in the face is pretty mild.  You can take the boy out of the gang, but you didn't take the gang out of the boy.  His first instinct is still violence and intimidation.


I'm curious to see what the consequences will be for Riley.  He'll get suspended for sure, but he's walking a tightrope and I could see the coach kicking him off the basketball team over this.  Owen will probably try to get his parents to push for expulsion, as well as get the cops involved (whether or not he succeeds is hard to say).  If the cops get involved, that could put the adoption in jeopardy.


Riley had good intentions, but he mishandled the situation once again by resorting to violence.  I just hope that Aaron, Carter and Noah can intervene on his behalf and say that Owen was provoking him.  Walter and Nancy will NOT be happy about this either, and I think that how they handle this will have a major impact on Riley's confidence, for lack of a better word.  They need to make it clear that he made a bad decision without making him feel that he's "a bad kid" and that what Natasha wrote about him is true.  They, along with Carter, are his rocks and Riley needs them more than ever.


I've grown quite attached to Riley and I can't help cheering him on as he struggles to prove everyone wrong and become a better person.  It's a bumpy ride, but I hope he can pull through.

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Riley certainly is a piece of work, clearly moulded by extreme circumstances and a strong survival instinct. His dedication to changing himself is admirable as is his defense of his family. I hope that he , with the support of Carter , his family and friends can weather the storm that punching Owen can potentially unleash. My expectation is that he will be successful , he deserves it. 

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