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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Morgan Lore - 21. Chapter 21

Chapter Twenty-One

Expect the unexpected

Milan watched emotions war on his mother’s face. He knew how hard it would be for her to accept Rory in his life the way he wanted. She had sat up with him through countless hours on very bad days and nights, worried to death. That kind of commitment...the bond forged, it was sacred. It needed discussion and everything Milan could give.

Letting go of Rory’s hand, Milan got up and went to kneel before his mother, taking her hands in his.

“Mamma, I’m sorry my words hurt you.”

He looked into her eyes, not missing the sheen of tears.

“You are so important to me. I would be nowhere without you,” Milan said. “Still, I’m asking you for Rory, for you to accept him because…”

“He gives you something I never could,” Ilaria finished for him when he trailed away. “I know these things. I know, Cucciolo, no need to explain.”

She freed her right hand from his hold, so that she could brush her fingers through his hair.

“I’m upset this moment has come sooner than I expected,” Ilaria murmured, her gaze sliding to Rory, who remained seated. “You’re only sixteen—”

“Seventeen in a few days,” Milan reminded her.

She chuckled, biting her lip to stop it, then nodded.

“Fine, seventeen in a few days,” Ilaria said. “I hoped you would fall in love ten years from now. A mother’s foolish wish. I want to protect you from everything that could hurt you, bambino.”

“You can’t,” Milan murmured, holding her gaze, his hold on her left hand tightening into a gentle squeeze. “I-I need you not to, Mamma.”

Ilaria closed her eyes and tear drops slid down her smooth cheeks. Milan kissed them away, holding her when she pulled him into a tight hug.

“First Ayu, now you,” Ilaria said into his shoulder. “I’ve held on too tight, and now you want to feel free, and it hurts.”


Va bene, Milan. I’ll work on not being so protective. It won’t be easy. I want the best experiences for you, and if having Rory in your life will make that happen, I’ll accept it.”

Milan closed his eyes and held on to Ilaria.

“What about Papa?” Milan asked.

“He is your father first, no matter what you think. He worries for you. We’ll work on him together. You have to know, after Rory’s behavior, it will be difficult.”

“I can meet with him, Dr. Ilaria,” Rory said, drawing Ilaria’s gaze. “Try and patch things up with him.”

Ilaria sighed, pulling Milan to sit next to her, as she looked at Rory.

“In time, Rory. Right now, trust me and stay away from him. He needs time to process the idea of you.”

“But, Dr. Ilaria—”

“Come here,” Ilaria waved him over and Rory got up, moving to crouch before her.

Ilaria smiled, and placed a gentle hand on Rory’s jaw, her fingers caressing the dark shadow there. She studied him in a comfortable silence.

“You came out of nowhere,” she murmured, holding Rory’s blue gaze. “Call me Mamma. Dr. Ilaria is for my patients.”

Rory smiled and tried it out.


“Good boy,” she said, with a small nod, stroking dark hair away from his forehead. “We’ll get through this together then.”

Rory looked to Milan and for the first time, Milan read hope in Rory’s gaze.

Hope that had not been there before.


Rory left Milan’s house after dinner with the Takeda family. Ayu had made it tonight, and his reception to Rory and Milan’s relationship was much happier than Kiyo. Ayu even gave Rory a short hug in welcome. It seemed as though Kiyo Takeda was the only one in opposition.

“You are smiling like an idiot,” Topher broke into his thoughts.

“Can’t help it,” Rory said, looking at his Beta.

Topher was the reason why he had not stayed with Milan tonight. Topher had called to him right before dinner started, asking to meet. They had chosen the new wing of the pack house for their meeting. The large living room in the ground floor was comfortable and deserted. No one would come in here without invitation.

“Why did you want to see me?” Rory asked, settling into a new armchair.

“Found the McRieves,” Topher said, with a wide grin, looking to Matt. “You’ll never believe what is in the swamp lands. Your Dad has overlooked a huge settlement of wolves.”

“Do they have what I want?” Rory asked, hopeful.

“And more,” Topher said, pulling out an old leather bound book from his jacket pocket. “This belonged to your great-grandfather. The lady who gave it to us says your blood will open it.”

“Why not yours and Matt?” Rory asked, taking the leather bound journal, his hand tracing over the dark tree of life engraved on the cover. “Portento is protected with the blood of our three bloodlines.”

“According to Elle, that book is sealed with Morgan blood. Your great-grandfather found himself a witch to protect it, then left it under the care of the McRieve generations.”

“Why?” Rory asked, a frown creasing his forehead.

“That you’d have to ask him. Elle said if you have questions after reading the journal, visit the swamp lands and listen to their elders,” Matt said, sitting in the armchair to Rory’s left.

“How many in the settlement?” Rory asked, placing the book on the wooden coffee table before him.

“Enough to fill a town hall,” Topher said. “Maybe more. Matt said he could sense humans.”

Rory smiled at the thought. He now didn’t have to worry about Lechter. He lengthened the nails on his right hand, sharp and deadly enough to damage an enemy.

Pressing the tip of his index finger on his left palm, Rory cut a thin line, drawing blood. He watched it well into a sizeable droplet before he brought his palm to drop the blood on the tree on the cover.

His blood seeped into the dark tree drawing, turning it silver, the lock on the book snapped open releasing the pages. Rory opened the cover, tracing the name on the first page with reverence.

‘This book belongs to Aedan Morgan, the Morgan Pack’s Head.’

“Aedan…his mate was Selma. My grandfather used to talk about Selma Morgan,” Matt said, leaning forward so that he could see the book as Rory started to turn it. “He said everyone thought she was crazy because she would disappear into the woods for days.”

“Probably visiting the Swamp Lands,” Topher offered.

Rory frowned skipping journal entries describing daily life in his great-grandfather’s time that he would read later. Turning the book, he touched the red string tucked between the pages. Pulling it up so that the pages marked opened. Rory’s frown disappeared when he read the contents of the two pages.

“Aedan Morgan mated Selma McRieve, daughter of the human family Nathaniel and Tami McRieve,” Rory read aloud. “Selma lived through the fires of change, emerging a beautiful grey wolf. She was the mother of two, a boy and girl.”

“Selma was human,” Matt said with a wide grin. “Why would the McRieves now live so far? Why is this hidden?”

“Elle told us they had not bothered to renew their connection with the Alpha for two generations. She was adamant about not leaving the swamp lands. She claimed it was not safe for them,” Topher said.

Rory touched the open page.

“An Alpha mating is cause for celebration. Aedan accepted them, trusted them enough to keep his personal journal,” Rory said. “Elle’s wariness means the trouble is with us, here. I have a feeling we have someone working against the pack around us. Finding them is key.”

“Any news on Dolon?” Topher asked.

“No.” Rory closed the book holding it on his lap like a newfound treasure. “I still don’t know how to get close to Nisin. Kiyo and I are on opposite ends. It’s not like I can walk up to him and ask him about the boy he’s keeping hidden in his lab.”

“So, what do we do next?” Matt asked. “You and Milan shouldn’t end up in the Swamp Lands. That’s not practical.”

“We find a way to fix the problem,” Rory said. “Find out who is making our people afraid to live their lives.”

“Will you tell your dad?” Topher asked.

“In confidence,” Rory said, knowing Connor would wish to know about wolves living in Portento without a connection to the rest of the pack. “Secrets have led us all here. I don’t want to have any between us.”

“Alright, then we throw everything we have on finding Dolon,” Topher said. “I think the town should know he’s missing. We can ask for their help.”

“No.” Rory shuddered at the thought of the Takeda family in danger. “They might blame Milan and his family. Ilaria works at the hospital, Ayu is at the university and Milan is at the high school. They are too accessible, Topher.”

“True.” Topher nodded in agreement. “Then we pull in everyone at the security office, since we’re already doing patrols with them.”

“Including Topher’s Mom,” Matt suggested.

“That means telling her the truth about Milan, Rory,” Topher insisted.

When Rory started to protest, Topher reached out and squeezed his right shoulder.

“It has to happen soon. Milan is going to be the Moon of this pack. He is your mate. The sooner everyone gets adjusted the better. My Mom is not closed-minded. You need to trust someone other than your dad,” Topher said.

Rory sighed, afraid for Milan. Afraid this side of his life might prove too much for Milan to handle. There was just so much.

“Fine, we’ll tell her tomorrow,” Rory said, getting up, taking his great-grandfather’s book with him. “We should get some sleep now. You guys must be tired.”

Topher yawned, stretching his arms above his head.

“You can say that again. I had to fight Elle’s mate to prove my strength.”

“You what?” Rory rounded on Topher, annoyed anyone would dare question his Beta.

“They’re living with old world rules, Rory,” Matt said, his tone soothing. “It’s expected that they are a bit on the wild side.”

“Still,” Rory frowned. “Who did you fight?”

“Johan McRieve.”

Rory memorized that name. Challenging his beta was challenging him.

“He yielded,” Topher said, coming up to Rory. “Let it end with me.”

“Still need to remember him,” Rory insisted. “Just in case.”

Topher chuckled, patting Rory’s back as they turned to leave their newly minted extended wing heading to the main house.

“When are we moving in?” Topher asked, on their climb up to their rooms.

“You can move in anytime,” Rory said, pausing at his suite door. “You and Maryanne need the privacy. I’m surprised you haven’t moved in yet.”

“We didn’t want to move in without you,” Topher said.

Rory wondered if he shouldn’t just move in, but then, he needed access to the records in the attic. Part of why he had not packed up his stuff to move into his new space was because living in the main house allowed him to go up there unnoticed. The other reason had to do with Milan.

“I want to move in there with Milan. It feels right to do it that way,” Rory said, meeting Topher’s gaze. “Can you wait that long?”

Topher held his gaze for a moment, then smiled and shook his head. They were both unsure when Rory and Milan would be okay to move in together. Milan did not even know their true nature still.

“Move into your new suite, Topher,” Rory insisted. “You and Maryanne deserve it.”

Topher grinned and pulled Rory into a short hug.

“We’ll make sure the place is well set-up by the time you’re moving in with Milan.”

“I know you will,” Rory said, entering his room leaving Topher to go break the good news to his mate.

Rory took a quick shower, then settled on his bed to read Aedan’s journal. He was glad to find another Alpha with a human mate. Another Alpha who made him feel less unusual. Reading the old journal gave him the sense that everything was going to be alright, when he wasn’t so sure.


Rory would never forget telling June Vadisi about Milan being his mate. June was in shock for about a minute, then she pulled him into a tight hug, apologizing for talking bad things about Milan and his family.

Rory laughed through the whole session, amused by June’s attitude. He had not expected she would be so accepting. When she was composed enough to have a coherent conversation, she asked to meet Milan, but Rory convinced her it was too soon. They needed a way to neutralize Lechter first before he even considered bringing Milan to the pack house.

A week and a half passed in relative quiet.

Rory loved spending most of his time at the Takeda house. Every minute spent with Milan was precious, he did not want to think of leaving Milan alone, and so, on some nights he slept over, in secret of course. Milan’s window came in handy.

Marie fed him too much. Ayu treated him like a little brother. It was easy, as Ayu was the same age as Chris. The two were becoming fast friends, hanging out together between classes and sometimes out of school. Ilaria worked at getting to know Rory. Her efforts to do so amused and charmed him. He couldn’t help but love her too.

One Friday evening, she insisted on having movie night with him, Ayu and Milan. Rory discovered that Ilaria loved old black and white movies. Problem was that she had watched them so many times, she could recite the lines in the movies. In the end, they didn’t really watch the movie that night. Ilaria turned the volume low and spent the time asking Rory questions while she drank red wine. Ayu and Milan doing their best to help him through Ilaria’s questions.

From his favorite food, to what he wanted to do after high school. Rory answered her questions as best as he could, without letting on that he was to be head of a werewolf pack in the near future.

Ilaria got drunk from the bottle of wine she took down, much to Milan’s chagrin. Rory and Ayu helped her upstairs to the impressive master bedroom. A spacious space that almost took up the second floor.

“I like you very much, Rory Morgan,” Ilaria said, when she settled in her bed, hugging a pillow tight. “I can see why my son is madly in love with you. He hides it, but his eyes are filled with stars when he looks at you.”

Milan pressed hands to his cheek and ran out of his mother’s bedroom. Ayu laughed while Rory nodded, pleased, giving his full attention to Ilaria.

“If you hurt him, just know I’m quite handy with a scalpel,” Ilaria slurred out. “I can take out your heart without flinching. I thought I should warn you first.”

Ayu laughed harder, but Rory took her warning seriously. Ilaria might be drank but her words sounded heartfelt. When they left Ilaria’s bedroom, Rory went upstairs to Milan’s room wondering when his mate was going to tell him how he felt. He still had two leaves on his bracelet and the waiting was driving him insane.

On a bright Thursday morning, three days to Milan’s birthday, Rory pressed Milan into his locker and brushed his lips on Milan’s cheek. He could feel curious gazes on him from his school mates. Everyone in the pack had noticed his attachment to the human Milan Takeda but dared not ask.

The more vocal ones assumed he was slating his lust with Milan until his mate came along. Those comments left him angry, but he still could not act on them. Brushing soft kisses on Milan’s cheek was the most he dared in school without announcing to every wolf in here that Milan was his mate.

How frustrating!

Letting a sigh escape, he brushed soft dark hair from Milan’s forehead and smiled at his frowning mate.

“Who sighs in the morning?” Milan asked, pushing Rory back so that he could turn and open his locker. Rory helped him take off his jacket, and watched as Milan stowed it away in his locker, followed by his book bag.

“I’m frustrated,” Rory said, wrapping his arms around Milan’s waist. He pulled Milan back against him and nibbled on Milan’s right ear. “Wanna go to the library with me?”

The library was their safe place. They had found a quiet corner where hardly anyone passed. They could spend hours there kissing with no interruption.

“To do what?” Milan asked, holding on to his locker door, tilting his head to give Rory access.

“We can make out instead of going to class.”


Milan tried to move away but Rory held him fast.

“I miss you when we’re apart,” Rory complained.

“I miss you too,” Milan said, taking out books from his locker, and closing the door with a little slam. He turned in Rory’s arms to look up at him. “We’re still not ditching class to make out in the library.”

“You have no sense of adventure,” Rory accused, pressing Milan against his locker again.

Milan laughed, then dropped his books on the floor. Wrapping his arms around Rory’s neck, Milan pulled Rory down to his height and kissed Rory square on his lips. Rory gasped, bracing his hands on the locker, he moaned and deepened their kiss. Heart beating wildly at the fact that Milan had initiated this kiss. Sliding his tongue into Milan’s warm mouth, he explored to his heart’s content. They broke apart only when breathing right became important.

Milan was flushed and when he heard a low impressed whistle, he hid his face into Rory’s chest.

Rory looked up to find people watching them. So much for keeping his feelings for Milan a secret.

Keep moving.’ Rory growled in the common pack link.

The hall emptied fast and Rory returned his attention to Milan who still had his face buried in Rory’s chest.

Rory chuckled and sunk fingers into Milan’s soft hair, using it to tilt Milan’s head back. Milan’s brown eyes met his and he took in a breath at the love he read in them.

“Why are you embarrassed?” Rory asked.

“I’m not used to making out in the hallway,” Milan said, fire seeping into his eyes. It made Rory smile. “I didn’t think about them when I was kissing you. You’re turning me crazy.”

Rory brushed his lips on Milan’s left cheek and then his right.

“I like that I drive you crazy,” Rory said, caressing the pink color on Milan’s cheeks. Brushing his fingers over soft skin, he frowned when the bell rang and Milan sighed.

“I’ll see you at lunch,” Milan said.

“Or, we could really ditch class and go to the library.”

Milan bent down to pick up his books. Rory helped, taking the drawing book Milan always carried with him. He flipped to the last page and was delighted to find a new sketch of him reclined on the couch at Milan’s house. There were more of them showing up on Milan’s daily book. It was fun to discover them.

Milan took the book from him.

“Go to class, Rory,” Milan urged. “You can text me if you miss me too much.”

Milan started to turn into his homeroom, but Rory pulled him back, giving him one last kiss. He broke it off when the second bell rang and Milan laughed watching him run off to his homeroom.


Milan came out of calculus eager to get to lunch. Jack stayed back to talk to their teacher, Mr. Barnes, so Milan went to his locker alone. He was busy keeping his calculus book in his book bag when his phone buzzed.

Reaching for it, Milan found a message from Rory.

‘I’ll be late for lunch. Hang w/Row.’

Milan wondered what would hold Rory up. Finishing with his calculus book, Milan took his lunch box and was closing his locker when two hands covered his eyes.

“Guess who?”

Milan chuckled.

“Hi Rowen,” Milan said, turning when Rowen’s hands disappeared.

She was pretty today in a red dress with puffy skirts that stopped mid-thigh and black and red polka dot tights. Her black thick wedge lace up shoes topped her outfit. The shoes made her taller than Milan by a few inches.

“Going on a date later?” Milan asked.

“Yep. How did you know it was me?” Rowen asked.

“I don’t have that many friends who smell like sweet flowers,” Milan teased.

Rowen chucked and led the way to the cafeteria.

“I didn’t know you had class this way,” Milan said.

His locker was the farthest from the cafeteria.

“I don’t,” Rowen said, shrugging her slender shoulders. “Rory is caught up with his teacher. Something about assignments. He asked me to walk with you.”

Milan smiled. Rory worried too much about him.

“You two are too soppy for my taste,” Rowen said, sidestepping two of the ice hockey team jocks who were running down the hallway heading to the cafeteria.

“Are those the kink tastes or the masochist ones?” Milan teased, turning to his left when he heard a shout.

It was hard to tell who was shouting, the hallways were filled with students in an exodus to their next class. Milan stopped when he thought he spotted Rory at the end of the hallway on his left that led to an exit in the back of the school.

Milan paused, not listening to Rowen’s answer. His gaze and attention riveted on Rory—it was Rory—he was sure of it.

Rory walked as though he was following someone ahead of him. His stance cautious. Milan started after him without hesitation. The need to know who Rory was following pushed him ahead.

“Milan?” Rowen came hurrying after him. “The cafeteria is the other way.”


Milan stopped, searching for Rory in the crowd of students. For a second, Milan thought he had lost him, but then he saw the glass exit doors close. Milan broke into a short run, Rowen following him. He pushed the exit doors open when he reached them, stepping out into the back parking lot.

Milan stopped short when he saw Rory standing in the half-empty parking lot facing a pale tall man with matted dark hair. Before he could call out to Rory, the pale man’s eyes turned to him, and Milan gasped at the sight of them. They shone a chilling gold. Rowen took his left arm, pulling him back toward the door, but Milan stood frozen looking at Rory then the strange man.

One minute, Milan saw the pale man, the next, he was staring at a huge black wolf, its teeth bared, and saliva filling its mouth. It knocked Rory to the ground sending him flying in the air as it came running for Milan, moving too fast.

“Rory!” Milan shouted, worried for his boyfriend.

Milan felt Rowen’s hold on his left arm tighten. Rowen pulled him back toward the building, but it was not fast enough. Milan felt wet heat on his back and the collar of his sweater tightened around his neck. He fell down to his knees and turned to find the black wolf biting into the back of his sweater, the wolf’s eyes glowing with ferocious anger.

A scream lodged in Milan’s throat when he struggled, and the wolf shook its head, and pushed him to the ground with a force he did not expect. Its hot breath sinking through the layers, caressing his skin, making him shiver in fright.

Fear eating him alive, Milan prayed to God and all the forces with the power to help him. He hoped the wolf wouldn’t bite deeper. He did not want to turn into a wolf meal at school. Tears filled his eyes as he struggled to get away, his gloved fingers holding on to the pavement searching for anything to help him up.

God, what about Rory? Was he okay?

Milan turned back when he felt the wolf’s hold on his sweater release. Shock filled him when he saw the huge white wolf he had seen that day near the gazebo dragging the black wolf off him.

Sitting on the cold ground, Milan watched the two wolves fight and struggle caught between shock and awe. Then the white wolf bit into the black wolf’s neck, hard. When the black wolf stilled, the white wolf stepped back and turned to look at Milan, yellow eyes staring at him.

It was curious, the fear eating at him dissipated. The white wolf stood over the black wolf, but did not take a step toward him.

“Milan, let’s go back inside,” Rowen said, her arms going around him, helping him up to his feet.

Milan gripped her hand stopping her from pulling him in, his gaze on the white wolf.

“What about Rory? We can’t leave him out here.”

“We need help,” Rowen said.

“You go get help,” Milan insisted, pushing Rowen’s hand away, his gaze still on the white wolf. He wondered what the wolf would do if he tried to go around it to where he had seen Rory fall.

“I’m not leaving Rory out here. I need to get him. What if he’s hurt? He could be—”

Milan stopped talking when the sound of contorting bones filled his ears. Bones cracking and shifting, it wasn’t pleasant. Milan watched in dismay as the white wolf changed right before him turning into Rory Morgan, in all his naked glory.


Rowen: 'So, your boyfriend is a wolf.'
Milan : '.....'
Rory : 'At least, I don't bite.'
Milan: '....'
'Til next chapter,
(2018) (Lee Suilan)
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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2 hours ago, Geoffrey257 said:


I'm guessing it's that lone wolf with the sickly sweet scent. They did see him heading towards the school at the last encounter


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Amazing chapter! Wow, what a great way to bring Rory’s secrets into the light. Milan and his family has begun to accept the relationship between Rory and himself. Now that the Wolf’s out of the forest, how will Milan react? I believe that the love for each other will overcome this trying time. The promise of good health and freedom from disease should tip the scale toward Rory’s favor. You’ve left us all wondering now about what will happen next. Please don’t make us wait too long. I’m definitely looking forward to the next chapter! 😃❤️

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