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Top Recommended Stories

  1. 3
    1. I'm Not Your Mentor Long-Term Hold

      By GabrielCaldwell, in Fiction. 06/05/2019 (Updated: 05/09/2021)

      Genres: General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance
      • young adult
      • mature adult
      • adult
      • workplace
      • vacation
      • casual
      • 20th century
      • love

      Brian, a successful VP of Technology, meets a young man during a vacation in New Orleans. After a brief affair, Brian returns to Boston, only to discover that the young man now has an entry-level position at his company. which makes things very complicated.

      • 13 Chapters
      • 68,622 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  2. 3
    1. The Boys of Summer Complete

      By Mac Rountree, in Fiction. 05/25/2019 (Updated: 08/30/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance
      • mature adult
      • gay
      • music

      Timmy rides back to Nags Head with Pate after a real estate development meeting in Richmond. The two partnered in presenting the housing concepts to the audience and found that they had a natural chemistry. Timmy’s boss is adamant that his staff not socialize with clients, such as Pate, however fate has interceded and the fellows decide they must follow their hearts. They become the boys of summer but will it last into the fall when Timmy’s boss finds out about the relationship?

      • 10 Chapters
      • 63,364 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  3. 3
    1. Henry in the Outfield 3. Rothenian Tales Complete

      By Mike Arram, in Fiction. 05/26/2019 (Updated: 06/04/2019)

      Genres: Paranormal
      Sub-genres: Romantic Paranormal
      • gay
      • under 18
      • school
      • first time
      • ghosts

      Vicar’s son, Henry Robert Atwood, has been landed in a public school in Shropshire and hates every moment of it, especially compulsory sports. But he attracts the attention of two boys, who between them will change his life for ever. One, Ed Cornish, is every gay boy’s dream. The other - another vicar’s son, Jehoiadah, handsome, seductive and, unfortunately, dead - is every boy’s nightmare.

      • 19 Chapters
      • 73,404 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  4. 3
    1. Reflection: Commemorating PULSE Complete

      By Mikiesboy, in Non-Fiction. 06/12/2019 (Updated: 06/12/2019)

      Genres: Non-Fiction
      Sub-genres: Creative Non-Fic
      • bisexual
      • gay
      • lesbian
      • serious
      • love
      • transgender

      A collection of poetry and essays by GA Authors to commemorate the loss of our forty-nine sisters and brothers on June 12, 2016.

      • 1 Chapters
      • 7,774 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Everyone
  5. 3
    1. Heartache & Terror 1. Kenrick Complete Premium

      By quokka, in Fiction. 06/02/2019 (Updated: 06/16/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama
      • mature adult
      • adult
      • train
      • australia
      • military
      • brothers

      After many years of University and Army training, 21-year-old Struan Kenrick is given two weeks leave before being transferred to a new position in Darwin. On arrival at the airport close to the family properties, Struan learns from his oldest brother, Euan, that their youngest brother Sawney is being ostracised by their grandparents, making him isolated and depressed. Determined to improve the situation for his baby brother, Struan organised for Sawney and him to go on a short holiday, firstly on the Indian Pacific train, and then a stay on Rottnest Island, but things take a dramatic change once on the train.

      • 3 Chapters
      • 10,356 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  6. 3
    1. By Any Other Name Complete

      By Geron Kees, in Fiction. 05/31/2019 (Updated: 06/03/2019)

      Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Romance
      Sub-genres: Adventure, Comedy Modern, General Romance
      • teen
      • gay
      • light-hearted
      • modern
      • friendship

      What goes around, comes around, right? It was with this little bit of wisdom in mind that four gay friends decided to put their heads together and get back at some guys that had been giving them a hard time. The plan they came up with was wild, and a little dangerous, and certainly offbeat.

      That it was funny only made it even better!

      • 7 Chapters
      • 38,327 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Teen
  7. 3
    1. Life on the Swan 1. Xander Complete

      By quokka, in Fiction. 07/20/2019 (Updated: 08/12/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama
      • bisexual
      • australia
      • modern
      • high school

      With the dramatic reunion of Sebastian and Lewis now over, and they having settled into their home in the Gascoyne region of WA, Xander settles down to life in Western Australia, attending boarding school, in the Western suburbs and spending weekends at the twins luxury home down the road, on the banks of the Swan River, but it is not long before events take a change of course for Xander.

      • 14 Chapters
      • 39,551 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Everyone
  8. 3
    1. Forget the Moon! 2. The Moon Series Complete

      By Thirdly, in Fiction. 08/01/2019 (Updated: 06/20/2022)

      Genres: Fantasy, General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Fantasy, General Romance
      • young adult
      • magic
      • were-creatures
      • adult
      • gay
      • bdsm
      • fetish
      • first time

      The insecure Honey comes across his mate during a sporadic outing with his cousin. What's an Omega to do when his mate doesn't want him? Contrarily, Regan is an Omega trying to take charge of his life. What will he do when his mate's stubbornness matches his own? (Side Story in the same Crossing the Moon Universe!)

      • 16 Chapters
      • 47,521 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  9. 3
    1. Milo Complete

      By Talo Segura, in Fiction. 07/25/2019 (Updated: 10/03/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction, Romance, Literary Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance, Contemporary Literary, Slice of Life, Bildungsroman
      • young adult
      • gay
      • under 18
      • rural
      • vacation
      • europe
      • love
      • friendship

      One summer at their house in the South of France is much like all those previous summers. Except this year is different. Milo turns sixteen, and when his father employs Estevo, to fix things up, attractions and revelations mix with family problems, and a long held secret.

      Milo will no longer be able to retreat and hide in the imagined worlds of literature. He will be tested and played with by his cousins and this new arrival. Exactly what is going on between these two families risks erupting into a thunderous climax and a deluge of emotions as heavy as any summer storm!

      • 11 Chapters
      • 25,310 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Teen
  10. 3
    1. The Thousandth Regiment 15. Verse Translations Complete

      By AC Benus, in Poetry. 07/31/2019 (Updated: 10/22/2019)

      Genres: Poetry, Historical, Literary Fiction
      Sub-genres: Sonnet, Mixed Forms, Translation, World Wars, Historical Literary
      • death-defying
      • military
      • philosophy
      • psychology
      • religion
      • love

      Poems of suffering and peace from a nearly forgotten master. Hans Ehrenbaum-Degele was killed in action in July, 1915, 26 years of age. His partner and friends brought out his Das tausendste Regiment ("The Thousandth Regiment") posthumously in 1917. Whether or not his work has been ignored because he was Gay, it's time to bring his name forward and place it with the other great WW1 poets, where he has always belonged.

      • 38 Chapters
      • 8,732 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  11. 3
    1. The Order Complete

      By btaoc1963, in Fiction. 08/14/2019 (Updated: 10/08/2019)

      Genres: Fantasy
      Sub-genres: General Fantasy
      • mature adult
      • adult
      • gay
      • anal
      • oral
      • military
      • modern
      • friendship

      The Order is an epic journey, one that carries Ken, Brad, and their military brothers to places never imagined within themselves, the world, the Spiritual Realm, and even beyond the Pale. Finding themselves pitted against an ancient evil, they must become Warriors of an ancient Brotherhood capable of saving mankind. Through their trials, they discover abilities, places, hidden truths about reality, and creatures that have remained hidden for eons. However, before they can grow into the saviors of humanity, they first have to face seeing inside each other, and find the Unconditional Love that will be the root of their strength.

      • 32 Chapters
      • 929,546 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  12. 3
    1. Sanctuary from Harm Complete

      By quokka, in Fiction. 08/29/2019 (Updated: 10/18/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama
      • young adult
      • workplace
      • australia
      • modern
      • friendship

      Life was going great, well I thought it was until one late Autumn afternoon, I received a phone call from my ex-wife, who informed me that our only child, 12-year Jonah Hunter Langston, had run away from home, after being forced to admit that he was gay, to his mother and step-father. It took me a good twenty minutes of arguing over the telephone to get most of the information out of Karen on what had happened, what shocked me the most was that this has happened over a week ago, and she was only just now starting to worry, after presuming that Jonah had gone to stay with friends for a while.

      • 16 Chapters
      • 53,572 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  13. 3
    1. Give It To Me Straight Complete

      By Comicality, in Fiction. 09/22/2019 (Updated: 11/17/2020)

      Genres: General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Coming of Age, Contemporary Romance
      • teen
      • under 18
      • north america
      • coming of age
      • light-hearted
      • modern

      Even though Jamie and his best friend, Silas, are pretty much known for mentally drooling over every cute boy they come across...adolescent hormones and all...it was 'Ricky' that always manages to shoot to the top of the list whenever they're in the same room with him. Even though Ricky is interested in girls, Jamie is beginning to wonder just how 'straight' he is.

      Ricky has just moved into a house across the street from him this past Summer. Just how 'curious' might Ricky be...if given the chance to ask?

      /applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />

      • 11 Chapters
      • 39,888 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  14. 3
    1. Lost Soul - The Ox 1. Lost Soul The Boot Complete

      By Mancunian, in Fiction. 11/03/2019 (Updated: 11/25/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction, Literary Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama, Contemporary Literary
      • mature adult
      • war
      • no sex
      • serious
      • military
      • death
      • late 20th century

      We all like to know the back story to characters, you know their story before they appeared in a main story. Confused? You won't be when you read on, then it will make sense.

      The Major features in The Boot and The Boot - Three Years On. Here he features in his own story, before The Boot.

      There is a tissue needed warning!

      This story has been revised and edited to improve the reader experience, it has not been altered in any other way.

      • 4 Chapters
      • 6,548 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Everyone
  15. 3
    1. The Singing Cup Complete Premium

      By Rigby Taylor, in Fiction. 12/22/2019 (Updated: 12/22/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama
      • no sex
      • coming out
      • serious
      • modern
      • christmas

      A thirty-six year-old man’s reconnection with his estranged family has an unexpected consequence.

      • 1 Chapters
      • 3,360 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Teen
  16. 3
    1. Merry Christmas Complete

      By Headstall, in Fiction. 11/15/2019 (Updated: 11/15/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance
      • mature adult
      • gay
      • north america
      • serious
      • love
      • christmas

      After years of self-deception, Dan had finally seen the proverbial light, thanks to some caring friends. Scott was a game-player, brazenly wreaking havoc with Dan's heart, and he had let him. Christmas be damned, it was time to reclaim his dignity, and accept that he deserved better... much better.

      • 1 Chapters
      • 1,983 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Everyone
  17. 3
    1. Dancing Bare Complete

      By Rigby Taylor, in Non-Fiction. 11/17/2019 (Updated: 12/06/2019)

      Genres: Comedy, Non-Fiction, Romance, Historical
      Sub-genres: Comedy Modern, Non-Contemporary, General Romance, Creative Non-Fic
      • gay
      • europe
      • casual
      • light-hearted
      • philosophy
      • 20th century
      • autobiography

      Rigby, impossibly innocent, swaps suffocating middle-class New Zealand for love and liberation in nineteen-sixties London. Revelling in the freedom granted by anonymity, he becomes an actor, stripper, rent boy, teacher and resolute seeker of new experiences while living and travelling in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, when travellers were uncommon.

      {A year ago I posted several chapters, then stopped because I needed to make a few changes. Apologies to those who began reading, only to have it rudely terminated.

      Spelling throughout is English English.}


      • 36 Chapters
      • 125,739 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  18. 3
    1. Mate me Complete

      By lofie, in Fiction. 12/24/2019 (Updated: 01/04/2020)

      Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal
      Sub-genres: General Fantasy, General Romance, Romantic Paranormal
      • young adult
      • were-creatures
      • rural
      • north america
      • love
      • depression
      • transgender
      • non-binary

      For years it was just him and his mother until she got sick and never recovered. His uncle took him in but he still doesn't feel accepted in the pack or by the towns people. He's just a square peg surrounded by round holes. That is until he smells that lovely scent wafting through the forest trees and thats when everything changes.

      • 10 Chapters
      • 30,978 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  19. 3
    1. Happy New Year Complete

      By Headstall, in Fiction. 01/05/2020 (Updated: 01/05/2020)

      Genres: General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance
      • young adult
      • gay
      • north america
      • light-hearted
      • serious
      • holiday

      Cody and Damian, blessed with an untimely history, meet again on New Year's Eve. Will this be the final time?

      • 1 Chapters
      • 2,581 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Everyone
  20. 3
    1. Stolen Pleasures: version 2 2. The Best Circle of Hell Complete

      By Sasha Distan, in Fiction. 12/06/2019 (Updated: 01/24/2020)

      Genres: Paranormal
      Sub-genres: Romantic Paranormal
      • demons
      • gay
      • anal
      • group sex
      • oral

      Being a sexual invert is a dangerous past time in Jahke's world, and though reading dirty books is illegal, it's a lot safer being in the Reading Room than being out in the city. Safer that is, unless you attract the attention of demons with a penchant for pretty boys and time to waste.

      • 8 Chapters
      • 32,972 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
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