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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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September CSR Feature: La Bella Vacanza by James Carnarvon

Can you believe it's already September? I can't! So to go back to that holiday feeling, I've featured La Bella Vacanza by James Carnarvon. This story is linked to his series, but somewhat of an aside, so you can read it and enjoy a sampling of the tales.  La Bella Vacanza by @James Carnarvon Length: 22,202 Description: A light-hearted novella in seven short chapters. Sixteen-year-old Reza thinks he knows it all until his parents drag him away on a summer holiday to Ravel


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 28 - Sep. 3

I'm so excited I just can't hide it I think I'm about to lose control and I think like it So September 1st came and went and I am so looking forward to our upcoming Anthology stories!! I know some are done and some are in the hands of our excellent proof team. I guess we can all now wait anxiously to see the first round of entries   I'm up late, early, whatever time in your neck of the woods, so I need to get this all wrapped up and get to bed   Monday Cia was back with


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

In case anyone was curious...

I took a few weeks off from GA.  I don't know if anyone noticed or if I was missed, but just in case anyone was curious, here is why: I get depression sometimes.  It's usually seasonal, but sometimes it comes on for no reason at all and this time, it was bad.   I broke my foot.  I am hobbling around in a boot right now, my coworkers and patients think its hilarious and it didn't do much to improve my mood.  Also, it is very tiring to walk around 10 hours a day with what is basically an


CassieQ in Life

My Daily Bread Crumbs 03 Sep 2022

September 3rd 2022 - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Mansuetus of Toul Marinus Pope Gregory I Remaclus Prudence Crandall (Episcopal Church (USA)) September 3 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) China's victory over Japan commemoration related observances: Armed Forces Day (Republ


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 398

Building a Team

Building A Team For this particular article, I will need some ideas and some feedback from the rest of you guys. Because I definitely know HOW to do this...but it’s not really a practice that I’ve really used myself since I’ve been writing stories online. I guess a part of me was simply too intimidated to really dive in, head first...and another part of me is just too selfish, hehehe...but I DO see the value in making this a part of the writing process and it might be helpful to all of us at


Comicality in Writing Tips

"His Story"

Does the pain stop when the abuse does? My new novella, His Story, asks this question by following six, different events from one man’s life, a man who survived ex-gay/conversion therapy. Though this may sound a depressing read, there is a hopeful ending, and it discussed a subject not often found in literature, how do you survive abuse and start living again. It is available here, on Smashwords, as an eBook only, but is free to download, or you can pay whatever you want to.

Drew Payne

Drew Payne in Writing

Raising a Rebel Chapter 4 is Live- Author's Thoughts

Chapter 4 Thank you guys for being such great readers and keeping up with this passion project story. To show my gratitude, I'm publishing an extra chapter this week. I'll go back to 1 chapter a week next week unless the readership grows further, at which point, I might have to do a bit more long-term planning for this story. As for the story, I wanted to show a very important fact to readers: Homophobia isn't unique to only Western societies with Judeo-Christian backgrounds. Any relig


W_L in Writing Stories

The End

*************      WARNING... thoughts about death and dying.   **************   To be honest, the thought of dying was terrifying to me. i thought about it all the time. First thought in the morning and the last at night. For years. Today, maybe i'm more accepting that, frankly, there is no damn choice in the matter. Now maybe how i die is what i dwell on. If given a choice, i'd rather just go to sleep and not wake up. That's why surgery really doesn't scare me. If i di


Mikiesboy in My Life and Times

Prompt Day Sept 2, 2022

Between editing, proofreading, and writing for the anthology, along with things being crazy at work, my brain is a bit on the crispy side at the moment.  So let’s get right into this week’s prompts.   PT Prompt #79 You are hiking through the woods when you encounter a wooden sign with the following words written in red, dripping paint:  I’d turn back if I were you.  Do you turn back or continue on the path?  If you continue, what do you encounter?  PT Prompt #80 Your ch


Valkyrie in Prompts

My Daily Bread Crumbs 01 Sep 2022

September 1st 2022 - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Constantius (Costanzo) of Aquino David Pendleton Oakerhater (Anglican Communion) Giles Loup (Lupus) of Sens Nivard (Nivo) Sixtus of Reims Terentian (Terrence) Verena Vibiana The beginning of the new liturgical year (Eastern Orthodox Church and the Eastern Cath


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 396

Book Review: The Machine Stops by EM Forster

It is the future and all humans live underground, each person having their own room, which they never leave. All their needs – food, drink, hygiene, medication and even sleep – are provided for them automatically from machinery within the room’s walls and ceiling. They communicate with other people without leaving their rooms, via a metal disk on which the other people’s faces are projected. They have a book that contains all required knowledge, which is being constantly updated. This world is a

Drew Payne

Drew Payne in Book review

The Final Countdown

Today is the last day to submit stories to the proof team for inclusion in the anthology. I feel like we need a New Year’s Eve type countdown as we approach midnight, EST, complete with champagne and confetti.  Of course, there’s still work for the proof team to do, but we’ll be able to take a break soon.  Maybe.    So the big question with this year’s anthology is “did we reach the goal of twenty stories?”.  Well, I’m going to let the question go unanswered until the antho goes


Valkyrie in Anthology


Soundtrack Track List Abandoned (Gemini Syndrome) - Alec’s Abandonment Abuse (Lucas King)  - Alec’s Misery Daddy (Korn) - The Horror of Alec’s Abuse Trauma (NF) - Alec’s Trauma Paralyzed (NF) - Alec’s Terror Crawling (Linkin Park) - Something Dark Growing Inside of Alec HATRED (BVDLVD) - The Monster Is Born ESCAPE (Execution Day) - The Monster Escapes Lost (Lucas King) - Alec Finds Himself Lost Prayers For Rain (A Pale


MrM in Gone From Dayhlight

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