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  • wildone

    Review Team... Review!

    By wildone

    Wow, where did 2024 go? Well I know that the Review Team worked through it. We have to thank @Timothy M. for doing up the annual review. Check out some of these stories and reviews if you missed them originally. One stop shopping.       Our Review Team has put together a list of all the Reviews they did in 2024. You can click on any of them to see the actual blog. Maybe there was one that you missed, maybe one piques your interest now, or you could simply revisit the story it

Turns out typing in excess of 100K words in roughly two weeks can bust keyboards lol

So yeah, I've had a bit of whatever the opposite of a writers block is lately, and I ended up typing so much it busted my Laptops keyboard. Had to go out and buy me an external keyboard after, which didn't set me back much, but I'd thought I'd share that fun little anecdote. Apparently typing well over 100k words in less than two weeks can exacerbate wear and tear on a keyboard.  



Starfied - From Bethesda - 2021?

So, with Microsoft announcing that they are buying Zenimax Studios and its subsidiaries, including Bethesda Studios, the next big title has seen a bit more news. Starfield, presumed to be coming in holiday 2021 timeframe, has a single announcement trailer.  This thing is looking to be more hard science fiction.  The trailer's visual and music gives off a 2001: A Space Odyssey/2010 vibe to it. (I like 2010 much better than 2001, from a movie standpoint while acknowleding that 2001 broke a lot of


Myr in Gaming

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 8 - Nov. 14)

Is late better than never?   Okay I need a show of hands from the 10's of 1000's of you that read the weekly update religiously every Sunday  Yesterday I sat down to watch the heavily advertised Alex Rider Point Blanc. I thought maybe one, maybe two episodes and I'll be good. Next thing you know you are done the whole season and you look at the clock and it is 12:15 AM Have you done this? If so, what show(s)? Just a short preamble this week. Let's see what happened at the blog.


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Staff Prompts #5 & #6

Good Friday to you all  So, any plans over the weekend? Mine will be more or less that same as what I've done since March . Well, I might have one thing I'm doing that I haven't done in years . Stay tuned! So for Staff Prompt Friday, it is an all Cia week  I'm on holidays     Prompt #5 - First Line brought to you by @Cia He'd never forgotten those teenage years.   Prompt #6 - Creative What If brought to you by @Cia There's an old tree I fell asleep under. I dre


wildone in Prompts

Immortals Fenyx Rising - coming in Dec

Ubisoft ended up shifting a lot of games to this holiday dropping 3 major IP's in a 4 week window.  Immortals Feynx Rising (originally Gods and Monsters) is a new game world.   This is high on my list, as I like the look, the gameplay as described and a general interest in Greek Mythology. I will most likely get this near launch.  The character seems very highly customizable, which is cool.  Anyone else interested in this game?  


Myr in Gaming

Lego Marvel Superheros 2 Thoughts

This game was released in 2017.  I finally wrapped up 100% the game over the weekend. If you have played the Lego games, then you know the formula here.  From a story and humor standpoint, this is another entertaining game from Lego.  But it also has the the Lego Game downsides here that are amplified.  Flight controls and vehicle controls particularly in the races you are forced to do to 100% the game lose the game 2 stars right off the top.  They are horrible.  You fight the con


Myr in Gaming

Praise be to the Spellcheck

Praise be to the spellcheck, for without thee I would be utterly lost. Lead me not into deceptive synonyms, lest thou reveal thine servant's inadequacies to his readers. Hallowed be the holy their, they're, and there, and may we forever remember where their holy presence should be placed within thine sentences. Reveal to me the differences between to and too, for I confess oh spellcheck the extra o still plagues your humble servant so. Forgive me my grammatical transgressions, and reveal to me t



Featured Story: Rothenian Tales

Is it Monday already  What happened to Sunday  Well without much more delay, here is a great review on one of my all time favourites here at GA! Thanks for @ancientrichard for bringing this most excellent review!   Rothenian Tales Mike Arram Reviewer: ancientrichard Status: Complete Word Count: 787,516 Michael Arram's Rothenian Tales focus on events in a mythical central European state which the author tells us was inspired by Anthony Hope's Ruritania, though a good dea


wildone in Reviews

in the quiet

sometimes, words come in the quiet     in the quiet i can hear my thoughts i can hear the dogs breathe, my own breathing slows, becomes deeper the sound of the fans, the house settling the small, simple sounds of the clock ticking the squirrels running on the roof   in the quiet i remember i remember bad decisions and good ones the stories from years past roll like movies through my memory when life was slower, less urgent   in the



Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 1 - Nov. 7)

What's up world?  I'm beginning to think I'm living in hell. What is the famous saying, when hell freezes over? Well that is happening right now in my little corner of the globe. Snow, winds of 80 km/hr or 50 mph, and just downright miserable since about 4 hours ago. I think it is time to throw the flannel sheets on the bed 🥶. So I do want to do a special shout out to @Renee Stevens and @Valkyrie, who have agreed to postpone the deadline for the fall anthologies to the end of the month


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

MageCrafter and other Plans

I am really loving the reception that MageCrafter has received on this site. It is something of a passion project of mine and I appreciate that people seem to be really enjoying it in the comments and with their various upvotes. This will be my first work of original fiction so I'm glad that the planning I've done on it is paying off. I do not plan for MageCrafter to run forever. I have a plan laid out and it seems to be paying some pretty great dividends if the audience responses are any indica



Staff Prompts #3 & #4

So that was a great Ask An Author from @Carlos Hazday! So, for this weeks Staff Prompts, why not reach out to someone, anyone, and ask them if you can do one of the prompts as a team? Could be interesting . May be even the start of something special 💓 Prompt #3 - Creative brought to you by @Cia Creative Dialogue: "What's in that bag and why are you hiding it there?" My already racing heart tried to leap out of my throat. I tried to say something, anything, but gibberish fell past


wildone in Prompts

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