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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

When You're Weary

And I am … weary that is.  There are times I just want peace, selfishly for myself. Fighting tim's depression, mood swings and self-loathing, wears me out, it tires me and breaks my heart. And today when I bent to pick up his ART meds, he no longer wants to take … today I wondered why I continue. That scared me, that question, because never before have I asked it. Valentine's Day is the worst day of the year, for him and so for me.  It brings memories to my sweet husband, things, time



Prompt 816 and Prompt 817

Happy Valentine's Day. Will it be romantic or bloody? Let's look at the prompts and decide.  Prompt 816 - Creative Tag - Bloody Valentine. Being single for Valentine's day sucks! However, you got a strange card saying you should be cherished, followed by one saying you took my heart, and then a box with a bloody heart in it and note. The note reads 'Yours is next.' What is going on? Prompt 817 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a san


comicfan in Prompts

Remember when?

Remember when we used to joke about the Corona virus? It's not like we haven't seen new viruses get hyped like SARS and MERS. Someone would leap on a podium, bang a shoe and claim it is the end of the world and, it would fade away. Remember how the politicians didn't even take a break from their regularly scheduled circle jerks? Yeah. That was really stupid. Remember how we made fun of the conspiracy theorists on the internet that said Wuhan was the home of the Peoples Republic Bioware



Date Night

Nervous tonight.  SP  has to work tomorrow evening at his second job so our Valentine's date is tonight. Shaved my beard down close -- it hasn't been this tight in decades -- because he thought the longer one I had made me look older (probably did). He knows how long I've worn it that way and that this is only something I would be doing for him. Will leave here in about 30 min to go pick him up. Much more nervous than I thought I would be.  Made sure to have his card and box of chocola

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Signature Feature: Parker Owens

It's time to take a look at another Signature author!  This month, we're taking a look at @Parker Owens. I'll share a few of their stories, but would love to hear what your favorite story is from Parker! I'll only be sharing complete stories, so if it's a story that you've read, why not go and leave a review on the stories main page! Parker Owens writes poetry about the natural world mathematics, and heartache. His stories speak of loneliness, longing and love. Follow him on the bac

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Signature Feature

My One True Weakness

Music   Track List Caught On The Inside - Ten Fé (Thinking and crying over you . . .) Something Good - Dear Boy (Russ’ Theme) Love Interest - Dear Boy (Wanting What Is Real) Shoplifters Of The World Unite - The Smiths (My Only Weakness) Meaningless Love - Under The Influence Of Giants (Stuck with Joey) It’s Worth Feeling Empty - 6 Dogs (Joey Sitting In The Back Seat) It’s Only Sex - Car Seat Headrest (Sex and Love are not the


MrM in Soundtracks

Featured Story: Josh.mp4

Sorry all, I'm running a little behind today, so let's just get right to the review! Josh.mp4 Albert Nothlit Reviewer: Puppilull Status: Complete Word Count: 34,936 I’m sure many of you know and love Albert Nothlit for his science fiction adventure stories, that bring strange worlds and even stranger creatures alive. I’ve read them and have been on the edge of my seat to find out what will happen to the main characters. You see with Albert, you never really know. Stories can t

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Musings from a Mom

my mind went wandering today... Having a tall son means that the windows of your SUV get cleaned well while he pumps gas Having mostly grown kids means you can say "This house needs cleaned up" & no one asks "What do you want us to do?" Daughter started assigning jobs & they got busy (ok there was some sighing & eye rolling). Having mostly grown kids who can think for themselves (mostly, lol!) means they know to take the big trash can to the curb when you say "i need s



Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 2 - Feb. 8)

Why was the man dancing in front of the bottle? Okay, so that was on the board at my dad's senior residence today. Maybe it should have stayed there Shall we see what transpired in the GA Weekly Blog this week? Cia was here on Monday and she gave us the February CSR. Since we have an extra day in the month, you'll all have enough time to read Renee was back on Tuesday with her fun and games and another Author Guess Who Carlos popped in with the not to be mistak


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Dad is getting settled into the new assisted living facility. We've been told he could be confused for a month or so still. Went up yesterday to help my brother sort through the remaining things in dad's old apartment in the independent living center - piles for me, piles for him, piles to move, piles to donate.  Extremely depressing. Like dividing up someones things after they've died - thought I guess there is a bit less emotion to doing it now. Brother has finally admitted that dad is 98

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Prompt 814 and Prompt 815

Welcome. Next Friday is Valentine's day and I have some new prompts to help create the mood. Prompt 814 - Creative Tag - Cupid's Beau When you left to go out this morning the last thing you expected to do was fall over a stunning young man. As you apologize profusely you hear him mention a "missed shot" and a "missing arrow." When he finally straightens up and looks you in the eyes you feel drawn to him. When he asks you out, what happens? Prompt 815 - Creative Tag - Fir


comicfan in Prompts

Ask an Author 2.0 #28

Welcome back.  One of the advantages of asking several authors the same question is the opportunity to discern something about their writing. Their responses, shared in this blog verbatim, can give us glimpses into their style. This month’s replies may also tell us if their work is to be read one handed. A while back, a reader suggested one of my stories did not belong on Gay Authors. The complaint was I barely included sex scenes. Before I could reply, several others jumped in and made it

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday in Author Interviews

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