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  • wildone

    Review Team... Review!

    By wildone

    Wow, where did 2024 go? Well I know that the Review Team worked through it. We have to thank @Timothy M. for doing up the annual review. Check out some of these stories and reviews if you missed them originally. One stop shopping.       Our Review Team has put together a list of all the Reviews they did in 2024. You can click on any of them to see the actual blog. Maybe there was one that you missed, maybe one piques your interest now, or you could simply revisit the story it

Ask an Author 2.0 #37

Fourth year, first issue! Yeah, yeah, yeah… I know that’s not a proper sentence. So sue me. As I compile responses, the U.S. presidential election is less than a week away and I’m a little stressed. When you read this, people have cast the final votes. Who won? Okay, no politics. Let’s talk about this month’s Ask an Author question. Once again, it dovetails nicely with the one asked last month. The member who sent it in asked me to select the authors it would be forwarded to. Not wanti

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday in Author Interviews

November CSR Feature: Amafi Coast by CLJobe

Well, spooky October is over and now we have November up. Heading into the holiday season, what better time to enjoy stories about compassion, family, and love? So please enjoy this month's selection! Amafi Coast by @CLJobe Length: 12,971 Description: A story of compassion. A Reader said: Awesome chapter, Sad thoughtfull and joyful, and a great end to get another awesome story. Thanks ~ mikedup   Enjoy this month's ready, and don't forget to come back to share


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 25 - Oct. 31)

Well happy Candy Hangover Day!!! If you partook in Halloween last night that is. I guess all day yesterday I wore a mask a lot of day, but not a scary one   Talking with some friends, they said they bought the same amount of Halloween Candy this year, knowing full well that they would probably have less than 10 percent of the usual trick or treaters. The reason? They felt they could eat all the candy they wanted and not feel guilty and not worry about running out before the end of the


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Staff Prompts #1 & #2

Well, it is Halloween and I think we need to say the last rites for Guest Prompts 😢  But as one ideas dies, another springs forth, it is the circle of life  Today, is the first day of the Staff Prompts!!!! If you are a staff member and have any prompt ideas, sent them to @Renee Stevens and @wildone    Actually, if you want to suggest a guest prompt, you can submit too. We haven't shoveled in the dirt yet on the Guest prompts, yet   So with a bit of a Halloween theme, h


wildone in Prompts

What Makes Me a Man?

Caution: Some personal stuff concerning sex and sexuality is in this post. The reason I post it is for my own thought process, and with the idea that it may prompt other guys to go get tested if they're having problems. That said, here we go. I'm not very evolved when it comes to some things, I suppose. I fully accept that there are men out there born genetically female. That's not at issue. I don't define their maleness; my role in knowing and supporting trans folks is to acknowledge

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

CSR Discussion Day: Fairyfly by ObicanDecko

Well it's almost over for October, and it's nearly November! How quickly the time does fly. Get it, fly? Like Fairfly, this month's CSR feature by ObicanDecko! Did you read it? Make sure you share your thoughts on the story below! But first, as always, my interview with the author for readers to enjoy!  Do you eat your fruits and vegetables? Yes! I love my fruits (watermelon, peach, strawberry, you name it) and veggies – I could eat broccoli and spinach every day. If you were an a


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 18 - Oct. 24)

Boo!!! So did I skare you ? It is less than a week now to Halloween. Does it seem due to Covid there just isn't the real excitement that most years have 😢  In my city/province trick or treating isn't banned or restricted, but some strong recommendations to keep both yourself and the kiddies safe. I wish I lived in a two story house, I so would have a plastic pipe or tube running from a second floor window and shooting the candy down to the kids that do come out. Heck, I would prob


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Guest Prompts #14 & #15

What is that??? Why is there Guest Prompts again?? Well thanks to an upstanding gentleman (@Tom ) and a schmuck (@wildone)  So lets see what is up for grabs this week! Still looking for some more     Prompt #14 - Creative   Brought to you by @Tom 6 men, one habitation unit, ten matter converters (only one assembled). Setting: First days of the first colony on the moon Suggested Complication: Two female androids programed strictly for child care, and 10,000


wildone in Prompts

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