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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 19 - Jan. 26)

Huh! I was snuggled into bed with the music of Rent going on in my head (guess what I partially watched tonight ) when I said to myself, 'Self, did you do the weekly update tonight?' Needless to say I had not. So here I am well past my bedtime and thinking if there is anything for a preamble. Since I'm in shut down mode already, I guess not. I don't even have a knock knock joke for you all  So why don't we jump into the wrap up right away! Monday, Cia was out with a new Classic Author


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Carpe Noctem

SP spent the night last night, for the second time.  Slept in an odd position and my hip is killing me; his back is killing him.  That's most likely because neither of us is used to sleeping next to anyone anymore.  My allergies are bad and my blood pressure is sky high this morning and they were last time too.  This one I'm pretty sure is because he smokes -- and has for many many years -- and bringing that up is going to be difficult.  I'll probably have to tell him he'll need to go outside (h

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Prompt 810 and Prompt 811

Well, January is flying by and we've made it to another Friday. That means new prompts! Prompt 810 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a blanket, a stuffed toy, a pair of shorts, a glass of water, and a sudden storm. Prompt 811 - Creative Tag - Choices With every wish comes a choice and with every decision the fear of what if. Unfortunately, in just three days you've been given three choices and no easy way to decide. Your job just of


comicfan in Prompts

January Classic Author Excerpt: The Long Way by DomLuka

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring long-time and uber-popular author, Dom Luka, The Long Way? This story has always been one of the most read on GA, a popular coming of age story that leads readers on a journey of self-discovery along with the main character. Domaholics know just how addictive these stories can be, so it should be no surprise this one was featured for your reading enjoyment.    Now on to the scene I picked! It should be fairly self-evident why... Want to read


Cia in Classic Feature

Week Three Begins

I now have two weeks under my belt, and I'm beginning week three of my workout/meal regimen. I'm still getting used to some things, but it's a lot easier to roll out of bed at 440 than it was when I started. So far I've lost four pounds and gained strength on the bench and under the bar. It's rare for me to do both at once. I am enjoying this combination of routine and meal planning. If you're interested at all, here's what I'm doing. I hid the details behind spoilers ... because, frankly,

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

January Classic Author Feature: The Long Way by DomLuka

New month, new year, new round of features of stories by GA's Classic Authors from years gone by! So many loved stories from the past are missed by current readers, so we like to feature the great stories by promoted authors so they don't fade into obscurity. Now this month's story... well, it may be one of THE classicest of classic stories on GA, lol, and is still loved by many.  The Long Way by DomLuka Length: 319,403 Description: When a secret gets out and things unexpe


Cia in Classic Feature


TBH, I feel like every single one of you will come for me right now, and I will be slapped over and over again with things I should not have done, things I should have done, I am terrified.  But at this moment, I'm sad and I know that what I have been doing cannot last.  Have I drank again?  Well, one wonders.  Sometimes, life is hard.  This is one moment when I need help.  I'm not going to say this in any other way than yes, I need your help.  I'm supposed to do this, but I can't do i



Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 12 - Jan. 18)

Well the Great White North is living up to it's name this week. Snow hurricanes in St John's, and in Atlantic Canada. Huge amounts of snow have fallen in central parts and the the Prairies have been gripped all week in -40 weather. Even the nice green lower mainland of BC is covered in snow and the travel is not recommended. Still, Australia is burning in some areas and other areas next door are flooding.  Okay, the localized weather forecast is completed and I really should get to wrapping


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Mia - brickwall

Mia - a bomb has dropped into my life and the pieces are everywhere. i have not heard or spoken to someone very special to me. i last spoke to this person in the rehab center last Friday.he had knee surgery and we made plans for Sunday which was our normal day. Then my world changed went to the rehab Center and no friend / lover no word no message. Damn rules that won’t help me I’m not family. Went out to car and fell apart wondering what happen. Made a few phone calls and again that blasted bri



The Shadows were the true Heroes of B5

The Shadows were the real heroes of B5. They didn't play games with the younger races like showing up looking like angels, turning them into telepaths or twisting them with decadent introspective philosophy like the filthy Vorlons with their disgusting fetish for religious fanatics. The Shadows asked what do you want but, they didn't protect them from the consequences of their lusts for power. Evolution is driven by conflict. Growth through pain. The Shadows were intellectually honest



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