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  • wildone

    Review Team... Review!

    By wildone

    Wow, where did 2024 go? Well I know that the Review Team worked through it. We have to thank @Timothy M. for doing up the annual review. Check out some of these stories and reviews if you missed them originally. One stop shopping.       Our Review Team has put together a list of all the Reviews they did in 2024. You can click on any of them to see the actual blog. Maybe there was one that you missed, maybe one piques your interest now, or you could simply revisit the story it

Ask an Author 2.0 #36

G’day, y’all! Can you tell I’ve been writing something with an Aussie and a Southerner as the main characters? Who cares, right? After all, you’re here to read what other authors have to say. I’ll shut the heck up for now. ҉ ҉ ҉ Which author/poet (alive or dead) do you identify with most, and why?   ҉ ҉ ҉ @BDANR I'd say Essex Hemphill. His work moved me with its rawness, activism, and he elevated other marginalized, talented authors not seen as having a story

August CSR Feature: Fairyfly by ObicanDecko

Happy Halloween month! This is a month for fun of the paranormal type. Magic. Were-creatures. Myths. Fantasy. Ghosts. Or whatever else tickles your ghoulish fancy. I'm going with a story by ObicanDecko for the CSR feature, Fairyfly. This is an older story, so you might not have read it or you might be due for a reread. Enjoy!! Fairyfly by @ObicanDecko Length: 65,659 Description: Young Esthor is the best sorcerer in all the kingdom and beyond. When King Norius calls upon him t


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month

Next month—November—is the annual National Novel Writing Month. People are signing up, or pledging—or just thinking about—writing a novel in one month. I’ve thought about doing it before, but never actually managed to make the target (which is to write 50,000 words in a month.) Do you want to write a book that’s only 50,000 words? Do you think you can write that much in one month? All good questions, and personally, I’m not going to take part because I want to end up with a completed novel



Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 27 - Oct. 3)

So goodbye to September and onto October. Can you believe that Canadian Thanksgiving is a week from Monday See, we have our harvest done before a lot of our southern neighbours. The holiday is about the same, rooted in early settlers giving thanks to not only the Native Americans they encountered at the beginning, but everything that happened in the previous year. Hopefully topped off with a bountiful harvest to carry through the winter. We have turkey, tons of veggies, mashed potatoes, gravy,


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Final Goodbyes and Continued Beginnings

We had the internment for my mom yesterday morning -- just my brother and I, our SO's, and my last surviving Aunt. My brother surprised both SP and me by asking if we wanted to go somewhere for lunch. Had a nice meal without any awkward silences, so that was nice. Maybe -- maybe -- he's changing some. But then just a couple of weeks ago when he stopped by to sign mom's life insurance paperwork he never even turned off the car. Doesn't seem like it's been almost 12 month's since SP and

Fae Briona

Fae Briona in Family

Deep in the Heart of Texas

I've moved on. Back in 2011 I came to the end of my residence in the VA Homeless Shelter at the Salvation Army facility in Dallas, TX. My original plan was to get an apartment somewhere in the north end of Dallas, but my son said, "Hey, come on up here an live with me." His intention was for him to be my caretaker/caregiver in the sunset years of my life. Unfortunately, I get all my health care from the VA. Where he lives it's nearly 40 miles to the nearest VA clinic and nearly 60 miles to the n



CSR Discussion Day: Forces by Invnarcel

Did you read Forces by Invnarcel this month? A little dark, a little twisted, maybe a journey you weren't quite expecting... just right to get us in the mood for Fall! Enjoy my interview with Invnarcel below, then leave your comments on his story or writing!    Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate. If you had 30 minutes of free time, what would you do?  Meditate and connect with myself. It’s relaxing and great. What brought you to GA?  A love of reading and posting


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept.21 - Sept.27)

Hello Folks! How are you all doing on this Sunday? I think it is Sunday everywhere but soon to be Monday in Australia and New Zealand. We do have quite a few members here that are from those two countries and I imagine others that are others just over the international date line too. So that gets me thinking  and that isn't a good thing. I remember this idea was first brought up to me in a Superman movie when I was a kid. What if you could fly faster than the speed of light, and you flew We


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Funerals and Caretakers

The past two months have taken a toll on me. There has been a lot of change. 11 years ago my mother passed. At the time I lived in Connecticut, but one call changed it. Not even a year later my father called and asked me to move back home. He didn't want to be alone. I was 40. Moving home seen the end of my dating, a rare night out every six months or so, and running to doctors for him or me. I had eye surgeries, a triple bypass, and felt the pressure to keep him going. I hea



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