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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Prompt 808 and Prompt 809

Is it me, or is this month just flying by? Here we are at another Friday and hopefully things go well. I do apologize. Last week was a mess of mistakes. Seems I mis-numbered the prompts and then I didn't post them in the prompt thread. Not one of my best moments. However, all that has been corrected and I have new temptations for your consideration. Prompt 808 - Creative Tag - Partners You were paired up to solve the murder of the little fairy. Someone must have gotten a laugh out


comicfan in Prompts

The Company

What the heck is going on with this story?! It's 200 thousand words in twelve chapters. It is experimental: a sort of limited stream of consciousness novel that could easily grow to a million or more words. I have a cast of characters that takes up a database. I'm having fun with it and I  have a purpose for it. I'm working on the craft, work process and self editing, so I can get out more material quicker. There's no better way to do it than jump in the deep water. Yeah- the



Signature Feature: Cole Matthews

So, with the new year, I like to see what features I can add. This year, I decided it would be great to try and feature our Signature authors once a month (when possible). So, to get this feature started, let's take a look at some stories by @Cole Matthews! I'll be picking three stories to share from each of our signature authors, and it would be great if the members would weigh in with what their favorite story is from that month's author!  I'll only be sharing complete stories, so if it's a st

2019 Reviews Revisited

It's a new year and will be another great year to take a look at some stories that you might have missed. But, before we start the new reviews, we wanted to take today to take a glance back at all the reviews that were done in 2019!  Thank you to @Timothy M. for compiling the list! 2019 January 14th: 2014-2018 Reviews Revisited February 11th: Holding Back by Thorn Wilde - Puppilull  Review comment: It was probably more fun to see the Deadpool movies after I read Holding Back.

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews


How do you tell someone who can't see themselves, they are worthy … of love … of life?   I see the dark circles under your beautiful brown eyes And I wonder how I can fix it … Fix all the wrongs done to you in your life How can I take that pain from then and now? You do not see your own strength within you Life dealt you a bad hand You lived through pain, and horrors I cannot imagine I can only promise to be with you To hold you



Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 05 - Jan. 11)

Well I'm in a good mood I just finished watching a hockey game that came out the right way   I don't know about you, but do you come to GA for a mood change? What am I talking about? Well this week has had me thinking about a lot of things, Australia burning, Eastern North America in tornadoes, rain and freezing rain. The Royal family in turmoil (okay, so I like the Royal Family, shoot me ). A passenger plane accidentally being shot down in Iran and 100's of lives lost. With that all going on,


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 806 and Prompt 807

Well, we made it to another Friday. Hope your week was good and you are ready for some new prompts. Prompt 806 - Creative Tag - Heartbreak You were together for years and had finally decided they were the one for you. You bought the ring, made the dinner reservation, and thought you were ready for your future. Instead you went home early to an empty apartment, he'd moved out and left a "Dear John" letter. What happened? Prompt 807 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use


comicfan in Prompts

2020, A Look Ahead

In our last blog post here in news, we looked back at 2019. This week will look forward to 2020.  The year has already started off with plenty of drama out in the real world and it promises to be an even crazier roller coaster for the rest of year.  Let's make Gay Authors a bastion of peace where we can all relax, shall we?  Read, Write, Enjoy! Anthologies The four themes have been selected.  Get a good start and try to have an entry for all of them this year.   I know I'm going


Myr in Technology Archive

Waiting Outside The Lines - The Soundtrack

Track List Waiting Outside The Lines - Greyson Chance (Main Theme) Welcome To Hollywood - Mitchel Musso (Evan Gone Hollywood!) Beautiful People - Ed Sheeran (Celebrity Overload) Rabbit In The Headlights - Michael Oakley (Evan, struck dead in his tracks!) Starstruck - Christopher Wilde (To Chance Upon Chandler Riggs) Underwater - Cody Simpson (Evan Drowning) Blue Jeans - Lana Del Rey (Chandler Riggs, In The Flesh) Crush - David Archuleta (F



Author Guess Who #7

Well, it's that time again!  Who's ready to see if they can guess this month's author?  I love seeing all the guesses and can't wait to see if you can figure this one out!!! Happy Guessing!   What is one thing that most GA members might not know about you? I have a growing interest in photography What prompted you to write your first story? I was inspired by something I read and I wanted to see if I could write something as well or better. What genre of books do you

Music - Keyboards

Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)  A prolific Austrian composer, especially for the piano, Schubert wasn’t very well known or regarded as a composer during his short life. Much of his work was unpublished including this now famous “impromptu”, written the year before he died, which was only finally published some 30 years later. In fact Schubert wrote two sets of four impromptus for piano and this is the third in the first set, played by Alfred Brendel. The melody is hauntingly beautif


Zombie in Music

CSR Feature: Silverwolf by Wayne Gray

Welcome to 2020! Well, no one wanted to revolutionize the CSR posts, and the author interviews still seem to be popular with blog readers enough to get at least a few comments each month, so I'll keep this going on to Year 8 of monthly suggested reads by yours truly! One of the best parts of this blog is I get to feature new and experienced authors and stories of all different types and styles; the only criteria for the CSR is that the story is 1) complete and 2) between 10,000 to 75,000 ish wor


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

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