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  • wildone

    Review Team... Review!

    By wildone

    Wow, where did 2024 go? Well I know that the Review Team worked through it. We have to thank @Timothy M. for doing up the annual review. Check out some of these stories and reviews if you missed them originally. One stop shopping.       Our Review Team has put together a list of all the Reviews they did in 2024. You can click on any of them to see the actual blog. Maybe there was one that you missed, maybe one piques your interest now, or you could simply revisit the story it
    • 1 comment

2021 Anthology Themes *Announcement*

Well, that's it for this years voting!  The voting was for the top 4 themes to use in the first two themes of the year 2021. The remaining themes have been put through the list randomizer at random.org and will be split up for the potluck for those same themes. Since there were 43 themes left over after the top themes were chosen, one anthology will have 21 themes in the potluck, and the other will have 22 themes. The third and final theme for the year will be a Pre-2021 Anthology Themes and won

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthology

September CSR Feature: Forces by Invnarcel

It's a month of changes, and this story was written to make you wonder... are things what they seem? Are are the characters who they seem? I guess you'll have to read Invnarcel's story, Forces, to find out! Forces by @Invnarcel   Length: 35,514 Description: Phillip Cleckley is a young journalist investigating a murder at Lochdale college. He begins an unfortunate liaison with the prime suspect, the wealthiest family's son Stanley Milton. Both men are different, but together


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading


******* WARNING ******* Do not read if you are offended or triggered by references to suicide.   I know I am dreaming as I lay in this fog. Sounds fade in and out, echoing as I drift away to other places and lands. I know also time is fleeting and there is very little future ahead of me. This I know to be true. Some truths are self-evident. This is one of those truths. We can deny it, pretend otherwise, wish, rail, scream and beg, but time does not wait. It marches forward and we



Moving On

I've been renting a bedroom from my son since October, 2011. I pay him a suitable amount for my share of the utilities, upkeep, and miscellaneous expenses. In the beginning, it was good living here way out in the country. It was relatively quiet, if you don't count the yoyos playing with dynamite, target shooting with their AR-15s, the empty coal and crude oil trains taking up slack down at the siding with house shaking BOOMS, and not being able to get out of town because all the tourists and sk



Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 30 - Sept. 5)

Hello Fellow GAers, or can it be GAyers? It is funny how some cities' residents names are made. For example I live in Calgary, we are Calgarians. When I lived in Lethbridge for 10 years, I said we were Lethbians . Needless to say my fellow Lethbians didn't find it as humourous. Jeez, its a joke  The province next to me, Saskatchewan, their peoples call themselves Saskatchewanites. And then the city of Moose Jaw in that province call themselves Moose Javians. Hi, my name is Steve. First and


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Banks in america

I guess this one is more venting frustration then anything. I guess the best way to show how deep this frustration goes, is to fill in some back story. Right out of high school I started working in the food service industry to work my way through college. I was in for the long haul to pursue a doctorate in archeology. I have loved the field as long as I can remember. I still do to this day. While I never did make it to PhD, I did get as far as two masters degrees. But along the way, I fell in lo



Ask an Author 2.0 #35

Here’s hoping this month’s issue proves as popular as the last one. We are back to one question for several authors but this month’s query is somewhat different from our usual fare. It does, however, dovetail nicely with Myr’s history of Gay Authors so many enjoyed in August. As usual, responses are in alphabetical order and posted as the respondent submitted them without editing. ҉ ҉ ҉ We are putting together a Gay Authors Time capsule. This capsule will be opened in 10 years. You hav

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday in Author Interviews

August CSR Discussion Day: Electricity by MozLover21

Whew, a long month and a long story! At least they went together, right? I hope you enjoyed the Electricity (and welcomed back football!) this month. Now how about my interview with MozLover21? My questions weren't so easy, so make sure you read the thoughtful answers before you comment with your thoughts on the story below! What’s something personal about you people might be surprised to know? I love horror movies. They’re my guilty pleasure. But somehow my fondness for this genre alw


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 23 - Aug. 29)

Hiya   What am I so happy about? I'm not really sure . Could it be because Sunday is/was international Bacon Day? I think that might be it  Sadly by they time most of you read this the day will be past, but as I like to say, never to late to catch up   I apologize to all the people who don't eat bacon  I will just enjoy your share for you!   Now that most of you are smelling, tasting, craving bacon, I shall leave this behind and move onto the Weekly Wrap Up! On Monday,


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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