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  • wildone

    Review Team... Review!

    By wildone

    Wow, where did 2024 go? Well I know that the Review Team worked through it. We have to thank @Timothy M. for doing up the annual review. Check out some of these stories and reviews if you missed them originally. One stop shopping.       Our Review Team has put together a list of all the Reviews they did in 2024. You can click on any of them to see the actual blog. Maybe there was one that you missed, maybe one piques your interest now, or you could simply revisit the story it

The Reluctant Consort Character List

Information for The Reluctant Consort.  This novel is a very long epic with a lot of characters and places to remember. I'm sometimes very afraid that I'm not doing it justice.  Still, I hope it is enjoyable to read.  I have tried to add everything I missed in the reedit, and hope that it all comes together fluidly for you. Here's is a map a friend was kind enough to draw for me, and while some labels are not entirely accurate, I love it so much that I had to share it here. The Em


lilansui in The Reluctant Consort

September Classic Author Excerpt: Palouse by Rec

Did you catch Monday's feature with the banner for Rec's story, Palouse? Check it out if you want to feature it in your signature. So I live in Washington, so I know how special this region of the state is, how scenic it can be... but just how few opportunities there can also be for anyone who is 'different'. Rec's story has all of that and more. I think you'll enjoy this excerpt as well.  Click here to read more


Cia in Classic Feature

September Classic Author Feature: Rec's Palouse

Sometimes you just want to sink into a story, and Rec is an author that lets you do that. His stories always drag you in and don't let you go from beginning to end. Palouse is no different. Have you read it? Length: 110,617 Description: Palouse is a coming-to-maturity story of a half-Navajo boy who is a virtuoso at violin. The story traces his rise, fall, and reemergence in the context of a domineering mother. It is a story also of a developing love between the boy and a gay frie


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 13 - Sept. 19)

So what is up in your neck of the woods?  I mean weather related. I know that there is hurricane after hurricane battering the SE US, I know the West of the US is on fire, we have smoke and breathing advisories up here in Canadia 😮 I know it has been a early fall for some areas. What is happening over in Europe and Asia right about now? Then we can ask for a weather update from the South Americans, Africans  and Australians for the southern peeps who are transitioning to spring. Did I hear


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Featured Story: Do You Remember

Happy Monday, y'all!  I'm running behind and really should be sleeping, so I'll make this quick! Its time for a new review, if you haven't already read this story, check out spikey's review and then go check out the story! Do You Remember ObicanDecko   Reviewer: spikey582 Status: Complete Word Count: 56,780 Perhaps I’m a bit of a romantic at heart, but sometime I just really need to sit back and enjoy a more lighthearted story, something that has me smiling as I read. Lif

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 6 - Sept. 12)

What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song I will try not to sing out of key Oh, baby I get by (Ah, with a little help from my friends) All I need is my buddies (Ah, with a little help from my friends) I say I'm gonna get high (Ah, with a little help from my friends) Oh yeah (Ooh) Joe Cocker ©   Okay, since everyone knows I sing out of tune and key, I imagine I have cleared the room  Nothi


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Guest Prompts #9 & #10

Hiya all, if you see me here now, that means it is finally Friday! Whew, we made it through another work week. That is if you don't work on weekends. If that is the case, let me raise a soda to you! Prompt #9 - Creative   Brought to you by @aditus Someone comes home and finds a black and white photo they never saw before on their coffee table. Two laughing men wearing birthday hats. The upper left corner of the photo is singed. On the back it reads: Steve and Mike 1954. Expla


wildone in Prompts

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