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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Unsolicited Grammar Lesson of the Day: lie vs. lay - transitive and intransitive verbs

The confusion when it comes to these two words is understandable. A lot of people write 'lay' when they should write 'lie' (as in lying down) and, however more rarely, vice versa. So here's a quick guide to how they are different and how they work. 'To lie' is an intransitive verb. That means that it's something you do, but not to something; it's an action without a direct object. You lie down. 'To lie' is conjugated: lie, lies, lying, lay, has/have lain. As you see, the past tense of 'l

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

December CSR Feature: Hypno-trouble by Palantir

Can you believe we're at the last month of 2019 and our final CSR story for the year? I've yet to hear any suggestions from members/readers on what they'd like to see on the first/last Mondays of the month blogs as an alternative... any ideas? In the interim, we have a great story for this month, an oldie but funny from Palantir, Hypno-trouble. Sure, I could have picked a holiday story or something light-hearted, but I totally thought something from the naughty list might be more fun. Enjoy!! 


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 24 - Nov. 30)

Like in Independence Day....Hello Boys! I'm baaaaaaaack Well, also you gurls, actually everyone! Thank you Renee for taking my place last week So I'm dried out from last weekend, which is a good thing! Last weekend I was at a football game, outdoors and it was hovering around 0C or 32F. Quite pleasant football weather (oh, North American Football I should say). Now this weekend, -30C or -22F, and I'm not enjoying this weather 😠 I'm thinking of all of you in Florida, or Australia or e


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

old lines

what kind of you are do you got a friend or partner you live with do you got a flag outside do you got a friend and you know it feel good this verse is  not about being gay it is about freedom           



Reading History

We have added a new feature on the site... Reading History. This is a special collection that you have to opt-in to use.  It shows you the last 50 stories you've read for 30 days. (stories will drop off the list if they are there over 30 days.  The oldest will drop off if you have more than 50).  The history is not public. Only you and staff can see it.  As you can see from my screen shot, it also shows you the last chapter you've viewed and gives you a link to it. The plus sign


Myr in Technology Archive

Fall Anthology: Raincheck & Fall From Grace *Set 1* - NOW LIVE

HAPPY THANKSGIVING for those celebrating today. Anybody ready for some new stories?  We have some great offerings for you as part of the 2019 Fall Anthology. Wondering when the anthologies would start to go live? Well, wait no more!  Today we have 4 stories for you to enjoy, and each week I will make another set live. I tried something a little different this time, for those who tend to write longer anthologies. I don't know if it will become a thing, but it never hurts to try something new. Sto

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Quick Guide to Archaic 2nd Person Singular

I posted this to Twitter earlier, so I thought I might as well share it here too. I've seen some folks trying to use this older form of the second person singular pronoun in stories, poetry, song lyrics and so on, but getting it all kinds of wrong, so I made a handy little guide. thou - subject (see: 1st person 'I') thee - object (see: 1st person 'me') thy - dependent possessive (see: 1st person 'my') thine - independent possessive (see: 1st person 'mine') Examples from Shakespea

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

November CSR Discussion: Those Cerulean Eyes by Arran

Happy November! Are you ready for Thanksgiving, my US friends? Maybe you can take some time this break week (if you have one) to enjoy this story, if you haven't already. I hope you have, though, and can share your thoughts on Arran's story, Those Cerulean Eyes, after you enjoy this interview!    Do you eat your fruits and vegetables? Definitely. There isn’t a fruit or vegetable that I don’t like.   If you were an animal, what would you be? Probably a puma becau


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov 17 - Nov 23)

Wow, it's been quite a while since I've done one of these, but @wildone asked if I could fill in this week, and I told him I'd give it my best. Between life with a little one, and many other things going on, I just want to give a huge Thank You to Steve for continuing to do the Weekly Wrap Up's for me!!!  Currently, it's getting our Christmas light show set up and ready to go by December 1st (have you ever tried to make 7 pvc stars and wrap them in lights?), among chasing a 16 month old Baby J a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 802 and Prompt 803

Here you come again, just when I was set for another weekend of writing. Friday has arrived, so prompts are ready too. I have a few friends with birthdays coming up and it has influenced the offerings this week. Prompt 802 - Creative Tag - First Line "So, what did you buy me?" Prompt 803 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - A balloon, a birthday cake, an empty room, a single card, a calico cat. Maybe one of these appeals to you. W


comicfan in Prompts

Breaking News: The Truth

BREAKING NEWS!! I thought I would share the truth with everyone, because you have been so nice and pleasant to me.  I said to a few people along the way on here that I struggled with writing, there are several things that cause me to struggle.  I know that this being a huge forum that possibly some on here will suffer with the same thing - not in the same way, but maybe you will GET ME!  I think that's the problem sometimes lately is that people don't get me - they don't understand why some



November Classic Author Excerpt: Sorry Mom by Duncan Ryder

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring Duncan Ryder's short story, Sorry Mom, from the 2010 Anthology "I'd Never Do That"? Maybe you read it before, or maybe it was a new to you story. Or maybe I wasn't able to convince you to read it yet... maybe this excerpt will do the trick!    I picked this part of the story first because I didn't want to give away the whole story and second because I wanted something that shows the poignancy of this story and Duncan's writing. Enjoy! Want t


Cia in Classic Feature

Crazy Thoughts

Crazy Thoughts are like flowers blooming in a field where they just grow like crazy weeds whipping around a tree, and they seem to have no destination - I don't know what I'm going to do with my writing right now.  Superboy is a fantasy type story that was grew from a fetish thing (lol).  I guess I could explain a little - Several years back, probably years but most likely just one year I started wring scripts for "Adult Oriented Purposes" - I actually still have the web site, but I haven't logg



November Classic Author Feature: Sorry, Mom by Duncan Ryder

November is here, and with it a story that many readers enjoyed back in 2010 during the Spring Anthology. With a theme like "I'd Never Do That" and a title of Sorry, Mom the story could have gone anywhere. Well, I'm not going to tell you! I'll feature a reader's thoughts below, but then you'll just have to check out the story yourself to find out.  Sorry, Mom by Duncan Ryder Length: 2,042 Description: When you find your future, you shouldn’t have to give up your past.


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 10 - Nov. 16)

Not really much of a preamble out of me tonight. I will give everyone a heads up that Renee will be returning next week to do the Weekly Wrap up for me, as I know for a fact that I will be indisposed one week from tonight 🍻 🍹 🍷  So be gentle to with her, and especially you, @Valkyrie, if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it at all. That should apply to you regarding me but for some reason I know it will be a freezing cold day in hell when that happens On Monday, Cia popped in


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 800 and Prompt 801

November is just flying by. Already halfway through the month and again we are at a Friday. Time for new prompts. Oh, and in case you didn't notice we now have 800 different prompts to help get your creative juices going. Prompt 800 - Creative Tag - The meal You figured a nice meal with a few friends would be a nice way to share the holiday. That quickly went from four to nearly forty people. What happened to your small meal and how will you deal with it? Prompt 801 - Creativ


comicfan in Prompts

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