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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Featured Story: Best Circle Of Hell Series

We hope everyone is having a great New Year so far! It's time for our first review of the year, and this time Puppilull was kind enough to provide us with a Review of the "Best Circle of Hell" series by Sasha Distan. If you haven't already read the series, then hopefully Puppilull's review will have you adding it to your "list". If you have read them, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. Happy Reading!   Best Circle of Hell Sasha Distan   Reviewer: Puppilull

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan 1 - Jan 7)

Yep, I'm back with the wrap up! A huge thank you to the rest of the Admin team for helping to cover the blogs while I had to take care of family issues. As I'm sure many have noticed, GA no longer has a chatroom for members to hang out. Unfortunately, for the time being, this isn't going to change. If you want to know more about why chat is gone, you can check out Myr's chat topic, which explains what happened and why the chatroom is not feasible at the moment.   To start our week, and new ye

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Life Goes As It Goes

I haven’t been working on the next chapter for 319 because I have been working on a possible short story for another site during the past week. I know I should be working on 319, but I’m focused on this other story. It involves a young teen who decides to run away from home, hoping to connect with his uncle in Fresno, California. The only problem is that he hasn’t quite figured out how he is going to get in contact with his uncle.   And, then a favorite song comes up:     That’s the pro



Flash Of A Gone Lifestyle

2016 was really one hell of a good year for me. My life was thrown for a tailspin at the end of 2015, so I really was forced to get myself together in a way I had never really had to in my young adult life. One thing I learned, and now fiercely value and protect, is my independence. I relied way too much on other people, and put all my eggs in a basket I couldn't control. When that basket fell and all the eggs cracked, I was left with nothing I had before and had to rebuild. I've come to realize



Writing Prompts #546 & #547

Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a good first week of the new year, and it's now time for the first prompts of the year! Don't forget to share your responses in the thread so that we can possibly share it next week. Please remember that prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection if you're posting in GA Stories.     Prompt 546 – First Line Tag – First Line Just slowly rub it in!   Prompt 547 – Creative Tag – The Trip You’ve been pinching pennies and doing a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

I Tried To Go See Rogue 1 Today

I finally got around to going to see Rogue 1 today.   Before I could, there was an unfortunate incident with the previews!   I was appalled and disgusted! Since 2000, there have been two Spider Man origin stories and sequels. Now they'll be a third. No wonder I don't go to the movies very often. THEY KEEP MAKING THE SAME DAMN ONE OVER AND OVER!     Speaking of making the same damn movie over and over again, the very next preview is Michael Bay's fifth installment on the Transformers



Moving On

I found this site initially back in 2004. I'd read a story on Nifty and an author said new chapters would first be posted here. I didn't join until 8 years later in 2012. Must have had other things on my mind like college and guys. I was only a member about 4 months before I joined the staff. I've really enjoyed being a staff member and serving in a number of roles the last 4 years. I've met some amazing people, built lifelong friendships, shed many tears at the loss of beloved members, and hope



The First Page And The Last Page

Today I want to talk about something which mostly everyone thinks doesn't affect me, and much of the time, I am lucky, and I pass by writer's block like a freight train running on a different track while I sit in comfort and tap away on something which more resembles the shinkansen. But to say I have never felt that dread of not starting right, or not finishing, would be a terrible lie.   I'm good at lying, but I don't want to lie to you.   Let's talk about The Last Page, Final Chapters, The

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

January C S R Feature: The Pledge By Mikiesboy

It's 2017... how did that happen?! Ups, downs, good or bad, time marches on. As we look ahead to what may come in 2017, maybe even making a few resolutions, I can't help but enjoy looking back at the past. Given that Mikiesboy recently finished a historical story--with a bit of paranormal thrown in for fun--I wanted to give readers a chance to enjoy this short story hopefully everyone will have the time to finish and be ready for the discussion day on Monday, January 30th.   ​ The Pledge


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Giveaway! Paperback Of Help! My Lover's An Alien

*Posted With Permission*   Happy New Year Everyone   In the later part of 2016 I decided to self-publish my story Help! My Lover’s an Alien. I did a few corrections, and fixed a couple of consistency errors. Then, I added it to Amazon Paperback and Kindle (including KU) and as they wouldn’t let me post it for free I am giving all the money I receive from sales to a charity called Stonewall that supports LGBTQ youths in the UK and abroad. The current total is over £20 raised.   Pl

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

New Year's Resolution

I'm not usually one to make new year's resolutions, so I'm not sure why this year is different.   My normal reluctance is wrapped up in a slew of psychological dysfunctions where if I never set goals, then I can never fail. And if I never fail, then I'm perfect; and if I'm perfect, then people will like me. Luckily (or maybe unluckily) for me, I've always tended to excel at whatever I try my hand at, so there's rarely been a need for me to step outside my comfort zone, take a risk, and do som

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec 25 - 31)

:music: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :music:   Well I hope everyone had a great night bringing in the New Year. I know I did The great thing about celebrating the New Year is not to forget everything that has happened in the past year, but also to look forward to what will come in the New Year. We will all be experiencing some changes coming up and I'm excited about it and looking forward to looking back next January 1st and seeing where we have come.   So for the final time, we will look back


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Hubs Pitches Me Another Story Idea

The previews before Moana included one for Monster Truck. It's a simple premise really--monster trucks, with real monsters in them. B figured if that's all it took to get a movie greenlit, he aught to make a go of it himself. I'm not going to discourage him. If they can make a kids' movie about tentacle monsters getting freaky with 4x4s, then who am I to judge?   But, I should have known how the drive home would go...   "Hey, I have another story idea for you--monster trucks that have r

Dayne Mora

Dayne Mora

Happy New Year Ga

It's already new year here. So I am wishing you all "HAPPY NEW YEAR"   For me new year started with some unexpected events with unexpected people. Yet it has been crazy and fantastic. I loved how this year started with all the excitement.   I wish for greater happiness, this year, to all my besties, friends, and all GA members. I love you guys...

Emi GS

Emi GS


Begin by music what lyrics had shunned, Evanescent feelings that shan't be returned, Forever is a long time if you are not a friend, Every limit mortal as time's sickle bend.   Yet I bequeath my heart and desire, To you and your lot I cast in my fire, A flame everlasting shall flourish in me, Like a flower that blooms only for the bee.   31/12/16 ©asamvav111   Wishing everyone of my friends, near & dear ones, far & farces, enemies & rivals A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.



Writing Prompts: End Of Year Edition

Well, I can't believe that it's already the last prompts of 2016! Rather than do our regularly scheduled prompts, I thought that we should do some kind of special prompt edition. I wracked my brain for a couple of ideas, and in the end, Cia and I banded together and came up with a couple of End of Year / New Year prompts for you to try your hand at. We look forward to seeing your responses!!!!     Special Prompt: End of Year #1 Tags: New Years Resolution The clock strikes midnight and the

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

What Happened To The Old Practice Of Giving Employees Holiday Turkeys?

I was watching A Christmas Carol on my red Eye back from Vegas and the thought occurred to me. It wasn't so long ago, when employers would give their employees a turkey every Christmas in appreciation of their work, and to ward off the Ghost of Christmas Future The IRS even has a special provision in Publication 525 that indicates gifts of Turkeys, Hams, or other food during Christmas or Holidays would not b considered taxable income. Whatever happened to that nice Holiday practice? Has Ame



A Nice Story - Paper Walls

I found a cute story today called "Paper Walls", by KD, a new author here at GA. The story was first post back in early fall, but it just caught my eye today. I read the first 11 posted chapters and I fell in love with it. It centers around a fifteen year old adopted football prodigy from Russia whose adopted dad is a coaching legend of Texas High Football, himself. KD does an awesome job of bringing his characters alive and leaves you wanting more. If fact, the chapters could be longer, but KD

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Day In The Life Of Kibanaru File 1.1

I was in a great relationship for a number of years however it went from good to worse My Ex Saskue I will call him because he likes naruto I do as well. Any way back on topic. I was 16 he was 15 we were both in high school and we didn't notice each other till I told people I was bisexual, a few people know I am How ever to this day my family is the hard part. Any way we met At yughio I'm serious people who read this will think that's funny but ya that's how me and Saskue met Going on we starte



How To Build The (Almost) Perfect Christmas?

Every year. I do the same thing every year but I think this one was the worst. Zero Christmas spirit, the tree never really finished, not a card sent and the ones we received never opened, because of this lack of spirit and preparedness, Christmas Eve Day I spent in the kitchen ... baking, cutting, wrapping, until Michael said, 'Enough!' That was at about 10pm or later, I think. Christmas morning was more of the same. I had boxes to pack, meringues to paint, and we were both stressed before



The Hunt

I shoot, I gut, I butcher. I raise animals and I'm OK with killing them. So it should come as no surprise that I like Hunting. And when I say Hunting with a capital H, and because I am, at least technically English, I mean Fox Hunting.   Fox Hunting is not a sport, but an integral part of the culture of the countryside where I'm from. Contrary to popular belief not everyone who rides in a hunt or supports it is rich, or a landowner, or votes Conservative. There are a lot of people poorer than

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

Reviews Of Special Anthology Stories

*Please note all my reviews have been cross posted to the relevant stories as well*   Bill's Christmas Gift - comicfan   This made me smile and cry at the same time.   It was in part a wonderful story of how Bill finds he has more friends and family than he thought he had.   The other part that made it sad for me was not only was the love of his life dead, but Jonny didn't get the chance to meet his nephew and the other members of his family that still cared.   A wonderfully written pi

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

C S R Discussion Day: My Life Started At The End Of The World By Kuragari129

Wow... the last CSR Discussion day of the year. I can't believe how fast 2016 has gone. Ups, downs, the world has really changed for so many of us. And that's the theme of Kuragari's story, My Life Started at the End of the World. Did you find out how her story ends? Make sure you don't miss your chance to share your thoughts here! But first, as always, my interview with Kuragari.   Do you eat your fruits and vegetables? Oh hell no, I'm terrible at eating my fruits and vegetables.   If you h


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

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