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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Writing Prompts #558 & #559

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Hopefully you'll find something in this weeks prompts to spark an idea and get you writing!     Prompt 558 – Creative Tag – First Line What do you mean, you’re pregnant?   Prompt 559 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the followi

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

New Author Advice #2

Have you thought about writing your first story, but it seems a little daunting? Don't worry, every new author has been there at one point or another. Thankfully, you're part of a great community that has plenty of authors willing to share their knowledge, and/or what they wished they'd known when they first started. If you're thinking that you've heard that before, it's because you have, but that's the best intro to this feature. Back in December we first introduced the "New Author Advice" feat

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Accident Part 2 Omg

So I tried to call my primary care physician for the name of orthopedist. The number is disconnected. Maybe I have the wrong number saved, so I do a google search. In Nov. 2016, 8 area doctors were arrested for a "pill mill", and prescribing fatal doses of hydrocodone. Mine was one of them.   So I have to find a new primary care doctor as well as an orthopedist.   Btw, for those that might remember, I was upset hearing my doctor ordering ammunition, same guy.



Secret Admirer Special Review

One year ago, the thirteen stories written for the Secret Admirer Contest posted in time for Valentine’s Day. Like the regular GA Anthologies, the contest let authors try their hand at short stories within a common theme. But in this case readers could vote for the story they liked best - all without knowing who the author was.   After the contest there was a guessing game about who wrote each story. Half the stories were so well disguised no one was able to pinpoint the author. Three stories

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Flaming Assholes Of The Internets!

As I travel the wilds of the Internets, I am often astonished by the number of assholes that make such a point of being ass holy.   There are a few in particular that I want to warn you about. Beware of these ragin bastards. They make a point of being rude and obnoxious to bait you into typing something that will get you banned. Many of them are master baiters.   Without further ado, I shall warn you about some of the worst of the Flaming Assholes of the Internets   The triggered activist



Gazing Up At The Pedestal

I’ve recently begun reading blogs and listening to podcasts from published authors, with the goal of learning from their experience and being inspired to keep writing. Unfortunately, this seems to have backfired, because the more I listen to them and learn about their writing process, the more I feel like I could never do what they do.   They talk about discipline, setting aside time every day to write X number of words. They talk about using various tools and software to help organize their t

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

Unintentional Consequences Of St Louis And B'more Riots.

I laid the bike down yesterday when I ran into gravel across the road on a blind curve. Sheriff came, police and ambulance. One deputy got surly with hubby when he asked why there weren't warning signs out about the gravel. After all the road is a popular route for bikers on their way to Big Slick's Bar and Eatery and The motorcycle outpost. Gravel like that is a serious danger for bikers. Later when the ER is releasing me I can find my license in my purse, but not the case I keep my license and



Guess What! You Won't Make It To Fifty

Some of you know I have health issues. I haven't spelt them out because frankly it's boring to hear about people's complaints, especially from people who aren't in your immediate family or circle of friends.   But my doctors have given me a time frame of my life expectancy. I guess I was surprised, but I wasn't either. I've faced death on a few occasions but wow, a time frame is kind of unnerving. It's scary. Michael is .. I don't know what he is .. sad, afraid.. mourning me already? He vows



Weekly Wrap Up (Feb 5 - Feb 11)

I hope everyone had a great week! Since it was such a busy week this week, I think today I'm going to get right into the Wrap Up for the week.   Have you read the various Harry Potter Fan-Fic by Myr? If not, now's your chance as on Monday, Cia announced that Myr's Harry Potter Fan-Fic is this month's CSR Book Club choice. The discussion day will take place on Feb 27th, but with the numerous stories, you should have plenty of time to get something read before the discussion takes place!   Myr

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

A Tale Of Two Birthdays

I'm gonna tell you an interesting fact about my family.   On 11 February 1987, my eldest sister was born. On 12 February 1997, my little brother was born.   So this means, that for two days in a row, my family gets to eat a lot of cake! And what makes this year more fun (aside from my sister turning thirty and my brother twenty), is that it's on the weekend!   I wonder how much weight I'll gain by the end of the weekend? lol.       PS: Heeding Krista's advice, I didn't tease my sist

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

Free Ebook Copy Of Married To The Enemy! Limited Time Only!

Hey guys! Who loves free...? Of course, we all do! You can get a copy of my scifi short story, Married to the Enemy during the MM Romance Valentine's Giveaway just by signing up to get the LGBT Romance Deals newsletter in your inbox... that's right! You get a free book just for asking for great deals and offers (plus monthly contests!) to appear in your inbox. I've found several eBooks since the newsletter started.   If you're already a subscriber to the LGBT Romance Deals newsletter, not to w



Writing Prompts #556 & #557

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Hopefully you'll find something in this weeks prompts to spark an idea and get you writing!     Prompt 556 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – a hammer, a lasso, boots, a silver bracelet, and a gun.

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

G A's Newest Promising Author: Caz Pedroso

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Caz Pedroso as GA's newest promoted author! Caz has been a member of GA for just over three years and during that time, she has written sixteen stories to share with the members here at GA. Her most recently finished novel, The Mouse that Roared, is Book 5 of her popular series, Unison Island. If you want to read more from Caz, you can find her poetry, prompt responses, and so much more by visiting her author page (plus you can check out he

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in News Archive

Premium Promo: Negative Splits

Gay Authors has always managed to remain free to its members, one of the ways that it has managed to do so is through its Premium Subscribers. Members choose to help support the site and keep it going by purchasing Premium Content which consists of a number of stories that are only available on the site by purchasing Premium. There are many great stories to be found in the Premium section.   With the ending of Studly Ranch Hands, it was time to start posting a new premium story. Now, every Sat

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

In Praise Of Editors ...

And beta-readers, for that matter.   My editor and I had a slight blip a couple of months ago. I was about to publish my second prompt response when I realised that my main character changed his name halfway through. Neither of us had noticed. In the same prompt, I committed a style faux-pas which had also passed my editor by. He wasn’t impressed with himself and suggested that the next blog post I wrote, should be used to comment on his editorial abilities. So, I’m doing so, just not quite in



Alone In Bed

So, I’m going to share with you something I don't normally share much - though my characters share their sex lives with you often and graphically. Several of them are quite the exhibitionists!   But we're not here to talk about the boys, the men, and the demons, we're here for me. Now, people tell you all sorts of less-than-fun things when you get married, about how life in the bedroom slowly diminishes and all of that. But it's not true for us. Three years has already flown by, and everything

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

February C S R Feature: Harry Potter Fan-Fic By Myr

You might have seen his tech updates here in the site blog, or talked about video games in the Lounge, or just know the name of the all-powerful Myr. But it's been a while since members and readers have gotten a look at the man behind the magic that is GayAuthors. A lot of the content on GA is original, but we have a fanfiction category and part of that is Harry Potter fanfic, and Myr has several. You get to pick and choose which ones you'd like to read for this month's CSR feature. Don't forge


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan 29 - Feb 4)

I hope everyone is ready for the new week to begin. But before that, we have to wrap up the last week. A quick reminder for all site authors. You have less than a month to get your April Fool's Day short story in if you want to be part of the contest. Entries are due March 1st and don't forget not to share anything about your story outside of your team. Now, let's recap the last week! C S R Discussion Day: The Pledge By Mikiesboy We started the week and ended the month with the CSR Discuss

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Being Gay And Seeking Definition

This was going to be a review of James Franco's movie I am Michael, a biopic about Michael Glatze, the former gay youth advocate turned Ex-gay poster boy with a wife turned Fundamentalist anti-homosexual christian pastor, and now deeply lost as both his far right allies abandoned him and he abandoned his old LGBT friends.   I know I am gay, I tried dating girls when I was younger who were more masculine in reflection now (high school basketball forward), but not everyone is universally aligned



Writing Prompts #554 & #555

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Hopefully you'll find something in this weeks prompts to spark an idea and get you writing!     Prompt 554 – Creative Tag – The Tree After watching the tree arrive in Times Square, you and your mate decide you want a real one this

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ask An Author #46

It's time for the first Ask An Author of 2017! Typically this would have been posted in January, but there were a few hiccups, so you're getting it now. Better late than never! If you have a question that you'd like to ask a specific author, but don't want to do the actual asking, then send your question to Dark! I hope you enjoy this edition of Ask An Author, and a big THANK YOU to Dark for continuing to provide these.   Ask an Author #46   Welcome back to another quirky question and

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