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  • Myr

    Horror Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 0 Most Read Horror - Body Snatcher Revolving around the invasion or replacement of human bodies by extraterrestrial beings, parasites, or other entities, body snatcher horror explores the loss of control over one's own body. No stories Top 3 Most Read Horror - Gothic (aka gothic romanticism; and dark romanticism): fiction mixing themes of horror, romance, and death Shadow‘s Reach (Halloween Noir) by Jack Poignet In Process Hungry for Gains by Jack

Things to do - Isn't there always?

So, I use Wunderlist to keep track of my To Do lists.  I have a lot of them.  Stuff for the site, stuff for the business, stuff for home, stuff for mom's home, stuff for the mancave, stuff for writing, and even entertainment.  There are more too.  As of this moment, I have 69 things on my To Do list flagged for Today.  After 50 hours sucked up by the work week, I'm a bit grouchy that I've got more stuff to do. My nerdy nature doesn't help.  I like doing research on stuff.  (like reading boo


Myr in Life

Boys Are Odd Creatures

Boys are odd creatures.  Yes, they are. Don’t try to deny it. Let me explain.   i took both my boys shopping today.  (Yes i know you know i detest shopping.  i had no choice in this.  Anyway, that’s a different blog post. )   Boys, make odd noises.  They were talking, and they would accent their conversation with these strange vocalizations. i can’t even begin to describe them. Is there a gene, or other chromosomal anomaly that enables the male vocal chords to do that?  



Dating Bi-Curious Men (Secrets)

Secrets, we all have them and for some reason we feel obligated to keep them. Even after the friendship has ended or the trust has been broken. I guess we always hold on to that little hope that we may go back to what once was. With friends we often hold all their secrets as they hold ours, only what happens if you become the secret? What if you are now the thing they must be kept hidden? At times we never stop and think about that, its always the secrets we hold. What of the other person? So as



The Last Herald-Mage Trilogy by Mercedes Lackey

The first book in this trilogy, Magic's Pawn, is one of the most powerful books I have ever read.  I've reread it a few times over the years and it makes me cry every single time I read it.  It's really emotionally moving.  Mercedes Lackey has stated that her formula is simple:  Make the reader love the character and then drop a mountain on the character.  The first novel is deeply touching and heart-wrenching.  The full trilogy is powerful as well.  The second and third novels are not as powerf


Myr in Books

Think Before You Type

You know when I’m writing a blog it usually means that we need to discuss a direction the site is headed in or recent issues on-site.   First off, let me start by saying the site’s administrators and moderators are all personally very supportive of freedom of speech. The stories contained in our archive, for example, still run afoul of the laws in many countries where gay and erotic literature is deemed obscene and pornographic. But even a commitment on our part to free spe


wildone in News Archive

Anthology Flashback: Spring 2006 - Day of Silence

Check out the Spring 2006 Anthology!     Be sure to read and review!   For Authors! We'd also like to remind all authors that we have 4 Anthology themes for 2018 and a Novella Contest: Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology - Due April 15th, 2018   Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th 2018 Spring Anthology: Encounters - Due May 15th 2018 Fall Anthology: Fight Back - Due Nov 15th


Myr in Anthologies

Venturing forth ...

In a moment of January madness, I decided to inflict my writing on the wider, virtual public by starting a blog on WordPress. I already blog on there in a work capacity, but this is rather different. This is me (as northie) putting myself out there in a very crowded arena. I'm under no illusions about the amount of attention it'll garner, but I think it's worth a whirl. A Pencil Is Best serves both to display my writing, but also to promote the community here. If it results in additional interes




There are many occasions where I find myself wanting a headset.  Almost always while I'm working on something.  This goes directly against the fact that I hate things on my head, especially things that touch my ears.  So I went trolling over at Best Buy to see if I could find something that felt good on my head while meeting the needs of a good sounding headset.  This thing does the job!  It has microfiber mesh around memory foam for the padding.  They sound great and the mic works as it should


Myr in Gadgets

January Classic Author Excerpt: Jake's Hand by Rec

Did you catch Monday's blog where we featured Rec's story, Jake's Hand? You can also download an image there for your signature if you want to share your enjoyment of the story and promote it to fellow readers! If you haven't read it yet, maybe this excerpt will help you decide to put it on your list!    Cia says:   I picked this excerpt because it resonated with because I work with students. I know how many have to overcome the assumptions made about them, and how hard it can be


Cia in Classic Feature

Dating Bi-Curious Men “Bro”

Friends there isn’t anything you wouldn’t do for them. When growing up they become your second family, in fact they can be the people you count on the most. If you look back we all had that one friend that you could never say no too. In most cases it’s someone of the same sex, only being a gay man it can be a girl. Now for me I always had that one guy friend as well. You know the one friend you knew you had each other’s backs, yet sometimes you had to question how far the friendship would go?



Tech Tuesday - Story Reviews

Writing reviews is hard.  That's the honest truth.  Writing the first review is even harder.  Humans are social creatures and tend to have a herd mentality.  Most people will wait for others to go first.  It is part of human nature.  However, writing those reviews is important for the same reason.  A lot of people don't like to go and read something unless it's been reviewed.  There are other factors people look to like number of views, number of likes, and number of follows when the reviews are


Myr in Technology Archive

American Assassin

I really enjoyed this movie.  It was good to see Micheal Keaton back in the game.  I'll admit that I also like staring at Dylan O'Brien.  I've heard really good things about the books as well.  There is a series of them.  This is one of those rare cases where I've seen the movie before reading the books.   I think this might be a new pattern for me, actually.  By watching the movie before reading the book, I can enjoy the movie for what it is and then read the book and enjoy that too. 


Myr in Movies

January Classic Author Feature: Jake's Hand by Rec

January is a new year, a fresh start, or maybe just another month in the calendar for you... but it's all about time. Jake's Hand is set in 1969, an era far removed from what you would find in the world today. Choices the characters make... well, you'll have to read the story to find out!      Jake's Hand by Rec   Length: 80,964   Description: Two college men who have volunteered to tutor black kids for the 1969 summer in the South grow more and more


Cia in Classic Feature

One of the First Gay Books I ever Read

So, I thought I'd start with one of the first published gay books I've ever read.  I have this in both paperback and Kindle.  This book is outstanding in that it creates a fantasy world that has a very unique magic system.  I've never really read anything that was similar.  The fact that it has a gay teenager as a lead character just rocks my world.  There is an age struggle basically between an immortal 20-something? 30-something?  and a teenager.  It works very well since, by the time anything


Myr in Books

Writing Prompts #640 & #641

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. It's time for this weeks writing prompts. If you're stuck, or you're considering writing for the first time, these might be perfect for you. Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 640 – Creative Tag – Alien Driving home you manage to get past dozens of cars that are pulled over or stopped to watch some sort of accident. You get home and just strip off, climbing into a hot shower a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Anthology Flashback: Spring 2007 - Fairy Tales

Take some time to check out our Fairy Tales Anthology from Spring 2007 In no particular order:   Would you mind taking a few minutes to leave a review for our hardworking authors?   For Authors! We'd also like to remind all authors that we have 4 Anthology themes for 2018 and a Novella Contest: Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology - Due April 15th, 2018   Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th 201


Myr in Anthologies

Baby Driver

So, while I was laid up this weekend, I finally had some time where I could do pretty much nothing but catch up on the very large pile of movies I have sitting here.  Well, I could have caught up on the very large pile of books or games or reading lists or nevermind.  I watched movies.  Baby Driver was one of them.   Now, I love action movies.  Check.  This has action. I'm rather fond of any movie with a Twink-like character in it.  Check. Check.  Kevin Spacey almost always p


Myr in Movies

Ten's Unit - They Really Work

So, as I mentioned yesterday on the blog about the new bed I ordered, my back has been pestering me for the last week or so.  On the suggestions from several friends from work and here, I picked up a Tens unit.  Since I was so in need of relief, I picked it up at Walmart (ick) and paid a lot more than Amazon for the pleasure.  But let me tell you, that little thing really really helps with muscle issues! There are a lot of them out there and I'll be doing research on them.  For now, this li


Myr in Gadgets

Down Time

Many of you suffer from depression, like i do.    it's  a daily fight, a life filled with cycles of sadness, blackness, like carrying sandbags when it is at it's worst. usually i shut down, don't talk, don't work, the real me is flattened under the living darkness. Michael, my husband, said, as does my shrink, to try writing about it, speaking out, though writing is the last thing i really want to do.    sleep. sleep is what i want to do, only that. But i can't, there is work



New Bed for the New Year

As I mentioned in my blog yesterday, I like stuff.  I like gadgets and I like new technology.  I figured I'd start posting some of this as affiliate links.  If you are buying something off from Amazon here in the United States and you get to the Amazon site after you link from here, then we get a percentage of whatever you buy.  It's a pretty cool Affiliate arrangement.  So, I'm ordering this new memory foam mattress tonight along with accessories.  My current boxspring and mattress have seen be


Myr in Gadgets

Tech Tuesday - Series Feature in Stories

This week's blog was triggered by the observation that some authors and members seem to be unaware of a built-in feature of our Stories system.  This is the Series function.  First, for the readers, you can find Series easiest by using the right-side menu on the main stories page. See below:   If the Longest Series is not your thing, you can easily adjust it by selecting "Sort By" and choosing a different option:   When you click on a Series Title, say "Gone From


Myr in Technology Archive

Writing Habits and Stuff

The start of a new year is a time of reflecting.  I've been doing a lot of reflecting lately.  I'm in the process of searching for a new employer so that I can move.  We're coming up on three years since dad passed away.  I've more than quadrupled my visits to mom since then.  Most of the summer and fall, it was every weekend.  It's not a horrible drive, but I'm tired of it.  Mom wants me to move back in with her and I'm good with that.  It would let me take care of the stuff she needs and let h


Myr in Writing

Classic Author Special Review

We hope everyone had a great weekend!  Today is a "review" day and to help you start your week off, the review team has put together a special review featuring some stories by our Classic Authors. If you haven't read these, hopefully these reviews will make you want to add them to your reading list. A huge thank you goes out to the review team for helping keep the blog supplied with reviews.   Sandy Altimexis Reviewer: Lisa Status: Complete Word Count: 11,123  

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