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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass
  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Christmas Depression

I really didn't want to ruin anyone's festivities, so I thought I write it down. Be warned, I'm going to whine a little. Or a lot.   I'm really down today, all 3 kids are sick, I have a sinusitis and can't breathe at all through my nose. My daughter (8yo) didn't want the presents she got. They pretend to get the gifts form the Baby Jesus, so I can't say, we would maybe buy something more expensive, but we can't afford it and we don't want to spoil them either. Everybody is posting perfect pict



Weekly Wrap Up (Dec 18 - 24)

Well this is an eventful day in many places in the world....   Merry Christmas                       Happy Hanukkah       I'm sure many of you have already opened your pressies and getting ready to have a feast! If you don't celebrate either of these traditions, we all wish you all the very best on these happy days to everyone, everywhere!!   So let's look back at the week that was.   Monday we started off the week with Cia doing up the December Signature Feat


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Gay Ex-Mormon Documentary: Latter-Day Glory

As an LGBT ex-Mormon, I couldn't help but feel immediately drawn to this documentary, Latter-Day Glory. You can learn more about it here: http://www.latterdayglorymovie.com/   It's currently in post-production, and will hopefully be released sometime next year. Here's a brief synopsis:   Jonathon Levi Powell, celebrity hair and makeup stylist, and Terry Blas, comic book artist and illustrator, both grew up in the Church of Latter Day Saints. While on a roadtrip journey of discovery, they’ll



Dayne's Husband, On Fursonas

As most of my conversation with my spouse go, we hit weird territory again. This time, it was fursonas.   Which led to the following:   Me: I just realized something--I gave all but one of my characters fursonas. B: Oh yeah. Me: Everyone, except Indie. Still can't decide on one for him. B: I told you already--he's fucking Harrison Ford.   Is Harrison Ford even an animal?   ......don't answer that.

Dayne Mora

Dayne Mora

2016 Special Anthology: Rewind * Now Live *

As some know, I've been asked many times if we can redo past anthology themes. Since normally we don't use the same themes more than once, it was decided to do a special anthology using all of the Pre-2016 anthology themes, which we decided to call: Rewind. Authors could choose any past theme they wanted and write a 5,000 - 25,000 word story. Six authors took up the challenge and we now have a twelve story anthology for you, just in time for Christmas. Which seems fitting since there are a coupl

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Caz's Surprise

As I was just starting the day, my aunt and my mum gave me a pack and told me it's for you. The postman delivered it just now, they say. And I don't have to look at the pack, as I happened to have an idea who might have send it. So I just smiled.   Thank you Caz for making my day. I loved the card and the surprise. I know I am going to smile all day. Love you for that.

Emi GS

Emi GS

December Signature Excerpt: Alex's Legacy By Valkyrie

Valkyrie's story, Alex's Legacy, was Monday's Signature Feature. Did you grab your copy of the signature banner so you can share your love for Valkyrie's story? If not, you can do that here! Today we're featuring her chosen excerpt.   Valkyrie says: This story started as my response to Prompt 305, although the characters existed before I wrote the prompt. Even though they were created as peripheral characters in another story, they captured my heart, and I wanted to learn their whole story. Th


Cia in Signature Feature

December Signature Feature: Alex's Legacy By Valkyrie

This month we're featuring Valkyrie's story, Alex's Legacy With it's poignant theme and cozy bookstore setting, this is a great novella length story is a perfect December read. Make sure you don't miss out on it!     Length: 22,494   Description: Sam and Alex meet and fall in love. Their relationship manages to survive some very dark and trying times, until tragedy strikes.   Valkyrie's Favorite Reviews:   Geron Kees says: I hope you have just researched this very well and tha


Cia in Signature Feature

Special Announcement And Weekly Wrap Up (Dec 11 - 17)

**Special Announcements**   Many of you have spoken and we have listened. Have you ever had to decide how many of your likes to use within an 24 hour period and were limited and unable to like everything you wanted? Well starting today we are happy to announce that there is no limit on the likes you can use in a day!!! The only exception will be the Newbie Group that will be increasing from 3 to 20 a day. Just so you know, if you are a Newbie and want the unlimited feeling, you only need


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Miscellaneous Comments Of The Season

Okay, let’s get this clear from the beginning, “I am inebriated.” I have had a double shot of Laphroiag single malt Scotch liquor (it’s one of Prince Charles’ favorite Scotch single malts), an Estrella Jalisco cervesca, two Harvey’s hot buttered rums, a Dos Equis draught, and two double shots of Cazadores Añejo tequila. In the process of becoming inebriated I had a chicken enchilada, a chicken tostada, and a third of a Chicken Milenesa (deep fried chicken breast).   I have had, as usual on wee



Writing Prompts #544 & #545

Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you. It is I, bringing you the prompts again this week. It's always fun to put myself in Renee's boots (she has a LOT more snow at her place) for a time. Fortunately, she makes it easy peasy to do this post--certainly nothing like a nightmare such as prompt #545... yikes!! (Does it make you feel better about your holiday plans though? LOL)     Prompt 544 – Creative Tag – First line It’s time to bury the hatchet.   Prompt 545 – Creative Tag – Party Nightma


Cia in Prompts

2016 Special Anthology * Double Check *

Here is a list of anthologies included. If your name/story does not appear, please contact Cia and Renee.   Bill's Christmas Gift comicfan   Boxed In: A Christmas Story Headstall   Daddy Issues Sasha Distan   Faeries Anonymous Valkyrie   Family Matters Sasha Distan   Finding Refuge Headstall   Maelstrom Valkyrie   Stepping Through the Mirror Headstall   The Legend of Treehaven Woods Valkyrie

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

New Author Advice #1

Have you thought about writing your first story, but it seems a little daunting? Don't worry, every new author has been there at one point or another. Thankfully, you're part of a great community that has plenty of authors willing to share their knowledge, and/or what they wished they'd known when they first started. Today we've got both Aditus, who is going to tell how he started out, and Graeme who is going to share a little advice on planning out your story. Hope this helps!   Starting O

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Skinny's Sorry

First, I’m sorry if I caused any trouble on GA. That was never my intention.   No one wants to read about another person’s illness, so I’ll make this brief. Last Tuesday morning I went to our emergency room due to strong abdominal pains. After a scan, the ER doctor told me I have stage 4 pancreatic cancer; it had already spread to my abdomen wall and into my liver. I’m a realist, and there is only one prognosis – which is obvious. It’s just a matter of how long.   The rest of the week was sp



All About Me (Just How I Like It) :)

My name is Valentine Davis. Even though I have been a member of Gay Authors since October I consider myself to be a rookie. I always believed that writing was the hardest part of being an author but actually writing a book isn't really that hard, the editing process is. It's also the most painful. You spend so long working on your baby and helping it grow and develop into this wonderful masterpiece and then people critique it and you go from to .   Even though I'm from Indiana (I'm currentl



Weekly Wrap Up (Dec 4 - 10)

Not sure where in the world you are, but Winter has finally arrived here Temperatures reaching highs of -20C / -4F has kept me in a lot and doing a lot of reading instead. Enough about the weather, lets see what happened on the site this week.   Monday we had Cia introduce us to the December CSR Feature. This month we are going to look at Kuragari129's story My Life Started At The End Of The World. If the title doesn't capture your interest then wait until you read the synopsis. Discussion da


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Calculating Pi... By Hand!

Today, we know π to well over the trillionth decimal place. It is a number that has shown up throughout mathematics, so it is no surprise that mathematicians have been dealing with the number for millennia.   The mathematicians of the Ancient world observed that the circumference of a circle was just over three times the diameter. So, they set out to estimate the value of π… and began a centuries long journey to take π from being “just over 3” to “3.14159265... etc.”   Throug

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

Writing Prompts #542 & #543

Today I get to be Renee! Woohoo! This time of year, it seems everyone is busy, busy, busy. But surely you have a bit of time to write some flash fiction, don't you? Last week we had two repeat Why don't you check out the prompts below. Hopefully they'll spark some inspiration.     Prompt 542 – Creative Tag – List of words Use the following words in a story – red leaf, turkey, squeaky wheel, pumpkin, and a blue shoe.   Prompt 543 – Creative Tag – First Line I think it is time for you and


Cia in Prompts

Thank You All For Your Well Wishes

I just wanted to thank everyone for their wonderful notes and prayers for my mom. November was really hard as my mom first found the lump in her hip and we waiting for her to go have it biopsied, then of course another wait for the results... B-cell lymphoma... the dreaded "C" word. And just before thanksgiving, so more waiting and stressing about just how bad it was and what would happen. Fortunately, last week after her PET scan, we were given the good news that it is in Stage 1 and has NOT



Life In Lowercase

Some people have asked me why I refer to myself as tim - not Tim. Some have been mightly upset that i do (i have trouble writing I rather than i as well).   Many people accept my choice of lowercase, others not so much. Some refuse to write my name that way, saying i shouldn't do it. Well, i figure it's up to me.   There are reasons i do it, most them have to do with how i see myself, how i see the world and how i fit into it. It also has a lot to do with my lifestyle. I live with a very alp



Need Help From Classic Author Fans!

Are you a fan of some of our Classic Authors? Want to help me out in a way that takes only minutes of your time but could revive some of the oldie but goodie stories on the site? Then I need your help!   I'm sure many of you have seen the monthly Signature Author features where we promote one of their stories with a few copied reviews in the site blog in one post and then an excerpt in another, and I also create an ad that runs on the site for a month plus a graphic that members/authors can pu



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