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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 29 - Jan. 4)

    By wildone

    Some say it is too late 5 days after, but screw them ! I'm still going to say Happy New Year! Maybe without the fanfare, but on behalf of all of us here at the GA News Blog and GA, we wish all your dreams and hopes come true in 2025 🥳 It must be the sign of my age , but I was sound asleep by 11:30, with no real reason to stay up past midnight . How about yourselves? Did you ring in the New Year with a party, or just maybe yourself and one or two others? Did you have a refreshing alcoholic b

Maybe it's a matter of perspective

Sometimes you realize that the world is just sort of bizarre if you look at it right. For example:   The train I take into work in the morning carries more people on it in one go than the entire population of a town I lived next to.   It's the 7th of January, and my son and I went into New York City today to see the cherry trees, which were in full bloom in the Brooklyn Botannical Gardens. We were both wearing t-shirts, and it was really too damn hot.   Somewhere in Wales there's a guy who



It's a new day

Well, a lot of things are happening today. The new congress takes over and for the first time in history, there's a female Speaker of the House. Another forst for today is the swearing in of a house representative on the Qoran, and a lot of people are flipping out over it. Well here's what I think::::::::::: Warning: Rant Ahead   The representative who's choosing to be sworn in with the Qoran is exercizing his faith, and I feel better about him taking the oath on the Qoran than I would if he




For the first time in a very long time, I cried tonight. I think I needed it though. I don’t know how long it’s been since the last time I just let it all go. Despite the fact that it was cold and rainy, it felt good.   It’s been raining here for the past few hours so there’s a huge puddle around my car that’s about 6 inches deep and only getting bigger. Try getting into your car with 6 inches of water all around it. It’s not easy. But I went to the park to think again tonight. I didn’t have a



Photo Album

I finally got around to posting some pictures of roller coasters that I've ridden. At this point, I've still got a some photo's to upload like pictures from the Sweetest Park on earth, Hershey Park, another PA park and a couple of parks from Virginia.   My favorite Wood coaster is The Beast at King's Island located approximately 20 miles north of Cincinnati, Ohio in Kings Mill.   The Beast is nestled in the woods of the park. The only part visible from the ground is the top of the first lift



okay so hell froze over... three times!

Joey and my angel BOTH blogged yesterday and then beautiful today... I think I'm being left behind Well screw that! HAHAHAHA!   Let me start by saying... YAWN! I need some   So I have a few funny holiday stories...   First one is... Tony, and Rich's friend Joe who was visiting for the holidays, were out Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve cause Tony waited till the last minute like some freak, and Joe wasn't aloud to bring anything on the plane... So apparently they were trying to come



I am so bummed

Okay, so I have been fighting with chapter 7 for about two months now and since I didn't feel really comfortable posting about the problems I am having in the mentoring forum, I ended up just pounding my head against a brick wall.   Well, I decided to send what I had to someone before I deleted it(again) to get some input. the person I sent it to read the entire story, IMed me and asked, "Why are you writing chapter 10 stuff for chapter 7?"   After I thought about it for a few, I decied



Sucking in the Seventies- Part III

A door labeled on-air opened and a short guy with entirely too much hair appeared and motioned for us to come into the studio. We followed him into a crowded nest of microphones, cables, albums, turntables and inexplicable electronics. Dust in the Wind by Kansas was ending and the DJ was coming up on a break.   Right on que the DJ keyed his mike and said, "It's Austin in the afternoon and I got Supertramp's Logical Song and the Rush's Spirit of the Radio coming right up after this word from ou




I don’t know how they do it. Honestly, I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and I really can’t fathom how some people are as out as they are. I can understand when you’re out of the house and you don’t have to worry about being kicked out or anything, but for those teens that still are living with their parents and are completely out, I applaud them for their courageousness.   I’m not even living with my parents anymore, my mom already knows about me, I assume my brother knows, my sister



Now Im Pissed

I got home tonight at eight o'clock after I had a nice day with my family. We spent a lot of out shopping and on the road, but we actually got to relax here too for about an hour this afternoon.....anyway, I come upstairs to my room and there's an email in my inbox from Youtube. They sent me my password and told me they hoped it helped me to log in to my Youtube account. There is no word to describe how mad I am. I know I have fans, but I have a right to my private life, and I should be able t



Merry Belated Christmas

So, Christmas was alright, I suppose. I haven't really celebrated Christmas for the past 5 years or so, since I was overseas for so long. It definitely isn't the same as when I was a kid. I got a new watch, which is pretty cool, a sweater, a kitchen table, and that's about it. My grandmother came in from out of town, and it was nice to see her again. The nicest part, though, was having yesterday off work. I wish I'd had more time off, especially since the situation with this Farsi translation pr



My Christmas

Well I had a terrific Christmas! When I woke up yesterday morning I sneaked into the livingroom and found a Christmas tree (which I already knew was there) loaded with presents! Seeing's how Sam's such a night owl I still had to wait three hours to get to open anything but I busied myself making monkey bread and playing with my computer program where you can design your own house to keep my mind off not waiting for Sam at all and ripping open all my presents. Long about 8:30 I couldn't take i



9-11 commision documents STOLEN!

CONFIRMED: The President's National Security Advisor stole, and then destroyed, an unknown number of classified documents destined for the 9/11 commission BEFORE the commission had a chance to examine them in it's 9/11 investigation.   Shocked? You should be. But, hold off on the Bush Bashing for a minute, becuase the aforementioned President is Former President Clinton. The National Security Advisor is Sandy Berger.   Berger was given sole access for "vetting" top secret Clinton-era docu

C James

C James

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