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  • Valkyrie

    Auld Lang Syne - A Tribute to Carlos Hazday *Now Live*

    By Valkyrie

    Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot in the days of auld lang syne?   To answer the question in the song - no, old acquaintance should never be forgotten, especially when they were a force named Carlos Hazday.  It's hard to believe our friend has been gone for over a year now.  Based on the stories submitted for this tribute, it's clear that his influence lives on.  So, let's raise a glass and toast to auld lang syne and fond memories of

Calling all cat people... (pics are in)

Ok, all you cat people out there... Ever hear this one?   My cat Pretty Kitty Kitty just had her babies--finally. She had 2--a yellow boy and a black kitten whose sex is yet to be determined. She had them in a box under my dining room table, right near where I usually sit when I am downstairs. She had them accompanied by Sweetie and Peep--two of Marina's babies who are now 6 months and a year and a half old. They were in the box with her the whole time.   Ok, so far not so strange (e



Uhoh, a Blog! And some ramblings about DST.

Yep, I've decided to take the plunge and start blogging. My plan is to post on a variety of things, prety much anything. For example, my first real blog post will be sort of political as it will be about Daylight Savings time.   So, welcome everyone (assuming that anyone but me ever comes here! ).   Now, on to my Rant of the Day: Daylight Savings Time!   I live in Arizona, and one of the things I love about Arizona is that we are not burdened by Daylight Savings Time. We don't have to ch

C James

C James

I Finally Made It!

Well, I finally made it to my new apartment! It was quite an ordeal, with lots and lots of problems, but I'm pretty much all settled in and have my internet service now. My cable/internet provider was a pain in the ass to deal with, because the previous tenant here never cancelled their account before moving out, and they had an outstanding balance, so they wouldn't set up my account. That was totally stupid, because it's not like that was my problem, and I shouldn't be made to suffer for some o



Hubble Space Telescope to get Onsite Service Call

Hubble mission will be devilishly complex Kelly Young for NewScientist.com news service 01 November 2006 Source Link     The space shuttle's final flight to upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope will be one of its most complex yet, featuring five spacewalks and some quick bolt changes usually reserved for the pit stops of car races.   On Tuesday, NASA announced to great fanfare that it would send a shuttle to service Hubble as early as May 2008. If the mission were successful, Hubble would



Happy November

Well after the wind we had all weekend there are very few leaves left on the trees. Sunday was awesome though. We watched scary shows on TV all day long. There were no good movies on, at least that we hadn't seen recently. So we watched 'Most haunted' and 'Scariest Places on Earth' and it was SO cool to lay in bed watching scary shows on a dark and gloomy day with the wind HOWLING outside. My cat is a brat though, I tried real hard to sleep in on Sunday morning but she kept ramming her head



getting there

It's been a week since I heard about Grandma, and I think I have gone through every emotion you can think of in the last week. Heck, I've been so scatter-brained, I couldn't even focuse long enough to comment on any of the anthology stories...well, I held up long enough to post one, but that was about it.   Things are starting to get back to a point where I can function again, at least for now, I am hoping I can get back to a point where I can write again soon, but it doesn't look verry pro



Random Chatter

Well the Anthology was a smash, and I'm not too surprised...there's a lot of great talent here, and hopefully they'll get the notice they deserve soon enough, especially Camy, Greame, Dark Shadow and Birdsofafeather.....to me they're the three best efiction writers we have, and it's almost and injustice that they aren't moved up to Shared Hosted. Cjames is really good too, and the more he writes, I'm sure the better he'll get. So anyway I went to CRVboy and posted a reply on the politics forum



"At Random"

The following poem isn't mine, but I did think it was special when I read it. This poem goes out to a few people in my life right now, but there's one person that I'm hoping will read this and understand it's for him.     Joe (Who is sad to see bad things happen to good people)



too disoriented for a title

Well I'm sure no one is surprised to hear that I'm swearing off drinking on another Sunday morning. Although it had been several weeks. It was someone's birthday, so we did this whole thing with a limo and a VIP room at some really nice club. Honestly, I was sort of uncomfortable, because I hate clubs, I don't do dancing, and I'm used to hanging out in complete dives. But we had a host named Rico (hehe) who showed us to our little private area, and then we had a waitress who kept coming back and



Standardized testing... yawn

So Yesterday after I got out of class I noticed a flyer about a lecture to be held regarding "The hundred Languages of Children." Well, being only a few weeks away from co-fatherdom I decided I'd drop in on that lecture, thinking it was going to be about children... what with the topic being the hundred languages of children.... as you can probably tell, for the most part it had very little to do with children. It was mildly interesting to down right sleep inducing to watch Mr. Pence talk about


Demetz in Demetz

plot element vs endorsement

A friend and fellow author that I have a great deal of respect and admiration for is having a crisis of confidence. I will not name him but I too have suffered from this type of criticism. Some people can not tell a plot element from an endorsement.   When a murder occurs in a story, is the author endorsing murder?   When drug use happens in a story, is the author glorifying it?   Silly questions?   As authors, I believe that the interesting stories are told on the edge. Somewhere on th



Odd behavior from an old friend

Discovery of Gamma Rays from the Edge of a Black Hole   Press Release of the Max Planck Society Oct 26, 2006 Source Link   H.E.S.S. discovers drastic variations of very-high-energy gamma rays from the central engine of the giant elliptical galaxy M 87   The astrophysicists of the international H.E.S.S. collaboration report the discovery of fast variability in very-high-energy (VHE) gamma rays from the giant elliptical galaxy M 87. The detection of these gamma-ray photons - with energies



Comet Visible! Get your binoculars and have a look

Wow! Striking Green Comet Suddenly Visible in Evening Sky Robert Roy Britt Senior Science Writer for Space.com October 26, 2006 Source Link     Tony Wilder of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin photographed comet Swan amid city glow this week. A faint meteor was captured streaking across the right side of the image, too. Credit: Tony Wilder   What had been a modest comet seen only with binoculars or telescopes flared up this week to become visible to the naked eye.   Comet Swan, as it is cal



Since I have 15 minutes to kill...

I guess I'll blog. I was tryinig to... coerce... Steve into doing it for me, but I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen. I was trying to make a doctor's appointment cause... well... Rich is making me. I guess I should go, since it's my day off and I have nothing else at all I need to do, like the enormous pile of laundry or the dishes or go grocery shopping or... you get the idea right? So apparently we open at 8 means 8:20... whatever, breathing is overrated anyway.   So yeah, STILL sick. I



"Dude, focus"

Yeah, so I said that to my cd player today .   I was on my way to the bank and I was listening to a cd in my truck, and really enjoying it, when it suddenly started to skip. So without even thinking about it I looked at the cd player and said "dude, focus". LOL, then I realized that was a silly thing to say to a cd player. Of course by then I was laughing my butt off so I went all fake dramatic, "Comeon! This is like your only purpose in life. You can do this! Focus, you can get thro



Monday really felt like it

You all know the title of my story...well let me tell ya how my week has been so far.   I got up just like always on monday, had to turn the heat on so I froze my but off till the temprature in the house got up to 60. I got my shower done and had just started to grab a towel when my phone started ringing...at 6:20 in the morning. It was my sister that lives 100+ miles away. She was calling to tell me that one of the special people in my life had been taken to the hospital and had been ther




Last night, some of you may have witnessed me throwing a bit of a temper tantrum and a subsequent pity party. I believe it went something along the lines of "f**kING f**k f**k BANK OF AMERICA THoSE SHITS" followed whimpering as I tried to pull myself together and deal with the situation.   What happened: I had the perfect itinerary and at a cost just meeting my budget. The problem was I did not have enough money actually in the bank at the time, so I had to make a deposit. Unfortunately, they


Demetz in Demetz

Sick of the Bullshit

I'm done with school on December 21. After that, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. As to this point, I planned on staying at home, working, and then taking night classes at one of the community colleges and try to get some of those required courses out of the way. Then in the Fall, I'd register as a Freshman and start college. Now, I'm seriously reconsidering that. Not all of it, but the living at home part.   When I lived in Texas, I had work until 10:30 every night on weekdays, and would ge



Two Hero's

The occasion of this photograph was a Veterans Day Commemoration at Dallas City Hall on 11 November 2004. The veteran pictured is Houston James, a survivor of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, and the Marine is Staff Sgt. Mark Graunke Jr., a member of an ordnance-disposal team who lost his left hand, one leg, and an eye while defusing a bomb in Iraq in July 2003.



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