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  • Valkyrie

    Auld Lang Syne - A Tribute to Carlos Hazday *Now Live*

    By Valkyrie

    Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot in the days of auld lang syne?   To answer the question in the song - no, old acquaintance should never be forgotten, especially when they were a force named Carlos Hazday.  It's hard to believe our friend has been gone for over a year now.  Based on the stories submitted for this tribute, it's clear that his influence lives on.  So, let's raise a glass and toast to auld lang syne and fond memories of

My Marvelous Monday

I like alliteration; can you tell? So today totally rocked!   First off I was doing the evening/night shift at work so I got to sleep really late (2:00pmish). Secondly, I'm well!!! WOO HOO, I was sick for a little more than a week and it totally sucked! Plus I hadn't been sick in awhile so I guess that made it seem extra less than fun.   So anyway I went into work, and I was running late because it was rainy and traffic was bad. Which seems like that wouldn't be a good thing, but it to



the woes of being lazy

Laziness really does bite you in the ass. I'm the hugest procrastinator and I know firsthand how laziness can kill you. Like scrambling to finish something for a deadline. But come on, it was Thanksgiving weekend! No one does work! And who can think after inhaling so much damn food?   While I was at work, I was really looking through my planner and realized school is so close to being done. I don't even care about finals. I can cram for that. But I just want class to be over. I don't wanna tr



2nd try... cause I'm stoopid

... and closed the window. At least I was only one paragraph into it right? Okay so... to start again now...   I'm waiting for Davey to get back, he went for food and I hope he brings me some cause I'm hungry and the kitchen is waaaaaaaaaay out there.   So I'm in bed, cozy and warm, blogging, talking to Kev... who asked me to call and then got pissed off when the phone rang   Lemme see now... to sum up... hehehe   Took the kiddies to Disneyland, kicked Rich's ass at Buzz Lightyear Astro



A Fun Day

Hehe, it's going to be a fun day at work today. You see, I'm an Indianapolis Colts fan living in Eagle Country. So you can imagine how the talk was at lunch on Friday. I did say at one point, that in the last five or six meetings between the two teams, The Colts won each time.   Well, last night, the Colts beat the Eagles again.



Top 10 Reasons NOT to Program in C

Over on Digg.com, I saw an article called Ten reasons every programmer should know C. On a whole I have to agree with the author: if you are a computer science student or a professional programmer, you should know C. It is a powerful language but that power comes at a high price. It is one of the most difficult languages to learn, use and master. However, if you do manage to master C, there aren't any uglier languages to learn.   Most programs don't really require C and can be handled at a hig



Dinner in Dallas for Dozens, Discovery in Denton

The family gathered for Thanksgiving in Dallas area at my brothers place in Highland Village. Our family was there, their family was there- all in all, it was a fun, festive feast of turkey, cornbread dressing, pecan pie, football and flatulence.   Thankfully my brother and I escaped to explore a part of greater Dallas area that I like a lot: Denton. It's a lot like Mayberry but modern and multi-cultural without a Barney Fife in sight.   If you ever make it to Denton, check out Recycled Book



VLT Image of Starburst Galaxy NGC 1313

VLT Image of Starburst Galaxy NGC 1313 ESO Press Release November 23, 2006 Source Link   The central parts of the starburst galaxy NGC 1313. The very active state of this galaxy is very evident from the image, showing many star formation regions. A great number of supershell nebulae, that is, cocoon of gas inflated and etched by successive bursts of star formation, are visible. The green nebulosities are region emitting in the ionised oxygen lines and may harbour clusters with very hot s



confined spaces

By only the light of the hallway, I padded quietly through the bathroom towards the bath-shower. Those beyond the curtain suspected nothing. I paused to grab my weapon and position it carefully in my right hand. Then I threw back the curtain! thwap! thwap! thwap! thwap! thwap! thwap! thwap! thwap! thwap! thwap! thwap! thwap! It was over in seconds. A few escaped. Most were down the drain. I rinsed the rest off my trusty fly swatter and returned it to the tank top for next time. Then




I'm done with the evil paper. Imagine me dancing around like a fool. All it took was a nice long string of cursing and throwing a book across the room. Now I just have one class tomorrow morning (and yeah, it's the worst one and the professor has taken to calling on me practically every day), but then I'm free for the rest of the week. And my mom mailed me a pumpkin roll today..whoo hoo. Although no one up here has the faintest idea what that is, which just puzzles me because my mom makes lik



Rare Double Supernova in NGC 1316

Two supernovae (circled) on either side of galaxy NGC 1316's bright core resemble eyes and a nose in this visible-light image from NASA's Swift satellite. Another bright spot at far left is a star in our own galaxy (Image: NASA/Swift/S Immler)   Supernovae explode in rare double-whammy November 20, 2006 NewScientist.com news service   A portrait of two supernovae that exploded just five months apart in the same galaxy has been made by NASA's Swift telescope. The galaxy, called NGC 1316,



Black Friday

Black Friday, in the U.S., is the day after Thanksgiving. It officially opens the Christmas shopping season. It's the one day out of the year that I avoid shopping of any kind, if I can. To me, though, it takes on a slightly different meaning.   The story begins in mid August, 1982. One evening I was sitting out on the porch step and the sister of a friend of mine stopped by with a couple of her friends. They all got out of the car and out stepped a 19 y/o blond God named Phil. A slightly over



I Just Move On

Anyone know that song from the Chicago soundtrack? I love that soundtrack! This one's actually one of my least favourite songs, but the title fits nicely for this entry.   About 4 years ago I was freaking out about moving. Leaving my first apartment, my first "home" away from my family. I didn't want to change the dynamic I had with my roommates. I was freaked out about the new job I was about to start. My new classes...Life in general.   The year before that I clearly remember my two



Story Frustration

No, this isnt in reference to my own writing... thats a whole other subject just now....   This is actually about the Pete and Brian series by Dewey. I finally took the time to read my way through the written chapters over the last week or so.   For me one of the signs of an amazing author is when they can leave me feeling emotionally involved with their characters, Dewey has done just that.   As I finished the last couple chapters tonight (Im having trouble sleeping again lol) I found my



who needs higher education anyway?

Yeah, it's 10 am and I should be in class. I actually went to school this morning, and got the crap I needed to do over the weekend out of my locker, and got on a bus and came home. I am so completely exhausted and burned out, and this weekend I have to re-write this freaking legal memo. I cant think of a strong enough word for that memo. Scourge, plague, bane of my existance? Anyway, I decided I deserved a Friday, damnit. Especially considering I'm not going to have a Thanksgiving break, becaus



another TGIF

Well another week down! Only bad thing about working is you can keep counting down the weeks but there's no set number to count down. It's not like you only have 10 to go or 20 to go, it just keeps going and going! I can't complain too bad though, I'm very lucky, I like my job, it's got it's problems but they're minor. I'm thankful I have a job and thankful it's not one I have to wake up every morning and say "shit I gotta go to work" today. That's not to say I don't get excited on days I d




After a year and a half of service as a moderator, I have decided to "retire" and devote more time to writing.   Being a moderator is stressful. It is NOT a symbol of power or prestige but rather a badge of trust and masochism: the site's powers that be must trust you and you must be a glutton for punishment. Trying to read every post on a site full of authors, potential authors, editors, poets and miscellaneous unusually bright people is exhausting. :wacko:   I think that it is a good idea




You ever have one of those Mondays? You know the ones where you rush out of the house at 4:30 in the morning. Get halfway to work only to figure out you have forgotten your keys, so you have to turn around and drive the 15 miles back home grab your keys and head out once again. Only this time you get stuck in traffic?   Yep, that was my Monday.   Nope, it sure didn



First Entry (Part 2)

I forgot to mention, that a result of this training, which I finished in June '92, that I started my current job in September of the same year.   I now work for a 470 bed County owned Nursing Home. I'm the Assistant Director of Environmental Services in a suburban county northwest of Philadelphia.



Mondays are horrible....at least this one was

It's funny how the human mind works sometimes. Like, you forget something important, don't even think about it all day long. Then you go to bed, or try to. Then suddenly, the thing you forgot pops into your head!   That's what happened to me.   Rewind- Raining like crazy here, I had to skip class AGAIN to take my Mom to her Chinese doctor and then pick her up, since she's in no condition to drive. There is no one else to help her, so basically it's up to me. And of course, this is the day



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