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  • Valkyrie

    Auld Lang Syne - A Tribute to Carlos Hazday *Now Live*

    By Valkyrie

    Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot in the days of auld lang syne?   To answer the question in the song - no, old acquaintance should never be forgotten, especially when they were a force named Carlos Hazday.  It's hard to believe our friend has been gone for over a year now.  Based on the stories submitted for this tribute, it's clear that his influence lives on.  So, let's raise a glass and toast to auld lang syne and fond memories of


If any of you have sent something to my MSN/Hotmail email address within the past 6 months (starting in July), then I sincerely apoligize for just now reading it. I don't check that email. I only use it for MSN. The best way to reach me is through PM or my Joe@gayauthors.org account.   I had 10-15 emails from members about issues that took place months ago, but I just now read them. If you were one of those people and you were wondering why you didn't get a response, this would be why.   On



Elder care... cuz those old folks can be mean

No, I haven't fallen off the earth.   My Mom had surgery this morning. Nothing too serious but right now she is KOed for the next week.   My Dad has advanced Parkingstons and has lost the use of his right hand so he needs a lot of help.   At the moment, I'm carrying the ball for their household. Thinking back about some of the crap we've been through, I'm surprised that it worked out this way.   For years we hated each other and called each other names, I never hit them but I got punche



Work Background

I began working at the local Hospital when I was 16. So basically, I've worked in the Health Care industry all my working life. I've worked in Dietary, gotta start somewhere, Surgery, Housekeeping and Laundry.   I'll tell you some about the place I work now.   I work at a County owned 470 bed Nursing Home. I am the Assistant Director of Environmental Services. Which means I help run the Housekeeping and Laundry Departments, with my primary duties in the Laundry. I've been doi



The sun is coming back out...

What a difference a couple of days makes.   Not only has Taylor been steadily getting better, but today he actually got out of his house (stupid ) and came over. I know he's been going nuts at home, and I'm sure he's been driving his folks up the wall. He moved downstairs to the couch a few days ago and has been controlling the remote control like a Nazi. I was just glad to see him up and around, much less kicking it at my house this afternoon. He won't admit it, but I think he's dying to g



What a day!

Have you ever just had one of *those* days? Ugh ... today was one of those. Every problem or annoying situation that could have come up at work did ... and we had one really annoying problem with a Farsi translation job that we're working on. My boss underestimated the word count by 2,000 words, and promised a much faster turnaround time than was at all reasonable. It's not exactly easy to get Farsi translators, and the ones that we do have live on the other side of the world, so you have to cou



a little more stress, then relief

Well, three exams down and a take-home one to go. I'm fairly sure I completely blew the first one but the other two I feel okay about. I got really lucky and found another girl who has a flight leaving about an hour before mine, so she's driving me to the airport tomorrow morning. I was going to have to walk about a mile with my bags at 4 am and get on this shuttle that a taxi company runs, so I'm definitely pleased to be picked up by car at 5 instead. I hate flying, hate the whole ordeal with t



Bah Humbug

This Christmas malarkey is getting on my tits.   Perpetual adverts cozening us to buy 'must have' crap we can't really afford, offset by the occasional program telling us that personal debt in the UK is out of control, and that 'The Samaritans' are overwhelmed.   Now don't get me wrong, I like having a good time with the best of them. I'm all up for going wild and crazy, and apart from being possibly (but not probably) wiser, 'cause I'm longer in the teeth than some, I'm still a big kid. But




Well I can say that midnight tonight finished off the crappiest week I've had in a long time. I guess it was going ok, but on Tuesday night my boyfriend woke up and tried to get up to go to the bathroom and couldn't feel his legs. He fell out of his bed and luckily his parents heard him. To make a long story short, they had to call an ambulance for him and he went to the hospital. Taylors a pretty big guy. He's almost 6 feet and he weighs over 160, so it was hard for his dad to get him back in



The Talon House and Me

The Talon House   This actually comes from another blog that I have going.   While doing the last post, I happened to think, I should tell the story behind The Talon House.   I joined Deweywriter in December of 2003. That same month while on Christmas vacation, I met a friend of a long time friend of mine. He and I became friends. B, at one point started his own forum board Lonecoyote79. Later that year, B decided to pull a disappearing act on his friends. Not knowing



Mr. Nibbu-sr died :(

Everyone, a moment of silence please...   ....   Mr. Nibbu-sr will be missed.. he was a good and loyal, faithful balloon-substitute baby who met his demise before his time. He will be missed, although he has already been replaced with 'Friendly' the green balloon.   Okay enough of that mellow-drama...   My anthology is finished!!! That's right, I said FINISHED! DONE! COMPLETED! FINITO! Now back to FBTE 23 right!?   The Christmas cards are done! and signed! and addressed! envelopes lick



Unbelievable Talent

Ok so most people know I'm a youtube addict. I love watching certain vids, especially ones of ameture musicians. Well, this guy really has me freaked out. Here'a a cover he did of . It's like he covers every instrumental aspect of the song with his guitar.Here's him covering Jim Croce's song, . It's ridiculous how good he is. If you're a member of youtube and you like what you see, leave him a comment.



taking a break....

... just me and my vanilla bean frappacino.   So just for fun last night, I took this color quiz here... http://www.colorquiz.com/   Here were my results...   Your Existing Situation Hopes to obtain an improved position and greater prestige, so that she can procure for herself more of the things she has had to do without.     Your Stress Sources Wants freedom to follow her own convictions and principles, to achieve respect as an individual in her own right. Desires to avail herself




My truck, my pathetic excuse for a truck, the worthless conglomeration of metal, rubber, plastic, and software that is my truck is sitting right now in front of the company shops at our West Valley City, Utah, headquarters. I don



Mahmoud Ahmadinejad...is this enough proof?

Warning...Garphic Image Below:   I think it's ridiculous that the President of Iran has the nerve to say that the holocaust never happened, and I think the fact that the so called conference he's holding on it has been attended by the likes of David Duke, the Republican scumbag that used to run around with that Democratic scumbag Robert Byrd in the KKK says a lot about the legitimacy of his claims. Well, being who I am, I have to say something. The fact that the President of the US, Kofi Ann



this one's for my Sweetie!

Well, I mean he DOES deserve his very own blog entry right?   Okay so I know I already said this part... but Happy Birthday! Since I have 5 minutes left to celebrate it here... I guess the bonus is that we get to celebrate your birthday for 32 hours instead of 24... giggle! Anyway, you need the extra hours each year if you're gonna catch up to me right? You wouldn't let me turn 30 all by myself... would you?   So, I could go on forever... and ever... and ever... and... well you get the po



It's the little things that get you

Y'know, there's something about kids that mean you get introduced to all sorts of things that you never would've been introduced to before.   Like, for example, Rainbow Hello Kitty thong underwear. No, I don't joke. I don't think I could make that up if I tried.   I'm thankful it was just in adult sizes, for women.   I think.



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