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Are you also interested to look at other gaystories-sites ?

old bob

comparing GA with other gaystories sites  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. do you go often to other sites to read their stories ?

    • Yes
    • Seldom
    • No
  2. 2. which site ?

    • awesomedude
    • crvboy
    • It's Only Me from Across the Sea
    • The Hub (?)
    • Others ? (if others, which ones ?)
  3. 3. Which are the differences between GA and the other sites ?

    • I dont see any difference
    • The authors are much better
    • The forums are more interesting
    • The live chat is unique
    • The members form a real community
    • The moderators play an important part in manging the site
    • Others ? (if others, which ones ?)
  4. 4. Do you see any differences in GA stories and stories on other sites ?

    • Yes, a lot, to much to enumerate
    • The quality of the stories
    • The personality of the authors
    • The number of "active authors"
    • Others ? (if others, which ones ?)
  5. 5. Is GA important for you ?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes
    • I don't know
    • To many reasons to bring them here

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I know GA is the best !

But sometimes I go "hunting" other stories, several of which I found before I came to GA. I know a lot of our members do the same. It's why I started this pool.

We are a big family. There are places for a lot of children :lol: .

I suppose the questions are too "concise" to explain your choices, but it's just a suggestion to get your more detailed answers.

dont take it too seriously.

take care and be happy :D

Old bob


Authorskeep, IOMFATS, Mustard Jar, Awesome Dude, Stories by Driver, Cryboy, Codeys world, Writing.com, Vlista, The Shack, Rainbowcommunity to name a few. B)


GA is more community friendly, has more interseting forums, has more authors, and is well run. Another site I will not name is constanly bickering and insulting.


GA has a higher caliber of stories compared to other sites.


GA is like a 2nd home to me

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Well, I definitely look at other sites for stories, but none of them are listed above, so I clicked on other. I post my work at Nifty, so I'm always checking that site out. Also, there's a story I used to follow called Substitute Dad by Scribe (not our Jack Scribe) that seems to have lost steam. Anyway, I also used to go to RCWP to look for work by Lee Mariner, but the updates on that site are so sporadic that I've practically given up. I read stories at Deweywriter too. :)

The difference between GA and other sites with forum communities is night and day. There's a sense of belonging here, no matter how many people you actually know. Right from the get go I was comfortable and felt good about jumping right in to the Domaholic's discussion forum with my dead on analysis about who Luke and Rory would wind up with, and how Mrs. Moore and Murphy from The ordinary Us would shack up. We formed different camps like LR*TE and SRITE and LGAITE, and it was fun.

But that doesn't happen on other sites. Another thing to consider is the fact that at least 3 out of the 4 story sites you listed are geared toward people over 60, so it's hard to fit in if you aren't in that age group. Here, everyone's welcome no matter what they're ideals are. That's what makes this place so refreshing over all of the other sites on the internet. As for why GA is important to me, I had to pick the option that said there were too many reasons to list. I'll just say that there's no other site like it, and I doubt there ever will be.

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I'm interested to look at other sites but I already decided that this is my 3rd home to me (my home, my school for 14 years and this). I never thought that I would meet nice people, including Robbie. He's a wonderful guy and I thank the GA for making it happen and possible no matter how far and how age different from us, still it's love that will win over all.


I didn't vote above because I haven't experienced other sites anyway...

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Well, I don't hardly read the stories on here anymore. I really didn't read them much to begin with. Only Nikolas James.


I used to frequent Nifty, actually I found this site through Nifty via Nikolas.


Well, I registered on the forum and I bug you guys from time to time. Also because I planned to read more stories, only I found that many of the stories didn't really interest me.


No offence, but this site isn't all that important to me. I do enjoy some of the topics and some of the people, but I miss out on a lot because I don't read the stories. Perhaps eventually I'll sit down and try to read them again. At least some.


Ted Louis' site has a few good stories on it, but it is mostly just for his story Joel. He has links to sites he likes very much I've yet to explore.

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I visit other sites when I find a recommendation on this one. Otherwise, GA is pretty much the only site I visit - and one of the only sites with timely updates. I recall there was one story I was reading on CRVboy and was impatiently waiting for updates, then I saw the same author was listed here. When I looked I found the same story posted in its entirety. Now I cross-check everything I find on other sites with this one.


RCWP was driving me nuts with their hiatus. I haven't been back there since joining GA. I found Nifty's layout too chaotic. Others like Awesomedude, Codey's World, Tickie Story Pages, The Mail Crew - I haven't been to those in a long time. Don't know why.


I visit IOMfAtS solely for updates to Grasshopper's stories. I haven't read anything else.


I also forgot to click 'other' on 'which site?' I visit Terry Audette's website for updates to his stories as well.


Other than that, I can usually be found poking around GA. It's got all the bases covered, as far as I'm concerned.


And I answered 'yes' to whether GA is important to me. The community aspect, for me, is the best part of GA.

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I sometimes venture to Awesome Dude, because it is a good site with authors like Graeme. Overall, I prefer GA, because I love the sense of community we have here. There are also more active authors and plenty of variety. GA is, IMHO, the best. :)

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I sometimes venture to Awesome Dude, because it is a good site with authors like Graeme. Overall, I prefer GA, because I love the sense of community we have here. There are also more active authors and plenty of variety. GA is, IMHO, the best. :)


B) ...........I should explain a bit, GA is the best by far, but I venture to IOMFATS for Grasshoppers stories, Mustard Jar for Ronyx, AwesomeDude for a couple authors; it was on one of these sites that I found Graeme before I knew he was here. I follow a lot of authors.

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Well, I don't hardly read the stories on here anymore. I really didn't read them much to begin with. Only Nikolas James.


I used to frequent Nifty, actually I found this site through Nifty via Nikolas.


Well, I registered on the forum and I bug you guys from time to time. Also because I planned to read more stories, only I found that many of the stories didn't really interest me.



Thanks Tarin :)


We're glad you registered and love having you here. Also, I highly recommend anything by Dom Luka or VLista.

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GA is definitely the best, because of the quality of the stories and the forum/community. Over here has the best interaction between readers and authors, whether in the forums, via PM, or the new Live Chat. We can form real friendships. At GA I read everything, pretty much, whether Hosted, efiction or whatever.


As for other sites, I go to Nifty because it's a major force of habit. I rarely spend much time there because of the lack of good material.


Then there's The Mustard Jar. The stories are geared toward a younger crowd IMO, but still very enjoyable.


Lastly, IOMfAtS for Grasshopper and no one else.


AND if I'm super bored and have read everything already at all the above sites, then I start venturing to all the other available links, like AwesomeDude, the Hub, etc. Usually, I don't bother, since a lot of stories are also on GA, hence I rather go to one location to find something.

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I visit numerous sites because I am a voracious reader. Awesomedude, CodeysWorld, PenguinHuggle, Mustard Jar, Nifty, where everything began. There are sites mentioned within the survey that I plan on visiting at some point, just haven't yet.


I think all sites have their strong points and attractions. GA does have one of the more active forums, which I like. I may not participate too much and that is usually because someone--as brilliant as me--has already said what I would have. :P


All the sites have their share of good authors. Some have younger writers who are getting started or whetting their whistles, so to speak. I'm constantly amazed by the quality of writing I am finding at these sites.


My only challenge with GA--and this is not a complaint--is I find it hard to navigate and have gotten lost numerous times. Now you all quit your laughing. :wacko: I am so very computer stupid.

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Well, in all honesty I spend virtually all of my 'internet time' here (big surprise eh?). If I'm online I'm probably here doing something.


So no, I don't go to the other sites very often. I've been before of course, but not very often. I did however read all of Graeme's New Brother at Awesomedude, and now that I think of it that and JFinn's Human Condition are the only two complete, multi-chapter 'gay stories' I've ever read at another site. That doesn't count Nifty though. I've read many things at nifty (and no, not all naughty things), but I don't really 'count' that for some reason.



Good question, Old Bob :)


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GA has some of my favourite authors, but I think Awesomedude ranks up there with the same level of quality.


GA's forums are more active and I think non-regulars are more comfortable posting at GA. There are more nonsense posts at GA which is both a blessing and a curse.


Awesomedude to me is easier to navigate and get to their stories. Awesomedude's Best of Nifty is also top notch.


GA seems more welcoming to female authors and female fans. I like that the membership is made up of all different kinds of people.


Oh, and GA hosts Domluka's forums :)

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Well I rarely visit other forums or writing sites, but I usually just go there to read authors that aren't on GA. As far as Forums are concerned nothing for me comes close to that. We have a lot of active members here and a lot of good discussions taking place every day. Other forums I visit sometimes barely have anyone online at all and not nearly as many posts of interest.


The Live Chat is great.


The Quality of stories in one place + the active forum can't be beat. (Awesomedude is the second place I visit on occasion)


And yeah, it's important for me to stay here. I'm hosted here and I have friends here.

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Yep i agree with Krista i love the live chat here. I have friends here :) The only other site i go to would be Awesomedude and thats usually just to click on Best Of or see the best short stories of the month kind of deal. Thats like when i want to read a story here i usually click on Top Tens or Most Favorite etc. Sometimes i'll really dig on here and find really good stories that arent up there yet.


Plus here we have fun on the forums. I wake up everymorning before work just to check them out. and when i get home from work too :) Heck today was my day off and i spent most of the day here lol

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I used to frequent Nifty a lot before coming to GA and found my way here through DomLuka, but now that I found this wonderful place... i've considered it a second home. I love the people on here, the way its run and it seems to me like one big happy dysfunctional family.


Also I didn't vote in the poll mainly for the reason that I haven't been to any other sites besides nifty which I never go anymore.



....... I'm a GA addict

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I guess like everyone I discovered Nifty and dismissed it as icky. I did discover Driver's the Quarry there so it wasn't a total waste.


My next story site was CrvBoy where I discovered Kit and CP Lyton's work.


Branching out, I found Deweywriter, Drake's Tales and the Eggman's Glass Onion all about the same time. They kept me busy for a while. Someone was kind and introduced me to Awesomedude which is a real gem of a little site. I do love my favorite sites- I cried when the Glass onion shut down. Drakes Tales is also gone but you can still find them on the internet wayback machine- something you'll want to know about.


My last major discovery was gayauthors.org whilst looking for Comicality's work. Dom's stuff was a happy discover as were about 20 other writers that are hosted here.


My humble stories are posted at Awesomedude.com, Deweywriter.com and the Talon House: AD simply because they asked nice, Deweywriter because Dewey is like my sensei and the Talonhouse because it's the home of my editor Jan.


I'm not hosted at GA because I don't fullfill the requirements YET but I eventually will. They've tried to recruit me and my answer will have to be for now- when I'm good enough and ready for this league, we'll both know it.

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I like being here because of the forums. I don't really think much of GA as a story site, but more as an online gay community. Though I'm really more of a lurker. I think the community is GA's best asset.


As for stories, the authors I enjoy here are Comicality and dkstories. They have great imagination. I tried reading the others', but I can't seem to connect much with them. But I found I enjoy the stories at AwesomeDude, DaBeagle, and CRVBoy much more - many sleepless nights because of them. :D


And anyway, I don't find Nifty that icky. You just have to know what to look for in titles. :D

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To me GA has more of a sense of community for me.


I belong to Awesomedude also which to me is more of an authors site. There are a few editors there, but it's more of an authors site. There are some good authors there who's work may not appear anywhere else.

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I used to frequent Nifty a lot before coming to GA and found my way here through DomLuka, but now that I found this wonderful place... i've considered it a second home.

Which story, Eric? I originally found my here via The Ordinary Us.

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I used to frequent Nifty a lot before coming to GA and found my way here through DomLuka, but now that I found this wonderful place... i've considered it a second home. I love the people on here, the way its run and it seems to me like one big happy dysfunctional family.

Me too. Haven't been to Nifty in a couple of years. I also like Ron, the only writer at www.themustardjar.com

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I too discovered GA through Nifty while reading Desert Droppings (Yea Dom :P ).


Actually I was reading The Road Home on Nifty avidly and joined Tyler's Yahoo site when the debate started on where he was going to take TRH. I began to check out GA, Awesomedude and Crvboy (the last two I'd never heard of before), and enjoyed reading from all three sites. I actually really liked a great author named Blackheart over at Crvboy ^_^ and another one by the name of Graeme at Awesomedude, but I found myself coming to GA more and more.


After reading for a while I started popping into the forums as a guest. I was like holy crap :o , the authors are actually on line and talking with the readers!! Eventually got up the courage to join and made a post or two, the whole time thinking what is the chances an actual author will respond to something I have to say. I slowly began to realize that it is the authors that make GA what it is, a great community, and all the members interacting make it the best.


Needless to say, now I won't shut up :lol: .


So to answer your questions Old Bob, GA is very important to me, I try to get in here at least once a day, the forums I think make it much better than the other sites, and I have really enjoyed getting to know many other members here as well. It kind of feels like talking to a friend on the phone and catching up when you pop in here.


Thanks to Myr for having the foresight of making this site, and everyone else for contributing to make it the best :worship: .


Steve B)


p.s. Also a lot of cool guys named Steve here too :P . At least seven that I know of. LOL

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  • 2 months later...

I also started out with Nifty - Didn't we all?? I remember "Dorm Encounters" and "The Road Home". Now I use AwesomeDude's best-of-nifty and I just joined GA.


So far I'm kind of confused with the preponderance of "I don't do sex in my stories"


To me the challenge is to write good sex scenes, into a decent story, so that the sex contributes to plot and/or character development. An awful lot of comments here seem to say "sex scenes are bad/icky/creepy and they don't/can't contribute to plot or character development.

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