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Timmy's Terrible Prompt Stories by TimothyM

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I aim to please! Think it keeps you motivated! It has absolutely nothing to do with any personal interest whatsoever...


Of course, now that you will be led down the aisle, you have gone blind to all other men in the universe  :funny:

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Of course, now that you will be led down the aisle, you have gone blind to all other men in the universe  :funny:

I may be married, and older, but I ain't dead yet. My adult daughter seems to think like you though - every time I comment to her about a hot guy she gives me the eye roll and hollers "MA!"

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I may be married, and older, but I ain't dead yet. My adult daughter seems to think like you though - every time I comment to her about a hot guy she gives me the eye roll and hollers "MA!"

She'll grow up and learn to treasure the smaller pleasures to be had in life. Like admiring a well groomed neck atop a nicely shaped torso, just perfect to be nibbled. But I don't nibble strangers. Really, I don't.

Edited by Puppilull
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I may be married, and older, but I ain't dead yet. My adult daughter seems to think like you though - every time I comment to her about a hot guy she gives me the eye roll and hollers "MA!"


I think that is not due to the fact you married but you are mother ... nobody wants to think one's mother doing stuff ;-). JAR

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LMAO I don't particularly want to think about her involvements either, but that didn't stop me from putting condoms in her purse on prom night!


She's a lucky daughter then. I hope she appreciates you're doing it subtly without making a big deal out of it ... 

Edited by JohnAR
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I may be married, and older, but I ain't dead yet. My adult daughter seems to think like you though - every time I comment to her about a hot guy she gives me the eye roll and hollers "MA!"


:heart::rofl: You rule, Kitt !


I think that is not due to the fact you married but you are mother ... nobody wants to think one's mother doing stuff ;-). JAR


ewww, quite right :pinch::lol:


LMAO I don't particularly want to think about her involvements either, but that didn't stop me from putting condoms in her purse on prom night!


:heart: just the sort of sensible behavior I expect from you. :)


She's a lucky daughter then. I hope she appreciates you're doing it subtly without making a big deal out of it ... 


:heart: I heartily :heart: agree

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LOL She did - but her daddy had a few things to say after they left for the party!


LOL, I bet he did ! Traditionally, fathers are protective of daughters (no boy gets to take advantage of her) and mothers defensive of sons and critical on his behalf (no girl is good enough for him). :rofl:

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LOL, I bet he did ! Traditionally, fathers are protective of daughters (no boy gets to take advantage of her) and mothers defensive of sons and critical on his behalf (no girl is good enough for him). :rofl:


Should I go all Freudian on this statement?

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Seems like I missed another interesting discussion. :P


No - kids don't like to think of their parents having sex - this is especially true of a straight teen thinking of his gay father having a sex life :lol: Unless he needs a good grade from his gay teacher - then he's willing to try to pimp me out at a moments notice :rolleyes:

Edited by EagleIsaac
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Seems like I missed another interesting discussion. :P


No - kids don't like to think of their parents having sex - this is especially true of a straight teen thinking of his gay father having a sex life :lol: Unless he needs a good grade from his gay teacher - then he's willing to try to pimp me out at a moments notice :rolleyes:


LOL; you made up for missing the discussion. Son pimping out dad to get a good grade. Now if that's not worthy a GA story.


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Well was the teacher cute? and teaching which subject?

Chemistry - and he was kind of cute lol

Well of course he did, you're his dad ...

I would think as his father he would think I'd be the last person to attract someone. That borders dangerously close to dad having a sex life haha

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Chemistry - and he was kind of cute lol


Smart and cute. So maybe your son just wanted to create a win-win situation: you have some romance in your life and he some better grades ... ;-) He's just using smartly the resources at his disposal.

And remembering how my females class mates successfully played Circe with my Greek teacher, I wouldn't have minded playing a similar trick. He wasn't my type though; and surely I wasn't his.


I would think as his father he would think I'd be the last person to attract someone. That borders dangerously close to dad having a sex life haha


I think my assessment on not wanting to think of one's parents sex life is somehow not fully applicable for gay parents ... I guess because children have to face that aspect more overtly than other children.

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Smart and cute. So maybe your son just wanted to create a win-win situation: you have some romance in your life and he some better grades ... ;-) He's just using smartly the resources at his disposal.

And remembering how my females class mates successfully played Circe with my Greek teacher, I wouldn't have minded playing a similar trick. He wasn't my type though; and surely I wasn't his.



I think my assessment on not wanting to think of one's parents sex life is somehow not fully applicable for gay parents ... I guess because children have to face that aspect more overtly than other children.

Haha yeah my son - my pimp and my own personal love guru.


you're probably right about sex and gay parents. The fact that you are out means that the topic of sex and your sexuality are out there and in the open.

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You know, Tim, with Rob and Jasper having been friends for so long, it is fairly likely that they might have experimented--at least as far as mutual masturbation.  That might still happen if they are alone and in the mood.  :)

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You know, Tim, with Rob and Jasper having been friends for so long, it is fairly likely that they might have experimented--at least as far as mutual masturbation.  That might still happen if they are alone and in the mood.  :)

Hate to break it to ya - but I think Jasper is too loyal to cheat on his girlfriend. Now before the girlfriend - who knows what happened :P

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You know, Tim, with Rob and Jasper having been friends for so long, it is fairly likely that they might have experimented--at least as far as mutual masturbation.  That might still happen if they are alone and in the mood.  :)


Sorry to disappoint you again CG, but Rob and Jasper as friends is a very recent development. They know (of) each other due to baseball, but they were not actually well acquainted before this. Rob is a senior and Jazz is a junior (if that makes a difference, I'm not that knowing about high school).

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lol - he seemed so sure it would work too


Well of course he did, you're his dad ...


:heart: :heart: I'm sure Bucket would agree.

LOL; you made up for missing the discussion. Son pimping out dad to get a good grade. Now if that's not worthy a GA story.


:heart: I agree and I think it's been done - except not as pimping but for the other reason you mention.


Smart and cute. So maybe your son just wanted to create a win-win situation: you have some romance in your life and he some better grades ... ;-) He's just using smartly the resources at his disposal.

Edited by Timothy M.
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So many funny conversations in both forums I follow! That made for a lot of laughter as I caught up.


Congrats by the way Puppilull. And no, marriage does not equal death


Kitt: I've supplied condoms for my kids too. I'm not ready to be a grandmother! (Plus the obvious protection from diseases). That being said I'm sure both of my kids want to believe that their dad and I had sex twice: when they were conceived.

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