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The bloodless bear has not a care,

for such as they are zombies;

Their squelchy fur, grey matted hair,

won't fit at Abercrombies.


mine.  :joe: 

The Bard in Transylvania


The greatest bard in all the land

traveled, seeking fortune.


One night, he was caught in a storm

and sought shelter somewhere.


Luckily, he saw a castle

perched upon a mountain.


He made his way up to the door,

and knocked, once, twice, and thrice.


Finally, the door had opened

and revealed Drewcula.


This Count of Transylvania

greeted the bard warmly.


And offered his home for the night,

away from the thunderstorm.


The bard heartily accepted,

not knowing what the night would bring...



:joe: end of part 1 :P

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