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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. The Hidden Ones

  2. MetaWolf

  3. Never Too Late

    One day, an older, lonely, queer man decides to change his life for the better. This is Eric's story.

  4. I & C

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    Our Christmas Books

    A collection of collaborations between Aditus, Cole Matthews, and Valkyrie where we share our favorite recipes, Advent calendar traditions, songs, and other holiday goodness with our readers.

  5. Lost Soul

    Lost Soul is a collection of 'stories' for characters from The Boot. The stories are based on some of the characters of The Boot, some are about homelessness, others about staff and volunteers. There are good times and bad times, those who find themselves homeless experience many bad times.

    Out of respect I refer to those who find themselves homeless as 'homeless people', because first and foremost they are 'people' and deserve to be treated as such and with respect. They are not 'the homeless' as some would refer to them as. Please show respect and remember that they are people, that respect could help someone find their glimmer of hope.

  6. Changes

    Sometimes changes are chosen, and sometimes they are thrust upon you. These stories are about married couple, Don and Louis. Follow them through their life and times, through the events that change their lives forever.

  7. The Neko

    This is the story of Astara, a small planet home to humans, elves, and, of course, nekos. Some of them are werewolves, some of them want to be werewolves. And some want nothing to do with their wilder sides.

  8. The Lilydale Leopards

  9. Appetites

    The series starts with a story called "Catering with Benefits" and continues as an ongoing story in parts. Between each part is a 'Side Salad' short story relevant to the main story.

  10. Billy Chase Chronicles

  11. Saving Caeorleia

  12. Ninth Pass Pern

    Dragonriders of Pern series set around the time of 'Dragonflight'.

  13. The King's Mate

    TKM - a three book series detailing the lives of Diarmad, King of the Seraei--an aggressive alien species--and Noel, his mate.

  14. Light Dancing in the Dark

    This is a serious that follows 20 year old Kalian Alauis through coming into his power, his Magik. He starts as an insecure, neglected young man. Pushed aside by his family when he show no signs of Magik, a gift he's expected to have nutured from a young age thanks to his lineage. There is more to him than meets the eye however. In a short amount of time he's pulled from his family's shadow into a royal court that's teetering on the edge of anarchy and chaos. These are the stories that follow him as he finds himself, bands together an unlikely group of allies, saves a country, and falls in love.

  15. The Barnstable Chronicles

  16. Hard Won Happy Endings

  17. Werebears in America

    In the olden days, when most of the humans in northern Europe were still living in pagan tribes, werebears were the wise and strong protectors of the villages. Now, even though they are still many in number, they are scattered around the world, living forever in secret.

  18. New Reality

    Everything you know is wrong.

    Everything you think you know is wrong, and I will go as far as saying everything you think you do not know is wrong too!

    Scientists only know what they have studied, and theologians only know what man has said about the gods they have studied.

    New Reality follows Greg Fowler as he grows from a High School student in a small town to a man who will change the world.

    The series contains several short books. Some are long, and some are only a few chapters, but all cover a distinct aspect of his growth and exploration as he navigates a world he never could have imagined.

  19. Aspects of Dawn

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