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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Love in the Shadows - 28. Chapter 28: Troublesome Turning

Vincent closed his eyes and felt the throbbing inside his head ease. His wolf took command. Looking around, he flashed a toothy grin. "Hello!"

Cyrus giggled. "Hello there, young wolf. It's a delight to meet you."

Sizing the big bear, Vincent nodded. "Good meet. You Cyrus? You lead big pack soon."

"Soon, yes. The Executive Council cast their final ballot. I'll be sworn in when I'm comfortable to take the title."

"No challenge? Why?"

Tierney chuckled. "Because it's a large and complicated pack. The EC requires someone with an incredible amount of experience. Putting someone with just brawn and no brains might sink the largest pack in North America."

Vincent snorted. "Understand. Make sense." Hearing a voice from the kitchen, he warily stared in that direction. "Someone else here?"

Dirk cocked his head. "That's Kaplan. He's on a call. One of his cases went belly-up because his client withheld information."

Kap's a lawyer, bud, his human mind explained. He's small, like us, but don't underestimate him. He's really smart.

Yes. Small wolf not strong, but smart. That makes strong wolf too. "Hope beta win. Want meet beta."

"I'll let him know." The delta turned and left for the kitchen.

As Vincent waited, he clenched his fists and paced. Want run.

Easy there. Don't you want to save your energy and make our first run a long one?

Yes, but no like.

"Hey, Vinnie," Mason said. "Did you want to go on a walk, stretch your legs a bit?"

"Yes. Walk good. Want run, but human says no. Save en… energy for shift."

"That's probably for the best. Still, it looks like you're about to wear marks into the floor. Anyone want to tag along?"

"I'd love a stroll," Cyrus replied. "Tierney brags about these woods. It's about time I see for myself."

Leading the way, Mason went to the kitchen and ran into Kaplan and Dirk. "Kap! How's it going?"

Kaplan bared his neck. "Alpha Wilson, Vincent. Good to see you. One of my clients practically handed the defense a victory. You guys going somewhere?"

"Yeah, we're heading out for a walk. Vincent's wolf needs to burn some energy."

Vincent evaluated the beta. "You Kaplan? Name different."

Kaplan did a double-take when glancing at him. "Vincent! You're an alpha. I… Yeah. It's an old French surname meaning chaplain or priest. Dirk, you should stay with Alpha Scott. I doubt three Alphas need a bodyguard."

"Yeah, you're right. You mind going on the walk? Someone should still go with 'em."

Kaplan nodded, then turned to Cyrus. Vincent caught the sultry stare the alpha gave the lawyer. They hide something.

You're telling me you didn't see that?

What? See what? I miss!

Vincent's human side laughed. Cyrus was checking out Kap! That's so freakin' juicy.

Check out? Like challenge?

Oh, no. You know, checking out. Like how we stare at Mace's butt when he's not looking.

Ah! Interest. New Alpha want mate beta. Cause problem?

I didn't think of that. I'm not sure if Ty'd like that. Let's keep that to ourselves for a bit.

Noticing all eyes were on him, Vincent smiled. "You all strange. I go for walk." Just as he passed Kaplan, the beta bared his neck once more. Vincent turned. "You submit already. No need do again. I see human view. You friend, so no submit."

"Same with me, Kap," Mason added.

Hearing his mate's approval, Vincent felt full of pride.

"My word, Mr. Bolton," Cyrus exclaimed. "Those are some of the most frightening eyes I've seen in a while."

"Y-yeah," Kaplan agreed. "Thanks, Vincent. You too, Mason. I'm still trying to remember I don't live under my old Alpha anymore."

"Take all the time you need," Cyrus murmured, patting Kaplan's shoulder. "An ordeal like the one you went through can't be dealt with swiftly. Now, enough dawdling. There's a forest out there to explore."


Following the Kentucky couple proved to be a difficult task. Kaplan admired the energy Vincent had as he bounded and jogged alongside Mason. He's like a lithium battery; just won't stop.

For the hour they walked, Kaplan remained at Cyrus's side. Surprisingly, they talked little about NYSP plans. Instead, they watched the soon-to-be lycan frolic. Cyrus quietly asked, "Isn't it a wonderful thing to see, Kaplan? A human adjusting to the changes lycanthropy provides. Caught in an awkward phase between supernatural and humanity."

"It is. I've met a few turned humans, but never seen one in the process."

"I'm shocked. I assumed you would have. Have you witnessed a human shift for the first time?"

"Twice, but this is different. Vincent's got energy. Normally, the humans just stare at the sky for most of the day."

Cyrus hummed. "Indeed. This will be my first time witnessing a human becoming an alpha shapeshifter. I'm excited by the opportunity."

The Wilson home was near, but they had a mile left to trek. Kaplan felt comfortable at the panda's side. This is so much different than being with Alpha Scott. Cyrus is more relaxed. I can tell he's poised, but it's like he has no care in the world.

"Mason," Cyrus called ahead. "You and Mr. Bolton can go ahead. I'll be staying out for a while longer. Mr. Alvey, would you mind staying with me?"

"Of course," Kaplan said as Vincent sprinted ahead, leaving Mason to catch up.

The moment the alpha couple was out of earshot, Cyrus slowed his pace. "By the Seven, those two wore me out. Now I can actually walk at my own speed."

Kaplan held his laughter. "I was thinking the same. Last time I was here, the Owensville council were running circles around me."

"No doubt." Cyrus was quiet for a few seconds before asking, "Why do you feel angst and anxiety around me? I can barely smell it, so you're hiding it fairly well."

Kaplan wet his lips and sighed. It was true. The bear still unnerved him. "I apologize. I know you're giving me looks every now and then. I don't know your intentions, but if you're wanting something from me… a certain something, I don't know if I'm worthy of that."

Cyrus halted and glared at him. "Mr. Alvey. As my future beta, I have no intention of doing anything you have no interest in. You will be my most trusted advisor, something I have never had before. What I will not tolerate is self-doubt. I can not stand idly by as you cower due to your previous pack's mindset. You are free to be with whomever you want, regardless of status, so long as the other desires the same.

"Having said that, I cannot help what my bear wants. I will not hide myself, nor my intentions. I wish to court you, Kaplan."

Kaplan was stunned. His breath caught. He wants to go out with me?

"However," Cyrus continued. "As an alpha, I can not hold my beta's hand when he can't articulate his emotions. I understand your issues, and I empathize. So, I will challenge you and your wolf. I am able to separate my work from my personal life, and if you're able to as well, I will date you."

The bear stepped forward and towered over Kaplan. "But"—he stooped to look at him face-to-face—"I will only do so when you gather your balls and ask me out."

Kaplan's heart rate raced feverishly. He realized how cunning the panda could be.

"I'll give you a bit of advice, Mr. Alvey," Cyrus said, turning away. "If you want something, you find a way to obtain it."

As Cyrus walked off with a giggle, Kaplan shivered. The next Alpha to NYSP had challenged him. Was he worthy of pursuing a man of such etiquette? Remembering his promise to Tierney, Kaplan huffed and took a step forward.

"Alpha Vonder!"

Cyrus stopped with his back to the beta.

Kaplan kept going. As he neared, he watched the panda slowly spin. "You're right; I need to grow a pair. If I'm to make good on my promise to Alpha Scott, I need to step up. It'd be my honor to ask a man like you out, if you'd have me."

Cyrus's smile was wide. "Mr. Alvey, I am floored! I anticipated you would take some time, but there you go impressing me once again. I accept." He closed the distance and flashed his emerald irises. "But for our first date, I'm choosing where we go, what we do, and I'll pay for everything."

Giddiness overcame a blushing Kaplan. "That sounds nice, Cyrus."

"I do have one more thing to discuss with you. Should this relationship blossom... My bear… He doesn't allow intimate acts immediately. If that was on your agenda, you have to be patient. My species relies on long, faithful relationships. I trust you as a beta and a friend, but to gain my trust as a lover… That's the true challenge. It may be weeks before my bear wants to hold your hand."

"If that's what your bear needs, then it's what he shall receive. I'm perfectly fine with that. Especially since… well…"

Cyrus scowled. "What is it?"

Embarrassed, Kaplan pocketed his hands. "This'll be my first relationship."


Even after the walk, Vincent felt restless. Energy rushed inside him like avalanches. He paced in the living room, threw icy daggers outside with Elaine, and ran a lap around the house. Everyone in the house was concerned for him. Out of breath and exhausted, he was still ready to explode. This feel bad.

Yeah, I don't get it. I feel like we could climb Mount Everest right now.

It shifting. Moon give energy.

Mason rounded the corner and asked, "Can I get you anything?"

"No, I okay. I ready."

"Ready? For your shift?"

Vincent growled. "Want, but wait."

Elaine, sitting next to Lei, leaned forward. "Why wait? Is it because Dave and Morrine aren't here yet? Vincent, they would understand.”

Seeing everyone seated, he winced. “I wait.”

Mason rubbed Vincent’s shoulders. “Just don’t make yourself uncomfortable, Pup.”

Before long, Dave’s truck came down the driveway, followed by Morrine’s car. The tigress bowed her head as Elaine answered the door. “Thank you for inviting me. And there you are, sweetheart!”

Vincent grinned and accepted Morrine’s hug. “Tiger kind. Make good food. Thank you.”

His gaze shifted behind her. Dave entered and was approached by Elaine. “David? You smell clean.”

The beta smirked, then briefly glanced at Mason and Vincent. “Yeah, trying to give ‘em up. Kind of had an awakening moment and decided to go cold turkey. Figured I should try to be around a little bit longer.”

Several in the group voiced their admiration and offered Dave their best wishes.

The enthusiasm was short-lived. A jolt of pain shot through Vincent’s knees, causing him to drop. He yelled out in agony.

He barely heard Mason cry out, “He’s shifting. Someone get the back door.”

Vincent was jostled as the alpha carried him in his arms. He smelled Dirk as the fresh air hit him. Breathing hard, he tried to internalize the pain, only to be raked with more. His right shoulder dislocated itself, and Vincent flailed. The moment he was set down, he clenched Mason’s arm. “M-mate!”

“I’m here, Pup. Just push through it.”

The whispered instruction fell on deaf ears. The pain was unbearable, even more so after the other shoulder snapped out of place. Vincent cried. He felt his clothes being tugged at. Once he heard them rip, he saw Lei kneeling over him with a transformed paw. Ripping. So no get hurt.

Hurt? His human mind grunted. This shit already hurts!

The cool grass grazed his naked ass, and Vincent wanted to hide his nakedness but the torturous pain prevented it. Everyone watched him. He could barely breathe as his skin grew itchy. The grass became a relief as he tossed and turned. A grinding sensation in his spine left him writhing. It was like he was being stretched out.

Tears rushing down his face, Vincent screamed, “Mace!” He grasped a patch of grass, only for his hands to feel like they were smashed by a mallet.

A tender touch graced his back. “It’s okay, Vinnie. I know it hurts, but it’ll be over soon. You’ll be a beautiful wolf, I just know it.”

Hearing Mason’s soothing tone, Vincent knew his destined was in pain by seeing him in such a way. He bit his bottom lip as his knees shook, then snapped below the joints. The mage wailed into the silent yard.

“Vinnie, there,” Mason muttered near his ear. “The moon. Look at the moon.”

Obeying, Vincent stared, and the pain seemed to melt away. In the sky, the large sphere was a constant. His throat burned from screaming, but a natural pull from the moon could be felt throughout his body. The calm lasted a short time before the pain returned. Time and time again, Vincent repeated the process: snap, yell, look.

“C’mon, Vin,” Mason insisted. “Feel the moon’s pull.”

Vincent spat. “Heard first time!”

Seconds were hours to him. The itch covering him burned while white fur exploded from his skin. His hands were paws, yet he dared not stand on them. Searching through teary eyes, he found the moon once more. He screamed again as his face contorted. His nose and mouth jutted out to form a muzzle, and his voice deepened as the wailing continued. Long-winded gasps for air turned into desperate pants.

He laid helplessly. Vincent found the moon, but this time it was different. His body ached, and as he rested his head against the grass, he wondered when the pain would end. Would he survive this ordeal? Could he?

“Pup,” Mason squeaked. “Pup, you there?”

Mustering what little strength remained in him, Vincent lifted his head. M-Mace?

His mate was discolored, and so was the grass around him. What… What the fuck?

“You’re…” Mason choked up, forcing Vincent to look at him. “You’re so beautiful, Vinnie. You did it.”

Reeling from the shift, Vincent returned to laying his head on the ground. Breathing heavily, he took his mate’s words to heart. Did it? I wolf?

He tried to speak, and an inscrutable whine came out. Peering down, he saw his arms ended in paws. As did his legs. The space between the grass and his head felt padded. Fur. Have fur. A blade tickled his ear, causing him to twitch it.

“Take it easy, son,” he heard Lei say. “Just lay there until you’re no longer sore.”

Don’t have to tell me twice, his human mind wise-cracked.

Human, you there?

Yep, and I’m not moving until I can feel my fingers. Fuck me, Mace wasn’t lying when he said this would hurt.

The passing minutes helped him recover. The whole time, Mason remained at his side, comforting him. Eventually, the pain dulled into a throb, and Vincent managed to roll onto his side.

“Vinnie, be careful,” Mason warned.

Vincent tried to speak, but he couldn’t form words. Growling, he tried to figure out how to communicate. Growl work same. Need bark. How?

Maybe focus on the concept. We growl by vibrating the voice box in the throat. To bark, we do the same, but in a rapid fashion and end it with a scream or yell?

Listening to his human mind, the wolf played with the theory. A small yip came out, but he tried again. After a few attempts, he succeeded.

Mason choked up and rubbed Vincent’s head as a reward. “I can’t believe you’re finally a wolf, Vinnie. Your coat’s beautiful. White with some gray and blue sprinkled in. And your eyes… They’re light blue, just like when you flash your power.”

Exhausted, Vincent rested on his mate’s lap. Elaine joined Lei at his side to admire the newly born wolf. “Vincent, oh! You’re amazing.”

She ran a finger behind one of his ears, and it was one of the greatest sensations Vincent had ever felt. Oh, rubs! Yes!

Oh, fuck I need some more of that shit! Vincent moved to lick Elaine’s hand but she pulled it away.

“Just look at ya, Vincent!” Lei’s voice boomed through the night. He patted and scratched Vincent’s back, nearly sending him into a frenzy. “It’s not every day someone sees an alpha’s initial shift. Now I’ve seen two!”

Yes! Big rubs. Best rubs! Alpha father give good rubs!

“I’ll say!” Tierney came from behind Lei, knelt, and stroked Vincent. “You’re easily one of the most stunning lycan I’ve seen in a while.”

One by one, Kaplan, Dirk, Dave, Caleb, Tasha, and Morrine came to welcome Vincent’s beast. When they dispersed, Cyrus approached without displaying any emotion. The panda circled the alpha couple, and Vincent watched him intently.

Cyrus chuckled. “Young wolf, you’ve received words of praise, one statement after another. My bear and I echo them. The birth of an alpha is a powerful moment, and it’s to be relished for years to come. My bear demands I wish you a rousing shiftday, and to give you”—Cyrus stooped and reached for Vincent’s head—”a good chin rub. It’s a personal favorite of my panda’s when he comes out to play.”

Before Cyrus’s fingers got too far away, Vincent lapped them with his tongue and woofed his thanks. He glanced at Mason before huffing. Time. Time for walk.

Alright, his human mind agreed. How do we go about it? I say we focus on the front legs for stability, then work on the hind legs. We should stand and figure out our balance first.

Human smart. Good idea. Dragging his front limbs off Mason, he played with the joints. Straightening them, he rolled his hind ones.

“Here,” Mason said. “Let me help you keep your balance.”

Hands held his hips as Vincent tried to stand. Mason lifted his back end, and Vincent’s legs wobbled. “You’re not putting enough pressure on your paws. It’s like a car; the front’s for steering while the back pushes.”

Understanding the analogy, Vincent applied more weight to his legs versus his arms. He became stable, and once Mason removed his hands, he was confidently standing on his own.

“Awesome, Pup. Let’s try a step.”

Vincent was wary. I’m sorry, you want what now? A step? Jeez, big guy. We just struggled to stand.

We got. We team.

You’re right.

Mason stayed at his side. “Just push lightly on one of your hind legs, and put the opposite front foot forward.”

With the instruction, Vincent acted gingerly, unsure of his capability. Shakily, he completed the first step. Okay. Now other.

He didn’t balance his weight and fell, but he was determined. Standing on his own, Vincent tried again.

After two successful steps, Mason grinned. “There you go! Keep going, just like that.”

Vincent growled at himself. Feel like baby!

Hey, we gotta start somewhere. Left and right, right and left, bud. Moving at a snail’s pace, Vincent gained confidence. A sense of pride washed over him as he increased his speed. Before he knew it, he was walking alongside Mason without falter. When tackling stopping, turning, and walking backwards, Mason guided him flawlessly. Not once Vincent felt judged or ridiculed for his failed attempts.

He huffed. Want run.

Alright, bud. Let’s keep it slow for now. How about a canter?

Pushing harder on his legs, he matched the pace with his front limbs. He tumbled a few times, but he persisted. Before long, he was trotting, then running.

Mason ran with him. “There you go! Keep going, Pup!”

“That’s it!”

A shout from across the lawn nearly sent Vincent to the ground. He caught himself and looked to the porch. Lei was taking off his shirt. “I need to run with my son-in-bond!”

Vincent watched as the man stripped naked and morphed seamlessly into a large, dark-gray wolf with tan eyes. Lei sprinted toward him and slowed to rub coats. When Lei snorted, Vincent heard the alpha’s approval. Whoa! What… He huffed, and I understood what he said.

You know wolf speak? Good, no more tell what wolf say.

Hearing more snaps, he turned to see the rest of the group shift. The wolves, lion, and leopard paced around Vincent. Snorts, huffs, and yips were like English to him. They’re all so happy!

He turned to see a cream-colored wolf bare its neck, and realized it was Kaplan. Hearing a low rumble, he spun to see a massive black bear. Dirk! Behind was Morrine, who quickly leaped away as a black countershaded wolf chased and earned a swat from the tiger.

Something rubbed against his side. Looking, Vincent saw an unfamiliar wolf with a lighter gray coat. Pale blue specks dotted its paws. Who is that?

Silly human. It mother.

Elaine! Glancing between her and Lei, it made sense. Blend their coats and you get Mace’s gray. A theory came to mind. Can I use my magic as a wolf?

Test later. Run now.

Once Dave and Caleb shifted, Vincent wanted to be closer to Mason. He bounded to the alpha, only to notice Cyrus removing his blazer. After pacing around his mate, Vincent sat and watched the ursus’s pants fall. One of the bear’s arms was freed from the dress shirt, and Vincent admired the man’s tattoo. The wonder crumbled as he caught a glimpse of several welts, burns, and disturbing scars on Cyrus’s back, partially covered by black fur. W-what was that? I thought shapeshifters couldn’t—

Realization struck. Silver, he thought. Vincent looked at Mason, and he was just as jarred. Yeah, it has to be. Mace seems frightened. Wondering about the mysterious alpha’s past, Vincent observed the panda as he sat next to Kaplan.

Vincent turned to Mason, who was unfastening his belt and kicking off his shoes. Never taking his eyes off his mate, Vincent watched the love of his life shift, and Mason’s silver wolf ran to him. They circled each other, nipping and licking their coats.

Mason huffed. “Howl, mate.”

It took a few tries but Vincent was successful. Hearing it blare into the night fueled his pride. Pleased with himself, he prepared to repeat it, when he heard another howl at his side. Mace.

Once the two were done, Mason nudged Vincent, yipped, and ran toward the woods. Eager, Vincent went after his mate. From the padded sounds behind him, he assumed everyone else was following along. There was little more Vincent could ask for as the group rushed to the forest for a hunt.

Copyright © 2020 astone2292; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Now that was a special day as well as a special day of Christmas! I hope all of GA had some good times on these holidays! May all the wolves, pandas, tigers, leopards, and bears and also all the shifters out in the writing world, all have a special day you all call your own like we humans do. We are all one and the same. We are all our God's creations! Whether it be fiction or nonfiction!

The story on this chapter was by far the best chapter I have ever seen written by a paranormal author! @astone2292, you should be proud of yourself and your readers are proud of you too. You have the ability to keep your readers glued to the story in awe!

Edited by Story Reader
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Vincent's turning was impressive and well thought out. In many stories there wouldn't be a consideration a newly turned wolf would need to learn to walk.

Cyrus's scars were a shock. To have those and still be so jovial and easy tempered tells of his strength and character.

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35 minutes ago, drpaladin said:

Vincent's turning was impressive and well thought out. In many stories there wouldn't be a consideration a newly turned wolf would need to learn to walk.

Cyrus's scars were a shock. To have those and still be so jovial and easy tempered tells of his strength and character.

I'm so glad you pointed out Vincent learning to walk! I think this is what encourages me to write. Reading story after story, I notice details that I would love to learn more about, to get more details about. There are so many tiny events that happen in life that, in my opinion, should be explored. If a story mentions a trip to the grocery store, but offers no details, I get upset. Did something happen at the grocery store? Did the character find a sale? Did they run into a familiar face? Did a kid throw a pickle jar? I want to know, therefore, I want my readers to know!

For Vincent, learning to walk, bark, and howl are detrimental to being an animal. The main character turned into a wolf for the first time. I could have kept writing into further detail, but I understand that there has to be a limit. I could have had Vincent be absolutely fascinated with his new tail! I know if I grew a tail, I'd be beyond interested in the dang thing!

Honestly, I'd say Cyrus showing his scars is one of the defining moments for his character. He is, to date, my favorite character to write for, and I don't think that's going to change any time soon...

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Will you write a story about Kaplan and Cyrus like give a back story about his life and his relationship with Kaplan I will love to read that 

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4 minutes ago, Nana Atuwa said:

Will you write a story about Kaplan and Cyrus like give a back story about his life and his relationship with Kaplan I will love to read that 

Cyrus' side story will probably occur after I finish the trilogy. Rising in the Shadows features a glimpse into Cyrus' backstory, as well as his relationship with Kaplan, but a sidestory will be needed much later. 

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Alright, for the benefit of your US readers: Boxing Day is the day after Christmas Day and in history was the day the lord of the manor would gather up all the remains of the Christmas feast, put them into boxes and distribute them to his tenants. It has become a habit in Britain, to give a small sum of money as a gift to tradesmen (butcher, baker, grocer, mailman, etc) in the same spirit.

Americans say 'Merry Christmas', Brits say 'Happy Christmas', and just to confuse things even further, in Hawaii, they say 'Mele Kalikemaka' (there is no 'R' in the Hawaiian language). In Holland, Sankt Nicklaus (sp?) rides a white horse being led by a little Black boy and leaves small gifts for good children. Many Dutch put a sabot (wooden shoe) out at the entrance to their home with straw in it for the horse to eat. The fir tree is of German origin, but not connected with Christmas; when building a house, a small fir tree was tied to the highest roof beam as thanks to the Gods of the forest for the use of their wood in the building. In ancient days Christmas tree lights were small candles clipped onto the branches of the fir tree (with a bucket of water sitting nearby in case of accident) to bring back the bright days of Springtime. Oh, there are hundreds more Christmas traditions in various parts of the world and a study of them would be very interesting. Christmas and Easter are probably the most widely celebrated Christian holidays in the world.

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I’ve saved this chapter until I had a quiet time to read it uninterrupted. The warning at the begging had me thinking it would be something hard or upsetting to read. I found the absolute opposite! The detail of his shift are so, so good. The love floats off the page with this pack within a pack. And the Cyrus surprise? Whoa. Great chapter Mr. Stone!

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1 hour ago, Dan South said:

I’ve saved this chapter until I had a quiet time to read it uninterrupted. The warning at the begging had me thinking it would be something hard or upsetting to read. I found the absolute opposite! The detail of his shift are so, so good. The love floats off the page with this pack within a pack. And the Cyrus surprise? Whoa. Great chapter Mr. Stone!

Ooooh, you saved this chapter for a calm, rainy day. I love it! I'm so happy you enjoyed the chapter. I can't wait for you to learn more about Cyrus and his past. 

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I’m (again) binge reading this series. I just love this chapter, thanks so much for crafting AND sharing your art!!! All the best to you. 

Edited by JACC
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