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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

A Full-Stop

Ode to the caesura. It brings our thoughts to a stop. It laps at our minds like a sop. And halts coloratura.         How glad the many millions      of notions are prevented       from finding full expression       in the boundless words of the world,      for then, once spilled on paper,      how might we ever gather them up again;       how might the bottle be re-plugged;      how might the heart be re-assembled,      if fancy-fr

AC Benus

AC Benus

A Choice to be Made

There is no easy way to say this, but these last few days have been trying and absolutely overwhelming.   I, tried my best, to stay afloat, and go about my business as usual- like hanging out with my friends on GA and joking around with them. But, my god, it felt hollow this week.  There is a hole in my heart right now, and everything has simply gotten too much for me to handle.   GA no longer felt like my home away from home, so, I faced a grim choice concerning my future on

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

The DL Diaries 2006

This book belongs to Cole:   2006   Things with my living situation had changed. At this time only Skyler and I were living in the house. It was nice since now I had two rooms, one was my sleeping room while the other was my chill room. Kitty had moved out with her current boyfriend. He had been a not so nice guy to me and Skylar, but when she decided to move we still supported her. The good part about it being just me and Skyler was I had more privacy. Skyler was going back



The DL Diaries 2003

This book belongs to Cole:   2003   Once I graduated from high school I made the move from a small town to the city of Portland, Oregon. I have to admit at first I was scared and very nervous. It was hard to leave the life I had known for eighteen years. Only soon things would start to fall into place and I was more than excited. I had a feeling that my life was now starting to make some sort of sense. The first few days I kept my guard up. You have to when making a huge life



The Value of a Dollar

About twenty years ago I stopped at Tim Hortons to grab lunch.  I needed to go grocery shopping, but had to wait until payday and had five bucks to last the rest of the week.  A dollar went further then than it does now, which meant I had just enough to pay for some cheap groceries until I got paid.  It was very crowded due to it being "Camp Day", when they collect donations to send needy/ill children to summer camp.  There were several people with boxes collecting donations and a girl approache



Improve & Encourage #1: Sparkle

I'm back! Thank you to Steve and Cia for taking care of the blog while I was gone. What a better way to celebrate being back than by starting a new blog feature called Improve & Encourage. It's similar to a review, in that the person doing the critique tells you what they liked about the story, but it differs in that they also provide constructive criticism. Each author signed up to participate, and sign up's are still open!  These will post once a month until we no longer have content. Once

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Critique


From the time I was old enough to choose my own clothes I preferred my brothers.   Baggy pants and t-shirts, long shorts, hoodies. My interests and hobbies were those that would be considered masculine; sports, action figures, super heroes, camping, hiking. I have a very distinct memory of playing Barbies and putting them in the jeep and pushing it down the stairs. My mother definitely thought it was odd. My preferred friends we're boys and my favorite cousins were boys.  



May C S R Discussion Day: Unison Island by Caz Pedroso

Okay, you've had two months to read Caz Pedroso's Unison Island series. Did you like it? Maybe leave a few comments? Well here's your chance to share your thoughts and talk about your favorite parts of the stories. First, enjoy this interview I did with Caz!   What’s the hardest thing for you, as an author, and what do you love best about writing? The hardest thing is finding time. Trying to balance my volunteer work, my family, my housework, and my writing. Then, of course, I wo

Blog about a Dog

So here’s what’s new.   I’ve got a dog. A golden doodle or is it a labradoodle, I’m not sure, but my sister told me that it was big and hard and she must have known that I wouldn’t turn that down.   I wasn’t looking for a pet, but he was looking for a home to destroy and I just happened to have one available. The alternative for this poor creature was the pound but like the fool that I am, I didn’t ask why. My sister; love her, talked me into it but forgot to mention to me th



A Lesson in Basics

Confucius' philosophy and my views have differences in social organization and morality, but in terms of government organization, and the role of leaders in a nation, I am probably one of his deepest disciples.   I am going to paraphrase a Chinese question and its dialogue:   A question in the Confucian Dialectics is asked among Confucius scholars that is both broad and narrow: How does one "know" what they are doing is right for a nation?   Student 1: "One does not



Weekly Wrap Up May 21 - 27

Well good day everyone With Renee still off enjoying some holidays in the mountains, being the Crazy Mountain Lady that she is, and Cia deserving at least one day of rest, I have been threatened volunteered to do the Wrap Up this week . Lots happened this week on the blog so lets summarize it all up. Another way to get the news is to sign up and have it delivered straight to your inbox with Gay Author's weekly newsletter which goes out every Sunday. psst, I'm reading Unforgivable and re


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #580 & #581

Let's keep the prompt love going with some new inspiration this week from prompt guru, Comicfan, and have fun with these two options! What could a pink umbrella and a classic car have in common? Or are you more inclined to roam the wilds of space in a desperate expedition? Read on, figure it out, and share your story with readers!       Prompt 580 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – swimsuit, pink umbrella, a gumball, a classic car,


Cia in Prompts


Here we go ladies and gentlemen....a safe place to discuss BDSM....any comment made to this post can/may contain sensitive material. Thanks you!



Why We Write Flash Fiction

How do you write flash fiction? Well, there’s really only one requirement: Keep it short! How short depends on the game, or prompt, or you… but the difference is you write the story planning to make it as concise as possible without sacrificing the image and scene you’re trying to convey. It’s a challenge to write something that pulls in readers without having a lot of time to do backstory or a long adventure.   So why do people like writing flash fiction? For me, it’s a different kin


Cia in Writing Tips

Featured Story: Unforgivable

Being the start of a new week, Monday's are also a good time to take a look at some of the different stories that can be found on Gay Authors. With so many great works, it can be easy to overlook one and Monday's provide an opportunity for us to help make one of them stand out and maybe catch your interest. Today, we're bringing you a review by spikey582 of LitLover's story Unforgivable. Enjoy!   Unforgivable LitLover   Reviewer: spikey582 Status: Complete Word Count: 8

Weekly Wrap Up (May 14 - May 20)

Yes, it is the undercover Cia, yet again donning the mask of Renee to bring you this week's happenings on GA. I've actually done all this week's blogs while Renee enjoys a few well-earned days off. Did you miss something vital happening on the site? A favorite story update? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Another way to get the news is to sign up and have it delivered straight to your inbox with Gay Author's weekly newsletter which goes out every Sunday.       Anthology


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Just Over a Week Later...

So, it's been just over a week since my last blog post. Thank y'all for talking me through my over-analytical mind fuck of the possible situation. Thank the gods I didn't have to face the bitch-in-law, since my brother was the only one that came from Austin. She evidently fell off a ladder or some bullshit and hurt her back. Oh and all of the kids were sick with a stomach virus, conveniently. That was probably for the best. The first night we were down there, I had to sleep out in my aunt and un



Microbes Never Quit SO VACCINATE!

Infectious diseases have changed the course of whole civilizations.   There is archaeological evidence suggesting that plagues may have wiped out or caused huge changes in several prehistoric civilizations.(1)   The Antonine Plague (2) of 165–180 AD was a major factor in weakening the Roman Empire to the point that it could be defeated. Most people think it was smallpox but we can’t be sure.   Black Death(3) was the most devastating pandemic in human history killing



Writing Prompts #578 & #579

Writing Prompts from Cia... wait... no... Of course these are from our prompt guru, Comicfan! I'm just filling in for Renee, but I swear I thought it was Thursday so these are just a smidge late. Sorry about that. I hope you will have fun writing something for these prompts, though, and for first-timers, remember all responses under 1k must be posted as part of a 'collection' of short stories/flash fiction/poetry. More info on that in the FAQ through the Help tab you need it.    


Cia in Prompts

Untitled & Unfinished Story

It's been a long time coming but I am finally writing again.  I have several more chapters complete and having a blast creating this world.  It's like a comfortable old blanket and I wrapped myself tightly with it.  Hope you like it.     The sun had long set behind the mountains of the town of Glacier Bay.  The moon bathed the town in a soft light with a backdrop of twinkling stars in the October sky.  The trees gently swayed in the offshore breeze that hinted at the bone chilling

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Inner Confliction

I recently started, slowly, 'coming out' as gender fluid. Some of my close friends and husband, some random people at work and acquaintances i felt would be accepting/ understanding.\ Started updating my wardrobe and finding ways to battle the dysphoria when I'm in a situation I'm unable/uncomfortable presenting honestly on "boy days" (such as at work or situations where I have to be "kiddo's Mom".  Today was a "boy day".  Hubby, kiddo and I went shopping. I had on a great neu



Colors Of My Soul

This is the powerful, touching story of a young gay man's struggles to survive, beginning as a child in the suburbs of Ohio, then moving on to the bright lights and big city of New York. Throughout his journey of life, Nick Buchanan encounters some difficult obstacles, painful hardships, and discovers the ins and outs of show business while trying to make it in an often exciting, but sometimes devastating world. After nearly giving up, Nick discovers a new sense of strength a

Colors Of My Soul

Colors Of My Soul

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