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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Bad Day Blog (A Tribute To Skinnydragon)

It was a bad day. I’ve had a few recently. Often enough to know that they don’t get better halfway through; only progressively worse. After lunch, I should have packed up and gone home to bed. I had done that before and it had worked; no one could argue against the logic. The less I do, the less that can go wrong. Why tempt fate by pressing on regardless, when the situation was beyond saving.   A phone call increased my workload; I should have switched it off earlier. The error led to



The Garden is In

For the last few weeks I've been preparing for this summers garden. Today I planted.   I have been growing a Azalea cutting in a pot and today I moved it around to plant. I annoyed a toad who was living in the pot. He glared at me with his little toad eyes and I told him- hey bro, you're moving up. The garden is a better neighborhood.    I'm trying something new this year. The last few years the picking from the garden have been slim. June, critical to the growing season, has



If I were gone...

Recent events started me thinking. I have made many good friends online, both here at GA and elsewhere. I would worry if one of them went missing with no warning or explanation.   When SkinnyDragon found about his prognosis, he took the time, something he had precious little of, to fill us in.   I am one of those super organized people. After having to make the arrangements for both my parents, then my father in law, I decided that was something I didn't want my loved ones to



Pet Peeves

One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone mispronounces the word supposedly. More often than not, people add a "b" towards the end. Supposably is not a word. Even seeing it typed incorrectly is bothering me right now. Something else that is bothersome to me is when people use the word nauseous when they really mean nauseated. To be nauseated means to feel queasy, feel like you might vomit. To be nauseous is to be emitting a foul smell that would make someone else nauseated. So, if someo



Now Available in eBook: Barbed Wire Cowboy

Well, it's here! Barbed Wire Cowboy (formerly known as Studly Ranch Hands) is now available in eBook! It has been re-edited, new scenes have been added, and there has been a bit of tweaking here and there. Here in the next couple of weeks, Barbed Wire Cowboy will also be available in paperback. If you want to be kept up to date, make sure to visit my website, friend me on facebook, or follow me on Twitter or Google+. I'll also be doing giveaways soon, so keep an eye on my site and facebook! 

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

GA's Newest Promising Author: LitLover

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating LitLover as GA's newest promoted author! LitLover has been a member of GA for exactly 3 years (Today is her GA Anniversary as well!) and during that time, she has written four stories to share with the members here at GA and has written over 1,000 reviews! Her current novel Choices is at just over 30,000 words and still going strong. If you want to read more from LitLover, you can visit her author page (plus you can check out her snazzy new

Ask An Author #48

Ask an Author #48   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors! In AtA #47, we heard from authors Riley Jericho, SkinnyDragon, Craftingmom, and Roberto Zuniga.   Today in AtA #48 we hear from authors JackBinimbul, Mikiesboy, Palantir, and WolfM.     Please welcome Texan and Author JackBinimbbul to the blog.  Jack has been with GA for almost a year but has dabbled in writing for a long time.  He’s the author of the popula

Well that's inconvenient

It started with typos. J's became k's. E's became r's.   People asked me if I was all right because I was shaking.   When I could barely keep my hands still enough to use my calculator (and believe me, I have a kick ass calculator) I decided I might need to see what the deal was.   So... I got some tests. Blood pressure. Check. Cardio tests... check. Blood sugar. Check. Bunch of other stuff I can't spell... check.   Early on set Parkinson's... Maybe..



April C S R Feature: Unison Island Series by Caz Pedroso

This month's feature, Unison Island, is a series of short stories and novellas by Caz Pedroso. It starts with an introduction in... Welcome to Unison Island. What else is there to read? Well, a lot! Check them out below. Read one, or two, or all five, but be ready with your thoughts on the stories and series and any questions for Caz on Monday, April 24th!   Unison Island Series by Caz Pedroso   Book 1: Welcome to Unison Island 1,108 words This is an introduction to

Insomnia sucks like a Hoover

It's 3:50 in the morning, I have to be awake in 2 hours to get ready to go to work. Oh yeah, I haven't slept yet. This sucks, and not in the good way. I hate it when I get like this. I'm not stressed out, so I know it's not stress-related. I'm in a good place in my life right now. Things are going swell. My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades. Oh, and I wear my sunglasses at night. (Damn, I rock the kasbah, and the Sharif don't like it?) Meanwhile, back at the ranch.  Oh yeah, my o



The Beat

You can feel the beat in your vain   Blocks your mind to all the pain.   Just let go   And move.   For those few hours, we are all the same,   Equal within this game.   Taking a break from this we call life,   Forgetting a minute about all the strife.   Free to be ourselves.   I can feel the beat,   Growing now.   You jump up and I jump down.   The beat the vibe the energy,   I can feel it surrounding me.   Let it lift you up Spin you around,   Stomp your feet on th



Weekly Wrap Up (Mar 26 - Apr 1)

Hope everyone had a great week this week. It's been a very busy week here at Gay Authors and we even had the April Fool's Short Story Contest author reveal! There's still some bug hunting going on with the new site, so please be patient. If you think you've found a bug, make sure to check out the blog and the forum to make sure it isn't something that has already been answered. The blog has the most recent fixes as of April 1st. Now, let's take a look at what happened in the various GA news blog

My New Job

I got a new job three and a half weeks ago. I'm getting paid $35,000/year and get benefits starting June 1st. I've opened up a bank account, instead of using my prepaid debit cards. I was originally hired to be an Intake Coordinator (I would find Home Health for patients that get discharged from the hospital, still on IV antibiotics, and then I would schedule for the meds to be delivered each week.) For some reason unbeknownst to me, I have a different job now. I now am the Patient/Logistics Coo




Has it been two weeks?  It already feels like two years.  Aside from all the work here, I work full time.  We have the same issue with our programmer, but he's on a totally different time schedule.  So it adds to some complications in getting these bugs fixed.  I'm sorry it is taking so long, but some things are being a bit stubborn.  You guys see the ship is moving, but you don't see that the engine keeps randomly spewing oil all over the engine room.  I'm just happy we keep moving.  


Myr in Life

I Rest My Case

So, I was fumbling through my stuff, looking for the chip for a wireless mouse for my sister's new laptop when I stumbled upon loads of books I had when I was a 16 year old sausage.    One was filled with prototypes of my story Bffs with the occational weird fairytale-esque stories with talking cats and an angry little prince on rooftops escapades.   But one book hit the feels real hard.    I had kept one notebook filled with my inner feelings and angry thoughts;of



April Fool's Winners & Reveal

I'd like to thank all of the authors who participated in the April Fool's Short Story Contest! There were a lot of great entries and I'm sure it was hard to choose who to vote for. Thank you everyone who voted for your favorite story and a big Thank You to Reader1810 for collecting the votes. Stories will be properly attributed to the correct authors very soon. Congratulations to the winners!!!!       And in a tie for 2nd place!          

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Fun Stuff

The World Waits In Silence

Forlorn, forlorn! The world waits in silence— The kind of silence that one Wouldn't be anxious for, yet is. How so must I believe, Believe that the nagging corners of my mind Do wander in excitement, in glorious, splendid excitement— For things that are to come? The world rolls on, unimposing and unimpressed with what little one supplies it. Eating it like one would eat an apple— Or a bit of cheese— Caring not for what makes up of it, But the wholeness of the experience i



My Life During the First Quarter of 2017

Wow, it's been awhile since I updated. I usually don't go that long with this blog. Hmm.   Winter was alright; early spring has been as well. My life has a general pattern right now- work, watching YouTube videos a lot, strolling Netflix, using my employee pass at the movies. On the weekends I have off, I usually will go into the city of Wilmington to catch either a play or a movie at either Theater N or Penn Cinema on the Riverfront. Possibly a beer or two every weekly or bi-weekly.



A Short Primer on Volcanism- Part 4

Ancient Volcanoes of the Mid-South   Between 80 and 70 million years ago the South Eastern United States was a shallow sea.   A line of three volcanoes grew into islands. It may be associated with an ancient hot spot that was dragged west to east by continental drift.   These three volcanoes are at Monroe, LA, Midnight, MS and Jackson, MS. This area has been extensively explored by the oil and gas industry.   I have no heat data for the Monroe and Mid




It’s nearly a year since the first animal I ever shared my life and heart with passed. Michael took him to the vet and our sweet dog was released from his pain. I feel some guilt for not having gone, but I couldn’t … not that day.   Ripley was Mike’s dog. His mom gave him Ripley when Michael lived on his own. It was hard for Mike because he was a young constable then, single, and looking after a puppy in addition to a busy life was hard. Luckily he had a good friend that helped.  



Happy and sad moments-mini-cat's kitten

Around four pm, mini-cat became restless. She wandered around the house and followed me everywhere. Then around ten, she had her first contractions. The first kitten, a large black and white, was born at 11:15. Sadly Alpha was dead by the time it was finally born. The second (Bravo) came an hour later. It was barely alive and we quickly cut the umbilical cord and rubbed it dry with a towel. For a short time, we thought we would lose it too, but it got stronger when we fed it with dry milk f



Writing Prompts #568 & #569

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Hopefully you'll find something in this weeks prompts to spark an idea and get you writing!   Prompt 568 - Creative Tag – First line You’ve got to tell me everything!   Prompt 569 – Creative Tag – The

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

A Short Primer on Volcanism - Part 3

Compare and contrast the convergence zone St Helens with the Hot Spot Kilauea volcano.     Pay attention. There will be a test.     This is an excellent account of the Mount St Helens eruption. It was the biggest eruption in the continental US in modern times. St Helens is a fairly typical Cascades volcano.         Kilauea volcano in Hawaii has been erupting continuously for thirty years.     Kilauea on Live Science



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