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  • Myr

    Horror Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 0 Most Read Horror - Body Snatcher Revolving around the invasion or replacement of human bodies by extraterrestrial beings, parasites, or other entities, body snatcher horror explores the loss of control over one's own body. No stories Top 3 Most Read Horror - Gothic (aka gothic romanticism; and dark romanticism): fiction mixing themes of horror, romance, and death Shadow‘s Reach (Halloween Noir) by Jack Poignet In Process Hungry for Gains by Jack

Ask an Author 2.0 - #8

Welcome to a special edition of Ask an Author. Some members may not realize the individuals who help Gay Authors thrive are themselves authors. Most of them have stories on the site. My thanks to Renee Stevens for the suggestion leading to this blog entry.   @Renee Stevens provided the inspiration for this edition of Ask an Author so let’s start with her. Im hoping she gets to read this before Baby J comes bounding out! This is her take on an issue that has been previously discussed on

Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker

So, I mentioned the book for this in the blog last Friday, so I thought I'd mention this movie.  The release kind of sucks as for some stupid reason, they haven't released a widescreen dvd or a Blu-Ray.  It is a cute little action movie with a lot of familiar British faces.  It's a quick romp with nice eyecandy.  There are worse things out there.


Myr in Movies

June CSR Feature: Anthologies by Mark Arbour

This month I thought we'd try something a little different. Instead of a single story, I picked two of Mark Arbour's shorter works (instead of his epic series, sorry to his fans!) from his anthologies. I hope you're in the mood for a trip into the past, something Mark does all too well, with his stories from the Carpe Diem and the I'd Never Do That anthologies.    Furlough      War's End    by Mark Arbour Furlough Length: 4,853 Description: Two wounded men meet in P

Bye For Now & Weekly Wrap Up (May 27 - Jun 2)

Before we even get started with the wrap up, I want to say:   Graeme!!!!!!   Graeme has been a long time member of GA's staff, and has been promoted to Site Administrator as well as Author Promotion Team Leader. We are very happy to have him as part of our team, so please visit the announcement thread to congratulate Graeme on his well deserved promotion!   Now, for some other news. I don't usually use the staff blogs for personal stuff, but the time has come f

Goodbye, My Love, Part II

Part I Here Goodbye, My Love, Part I   When I wrote part one, I was at a critical juncture in my life. I had just come back a two month vacation in China and Thailand, which was very indulgent, to say the least. I was just beginning graduate school, and I was studying for a pre-licensing exam. Both doing well in grad school and passing that pre-exam were going to be my ticket to career success. I was partied out from my vacation, and determined to do as well as I could in school. A clo



Storm Breaker by Anthony Horowitz

So, there are times where I want to read a little lighter fare that is still good.  Alex Rider series definitely fits this niche for me.  His adventures are all over the top.  He's pretty much a teenage James Bond.   The author is good across multiple genres as well.  I've read a few different things.  He's also written a well-received James Bond novel and two Sherlock Holmes novels.   Anyway, if action-adventure is your thing, the Alex Rider series of books (11 and counting) is w


Myr in Books

Writing Prompts #672 & #673

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 672 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – a computer, an engagement ring, a dragonfly, an orange rug, and a forest painting.   Prompt 673 – Creative

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Nintendo Switch

Sorry this is late.  It's been a heck of week trying to catch up from that annoying downtime with the internet. Anyway, I picked up a Nintendo Switch on a whim.  This is probably my midlife crisis.  I'll be picking up a Playstation 4 Pro in a few weeks. lol.   Anyway, for my 41st birthday, I picked up a Nintendo Switch so I can relive my youth playing Mario and Zelda.  And Donkey Kong.  And probably Kirby too.   It's definitely a cute little toy and I seriously doubt I'l


Myr in Gaming

Prompt #1

Listed below are the story cards and the ending card that you will use to create ideas for a story that you will then write down as a response to this entry.  More details are in the description of the blog.  Enjoy!   Story Cards Wolf (Character) Poisoned (Aspect) Storm (Event) In the Sky (Place) Husband or Wife (Character)   Ending Card Which proves you should always be careful when choosing your companions.



Improve & Encourage #12: Stars for the Star

I hope you all enjoyed the last Improve & Encourage feature, because it's time for another one. These features are meant to both provide feedback to authors and, similar to story reviews, point out stories that readers might not otherwise have found. It's similar to a review, in that the person doing the critique tells you what they liked about the story, but it differs in that they also provide constructive criticism. Each author signed up to participate, and sign up's are still open!  Thes

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Critique

Tech Tuesday - When Tech Breaks

I've just enjoyed, and I use the term loosely, an Internet free weekend.  This was not my desire in the least.  The several-year-old network interface board for Verizon FiOS decided to die Friday afternoon.  The tech was able to replace it fairly quickly, thankfully.  Unfortunately, it wasn't until Monday morning that they got around to getting here to do it.  The only internet access I had over the weekend was through my phone.  That means that time I would normally have for taking care of stuf


Myr in Technology Archive

My next story

Hey Folks Well I have finally started posting a new story. This one is titled - Deception...  Iv'e read this story before, I hear you say, well yes, that could be possible. It is one of my older stories, and one of the most popular. Thanks to Chris for all his hard work with editing. I hope you enjoy the story. Regards Quokka.  



Justice League

With my internet down for 3 days except for phone, I've had some time to catch up on other things. (oddly enough).  I got around to watching this finally and I enjoyed it.  Ezra Miller in spandex.... mmm. There were a couple of spots that were a little slower and superman, as ever, is an overpowered hero.  I'd say about 8/10.  well worth watching and keeping in my collection.  


Myr in Movies

May CSR Discussion Day: Lie of the Serpent by Craftingmom

Welcome to the end of May... how did that happen? No, seriously! It's crazy how fast the year is flying by, and we're almost halfway done with 2018. And what does flying have to do with this month's author and featured story? Well, did you read Lie of the Serpent? Or you can check out my interview with Craftingmom. And don't forget to share your thoughts on her story below.    If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Of course, I've recently watched the Infinity Wars m



Weekly Wrap Up (May 20 - May 26)

I hope you all have had a great week this week!  Have you had a chance to check out the Spring Anthology yet? Nine brand new stories for you to sink your teeth into. Before we get started this week, a couple of reminders for you:   Reminder #1: New authors are automatically put into the moderation queue and have to be approved by staff. Please read the FAQ on posting stories prior to uploading your first story. One common mistake new authors to the site make is uploading multiple chapt

Eragon by Christopher Paolini

I really enjoyed Eragon when I read it years ago.  I liked the sequel as well and then I was so tied up I never finished reading the series.  I have them in my giant pile... but I still haven't gotten back to them.  I really need to, since I did enjoy the book so much.   Has anyone else read this?  What do you think?


Myr in Books


One of Scientific America's stories this month is: New Data: Hurricanes Will Get Worse   New data from hurricane Harvey last year gives the author the ideas that hurricanes will be bigger, more frequent and cause tooth decay.   OK. I added tooth decay. He might as well add tooth decay because that is as easily inferred from ONE SINGLE DATA SET.   If I had turned in this paper, my advisor would have ripped me a new one. HOW are you supposed to make general observatio



Define "Great"

What is on your mind when you think of the word "great?"    Which story do you consider a classic?   Who is your most admired person?   Where do you go to get inspired?   When does a moment become experience?   How do you advance a civilization into the golden age?    *   *   *   This world is endowed with many great things.  Some are eminent, some are waiting to be discovered; some will become a memory, some will never extinc



The change

A couple of years ago I was fat. Not pleasantly plump. Not healthy. Fat.   It happens when you get older and don't change diet and exercise more. I got into the work, home, work cycle. I let things go and HOLY CRAP, HOW DID I GET TO BE ALMOST 300 pounds!?   No one was more surprised than me. I didn't see myself as fat. Other people saw me as fat and it shows in a lot of ways. People aren't as welcoming. They size you up in a few milliseconds and, what they decide isn't good f



Spring Anthology: Now or Never & Encounters *Now Live*

I know a lot of people have been looking forward to the release of the Spring Anthology. Luckily, the wait is over! Nine new stories have now been released for your enjoyment. I hope you find something you enjoy and don't forget to leave the author's a review to let them know what you think of their work! Thank you to all the Authors and their teams, the Anthology Proof Team for giving the stories a final polish, and Mann Ramblings for the Anthology banner! A special thank you to Valkyrie who to

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

I will have a Raspberry Pi

So, I have picked up a Raspberry Pi in order to have yet another toy to play with.  Though, in this case, it is so I can learn more about them.  I don't actually need one. Lol.  Anyone else playing with these cute little things for projects?


Myr in Gadgets

May Classic Author Excerpt: Stonegate Stables by Gabriel Morgan

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring Gabriel Morgan's sexy contemporary Texas story, Stonegate Stables? If you're a fan of his story, don't forget to download the signature graphic to share it through the month. If you haven't read the story yet, maybe this excerpt will help change your mind!    I chose this short excerpt from chapter three because it's incredibly descriptive in a way that makes you desperately want to see what the characters are seeing, for one, and two, because it



1st meeting

I did something today. Something I've never thought i would ever do. I met my brother who i haven't seen in twenty years. Me and my little brother were adopted young. I have an older brother by four years but I hadn't seen him since elementary school. It wasn't his fault that his mother (my former mother or as I call her egg donor) was a lying manipulative witch. And I'm being nice there. She was also negligent. He's a good guy, he was crying. He remembered where I lived, and asked to see me, an



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