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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

July Classic Author Excerpt: Endings & Beginnings by Viv

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring this month's Classic Author ad choice, Endings & Beginnings, selected by Valkyrie? If not, go check it out and get your copy of a small graphic that you can use for your personal signature if you want to share the love for Viv's story. We had a couple of reviews from fans on Monday's blog, but Valkyrie has her thoughts on Viv's story and also got to pick an excerpt to share. Read on to find out what she picked and why!   Valkyrie said: Viv's wr


Cia in Classic Feature

July Classic Author Feature: Endings & Beginnings by Viv

This month's feature was chosen by Valkyrie, and she picked Viv's Endings & Beginnings! This contemporary short story is one of our older stories, all the way from back in 2007, but she wanted to share this gem with newer readers on the site, so I hope you'll enjoy this month's feature!     Length: 10,069 words   Description: Endings & Beginnings is the first short story written as part of an anthology series. This one began the storyline with the theme "Fa


Cia in Classic Feature

On Your Knees, Boy

I, dressed only in black denims and boots Watch you strip down to nothing You are always unclothed, baring all to me For you belong to me, you are mine   You stand at room’s centre, in submission Rising for my chair I circle you, gaze at you When my hand caresses your back you flinch The skin there still soft, unscarred, sweet   You utter no sound as I walk around you I want you, desire you, control you My own manhood, hard, wanting



Weekly Wrap Up (July 9th - July 15th)

Another week, another weekly update for you to catch on the news you might have missed this week. And no, your eyes aren't deceiving you, Renee isn't doing the blog this week so hopefully I won't screw it up. By the way, did you notice it was her birthday this week? Make sure you don't miss the chance to wish her a belated birthday if you haven't already! Now, on to the highlights of the week.    And don't miss Myr's update with some info about the site on his personal blog:  


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Dreamy and Cheesy

So I was talking to some friends about food the other day, and the subject of mac and cheese came up somehow.   Well I opened my mouth and said, “I have a good recipe for mac and cheese.”  So a few people wanted it. And then they said, you should put it on your blog. So, here it is.   It’s nothing fancy.  And it’s really not good for you.  But it is so good!  So good that people I work with like the leftovers!   I started with my mother’s recipe.  Adapted it with fl



Potpourri of Updates

Welcome to my little potpourri of updates.  It has been a little while again.  As it happens, I get way too busy bouncing all over the place with all the stuff I'm doing.  Some personal stuff first... the project I started two years ago with my mother after dad died is now pretty much done.  We converted the back porch of the house into a very nice family room that is pretty much all windows.  (There are 15 windows in the room).  It turned into a great place for me to write and to read when I st


Myr in Life


emptiness is loneliness loneliness is cleanliness cleanliness is godliness god is empty just like me Smashing Pumpkins *even though I can't stand Billy Corgan because he's a whiney little bitch, this is a great quote*



Writing Prompts #592 & #593

Hope everyone has had a great week so far and is looking forward to the weekend. What better way to start it off than with brand new prompts! If you've been feeling stuck, or maybe just want to do something a little different, maybe one of these prompts will jump start a new idea. Just remember, prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Also, to make it so that nobody feels like their prompt response is getting overlooked, we've changed the format. Rather than us

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Next Postings

Hey everyone Just thought I would let you known what my schedule is for posting chapters of my current stories. Frontier - Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (Unless my editor tells me to slow down, then Saturdays postings will be dropped)   Cheers Quokka P.S The days listed above, are Western Australian Standard TIme:- UST +8 hrs




First, let me say....in this I will be using the terms evil and bad. For the purpose of this writing, they are interchangeable. It was difficult sticking to one or the other. What is the devil's job? Many would say it's to tempt some from their path to lead them down a path of evil ways. If that is the case, does the devil create evil or does the devil merely exploit the inherent evil that is within us all? If the devil were to create evil, wouldn't that mean that some were born to be evil



New Story Coming

Hello my followers I hope you enjoyed the story - Uncertain Future Stay tuned for a much shorter story - Twin Change Simular to a movie that came out on television a few years ago, but different in many ways. Felix and Finn are twin brothers separated at the age of two years, following the separation of their parents. One twin remained with his mother in the UK, while the other travelled to New Zealand, his fathers home country.



Author Promo: Mikiesboy

It's time for another author promo! I'm completely out of these promos, so if you'd like to promo your own work, take a look at the thread for guidelines and then PM me. For this month, our featured promo spot is for Mikiesboy. There were three questions that Mikiesboy had to answer for each story. The questions were What gave you the idea for this story? What was your favorite thing about writing this story? & Please tell us something about this story that is not already in the description.

Featured Story: Rule #3

I hope everyone had a great weekend, but now it's time to start off a new week. A great way to start the week is to take a look at a story that can be found on Gay Authors. Today's feature is Rule #3 by CassieQ. William King was nice enough to provide us with this great review. If you haven't already done so, maybe it will inspire you to take a look. If you do, don't forget to leave Cassie some reviews. Enjoy!   Rule #3 CassieQ Reviewer: William King Status: Complete Word Co


I took a trip recently.  It was not an easy decision to do that but I did it any way. This came out of that trip   family   I recently went to see family   People who birthed me Raised me Taught me   With whom I share genetics Parents siblings   People who made me feel Less than So Wrong   From whom I distanced myself To save myself   I recently went to see family   People who have



Weekly Wrap Up (Jul 2 - Jul 8)

It's that time of the week again! In case you missed any of what's been going on this week, never fear, because we'll take a quick peek at everything that we looked at from Monday on. Are you worried you might have missed a story update from one of your favorite authors? We'll help you out there too with the story updates from all of GA's promoted authors.     Contests Halloween Short Story Contest - Due September 15th, 2017   Anthology Announcements: ***NO

Lables are exhausting

I like labels... self imposed labels of course. It's human nature to want to put things in little boxes, even things that don't fit. Organizing them by similar characteristics so we can better understand and define them. I like this. But I believe people can only be labeled by themselves in most cases (if you have red hair your a red head deal with it or dye it lol) so I label myself and express these labels loud. So no one can do it for me and get it wrong!   I have always known who I



Writing Prompts #590 & #591

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. It's time for this weeks writing prompts. If you're stuck, or you're considering writing for the first time, these might be perfect for you. Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. For the featured prompt responses, we're going to start doing things a little different. Rather than me pick a prompt from the previous week, the authors themselves can share their prompts in the comments. This way, no one gets left

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts


Up until now I have been using the identifier 'non-binary' , mostly because I have no idea what my gender is, how I want to express it and so on. Also, it just fits.    Over the last few months I have been paying around with my gender expression; clothing, hair style, accessories, binder. I also started using men's body wash and deodorant.    I definitely feel best when I'm as 'man' as I can be. The idea of top surgery in theory is nice, and I would love to tak



Author Interview: Valkyrie

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day today. For your enjoyment today, we have an interview with Valkyrie where she talks about her writing process, her book Hollow Hills, and a few questions just for fun. If you haven't read Valkyrie's stories, you can do so here! Hope you enjoy! Valkyrie General Author Questions What does your writing process look like? I don’t really follow the same process with every story.  Sometimes I’ll jot ideas down or make an outline, but most

Shopping and Bathrooms

I always hated shopping. I would see cute clothes, but not cute FOR ME. Nothing ever felt like it fit right, even when it fit the way it was 'supposed to'. I found myself constantly passing by masculine looking clothes even though they felt more ME.  I never understood the 'in fashions' or shared my friends idea on perfect outfits. I felt awkward in the women's section, like I was an invader that didn't belong. I always felt like people were looking at me thinking ' you



July C S R Feature: Reece's Choice by Renee Stevens

This month's CSR announcement was slightly delayed so I could post it live so Renee wouldn't find out it was happening since she's the lead blogger... but Monday has arrived so I can let everyone know this month's featured story is Reece's Choice by Renee Stevens! Woo hoo! This is a nice contemporary novella, an easy read at just 25k, so make sure you've read it and are ready to discuss the story on Monday, July 31st!   Reece's Choice by Renee Stevens   Length: 25,483

I don't know what's going to happen

This was a message to my Patrons, which means there will be some information in here which will likely make no sense to you, but I wanted this to be known. This last weekend was hell. The only worse weekends I've ever had involved loved ones dying, just to give you a measure of perspective. Over the course of 48 hours, my already bad mood for the week (because the week was fairly shitty, too) went full depression.There's a lot going on, but I'm only going to tell you about the two things whic



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