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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Anthology - Creature Feature - Guidelines

    By Valkyrie

    I'm super excited about this year's theme!  There are so many possibilities.... Do I go with a cute fluffy kitty?  Or maybe a fire-breathing dragon?  Or an army of Norse penguins fighting Canadian otters?   It's a good thing there's a lot of time before the deadline, although with my prowess at procrastinating, I probably won't start till the week it's due   The guidelines for this year's anthology are posted below.  So now that we know the theme and the parameters... start writing!  
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Leo Varadkar becomes Ireland’s first openly gay minister

Ireland’s health minister has become the first member of a government in Dublin to openly say that he is gay. Tipped as a possible future prime minister, Leo Varadkar told Miriam O’Callaghan on RTÉ Radio 1 on Sunday morning: “I am a gay man. It’s not a secret.” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/18/leo-varadkar-ireland-first-openly-gay-minister lets hope he still gets to become leader of his party ... or at least stays tipped as being the one ... and here's hoping more ministers of dif



Weekly Wrap Up!

This week has been a busy week, but before you take a look at what's happened in the blog, take a minute and take part in today's poll! I hope everyone is ready for another week to begin, and if you're not ready, well... I think it's going to start anyways so hopefully you'll be ready when it does .   This week was Signature Week in the GA News Blog which meant Monday & Wednesday were all about Stellar's story Hidden Sunlight. On Monday, Yettie One provided us with a great review and then

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Joined by Blood & Other Story News

First off, thank you to all my readers for being so patient as I try to get story chapters out! It's been a struggle to write lately, though I'm not sure why, but I am still writing. I wanted to update everyone who follows my work on a couple things that are going on in regards to my stories, but especially the completed story, Joined by Blood.   As of February 1st, I will be unpublishing Joined by Blood from GA Stories. It is NOT going away permanently, but I have been slowly working on so

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Out of my home for now

Well, to cap off a crappy week where I have had to work minimum of 12 hour days for the past 13 days and now compulsory overtime at work for another 2-3 weekends, I got off a bit early yesterday and headed home.   Once I got off the elevator to walk down the hall to my apartment style condo, I saw two of the Condo board members standing outside of my unit. I noticed a huge wet stain of water outside my door and then noticed that my door and door frame were all smashed up.   Since I'm tired a



happy couple get married

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2914707/Stephen-Fry-announces-marriage-Elliott-Spencer-Twitter.html   Fry is 57 ,,, Spencer is 27 - they got engaged 10 days ago .... lets hope they stay as a coupe for a long time



Space Vampires!

Okay, this is funny because I am posting the third story in what has been called my 'Space Vampires' trilogy. That, and it's just soooo true at times!     " data-width="466"> Post by Jena Gregoire.




Marred and scuffed weathered brave from the good and bad... there's this look of a life lived... twisted and worn beauty seen with the eye and held by a hand felt in the heart strangely at peace wanting nothing anymore but giving instead a fond farewell



Writing Prompts #386 & #387

Woohoo! It's Friday, which mean's not only is the weekend just around the corner but it's time for a couple of new prompts. I hope everybody has had a great week so far and that you have a great start to the weekend. What better way to start it than taking one of today's prompts and write a little bit of flash fiction. Don't forget, story's under 1,000 words have to be posted as part of a collection. I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with for next week!   Prompt 386 – Creative Ta

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Let's Go Together

Cris's grandparents are dying.   I haven't had grandparents since I was 13, and they weren't the type who were around, or who looked after us when we were kids or anything. I was so scared when I first met Cris's grandparents (back when he was still my boyfriend) because I knew how much he loved them, how involved they were in his life, and I was petrified I wouldn't measure up somehow. But it didn't happen, we had ceramics in common, and I got attached to them really quickly. We get on like a

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan


A morbid thought locked his heart away in an immense expanse fenced by regret and filled with bitter biting wit



10 Common Mistakes We Make With Men

1. Ignoring the Obvious- It is said that love is blind. It makes us overlook tiny little flaws like say... alcoholism.     2. Thinking he will change for me- no, he won't. In some cases, you can expect it to get much worse and take you down with them.     3. I have to take it because I can't do any better- without any self esteem or confidence, you probably won't. You won't get either staying in an abusive situation.     4. I need a relationship- are you ready for one or is it a s



#ThrowbackThursday- Time Travelin' to the '90s

There's a new t.v. show on VH1 called Hindsight, . It's a pretty cute, charming show if you're into fluffy romantic comedies, and ESPECIALLY if you're into 90's nostalgia.  Anyway, this is the theme song.     I'm enjoying the hell out of the soundtrack. The 1993-1996 era of music was so damn good. Anybody remember this tune? I had totally forgotten it, but yet it sounded so familiar when I heard it.   Anyway...if you were given a time machine and traveled back in time, is there anyt




I left trouble aflutter pretty, though the performance was on a terrace with his tan with his blue eyes and his electric green speedo his mystery intact within it's rock hard basket



Author Interview: Stellar

Have you downloaded January's Signature Background yet? If you haven't already done so, the month is only half over so there's still plenty of time! To go along with this month's background, we're happy to bring you today's interview with Stellar, courtesy of Cia. Enjoy! Interview: Stellar on " Hidden Sunlight"   Single people often have more time to write. Are you single? I think the correct phrase would be 'terminally single.' Being an Aspie makes it difficult to meet and connect wi

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Interviews

10 Guys You'll Sleep With in College

The Athlete   OK. You can stand the competitiveness to get next to those pecs and abs. It's not that he looks like a Greek god chiseled out of marble that turns you on about him. It's that dreamy look in his eye.   It takes you a while to figure out that when he gets that dreamy look, he's thinking of somebody else.       Mr. Perfect   No. He's not a wrestler except in the sack. Mr. Perfect is everything you always wanted... except for the cheating and the clap.       The Hipst



is there a cure for idiots ?

There has been outrage in India after a minister in Goa said the state government was planning to set up centres to "cure" homosexuals. Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Ramesh Tawadkar said treatment would be offered to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders to make them "normal". more at : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-30791795 and who is he to say i aint "normal" ? - and what the heck is "normal" anyway ? we are all different from one another.. some tall, small, fat thin,



TLC Airs Special Called "My Husband's Not Gay"

There are no words.       It makes me think of a former gay erotica author who decided to "become" straight and dumped a really great guy in order to run screaming back into his closet.   But at the very least the women are going into this knowing that they're marrying guys "struggling" with same-sex attractions. That's progress, as opposed to the Baby Boomers who faked being straight because they really had no other choice unless they wanted to be outcasts.   I like to think that tw




I saw For a moment Beyond My poor excuse For a life And saw Someone Beyond My pettiness   You are beautiful Please don't be offended Just pretend I didn't notice That I didn't Tell you



Featured Story: Hidden Sunlight

What better way to start off a new week than to take a look at a story that you might have overlooked amongst the thousands in GA Stories. To start off Signature Week, Yettie One has provided us with a review of Hidden Sunlight by Stellar. If you haven't already done so, you can go and download this months Signature Background to go with the story. Enjoy! Hidden Sunlight by Stellar Signature Author   Reviewer: Yettie One Status: Complete Word Count: 175,938   Hidden Su

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Well, its already late

I've worked hard this year and there are spots where I just can't seem to get ahead. Sometimes it is my fault and sometimes I have help.   I am way behind because with my now way overdue holiday packages I plan to send something homemade. I bought bananas and had pumpkin ready to go so I could make my breads. I left in the am, getting done early for a change, figuring everything would be cooked finally tonight. Dad tossed my bananas saying they had started to turn brown (which is when the suga



eBook Review: Let it Go by Sid Love

Let it Go by Sid Love My rating: 4 of 5 stars   For me, Let it Go, ranks 3.75 stars. The writing is generally smooth, and the slang terms were kept separate for the different nationalities, which I know is tricky when you're writing a foreign character. There were some typos and a pretty big character oops when one of the two main characters, Virat, says his wife doesn't speak good English--and then she comes right out fluent as can be later in the story. I was able to overlook most of the is



My Bloody Valentine!

This past October, I had the best time working in a haunted house. It was a big production, professional make-up, costumes, blood and gore with strobe lights and fog. It was only for a month, but it was awesome!!   I just got a call asking me to play a crazy killer for “My Bloody Valentine.” The haunted house is going to re-open for 1 weekend in February. Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th (aka Valentine's Day)   Hell yes!!! Everyone tells me I’m crazy for loving this, but it is so much



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