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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Anthology - Creature Feature - Guidelines

    By Valkyrie

    I'm super excited about this year's theme!  There are so many possibilities.... Do I go with a cute fluffy kitty?  Or maybe a fire-breathing dragon?  Or an army of Norse penguins fighting Canadian otters?   It's a good thing there's a lot of time before the deadline, although with my prowess at procrastinating, I probably won't start till the week it's due   The guidelines for this year's anthology are posted below.  So now that we know the theme and the parameters... start writing!  
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Author Interview: Carl Holiday

Have you downloaded your copy of the Signature Background for February yet? There's still time! Today we're featuring an interview with Carl Holiday, all about him, his writing, and a little about how Hold 32 came into being!   Do you eat your fruits and vegetables? I’m more of a dairy and grains kind of guy.   Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point? I make it up at night, before I use it. It’s not like the housing inspectors will be coming along an


Cia in Author Interviews

Featured Story: Hold 32

This month for the Signature Background, I featured Carl Holiday's story, Hold 32 from the 2011 Anthology themed: Walk on the Wild Side. A short story I enjoyed then and now, I thought I'd do the review myself! And if you haven't had a chance to download your background yet this month, you can get it here! Hold 32   by Carl Holiday Signature Author   Reviewer: Cia Status: Complete Length: 1,595   I read A LOT, but this story stuck out to me in 2011 when I first read it


Cia in Featured Stories

What is the Best Move for White?

Click "Read Full Entry," below, to view the illustration. In this ten-minute blitz game, I played the White pieces against a New Zealander of a similar rating as mine. Black is just two moves away from resigning. What is my next move? The answer is below. In this game, as usual, I played the Drunken Knight. My opponent adhered to Classical principles by opting for a strong center occupied by pawns, while I went the hypermodern route. The board above displays the f



Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Just a reminder that there's less than a month left to get your Spring Anthology entries in to the Anthology Proof team (23 days to be exact)! Now lets take a quick look at what happened this week in the GA News Blog!   Have you read Pierced by JVaughn? If not, now's your chance as on Monday, Cia announced that Pierced was this month's CSR Book Club choice. The discussion day will take place on Feb 23rd, but since it's just under 20,000 words, you should ha

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

No More Computer Viruses

I've been fighting viruses all my life. As a kid, I got cold viruses. As a young man, friends died or got sick from the HIV virus. Now, my friends get computer viruses. These are good people, intelligent, creative types that have their computer taken away from them by a malicious trick played by lowlife scum. I hate viruses and I hate virus writers because of what I have seen happen to my friends and family.   To my knowledge, my computers are virus-free. I only say to my knowledge, because on




My companion this night surrounded me in spectacle lust so wanton I fell for it completely shame it only lasted minutes but nothing else I have ever known compares



abusive relationships part. 2- Red Flags

Abusers isolate you from family and friends.   Abusers abuse you and make you think it's your fault.   Abusers cheat and then they are insanely jealous. All to often they don't even acknowledge your relationship.   They will use you.   Abusers use sex to reward and punish.   The problem with abusive relationships is that they only get worse.   Cops see this crap everyday and hate it. They get called out to the same house or apartment break up a fight where someone is obviously



Dabeagle's "Everything's Jake" and abusive relationships

Occasionally a story will come along that goes beyond just being good and becomes important. Dabegle's Everything's Jake is one of those stories. It rather graphically illustrates how gay teens and young adults can wake up and find themselves in abusive relationships.   No one that I've ever met just decides one day hot damn, where can I find someone to abuse me every day? Abusive relationships happen to gay and straight young people every day and none of them are looking for it.   There is



Writing Prompts #392 & #393

Hope everyone has had a great week so far and is looking forward to the weekend. What better way to start it off than with brand new prompts! If you've been feeling stuck, or maybe just want to do something a little different, maybe one of these prompts will jumpstart a new idea. A couple of things to remember: Prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Do to the high number of collections containing only a few "chapters" we have set a limit of five collections pe

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Another real-life theme to use in medical stories!

Britain approved 3 person IVF‏.         In this process they'd remove "faulty" mitochondrial DNA from a cell and replace it with mitochondrial DNA from a donor female egg to help reduce genetic diseases before implantation. Examples of "curable" mitochondrial genetic diseases: Diabetes mellitus and deafness, blindness, multiple sclerosis-type diseases, some epilepsy, liver disease, heart disease... The mitochondrial DNA doesn't affect genetic information like hair and eye color, personality



Ask An Author #24

It's hard to believe it's already February, but not only is it a new month, but it's also the first Wednesday of the month. That means it's time for the "Ask An Author" feature provided to us by Dark! Don't forget, PM Dark if you have a question you'd like to ask your favorite author! Ask an Author #24   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #23, we had questions for authors Mark Arbour, Thomas Nealy, and Thorn Wilde.   In At

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Interviews

My "Heart" Songs Playlist

These tunes are basically what I'd consider the core of my heart. They're tunes I can't ever get sick of. Check 'em out.   "Heart Songs"   1.   2.   3.   4.   5. (1997 live version)  6. "   7.   8.   9.   10.   The mass bulk of these songs are from the 1990's. Shocker. LOL   I've never come across a song that depicts youth in it's pure, beautiful form better than "1979" does. God, I can't tell you how much I love that song.



Moving forward, maybe

Yesterday was bittersweet. My sister sent me a text to write our older brother's obit. She had wanted to do it, but a crisis with her adult children interfered. It was also my younger brother's 37th birthday.   The obit was simple, we had a max of 4 lines. XXX, 51, of XXX passed away on January 24, 2015 at UPMC. He is survived by 3 sisters and one brother. Preceded in death by both parents and 1 sister.   Very sad summation of nearly 52 years.   It says nothing of the boy I remember: The b



Some Classic Tanka

Tanka Some translations from the Hyakku-nin Isshu, or The Issue of a Hundred People       51 by Fujiwara no Sanekata   Why so strongly red, As if I could tell of them That sad mogusa[1] Retains their own way of pain And like love, must endure it.       52 by Fujiwara no Michi-Nobu   If the morning breaks, The coming things are all there, Whitened by their length And all by the look of things, Is nothing but morning light.       53 by Udaisho Michi-Tsuna no Hana   Little by lit

AC Benus

AC Benus

February Csr: Pierced By Jvaughn

February is a month many people focus on love. But sometimes two people have to face seemingly insurmountable obstacles and there's no guarantee having a connection can be enough. I really enjoyed this story, so I decided to feature J Vaughn's short story for this month's Can't Stop Reading Book Club. Pierced by J Vaughn   Length: 19,210   Description: Paul is a college football player and deeply in the closet until he stumbles upon a rape victim who needs his help. Kyle is out


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

A story without heroes

I don't know how to approach this topic. It's ugly so be warned that it's not going anywhere nice. If you're going to freak out, change to the Disney channel.   Adult content. Violence. Very, very fucked up situations.   No parent in their right mind would want you to know that this shit happens.   ____________________________________________________________     I'm going to tell you a story about an 18 year old freshman.   He was really excited to go to college. He was going where hi



Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Before we get to this week's wrap up, I'd like to look back at the poll from last week's. The winner for the next crossword topic is "Signature Authors". If you would like to send clues and answers, please feel free to PM them to Renee! Answers can consist of author names, story names, and character names. In the case of multiple clues with the same answer, I may choose to combine the clues and/or simply use one clue. Members have until March 1st to send me t

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing again

Shh. Don't tell anyone but I started to do that thing called writing again. I am doing multiple things at once so unsure how it is going.   Chapter 16 of Jonas is with the editor and beta.   Finishing three stories to be sent for possible publication.   Working on the final chapter of Seeon. (Anyone even remember that one?)   Have a new prompt piece I'll be putting up later.   All of this and a terrible cold on top of it. Who knows, might actually finish another story then try to find



The Field of Love

I've started a new story, 'The Field of Love'. My plan is to post a new chapter once a week. It's a story about a fifteen year old boy finding acceptance and love on a baseball field. I've started a forum for the story and I hope you will leave a review on the story so I can learn from you, the reader. It's my intention to give you the best story I can.   Below is the links to the proper forum.   The Field of Love   Forum for The Field of Love



Work or something like it

The last two weeks have been hectic.   Last week I spend 2 days in Iowa City for work getting a Federal agency set-up on their new phone. I love working with customers and taking care of the issues that come up during the deployments.   This week I was at a federal agency here in Des Moines doing the same thing. I got to spend time with a federal account rep that is from Kansas and found out she wants to kidnap me since I am very efficient and very helpful.   The bomb was dropped on me yes



Writing Prompts #390 & #391

Happy Friday! I hope everybody is ready for a couple of new prompts!!! For those that don't already know, Comicfan supplies us with a couple of prompts every week to hopefully inspire ideas and simply get people writing. If one of the prompts catches your attention, write it and post it in GA Stories. To have your prompt response considered for the featured prompt response, don't forget to post a link in the thread for the prompt. A couple of things to remember: Prompt responses under 1,000 word

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing To Reach You

First off, this entry took forever to write because of all the typos. If any make it through, do forgive me.   I write, it's what I do. And because I spend so long doing it, I am very aware of how I type, the motions I make, and the relationship I have with a keyboard. For a long time now it has shocked and appalled me that most people never think twice about their keyboard. They want a machine with all the fancy specs, but they don't care, or know, anything about the main interface they are g

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

When to OUT People: a Guide for Nuking Hypocrites

"Outing" people is, under most circumstances, traumatic and potentially destructive.   It can even be dangerous to people.   It should only be done only under certain exceptional circumstances. Examples follow and then guidelines.   Reverend Ted Haggard, millionaire leader of a mega-church, was a highly influential, outspoken critic of gay people and gay rights. He counseled parents to send their gay kids to pray-the-gay-away camp. He was caught with a hustler and crystal meth.   Mor



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