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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Writing Prompts #324 & #325

I hope everyone has had a great week up until this point and that everyone has a wonderful weekend as well. Friday has once again graced us with it's presence and with it we have two more prompts from the prompt guru, Comicfan. As always, we're also sharing a previous prompt response. Don't forget, if either of these prompts trigger a response from you, share it in the prompt forum and maybe you'll see yours featured next week!   Prompt 324 – Creative Tag – Photo Use the following photo to wri

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

"A Marriage Below Zero" and its Contemporary Readers, Part 2

(Reprinted from here: https://www.gayauthors.org/story/ac-benus/amarriagebelowzero-operalibretto/5)       Part 2:   Refuting the Voice of the Majority – A Marriage Below Zero and its Contemporary Readers[1]       An honest tale speeds best, B eing plainly told . Shakespeare Richard III, Act I, Scene iv           Part Five – Romantic Ideal Damon and Who..? [50]   Under persecution their love held firm, and that, even to the point of death. What mor

AC Benus

AC Benus

"A Marriage Below Zero" and its Contemporary Readers, Part 1

(Reprinted from here: https://www.gayauthors.org/story/ac-benus/amarriagebelowzero-operalibretto/5)       Part 1:   Refuting the Voice of the Majority – A Marriage Below Zero and its Contemporary Readers[1]       An honest tale speeds best, B eing plainly told . Shakespeare Richard III, Act I, Scene iv         Part One – Opening Volley The Barrage of Questions   In terms of preparing a libretto based on A Marriage Below Zero, I know that I have lef

AC Benus

AC Benus

Musical Misognynism

The focus here is largely on LGBT issues, but the issues women are dealing with are pretty tough too. I heard this song on TV last night (don't remember if it was Fallon or Myers):     I suppose I should tell you what this bitch is thinking You'll find me in the studio and not in the kitchen I won't be bragging 'bout my cars or talking 'bout my chains Don't need to shake my ass for you 'cause I've got a brain   If I told you 'bout my sex life, you'd call me a slut When boys b

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

Funny Moment at work

Today I was working with a couple of sales representative in our Minneapolis office from my office in Des Moines.   I was leaving a voicemail for one when another one called me.   I called her back when I was done and we were joking and laughing about a situation. I got my call waiting beep and was like hold on other rep is calling me back.   She goes he's right across from me and told him to stop calling me. He walked up to her took her phone and ran into the bathroom so she couldn't foll




What is it?   A rather longish short story... just for fun.   You haven't abandoned your other stuff?   No. I got stuck on both of them and am writing something fun to get back in the habit.   Where is Case: Black?   It's happening but I bit off a lot more with that project than I though. I'm having to do some research and some other stuff to keep it real.   How about Operation Hammerhead?   The next installment of that will be several chapters at once. It's coming to a climax and



So the story title... does it need to change?

I'm having second thoughts on the title for the story. It might have something to do with it was only uttered once but the title really doesn't match the stor's theme.   My only concern is that I have posted nine chapters already and 10 is in its edits. The other concern I have is that it will alienate the readers.   So it is your choice GA. Should I change it or no?



Author Interview: Andrew_Q_Gordon

Have you downloaded your Signature Author Background yet? It's there, just waiting for you! Today we're continuing with Signature Week with an interview with Andrew_Q_Gordon on this month's story "Second Shot". Cia presented Andy with a list of questions which he was kind enough to answer and send back for us to share with you. Who knows, maybe one of these questions is one that you had! Interview: Andrew_Q_Gordon on Second Shot   Interviewer: Cia What brought you to GA?   My wr

eBook Review: Bonded by Rosalie Tarr

Bonded by Rosalie Tarr My rating: 4 of 5 stars   3.5 stars, rounded up to 4 because I did snicker quite a bit in the story. Delivery can only make up for the plot so far, though, and I felt that Bonded took the gay for you a bit far with 2 'straight' characters. I have to admit to having issues with fact that the insta-love element didn't just apply to the character's newly met relationship but to the sexual desire element as well.   There's a line there when it comes to attraction going fr



Premium Tuesday: The Degan Incident

Want to help support Gay Authors? One way to do that is to purchase a Premium Subscription. As a Thank You, there are a fair number of stories available for Premium Subscribers to read. Each week, I'm featuring one of the Premium stories in the GA News blog. This week, I'm featuring the story "The Degan Incident" by Rob Colton. The Degan Incident by Rob Colton   Lonely spaceport worker Devin McSmith meets Bastian Drago, an exotic and beastly alien from the planet Dega,

Featured Story: Second Shot

This month's Signature Author Background and the feature for this week's Signature Week is "Second Shot" by Andrew_Q_Gordon. I always start out Signature Week with a review of the story being featured and this week is no different. Comicfan was kind enough to offer to do the review on "Second Shot". If you haven't already done so, don't forget to go and download your Signature Author Background. Second Shot By Andrew Q. Gordon   Reviewer: Comicfan Status: Complete Word Co

Expanding canvas for my Story Causality

Egyptian mythology and Japanese history are usually distinct, but I am breaking old formulas by combining into my master plan and story canvas.   Egyptian Civilization is as ancient as Chinese and Indian civilizations, plus we know from real history that they had dealings through trade over thousands of years.   As for Japanese history, western historians never really pick up on the fact that Japan is an island nation at the edge of Asia, so how do you imagine it hosting a strong Buddhist in



A small excerpt from my loves landscapes story

This is a short scene from my loves landscape submission. I have now finished all the edits and will see about getting it posted here some how when the mmromance group have published it.   Story Extract:   As usual, Adam arrived early, no doubt hoping to find Ben only half dressed, just out of the shower. This time when Ben heard the doorbell, he opened and looked out the bedroom window to ensure it was Adam and not a neighbor, before calling down, “The door’s unlocked, Love.” The endearmen

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Weekly Wrap Up!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there, I hope you have a wonderful day! It's hard to believe that it's already May and that many places are starting to see the benefits of Spring. It was yet another busy week in the Gay Authors News Blog, so in case you missed something, let's take a look back.   The first Monday of every month is slated to announce the new story selection for the CSR Book Club. This last Monday was no different. Have you read the series "That Jacob & Marcus Tales"

Writing Prompts #322 & #323

Hope everyone has had a wonderful week so far, but now it's almost over and that means that it's once more time to bring you a couple of new prompts courtesy of the prompt guru, Comicfan. Hopefully one of these two prompts spark something for you, if it does, make sure to share it in the Writing Prompts Forum and maybe we'll feature it next week in the Friday Prompt Me!   Prompt 322 – Creative Tag – Date Night Things haven’t been going well in your relationship. The spice has gone out of it, b

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

A boy came to mind...

As I was reading a most unremarkable story from CNN's front pages today, I thought about someone that I had long since forgotten.   He was an unspectacular boy, born of a middle class family with some questionable genealogy due to his mother. Overall, he was a good guy; did well in school, hung out with a few Asian cliques (he probably rubbed off some ideas from them), and just treated everyone with respect.   As he grew older, he got wilder ideas about life and society. He hated how rich pe



Woo Hoo!

One of my favorite authors used my name for a character in his latest book!   Jack Cambell, author of the Lost Fleet and Beyond the Frontier series, used my name as a minor character in his latest book Steadfast.   Jamie Savik is the captain of the battle cruiser Formidable.   To me this is more fun than a birthday because I don't get any older.  



Ask An Author #16

It's the first Wednesday of the month, and that is always a special treat in the Gay Author's News Blog. As most people know, the first Wednesday of every month has been slated for a feature by Dark called Ask An Author in which different authors are asked a question from the members at Gay Authors. It's a great feature, and a big Thank You to Dark for keeping it going. So, let's see what Dark has in store for us this month! Ask an Author #16   Welcome back to another quirky question an

Writing, world building, and keeping it going

Okay, lets forget the multiple titles and things I seem to have collected while I am a member here at GA. When it all is stripped away I am two things - a reader and a writer.   When I first came to GA I came here as a reader. Off site, I was an English major so I read a lot of books. I read for school. I read for pleasure. However, any way you look at it I read. When I came here I did just that, I read the stories that appealed to me. If I enjoyed a story I left a comment. If I didn't, like a



Premium Tuesday - Jake

It's time for another look into the Premium Section of Gay Authors. As most people know, the Premium Section is our way of saying Thank You to those who help support Gay Authors by purchasing a Premium Subscription. There are quite a few stories that have either only posted in Premium or have been moved to Premium for one reason or another. This week, we are showcasing a story by C James, also known to many by his pseudonym, The Goat.   Jake by CJames   Jake the typic

Eighties Flashback

In the late seventies the new wave landed on our shores. God knows what it meant but we weren't into philosophy.   lost and frantic new age romantic checking out the race never cared about what it meant   We were wanted something cool to listen to and the Cars delivered.             "Misfit Kid"   i dream frequently sometimes they come out funny i go through insanity all they want is money all these parties get so habitual the same sea of faces always pushing,



May Csr Book Club Selection: The Jacob & Marcus Tales

May already! For many we're on the cusp of a new season and for some of us it's still pouring down rain, grr. I thought this month I'd feature a story with a lot of duality in it. Then, I decided to do something a little different and do a series. Now, I know a novel series would be far too much reading, but Thorn Wilde's Jacob and Marcus Tales just fit the bill, with all the 8 stories in the series under 8k in length. *Story #5 in the series is a set of 2 short prequels* I hope you enjoy this s

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