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  • Cole Matthews

    Building a mystery!

    By Cole Matthews

    If you know me at all, you know I love a good mystery story.  Dame Agatha Christie, Jonathan Kellerman, Joseph Hansen, Martha Grimes, Earl Derr Biggers, Dashiell Hammett, Robert Parker, Minette Walters, Joe Lansdale, Wilkie Collins, and many many more all come to mind.  There is something intriguing about a whodunit or even a whydonit.  They are also such fantastic period pieces, where you journey to another place and live in a different time.  You can read about Dave Brandstetter in the 19

MDBCs 29 Jun 2023

June 29th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Cassius of Narni Feast of Saints Peter and Paul (Western Christianity), and its related observances: Haro Wine Festival (Haro, La Rioja) l-Imnarja (Malta) June 29 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 697

MDBCs 28 Jun 2023

June 28th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Basilides and Potamiana Irenaeus of Lyon (Western Christianity) Heimerad Blessed Maria Pia Mastena Paulus I Vincenza Gerosa June 28 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Constitution


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 696

MDBCs 27 Jun 2023

June 27th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Arialdo Crescens, one of the Seventy disciples Cyril of Alexandria (Coptic Church, Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Communion and Lutheran Church) Ladislaus I of Hungary Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sampson the Hospitable


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 695


I’m melting. What do you do when it’s hot? Hug the AC? Work surrounded by fans? Jump into the lake/sea/pool? Well, there are treats: less clothes, skimpy shorts, no shirts - did I say less clothes? Okay, to the prompts. #143 Daydreaming, your MC follows a hot person through the grocery shop until they reach the produce section. They grab the same...melon. What happens, dinner or nothing? Something in-between? # 144 Describe your favorite place in summer. Make us feel it.


Aditus in Prompts

MDBCs 26 Jun 2023

June 26th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Day of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan Christian feast day: Anthelm of Belley David the Dendrite Hermogius Isabel Florence Hapgood (Episcopal Church) Jeremiah (Lutheran) John and Paul José María Robles Hurtado


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 694

Home, Sweet Home

Life: We arrived home last night after a two-week vacation. It was a working vacation, but still. I feel that two weeks is too long to be away. I missed my dogs, my bed, my morning coffee on the back deck… all the things. I don’t mind travel, even for work, but I’m always happy to come home. I didn’t always feel this way. I used to wander all over the place and was famous for taking off for faraway places without a passing thought to an itinerary. So I guess people do change.    W

MDBCs 25 Jun 2023

June 25th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Arbor Day (Philippines) Christian feast day: David of Munktorp Eurosia Maximus (Massimo) of Turin Philipp Melanchthon (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) Presentation of the Augsburg Confession (Lutheran) Prosper of Aquitaine


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 693

Book Review: Men in Caring Occupations by Ruth Simpson

In Britain, men make-up just under 10% of nurses and yet the image of nursing still firmly remains female. So what does it mean to be a man in a female dominated profession? Ruth Simpson (Professor in Management at Brunel Business School) undertook research looking at gender roles in employment. She looked at the experiences of men in four different traditionally female dominated professions (which were cabin crew on airplanes, nurses, primary school teachers and librarians). This research

Drew Payne

Drew Payne in Book review

Closure and hitting on the closing days of my 30's

Wow, it's been a long time.  I am six months into being 37 years old now- can you believe it? I loved my early 30's, the mid-30's were consumed by the Covid Pandemic, and so far my late 30's have been an interesting ride. Actually, it's been a long and difficult year for me. For pretty much all of my 30's I've been in a holding pattern- living with my mom at her house, helping her with bills, and working in a movie theater. Even the Covid pandemic didn't really change that much for me, save


methodwriter85 in life

MDBCs 24 Jun 2023

June 24th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Army Day or Battle of Carabobo Day (Venezuela) Bannockburn Day (Scotland) Christian feast day: María Guadalupe García Zavala Nativity of Saint John the Baptist June 24 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Day of the Caboclo (Amazonas, Brazil)


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 692

MDBCs 23 Jun 2023

June 23rd 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Æthelthryth Marie of Oignies Joseph Cafasso June 23 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Father's Day (Nicaragua, Poland) Grand Duke's Official Birthday (Luxembourg) International Widows Day (international)[34]


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MDBCs 22 Jun 2023

June 22nd 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Aaron of Aleth Alban, first recorded Martyr in Britain (commemoration, Anglicanism) Blessed Pope Innocent V Eusebius of Samosata (Eastern Orthodox Church) John Fisher (Catholic Church) Nicetas of Remesiana


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 690

Carlos Hazday

RIP Carlos Hazday April 23, 1958 - June 16, 2023     It is my sad duty to inform everyone that a beloved member of the GA community has passed away.  Carlos Hazday was a staunch supporter of GA.  He took over the popular Ask an Author blog when it was in danger of being discontinued and made it into one of GA’s most anticipated blog series.  Carlos was also a great advocate for the anthology, by writing stories, editing, and encouraging writers to participate.  He made many f


Valkyrie in Memorial

MDBCs 21 Jun 2023

June 21st 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Alban of Mainz Aloysius Gonzaga Engelmund of Velsen Martin of Tongres Onesimos Nesib (Lutheran) June 21 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Day of the Martyrs (Togo) Father's Day (Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Uganda, Pak


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 689

MDBCs 20 Jun 2023

June 20th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Adalbert of Magdeburg Florentina John of Matera Blessed Margareta Ebner Methodius of Olympus Pope Silverius June 20 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Day of the National Flag (Ar


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 688

June Signature Feature: The Dawn of Day by Dolores Esteban

June and halfway through the year. I don't know about you, but I truly believe that entire ages have come and gone in 2023 so far. I thought this story, Dawn of Day by Dolores Esteban was intriguing when I read it in the past and so fits how I feel about June so far. What do you think?  Length: 40,080 Description: A gravitational wave sweeps the USS Explorer to the star system 55 Cancri. The crew detects a deserted alien airport on a planet in the habitable zone. The planet, howe


Cia in Signature Feature

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