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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

December CSR Feature: The House of Storms by Geron Kees

Can you believe it's already December?  Nope, your eyes are not deceiving you. Cia has been super busy, but luckily for me, she'd already chosen the December CSR, and now it's my turn to help her out!  Hopefully in between all your holiday activities, you'll be able to find time to read this story, set in 1948!  The discussion day will finish out the year here in the blogs, and will be on December 31st!  If you haven't read anything by Geron Kees yet, now is a great time to start!  Hope you enjo

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 23 - Dec. 1)

December 1st, WOW   So, if you are counting and partaking in Christmas, that is 23 more sleeps to Christmas Eve, and if Santa shows up this year you'll be opening your pressies in 24 days. Or if you are Jewish, Chanukah starts in 2 days!! Either way, I just want everyone to be forewarned that I will be expecting you all to send me a present this year . If not, then you will have to make a New Year's Resolution in 30 days to make sure you get me one next year   We had a bi


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Fall Anthology: Fight Back & Good Intentions - Set 1 *NOW LIVE*

Welcome, welcome, welcome!  Hope you've come to do some reading!  As decided via the poll, we're going to try a new way of posting the anthologies this go around. Might be a good thing as we have a pretty good sized anthology this time as well. At first glance, it looks like the anthologies will post in four sets. We're starting with the first set this week and then will post a set every week until they're all posted. Hopefully this new way of posting will garner a bit more feedback for all of t

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Q & A: Round 1

Hey All!!!  Hope everyone is doing well. So, this week we're going to start one of our new features. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten the Author Guess Who, but we'll start that one after the new year (new year, new feature!). This week, we're going to take a look at the Q & A questions I asked. These features are for Authors, Readers, and Editors, so something for everyone!  Let's take a look at the questions and answers.         Authors: Have you experienced writer

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Interviews

CSR Discussion Day: Sumeru by Dolores Esteban

Did you have a chance to read Dolores Esteban's science fiction story, Sumeru featured in this month's CSR? What do you think? Is the truth out there? More than we know or is it all just a bunch of bad t-shirt, retro hat conspiracy theory claptrap? Hmmm... how about you check out the story and find out? Or share your thoughts below if you already did! But first, enjoy this interview with Dolores Esteban!   Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla.   If you had 30 minutes of free ti


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov 18 - Nov 24)

Most of the Americans have stuffed their faces and unstuffed their wallets on Black Friday of all their cash for the official kickoff to the Christmas season. So, when does the holidays start for you? I realize that there is many other holidays other than Christmas, so what do you do celebrate and does it involve buying me presents  ?   Let's jump off to the weekly update right away.   Monday, Cia brought us this month's Classic Author Feature:   Then on Wednesday


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #720 & #721

Sorry all, I completely spaced the prompts this morning. So without further ado, here they are!     Prompt 720 – Creative Tag – Family Dinner Everyone has taken turns holding a family dinner, except you. Unfortunately, your luck has run out and everyone is coming to your house not only for dinner, but for the holiday dinner. What do you do? Prompt 721 – Creative Tag – List of words Use the following in a story – a turkey, a balloon, a green coat,

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Classic Author Excerpt: A Shot of Bourbon by Shadowgod

Monday I brought you the Classic Author Feature for this month, Shadowgod's A Shot of Bourbon. Did you catch it? You can download a copy of the banner if you want to add it to your signature. If you missed the feature, never fear, we have more to pique your interest today with an excerpt from the story that will whet your appetite for more!    I picked this excerpt because I wanted to show just where the inspiration for the image from the banner came from, plus it's a great scene to sh


Cia in Classic Feature

Classic Author Feature: A Shot of Bourbon by Shadowgod

How can November be half over? Seriously? 2018 is just a few weeks from ending, and I have no idea where all the time went. Well, we read a lot of great stories this year, and here's another one for you to enjoy! A popular story in its day, A Shot of Bourbon is a teen coming of age story full of full-throttle fun, hormones, and more than a little excitement that comes with all of that.      Length: 35,309 Description: The classic tale about a boy and his dirtbike. You k


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 11 - Nov. 17)

I know most of the members here are from the US of A, and this week is their time to celebrate Thanksgiving. If you want to take a moment and let us know what you are thankful for this year, and you don't have to be American, add in a comment . Then on TV, US shows are having their fall finales, so in that light, I'm dedicating today's blog as the GA Fall Weekly Blog Finale!!     Now on to what wrapped up our fall season , stay tuned for the all new Winter lineup starting tomorrow!!


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #718 & #719

Geez, I must be losing my touch as once again I just about forgot about the blog!  So, before I head off to bed, here are this weeks prompts. Hopefully they spark some ideas for you!     Prompt 718 – Creative Tag – Embarrassing Interview You finally have the interview of your dreams. Before it begins you rush to the bathroom, take care of business, wash up, and barely walk back into the waiting room when your name is called. As you head into the interview you hear

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Renee's Info Dump!

Well, hello there. Nice of you to come see exactly what a blog info dump entails!  Hopefully you'll find it quite informative. I've got a few things to cover, so let's get right into it!   First off, thank you to everyone who voted in the anthology poll. There were a total of 42 votes, and spacing out the anthology stories was the clear winner with half the total votes (21). The other half was divided between posting all at once (6), and didn't care either way (15). We'll be giving thi

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Interviews

Featured Story: Twelve Gays of Christmas

Who's ready for another story review? You're in luck then, as Puppilull has prepared one for lomax61's Twelve Gays of Christmas!  Before we get to the review though, we would really like if a member of the community would be willing to provide a review for the December slot. The review team is working on a special treat for everyone and if someone could sign up, that would be awesome!  If you're interested in getting one of your favorite stories some attention, send a message to @Timothy M.  Now

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up Nov 4 - Nov 10

Lest we forget   In case you are wondering what this is, it is something that is done in countries around the world, but my exposure has always been in Canada. Today is November 11th and Remembrance Day. It is a day to reflect on those that have served and still serving for their countries. It doesn't matter what side they were on, they were willing to put their own lives on the line to defend what they believed in. This year also marks the 100th Anniversary of Armistice, the end of th


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #716 & #717

Are you looking for yet another writing opportunity here at Gay Authors? Luckily for you, we offer weekly writing opportunities for you. And if you don't know what to write, or just need that little push to get started, then the Writing Prompts are for you!   Also, while talking about writing opportunities, don't forget that the deadline for the Fall Anthology is fast approaching. Make sure to send your stories to @Valkyrie no later than the 15th.  Now, let's look at this week's prompts!  

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ask an Author 2.0 #13

Welcome to the premiere of year two! I promised a special issue and here it is. My thanks to one exceptionally clever member who sent in all the questions used this month. Due to the number of authors featured, I will dispense with the individual blurbs this month. Instead, I’ll share the comment sent in with the questions: I thought, why not recycle some of our—ok my—favorite authors, in an Inside the Actors’ Studio rip-off? Here are questions from James Lipton, Marcel Proust, and Bernard

November CSR Feature: Sumeru by Dolores Esteban

Happy November! I know many authors are focused on Nanowrimo, but there's also time for reading this month, right? There's always time for reading! Still, I picked a story on the lower end of the word count this month, but one that is right up my favorite alley--science fiction. Dolores Esteban writes excellent stories in all different styles and genres, and Sumeru is a real thinker. Have you checked it before? Now's the perfect time!  Sumeru by Dolores Esteban   Length: 35,9


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct 28 - Nov 3)

Hi, hi, y'all! For those that missed Wednesday's post, I'm back!!!! Not even a week back, and I already almost forgot a blog post, and then just as I was about done, the server was down. Luckily it came back up and I was able to post! I'm out of practice. After today though, @wildone will continue to do the weekly wrap up for a little while longer while I get settled back into the saddle.   Speaking of the server, the size of some threads are negatively impacting the memory on our dedi

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #714 & #715

Happy Friday, y'all!  Hope you all have had an awesome week. Are you ready for this week's prompts from @comicfan? Have a wonderful weekend!     Prompt 714 – Creative Tag – List of words Use the following words in a story – a purple umbrella, a bagel, a crumpled newspaper, a seagull, and a garbage can.   Prompt 715 – Creative Tag – First Line “What the hell is that?”     Did you write a prompt last week? Share the link for i

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Happy Halloween!!!!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!  Hello, Hello!!!!  Long time no talk to!  My little guy is doing well (and sleeping through the night, YAY!) and I thought perhaps it was time I returned to my site duties. A huge thank you to all the admins and other team members for taking care of the blogs and blog content while I tended to Baby J and took care of some health issues. @wildone has agreed to continue helping with the Weekly Wrap Up blogs while I get back into the swing of things. I hope everyone is doing w

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in News Archive

CSR Discussion Day: Atlantis Shift by Carlos Hazday

On the first Monday of the month, I announced the CSR Feature was Carlos Hazday's series, Atlantis Shift. It features two stories, Tidal Power and Detskoye Porno, but check out my interview with Carlos to see his thoughts on writing in general, those two stories, or if there might be more to come! He always gets to ask authors questions and share the answers, so enjoy this chance I had to turn the tables on him!   When it comes to reading, do you have a preference for paper or eBook/on


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 21 - Oct. 27)

If you go down in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise If you go down in the woods today, you'd better go in disguise Teddy Bears Picnic - Henry Hall   Don't know why, but I always equated this song with Halloween and scary. But then again, I can only remember those two lines  Well enough of my childhood musings and give you all fair warning, I am tuckered out from Halloween....already . Maybe I won't mention it again in my next weekly wrap up!    Now lets ge


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #712 & #713

Woohoo! We made it. Well, I sort of did. Sorry these are a few hours late. But for those of you who are just about Halloween-ed out, this week's prompts should prove a welcome break. Now, I'm sure you could find a way to spookify them if you want, but you can also go in another direction (outer space, my fav!) with the following ideas brought to you by our prompt guru, Comicfan!    Prompt 712 – Creative Tag – First Line “What can I tell him?”   Prompt 713 – Creativ


Cia in Prompts

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