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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Home - 42. Chapter 42

At breakfast, I told the boys to get dressed for school, and I would drop them off. While they were doing that, “Amalia, would it be possible for you to check on Frank’s mother? The last time I saw her, she didn’t look healthy.”

“Do you know her name or what hospital where she is a patient?”

“No, I’ll ask Frank her name, but I doubt he will know what hospital she is a patient.”

The boys were ready and getting in the car when I asked Frank his mother’s name. “Her name is Susan Winston. I don’t know where they took her. Are you going to find out where she is and if she is alright?”

“Yes, we will do our best. I’ll let you know what I find out after school tonight.”

I went and told Amalia Frank’s mother’s name. She will have to check with all of the hospitals until she finds her.

I dropped the boys off at their school, then headed to my office at the University. I had a light day today, one lecture on how specific cultures impacted history and an introduction to historical events that affected future events. There were quarterly exams to be given for the freshmen and sophomore students. This left me some time to talk to our priest and find out more about Susan Winston.

I took a long lunch break and went to see our priest. “Father, what can you tell me about Susan Winston. Her son, Francis, is staying with me while she is in the hospital.”

“I can’t tell you much as I haven’t seen her since Francis was born. I did baptize Francis, and I think that was the last time I saw her. I met her when she was in the hospital having the boy. I made my hospital rounds in the morning when one of the nurses told me of a patient who just had given birth. I went and saw her, that was Susan Winston. In the course of my visit, she told me she was raped. Her parents wanted her to have an abortion, but she refused. The child was a boy, and she had picked Francis as the name. The next time I saw her was when she asked if I would baptize the baby.”

“I have been to her home before she was taken to the hospital. Have you ever been there?”
“No, the local gossip said she and the boy were living in a two-bedroom home on her father’s property.”

“I have seen that home. It’s a shack and badly needs repairs. My animal pens are better constructed than that home. If you have time, I’d like to show you where she and Francis live.”

Father agreed to go with me. When I drove up to the house, there were two men, and they were in the process of emptying the house. They had a truck and were carrying out a cot when Father and I approached them.

“What are you doing? This is the home of Susan Winston.”

“Not anymore. We were called and told to empty the place and then tear it down. Here, look at this.”

It was an authorization written by the county tax authority to claim the property for back taxes. I handed the paper to Father.

“I thought you said her father owned this property?”

“He does or did. We can go and see him. He has an apartment in that apartment complex close to the Church.”

We did go and see Susan’s father. Her mother had died a few years earlier, and he lived alone in a small two-bedroom apartment. Father introduced me, and he commented on the carriage guy who likes to show off his money. Judging from that attitude, I kept quiet and let Father handle the questions.

“Yea, they told me they had to take her to General Hospital. She has the same disease that took her mom.”

Father asked him about the child. “I don’t know anything about the kid. She went and got herself pregnant. When I found out, I told her to get out. Her mother told her she could live in that old two-bedroom house we had on the other side of town. It was her mother’s home before we got married.”

“You never paid the taxes on that property?”

“Her mother paid the taxes. When she died, I guess they weren’t paid anymore.”

I continued to listen to their discussion. The more I heard, the more I resolved to help Francis and his mother. How a man could turn away, his pregnant daughter was something I couldn’t understand. Even if she was at fault, she was carrying his grandchild. His thoughts and action were alien to me.

On the way back to the Church, “Father, I don’t understand that man. He was so bitter. How can he turn his back on his daughter and grandson?”

“As long as I have known him, he has been a negative person. When he and his wife came to Church, he would sit in the back, went through the motions but never accepted them. In my opinion, he is one of the unGodly ones that we try and save. His wife was the one who brought some sanity to that relationship. The odd part, she was pregnant with Susan when her father made them get married.”

“What! He fathered Susan out of wedlock and then condemn her when she got pregnant. That is unbelievable. He is Susan’s father?”

“Yes. He admitted he was the father.”

I dropped Father off at Church and headed back to work. I kept thinking about Susan’s father’s comments. His attitude was so alien to me.”

When I got home from the University, I told Amalia about my meeting with Father and Frank’s grandfather.

Amalia told me she contacted the hospital and arranged to pay for Susan’s medical costs. “Tony, she has cancer, and they said it is terminal. They gave her two to three weeks to live.”

“We need to get her consent to be guardians for Francis. I’ll get one of the staff in the University’s legal department to draw up the papers. You can get her to sign it and someone from the hospital as a witness. We need to break this news to Frank.”

“That’s going to be hard on him.”

“I think we should doubt as a family, then leave him and Vic alone to deal with it. I’ll talk to Vic before we tell Frank.”

That evening after dinner, Vic, Frank, and I took a walk. While Frank was feeding the animals with Tom and Brad, I told Vic about Frank’s mother. “Vic, we are going to tell Frank about his mother tonight. I’ll need you to be a brother to him. His mother has cancer and is dying.”

I watched Vic as he wiped his eyes. I pulled him close to me as I hugged him. “What is going to happen to him?”

“We are going to get his mother’s consent for Frank to live with us. He will be like a bother to you.”

“Dad, can I tell him.”

“You sure? We were going to tell him as a family.”

“Let me tell him, and then we can meet as a family.”

“Alright, but Mom and I will be close if you need us.”

Vic surprised me with that request. My son is growing up faster than I would have liked. I smiled as I put my arm around his shoulder as we walked to the barn.

Walking into the kitchen, Amalia had a hot chocolate for the children and coffee for us.

“Girls, homework, Vic, Frank, finish your homework so we can check it before you go to bed.”

Copyright © 2021 CLJobe; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

46 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

Vic is turning out like his father, someone with a caring nature, concerned for others. This shows by him wanting to tell Frank about his mother and what will happen to him.

With bad news its is always best to come from a friend rather than a stranger. "I'm proud of this boy"

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9 minutes ago, Will Hawkins said:

Framk is really going to need_ a home. and a friend. He may have found both and they willmsave his life.

If Tony and Vic have their way, yes Frank will have a home and a caring family.

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Vic is showing such compassion and caring for Frank. I too, like Tony, was surprised with Vic wanting to tell Frank the news. Sometimes though, that kind of news best comes from someone that's close where one doesn't have to worry about the emotions being embarrassing. Excellent chapter and so enjoying this story. 

Edited by Chris L
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That old man sounds like my father. The way we found out that Susan's mother was pregnant before they married gave me shivers. Almost  exactly the same way, I wonder exactly who the father was? The way he behaved and reacted to Susan her getting pregnant was as if he was punishing her for letting their secret out.

Poor Frank... no matter what, I trust he grows to be more like Tony and Vic than the man that created him. I would ask how a man can be like that to his own kin but... believe me I already have that answer.

Loving that they are using their good fortune to help Vic's friend. I reckon they would have helped Frank with or without the gold.

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1 hour ago, Chris L said:

Vic is showing such compassion and caring for Frank. I too, like Tony, was surprised with Vic wanting to tell Frank the news. Sometimes though, that kind of news best comes from someone that's close where one doesn't have to worry about the emotions being embarrassing. Excellent chapter and so enjoying this story. 

You are correct. Frank has developed a close relationship with Vic, bad news always best served with love, care and friendship. 

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40 minutes ago, Kev said:

That old man sounds like my father. The way we found out that Susan's mother was pregnant before they married gave me shivers. Almost  exactly the same way, I wonder exactly who the father was? The way he behaved and reacted to Susan her getting pregnant was as if he was punishing her for letting their secret out.

Poor Frank... no matter what, I trust he grows to be more like Tony and Vic than the man that created him. I would ask how a man can be like that to his own kin but... believe me I already have that answer.

Loving that they are using their good fortune to help Vic's friend. I reckon they would have helped Frank with or without the gold.

Yes, it's their nature to help with or without the fortune, as seen with Brad,. Tom and Charlie 

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Susan's dad knew she was raped WTH.Not to speak ill of the dead but her Mother who went to church asked for Susan to have abortion unless that was all the dad also.In this time period a lot of times underage girls would be sent out of town to either carry the kid or have an abortion .You have to wonder if Susan traumatized by the rape never got help and as a result in her condition let the house deteriorate.I hope she will be comforted to know that Frank will be cared for by a family with a lot of love.

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3 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

Susan's dad knew she was raped WTH.Not to speak ill of the dead but her Mother who went to church asked for Susan to have abortion unless that was all the dad also.In this time period a lot of times underage girls would be sent out of town to either carry the kid or have an abortion .You have to wonder if Susan traumatized by the rape never got help and as a result in her condition let the house deteriorate.I hope she will be comforted to know that Frank will be cared for by a family with a lot of love.

Susan's mother was the one that looked our for her. After she died, there wasn't anyone. Now we have Tony and Amalia looking out for her and Frank.

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49 minutes ago, DelrayDad said:


Thank you for your comments.  I wish the best for your  endeavors to help these children. Only if you have walked their path can you understand where the road is Ricky and where the road is smooth.  May your road be smooth

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Like father like son, Frank is going to be well looked after, Vic is really a special kid

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10 minutes ago, mikedup said:

Like father like son, Frank is going to be well looked after, Vic is really a special kid

He certainly is reflecting his father’s attitudes 

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Looks as if Vic is a chip off the old block, the apple not falling far from the tree, another great chapter!

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1 hour ago, drsawzall said:

Looks as if Vic is a chip off the old block, the apple not falling far from the tree, another great chapter!

Yes, I agree. He's a great kid

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Another really good chapter Calvin! Although things are progressing, and time is passing (in 5 year increments?) hopefully we've got more than a few to come, before Tony walks his and Amalia's daughters down the aisle. Young Vic (is it really Victor Emmanual iv) goes off to college.  I'm still in modified lockdown in the Great White North with borders closed. I need more 'The Home' fix, a chapter a week until 4th of July, or a follow-up story 'The Home - II. I'll even grovel. Oww.

Take Care.

Tony Cloche


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3 hours ago, Anton_Cloche said:

Another really good chapter Calvin! Although things are progressing, and time is passing (in 5 year increments?) hopefully we've got more than a few to come, before Tony walks his and Amalia's daughters down the aisle. Young Vic (is it really Victor Emmanual iv) goes off to college.  I'm still in modified lockdown in the Great White North with borders closed. I need more 'The Home' fix, a chapter a week until 4th of July, or a follow-up story 'The Home - II. I'll even grovel. Oww.

Take Care.

Tony Cloche


Recognizing this story is pure fiction, young Vic was named after Victor Emmanuel. He was noted in the journals in the Library. I am still in the "move". Rather than not post until everything is set, I have been posting one chapter per day. Moving furniture  is one thing, I also have to line up doctors which require visits, blood tests and home nursing. All of this take time away from my computer. Bear with me a little longer and I'll be back to two chapters per day.  Have I spoiled you all by my habit of posting to chapters per day?

Received my inoculations just prior to the move. Have you been inoculated against the Covid 19 virus?

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5 hours ago, CLJobe said:

Recognizing this story is pure fiction, young Vic was named after Victor Emmanuel. He was noted in the journals in the Library. I am still in the "move". Rather than not post until everything is set, I have been posting one chapter per day. Moving furniture  is one thing, I also have to line up doctors which require visits, blood tests and home nursing. All of this take time away from my computer. Bear with me a little longer and I'll be back to two chapters per day.  Have I spoiled you all by my habit of posting to chapters per day?

Received my inoculations just prior to the move. Have you been inoculated against the Covid 19 virus?

Glad to hear that you're getting 'settled' in to your new place Calvin (until you win Powerball and upgrade :2thumbs:). I'm in the midst of an unplanned move at end of April as my landlord retired and sold property and new owners doing a complete tear-down reno. Searching for new 'digs' is more difficult with Covid-19, especially with lockdowns where I live, so have to do either virtual apt tours or rely on photos. 

With regard to Tony's 'coin collection' I recall touring a Florida museum that displayed sunken treasure (mostly Spanish Galleons). That was the source of the comment about gold and silver coins (especially from treasuries) being 'stacked' lying down in 'trenches' in wooden trays inside trunks. An 'average' size trunk / chest would have 3-5 trays with 500 coins per tray. So one 'trunk' with 1,000 coins would be $4 million.  A smaller truck (carry-on size) under a wine barrel could be $2 Million. So we're talking 10's of millions or more.

As for getting any of the vaccines (which Fauci advises, and he gor Moderna), Ontario where I live is still seriously lagging in roll out. Front-line workers (Dr, RN, EMT, PSW etc) are only about 50% innoculated. Residents of retirement homes, Long Term Care etc are up next, then dropping down to next (lower) age groups in 5-year increments, right now 80+.    So my age group wont likely see shots until May, if vaccines are delivered. If governments can't / won't activate military to properly do mass vaccinations, maybe Amazon should 💉.

Take care Cal.

Tony C                                                                                                                                                    

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1 hour ago, Anton_Cloche said:

Glad to hear that you're getting 'settled' in to your new place Calvin (until you win Powerball and upgrade :2thumbs:). I'm in the midst of an unplanned move at end of April as my landlord retired and sold property and new owners doing a complete tear-down reno. Searching for new 'digs' is more difficult with Covid-19, especially with lockdowns where I live, so have to do either virtual apt tours or rely on photos. 

With regard to Tony's 'coin collection' I recall touring a Florida museum that displayed sunken treasure (mostly Spanish Galleons). That was the source of the comment about gold and silver coins (especially from treasuries) being 'stacked' lying down in 'trenches' in wooden trays inside trunks. An 'average' size trunk / chest would have 3-5 trays with 500 coins per tray. So one 'trunk' with 1,000 coins would be $4 million.  A smaller truck (carry-on size) under a wine barrel could be $2 Million. So we're talking 10's of millions or more.

As for getting any of the vaccines (which Fauci advises, and he gor Moderna), Ontario where I live is still seriously lagging in roll out. Front-line workers (Dr, RN, EMT, PSW etc) are only about 50% innoculated. Residents of retirement homes, Long Term Care etc are up next, then dropping down to next (lower) age groups in 5-year increments, right now 80+.    So my age group wont likely see shots until May, if vaccines are delivered. If governments can't / won't activate military to properly do mass vaccinations, maybe Amazon should 💉.

Take care Cal.

Tony C                                                                                                                                                    

I'm waiting for Amazon to offer it on their web site. I would have thought that you would have access to Pfizer and J&J serum by now as well as Moderna.

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On 3/16/2021 at 4:06 PM, Anton_Cloche said:

Glad to hear that you're getting 'settled' in to your new place Calvin (until you win Powerball and upgrade :2thumbs:). I'm in the midst of an unplanned move at end of April as my landlord retired and sold property and new owners doing a complete tear-down reno. Searching for new 'digs' is more difficult with Covid-19, especially with lockdowns where I live, so have to do either virtual apt tours or rely on photos. 

With regard to Tony's 'coin collection' I recall touring a Florida museum that displayed sunken treasure (mostly Spanish Galleons). That was the source of the comment about gold and silver coins (especially from treasuries) being 'stacked' lying down in 'trenches' in wooden trays inside trunks. An 'average' size trunk / chest would have 3-5 trays with 500 coins per tray. So one 'trunk' with 1,000 coins would be $4 million.  A smaller truck (carry-on size) under a wine barrel could be $2 Million. So we're talking 10's of millions or more.

As for getting any of the vaccines (which Fauci advises, and he gor Moderna), Ontario where I live is still seriously lagging in roll out. Front-line workers (Dr, RN, EMT, PSW etc) are only about 50% innoculated. Residents of retirement homes, Long Term Care etc are up next, then dropping down to next (lower) age groups in 5-year increments, right now 80+.    So my age group wont likely see shots until May, if vaccines are delivered. If governments can't / won't activate military to properly do mass vaccinations, maybe Amazon should 💉.

Take care Cal.

Tony C                                                                                                                                                    

I have had both doses of Pfizer vaccine, my GP surgery called me in February and said these are the dates we have available which one did I want? I booked but had to change the date, this was done via NHS website, I received a text a few weeks ago to book my second one which I have had, only issue for me was a sore arm for a few days, one of my clients and his wife had their vaccine and they were sick over the weekend with shivering and then high temperatures, it had calmed down by the Sunday afternoon. 

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1 hour ago, Bft said:

I have had both doses of Pfizer vaccine, my GP surgery called me in February and said these are the dates we have available which one did I want? I booked but had to change the date, this was done via NHS website, I received a text a few weeks ago to book my second one which I have had, only issue for me was a sore arm for a few days, one of my clients and his wife had their vaccine and they were sick over the weekend with shivering and then high temperatures, it had calmed down by the Sunday afternoon. 

Good, I have had both of Pfizers as well. no problems. 

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