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Tristan's High School Life - 3. Chapter 3

Sorry for the delay between chapter...


Cartwright’s POV

In the blink of an eye Tristan disappeared from the table and all of sudden the door opened and slammed shut and I swear I saw a ponytail which Tristan lacks.

“Well that was unexpected” Mr. Romero said

“If I may say sir, your accusations to Mr. Campbell were quite out of line and disrespectful.” Ms. Graves said

“Yeah dad you always stick your nose where it’s not wanted.” Justin said

“I am just looking out for your best interest.” Mr. Romero said sheepishly

“Mr. Romero, if I may, Mr. Campbell is a well-known supporter of the LGBTQ community as is his family.” I said

“Alberto, I think this is a case of open mouth insert foot” Ms. Romero said causing her boys to laugh and me to smirk

“I want what’s best for the boys” Mr. Romero said

“What by scaring away anyone who’s interested? Alberto let the boys chose who they want to love. Imagine had you listened to your mother, we would not be together.” Ms. Romero said

“Isabella, once again you are correct. What do I do to fix this?” Mr. Romero said looking around

“You owe that young man an apology but that will need to wait.” Ms. Graves said

“I doubt he went to class as he seemed really angry. I’ll reach out to Abby to see if she’ll contact him.” I said

“Sounds like a good plan Andrew.” Agnes said


Tristan’s POV

I sat by the lake starring out… I couldn’t see Damian after how we left things. I never told anyone about it…

I felt a pair of arms embrace me and through the tears I saw Katie

“Hey big brother” Katie said squeezing me

“Hey little sis” I said with a lack of enthusiasm

“Already have a tough day?” she asked

“Yeah” I said

“You know you can talk to me right?” She asked

“Yeah Kat I do” I said starring at nothing

“How come you didn’t tell anyone about this summer?” she questioned

“What do you mean?” I said skeptically

“You don’t think Aunt Stephanie was going to call?” She said

“When did that happen?” I said panicking

“The day it happened and relax she called Jackson” she replied

Flash back to my last day in Minnesota

“I’ve enjoyed our summer together” I said smiling at Damian

“I’ve got something to tell you Tristan” Damian said casting his glaze down

“What is it?” I said and looked at him and bit my lip. Damian was one person who I couldn’t read his mind

“I know we’ve spent this summer together doing things, sexual things but I can’t do it anymore. I love someone else.” Damian said tears forming

“You mean this whole summer has been one huge lie?” I said raising my voice

“No, I did enjoy it with you but I love you like a brother.” Damian said

“A brother? What the literal fuck Damian!” I shouted

“Calm down” Damian said

“Has that ever helped anyone; Telling them to calm down?” I said before I punched him in the nose and ran to the house to gather my things.

Present Day

“He hasn’t said anything to me.” I said thinking about all my conversations with Jackson

“He knows you’ll come when you are ready.” She said smiling

“What does this have to do with me being here?” I said looking at her

“You found someone else you love and someone is already interfering and it isn’t TJ?” She said chuckling which caused me to laugh

“He does have the ability to be super annoying” I said laughing

“Yes he does but he knew you needed someone and sent me” Kat said

“What?” I said meeting her gaze

“Remember you are connected and he knew the moment you teleported out. I had to go and fix that.” Kat said rolling her eyes

“Fix it?” I said

“Yeah you moron; teleporting out in front of others that don’t know about us” She said

“Oh” I said

“So, Mr. Smarty pants you owe me” she said

We sat there for a while and said nothing and just looked at the lake.

“I’d hate to break this up but you both need to get home for dinner” Jackson said appearing out of no where

“Hey Pop, I’ll race you” Kat said and vanished

“She is such a cheater” Jackson said and laughed and sat on the other chair

“Did you say it was dinner time on purpose?” I asked since he sat

“Yes, she loves to eat and you know she out eats her brothers.” Jackson said and smiled

“So what do you want to talk about?” I said

“You had to know the school was going to call.” Jackson said

“Yeah” I said above a whisper

“Well TJ already knew but they were really worried.” He said

“I just…” I said trailing off

“Tristan, it’s ok. TJ told them you called him and told him you were leaving and going home” Jackson said

“He covered for me?” I said shocked

“TJ can be stubborn when it comes to certain things but when it comes to family he will stick up for you till the end.” He said and patted my leg

“I’ve treated him like shit lately and we’ve been arguing.” I said and he laughed “What’s so funny?”

“Watching you two argue awesome as you guys are arguing with yourselves.” He said

“Haha funny” I said rolling my eyes

“Just know he does really love you. We better go if you want any food” he replied

“Welcome home bud” TJ said as we teleported into the dining room

“Thanks TJ” I said and took my seat

“Just want you guys to know tomorrow Mack and Rory are coming over for dinner.” TJ said

“Any special reason?” Jackson asked

“I have a hunch but it’s just a hunch.” TJ said

“Hey dad can we go to the lake?” Jamie asked

“Why would you want to go to the lake now?” TJ asked looking puzzled

“Tristan and Kat were at the lake.” He said

“So that means you should be allowed to go?” TJ asked

“Well it’s not fair” Jamie said

“We will discuss this later” TJ said

“You always say that and then don’t. It sucks that you won’t let us teleport.” Jamie said

“Do you really want to go into that in front of everyone?” TJ shooting Jamie a glare

“ummm no” Jamie sheepishly said and sunk in his chair

“I didn’t think so” TJ said smirking

“So I heard reporters showed up at your school Tristan.” Josh said

“Yeah they did but Grandma and TJ handled it” I said

“May I be excused?” I asked

“Are you feeling ok? You’ve barely eaten” TJ asked

“No” I said and teleported to room and grabbed my pillow and started to cry and I felt a hand rubbing my back and glanced and saw TJ sitting there

“Tristan I am worried about you” he said sincerely

“Life is not fair” I said tears still flowing

“I know you feel like you’ve been dealt a bad hand but remember I was once in the same boat” TJ said

“Yeah I know you lost your dad and your mom went insane but” I said trailing off

“You know I want what’s best for you and I was afraid for you to go to public school. I had a talk with CC and she told me how all those people at the private school were asking you for favors. I just wish you would talk to me.” TJ said

“I just wish you’d listen” I said

“Ok, I deserve that, I love you and want what’s best for you but I do need to listen to you.” TJ said

“T2, it’s just that I miss my dad’s and feel that something is really wrong and then the whole thing with Damian” I said and he laughed

“Sorry, not laughing about your dad’s; it’s just I’ve broken a nose or two myself. I miss you calling me T2” he said and hugged me

“Yeah, I’ve heard the story.” I said

“Listen, sometimes first loves don’t work out and heart break comes with the territory. You know how disastrous my first relationship was.” TJ said

“Oh yeah T2, yours is one for the record books.” I said laughing

“Hey not funny” he said laughing

“What am I going to do?” I asked

“Well tomorrow you are going to school and let’s aim to complete the whole day?” TJ said brushing my hair out of my eyes

“I guess” I said

“Just so you know Abby told Grandma and I everything and we are meeting with the Romero’s tomorrow.” TJ said

“What!” I said panicking

“We are just being cautious and I think it was just a misunderstanding.” TJ said

“A misunderstanding, how?” I asked

“All will be revealed. Why don’t you go wash your face and come down and we can have some dessert while the kiddos do homework.” TJ said

“I guess” I said

“Ok, I’ll see you downstairs” TJ said kissing my forehead

I washed my face and took the stairs down as we had 4 levels in the tower. My room was on the 4th level of our compound or the 190th floor. When I got there I could tell something was wrong

“Tristan you need to sit down” Jackson said

Copyright © 2021 AquariusGuy; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
Authors are responsible for properly crediting Original Content creator for their creative works.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Stories in this Fandom are works of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. <br>
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Chapter Comments

1 minute ago, weinerdog said:

When  I got the notification that you posted the new chapter it said you did it 8 minutes ago @Wesley8890 already commented what is he getting advanced copies now? He'll do anything to be the first comment huh?

Ok we have established multiple times, I HAVE NO LIFE! Until after monday when i get my first shot!

Maybe he does send me a twitter message telling me hes posting a new chapter but you cant prove it.

  • Haha 2

As far as the chapter goes when I read the flashback with Tristan and Damian and you mentioned it later in the chapter but I immediately thought "Yep he's definitely a TJ clone alright".I love the relationship he has with his sister and I suspect  he has the same relationship with his brothers(brudders?)

Tristan mentioned his dads is that a foreshadowing of their appearance?Did I read this right that Tristan took the stairs and its 190 floors?I guess he can skip the gym today.And it explains from the time TJ said to come down to the time he saw Jackson southing happened

BTW Mr. Romero should be made aware of what Tristan can do with someone's junk lol

Edited by weinerdog
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48 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

As far as the chapter goes when I read the flashback with Tristan and Damian and you mentioned it later in the chapter but I immediately thought "Yep he's definitely a TJ clone alright".I love the relationship he has with his sister and I suspect  he has the same relationship with his brothers(brudders?)

Tristan mentioned his dads is that a foreshadowing of their appearance?Did I read this right that Tristan took the stairs and its 190 floors?I guess he can skip the gym today.And it explains from the time TJ said to come down to the time he saw Jackson southing happened

BTW Mr. Romero should be made aware of what Tristan can do with someone's junk lol

Yes he does have a good relationship with all his brothers. Kat is the level headed of the bunch... don't forget he has Josh and Jake too... 

Now for the stairs... his room is on 190th floor and he went down to the 187th not the bottom floor. Could you imagine the stairs? My Apple watch would have a stroke. 

Mr. Romero's issue will play out and remember TJ said it may have been a misunderstanding.... 

Edited by AquariusGuy
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2 minutes ago, Wesley8890 said:

First shot that lets me go out in public instead of being a hermit like the past year!

Oh I go out in public..... I was out with a friend this past weekend and we went to state park and it was empty so masks required.

I am on the waiting list for my doctor to shoot me... I don't trust the military. They wanted to use a howitzer.... :blink:

  • Haha 3
4 minutes ago, mikedup said:

Ok so I like the idea if you get angry enough or just want an out just opt out and go elsewhere, are we going to drop off the cliff or just port somewhere

there was a foreshadow in what the news is.... 

There is a foreshadow about the Romero's

Tristan is learning to control himself.... that said he is a bit more level headed

He will teleport somewhere he feels safe.

One other thing... no one seems interested in what Jamie did to have his ability taken away

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5 minutes ago, AquariusGuy said:

there was a foreshadow in what the news is.... 

There is a foreshadow about the Romero's

Tristan is learning to control himself.... that said he is a bit more level headed

He will teleport somewhere he feels safe.

One other thing... no one seems interested in what Jamie did to have his ability taken away

I'm sure we'll find out what Jamie did? It must be pretty bad.

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