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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 5 - Jan. 11)

    By wildone

    First a disclaimer, I'm tired and none of me editors are around to read the wrap up for me   I hate to say but the first couple of weeks have been terrible for our US friends and neighbours it seems. With LA burning down and the east and southeast getting blasted by ice and snow, I have to say I hope that all of them are okay  I'm sure there is other places too that are having strange and wakey weather too, like Friday we had an actual thunderstorm (rain) and a blizzard Saturday night. Noth

I'm back, like, again?

I was deprived access to GA for some time now, due to a stoopid conference about the CCP or something. With some incidents happened in China recently, I seriously dislike this country right now. Anyway, I just found out that I again can log on to GA, so I'm writing this as a hello to everyone and a slight update de moi.   It's official. I'm going to Syd, Aus for grad courses, since all the US schools rejected me. The only thing that's in the way is the student Visa. I'm expecting to get it i

Kev de Cauchery

Kev de Cauchery

Level Three

The last office building I worked in had three sub-basements. Actually, there was a fourth one, but no one worked there othere than to check for water seepage. I had a friend who worked on Level Three and she did not like it down there because she didn't have a window to see outside.   I've pretty much decided to call the crisis line tomorrow morning, unless something dramatic happens between now and then.



Remembering history and learning lessons

What has happened in the last few days will shape the course of World history for years to come. The last few months have ushered in the so-called "Arab Spring" on one side is inspiring a new democratic movement in the middle east and the death of Osama Bin Laden is a significant blow to terrorist organizations in that region in both symbolic and material sense.   There are many things now that are open for the people of the middle east to choose. Yet, it is probably best that the choice be fo



Level Zero

I know I’ve said I hate being bipolar countless times here since being diagnosed three years ago, so you are excused if you do not wish to proceed.   If I called into the Veteran Crisis Line right now and they asked the inevitable question, I would have to say, on a scale of one to five, I’m at about a two with my ideation of suicide. Two’s a good number. There’s a lot of space between two and five. Been to five, it was not fun. Five is a bad number as everything is seen in terms of its potent



Please don't neg other people's opinions

I noticed this in my thread after we started talking about health care in the Soapbox and I am thankful that you guys support my points, but please don't neg people for their opinions even if they are not well informed on what I am talking about.   Quite recently due to my contention against Tea Party movement, I've been removed from the Gay Right forum, because honestly, I don't see their movement as conservative nor Republican as my beliefs and others run counter to their ideas. I challenge



It's over

Well, I think people know that tensions and lack of communications have been building for weeks now between me and my boyfriend.   It's over now; we're going to remain friends, but we know that we're not meant for each other.   It's the most amicable break up, I've ever had at the very least.   The reason for the break up: I don't know. Maybe, we're too similar in our political views that we kind of grew tired of each other. Maybe, it was the religious difference that kept nagging at me



- one day, you'll know. Just not today.

I've been so frustrated with you, and I guess it's because I have such a fascination with looking at you lately...   studying all of the lines and curves of your face or the viens in your hands has become one of my favorite things.   If you asked me why I like you, I would say I don't know for sure. It's not a question I can answer, because I don't quite understand it.   I don't know why you first sparked my interest when you did. I'm not sure why I get extremely nervous



In the Filbert Orchard

I wish I would’ve had my laptop when I was at the funny farm, as it is not all was lost to the vagueness of mental instability. About a week into my stay one of the resident’s, D_____, sister agreed to bring in five composition books (those with the scrambled black and white pattern on the cover), so I was able to write an entry for nearly every day after that until I finally gave up in March.   D_____ is a good ol’ boy from north central Texas who is proud to say both he and his daughter rece



Life in review

Went to the VA hospital today for an interview about my bipolar disorder. Seems I asked them to consider this as a service-connected disability because I’d seen a psychiatrist when stationed in Abilene, Texas, back in 1971 and ’72. I thought all I was asking for was a reconsideration of the existing disability on my decrepit knees, but, no, they wanted to know everything about the nutso side of me.   As interviews go, it went well, I suppose. I don’t expect anything to come of it because the m



The question of life and the universe

This is my musings on a reason for life and the universe if there is a God, beings of such equivalent powers, or some kind of greater effort.   I don't know if this is an epiphany for the Easter Holiday, but it seems interesting enough:   Out of all the Holy texts, it is never explained fully "why" life was started, whether you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, or many assortment of religions. Yes, we have concept of creation by higher beings and stories from people that were "told" i



Easter Sunday

I spent Christmas at The Bridge, a homeless shelter on the southern edge of downtown Dallas. I’d been brought there by the Dallas police, in lieu of going to the psych emergency room at Parkland Hospital (the local charity hospital). It seems you can’t just say you’re suicidal on Christmas Eve, you actually have to have the rope around your neck, your feet dangling over the railing, the gun at your temple, or the knife or razorblade at your wrist to get a free ride to a warm place for the night.



Life is full of moments of happiness and moments of worry.

Life is full of moments of joy and happiness and moments of worry and grief. It often goes from one to another from one day to another and adjusting is not always easy.   Here one example :   My wife can not stand the smell of stale smoke that I leave behind me after turning off my pipe. For weeks, she begged me to quit this damned pipe, soon my only joy at my age.   Now, for almost four days, I no longer smoke, I passed the time when I was walking with my empty pipe in my mouth, just to

old bob

old bob

Unexpected happiness

Blue sky shows up when you least expect it.   I will admit that my last blog entry was a little dejected. I don't tend to fall for the first cute face I see on the street, or the first guy I meet. Between July last year and this March I used the services of a dating site. In all, I met 4 guys. For various reasons which I won't get into here, two relationships blossomed and quickly died. I was very drawn to a third guy (although I never got to really know him), but he wasn't feeling the same to



Truly too, too much black bile

Where have you been? The short answer is I went loopy, did some crazy shit, got myself admitted to a psychiatric ward wherein I attempted suicide (where else is the most logical place?), was sent to a state mental hospital, eventually ended up on the streets of Dallas during the day and at the Mission during the night. Finally, I found placement in a group living arrangement sponsored by the Veterans Administration and the Salvation Army.   What are you doing now? Vegetating, mostly. My knee



Found a theme song for story

I didn't plan on it, but I think this song really works with the Exodus prequel mini-series, Genesis.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnjjkR14rHY       It works on a lot of levels for what I want to explore with the prequel and how point A became the genocidal history of Point B. The relationships, the complex interaction, the unspoken compulsions, the subtle and overt forces beyond human understanding, and revealing of secrets are all part of the Genesis miniseries.   The song is a



To Feel Old and Young At the Same Time

I had a somewhat odd experience tonight. I went to see the seminal 1990's band, Stone Temple Pilots. They were performing at the convention center at my grad school.   But here was the weird thing. When I came in, I managed feeling very young, because a lot of the people there were in in their mid-30's, maybe even early 40's. Which makes sense, because the peak of the band was in the early/mid 1990's, which is about 15-20 years ago now. I saw some young kids there, but they were mostly outnumb



Why you're not on my Facebook

If you haven't noticed, I don't publish who I am on here. There's a reason for that. I'm not out and I frankly have no interest to be out right now. I'm not in denial with myself, I just cannot afford to be out. In terms of my personal priorities, if it means I have a roof over my head while I bounce around trying to pay off my student loans mean that I can't live my life openly as I wish, so be it.   Some of you know me on GA via Chat. I am able to truly be myself in the chat most of t




Let's see, nonpolitical topic on my life:   My current boyfriend is a great guy, I love the way we connect and talk with one another. He's extremely supportive, fun loving, and entertaining. Yet, there's something that seems to strain us from moving anywhere in our relationship. We're both workaholics, we place career first, but for different reasons. He wants to work hard to eventually settle down and live life peacefully. I seek to work hard in order to create something and constantly trying



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