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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 5 - Jan. 11)

    By wildone

    First a disclaimer, I'm tired and none of me editors are around to read the wrap up for me   I hate to say but the first couple of weeks have been terrible for our US friends and neighbours it seems. With LA burning down and the east and southeast getting blasted by ice and snow, I have to say I hope that all of them are okay  I'm sure there is other places too that are having strange and wakey weather too, like Friday we had an actual thunderstorm (rain) and a blizzard Saturday night. Noth

My life: an update. And I'm in need of a hero! (or beta reader/editor)

Its been a while.   Hi people!   Um...some new things that's happened...   I got new tattoos and piercings. School is going well. Got new roommates. And a boyfriend. Still a ProSub. (If you're wondering, see my last entry). Found an old story that I started, so now I'm editing it and looking for editors/readers.   Um...that's pretty much it.     Oh...hahaha. Uh...new meds. I was hospitalized for a while. 2 weeks. Fun! But that was months ago. I'm okay again.   There's a few other



chapter 3... what to do

So I'm still stuck on Chapter 3 right now... it's been officially 3 months since Chapter 2 came out and I'm no closer to finding a solution that I was 3 months ago... which sucks... I know...   So in order to keep myself interested in the story, here's a "poll"... do you think I should write an additional "character building" chapter with Jack and Dr. Browning before the good stuff begins? I'm thinking that it'd gauge interest in the plot and potentially expose details about Jack that could p



sixteen hundred problems... but a bitch ain't one!

so, I'm still alive.   I feel like that's noteworthy, since I've been somewhat low-profile around here lately.   you might remember, two blogs ago, that I was debating whether or not to quit my job and take a different career direction. in particular, I was debating whether or not to turn down an amazing career opportunity with my current employer and chase a boatload more money elsewhere.   heavy shit.   anyway, after a solid week of stroking my beard and pondering the mysteries of t



Something Short and Quick

Just a quick thought:   When looking around the city, I am usuallly confronted by a dozen people asking for money with a strong scent of alcohol in their musk or incoherent descriptions of their plight. There is even a infamous women on the mass transit system, who claims a new story every other week like I've lost my wallet, my friends left me here and I can't get home, and others. The first time I felt bad for her and actually did give money. At that point in 2009, I just graduated from coll



A cutter

There aren't many cures to depression that actually work, but I do have one that works some of the time. If conditions are right, with a rising mood or a slowly sinking one, an idea gets wrapped by tentative thoughts conducive to further exploration. Plus, word count must not be anything close to a sizeable work. Short, short stories work very well.   One of the people I met at the psych farm was a cutter. He was a nice enough guy, early thirties, okay face, but had the scarred chevrons of a s



Happiness, episode 2... and some thoughts on History

Happy, elated even, best describes how I have been feeling for the past few weeks.   My last blog post is only just over two weeks old, but enough stuff has been happening to warrant an update, so here it is: happiness has quietly settled down and decided to make its nest in my heart. It has grown, reinforced by daily communication and new discoveries. John and I have decided to keep trying to know each other better. So... it's still very early days... but we're doing good, I think.   We




SOOOO   The daughters have moved out. OH GODS but it feels good to have the house to myself. Okay, so it's a bit quiet sometimes especially when, like tonight Ef is with his dad but it is blissful to clean my kitchen, do the dishes, go to bed/work/holiday and have the kitchen clean and dishes washed when I come back.   Never again will I have to see that teetering mound of grease and dried on tomatoe sauce. Never again will I have to wash a plate before i can eat my dinner. Never again will



Baby update - it's no longer an 'it' it's a 'she'

Yes I know it's been a bit since I last updated this - much of the good times, happy feelings were tested by the surrogate and her immaturity. I've come to the conclusion it is really just a 'it's not my money' kinda thing. She just sees us as having an endless stream of money and if she does something that causes us to have to pay more - it's no big deal.   So updates-   1) Still not insured - but she will be on June 1 - cost to insure - $260 a month with a $1500 deductible - for those

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

Grad School at the Half-Way Point And Other News

I pulled off a 4.0 this semester. Yes! Now my grad school GPA stands at a 3.83. I'm pretty happy, since getting a 4.0 was on my bucket list. I came close to that with winter session '10, and I was disapointed when it didn't happen. But now I can say I had a 4.0 semester. It gives me some wiggle room to deal with the third semester, which is going to be a bitch. I'm taking a seminar with a professor who is a notable badass. Plus I have a 10 a.m. for the first time in a year, and I don't have a si



Just a follow up :)

Hey everyone       Thank you all for the concerns and well wishes. Just got news from my dad; it’s now confirmed that it is indeed cancerous cells in his lungs. But, on the positive side, they are relatively new, so that means, the treatments will start ASAP and they won’t be chemo, yet.     *sigh* It’s really nice to be feeling relieved. Acc to the advice of several, I managed to stock up on power bars and lots of milk… lol therefore my eating irregularities didn’t really make me s



Watching with my breath held

In a little part of Western New York State, which has traditionally been a Republican Stronghold, an interesting event is unfolding.   The polls show a three party race of even odds between Democrat, Republican, and Tea Party candidates. When people tell me that the Tea Party are no threats to conservative, I can now point to New York's 26th Congressional seat election as my call to Arms.   Oh yes, Jack Davis is not a conservative based on his record, but the Tea Party Coalition group of We



Evoke the death... Yes or No ? That's the question

The reactions to my last blogs about death made ​​me aware that I apparently broke a taboo. So let's go to break it even more.   When you reach an advanced age and when the approach of death no longer scare you (yes, I'm afraid of dying, afraid of suffering during the final moments, but death itself does not afraid me). Either there is nothing after the it, and nobody cares because it's the absolute end, or the life of the spirit continues (if you prefer to use other words for it, it's up to

old bob

old bob

My story is ready, but I am not sure

As I said in my prior blog, I was going to write a more erotic story, but I wanted to go against the traditional nifty erotic story format of quick sex.   I don't know how many of you guys actually still read Nifty, when I was a teen in the early 2000's, Nifty was the place to read both the sexiest and fun gay stories on the web. I recently re-read some of my old favorites and I looked into the older writers work. The erotic element in their stories were more pronounced and most of them had so



The approach of death

It's strange how the feeling of the approach of my own death, coming from the last events about my cancer, gave me a feeling of contentment and satisfaction. I felt relieved to know where I am. In six months, the next check up will tell me if I'm still in remission or if I should undertake a series of long-term treatments. My docs told me that this could take many years, with the current advances in medicine. At worst, I still have at least 10 years before me, unless an accident (heart attack

old bob

old bob

Cool Old Movies on YouTube

Colossus - the Forbin Project (1970)     the Andromeda Strain (1971)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wajIliPFHk4     ____________________   I challenge some of our younger members to watch these movies and see what your parents/grand-parents were thinking about 40 years ago. You might be surprised as some of the themes have remained the same.



Mother's Day 2011

So I just got back from one of my semi-annual long weekends at the beach (which is why those of you who sent chapters for me to edit won't get them back until some time tomorrow). As usual my dad insisted on giving my sister and me a little extra cash even though we don't need it. But, you know, it makes him happy. When I picked my sister up Friday morning for the trip, she handed me the envelope from Dad. On the front he'd written: Jeanette's mad money, Sharon's bail money.   Needless to say



The first of many....

Tomorrow is a very special day for me. when I joined GA in April last year, i was lost. I was very much alone and very desperate.   Successful at my job, mainly because in the absence of a life (and love) i worked 15-18 hour days. I was even on occasion taking an extra set of clothes to work, catching 3 hours sleep on the couch in my office, and then starting all over again. I was a mess. I wasn't eating, I had no friends, no social outlet. The person I was closest to in the world was m



I am going to try it

I got some free time and thought about it long and hard, well hard as the idea for this new short story got my loins stirring a bit   I know I have never wrote anything sexual or erotic even in my stories with some minor sex, sex scenes usually are either fast and hard or deeply introspective for plot purposes like a passing motion or thought.   Thinking it over and reading from other gay writers, who I admire. I am neglecting the sex in gay storytelling, so I want to try it out for my own



Darkness is clinging to me...

It's official... In two weeks I'm moving to PA permanently and I'm scared. I can't focus on anything nor can I get anything done...   I've been trying to distract myself with reading but it's not working... I've been talking to people but I feel like I'm being annoying so I stopped... I've only been talking to people I care for but it's not working...   It's scary to move away from your parents but I feel like I'm not doing anything right... I feel as if I'm creeping back to my dark aide ag



Darkness is clinging to me...

It's official... In two weeks I'm moving to PA permanently and I'm scared. I can't focus on anything nor can I get anything done...   I've been trying to distract myself with reading but it's not working... I've been talking to people but I feel like I'm being annoying so I stopped... I've only been talking to people I care for but it's not working...   It's scary to move away from your parents but I feel like I'm not doing anything right... I feel as if I'm creeping back to my dark aide ag



Slippery Slope

As I slip further down the slippery slope there come pauses where normal function is enabled for brief periods of time. Today I had to go to a class on time management. It was either take it now or wait until July when it will be considerably hotter. I’ve decided I do not like the hot, humid aspect of living in Dallas. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a great town and would love to live here, but I’m too used to living in the Pacific Northwest where 100 degree weather is a rarity, not the norm.



Concerns About a Friend

I'm not going to say who it is or go into specifics. My friend is a really nice guy, but he has a lot of problems. Like many people, he's had a rough life. He is definitely not unscathed by it, and he suffers through episodes of mental illness. For over a month, he's been symptomatic, and I have not been in contact with him in several weeks. The mental illness makes him a very different person, and the last time he did contact me, he wasn't very nice. I realize it's not how he is deep down, but



Forum sigs...

Cailen and I both made one coincidentally... for me. So... which one looks better? I like both, but mine seems a bit too plain... which is why I like Cailen's a lot. What do you think?   I don't think I'll ever be as good as Cailen with his photoshop skills... lol I'm just not an artsy kinda guy I guess...   Cailen's:   Mine: <----- CLICK TO ENLARGE



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