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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Poetry Anthology Announcement!

    By Valkyrie

    The GA Poetry Anthology is returning for 2025 with the theme "Diversity"!  It's the perfect theme to show off the diverse world of poetry and its various forms.  I look forward to reading what our site poets come up with!  Please note the earlier due date.  The extra few days will give me more time to get submissions ready for the big reveal in April to celebrate National Poetry Month.     2025 Poetry Anthology - Due: March 30, 2025 The 2025 Theme is “Diversity” Feel free to

On the road, again

Tonight I'm in Portland, OR, because I don't need to be in the LA area until noon Monday. My trailer is somewhere here in the yard.   I'm going to leave tomorrow morning, early, early, like around 4 or 5 because I don't want to have to deal with commuters flocking into Portland and wherever else to go to work. I'm lucky, I take work with me.   Already I like being back on the road. I get a very strong sense of calm and I know why. It's because I'm away from home. I miss Bonita, but it's the




I came home sick today My stepmom tried to keep me home from school to begin with but I didn't listen, and now I wish I had. Anyway, I keep thinking I'm gonna puke but when I try, nothing comes out but this nasty yellow crap that burns my throat. So what's the moral of all of this?? I think it's Stay Away From 7-11 Big Bites. I ate two last night because my dad and stepmom went somewhere and James and I had to fend for ourselves. He wound up going to 7-11 because he wanted nachos and I aske



I got an A

You Scored an A     You got 10/10 questions correct.   It's pretty obvious that you don't make basic grammatical errors. If anything, you're annoyed when people make simple mistakes on their blogs. As far as people with bad grammar go, you know they're only human. And it's humanity and its current condition that truly disturb you sometimes.     The It's Its There Their They're Quiz   http://www.blogthings.com/theitsitstheretheirtheyrequiz/



Back to the Beginning

Well, I've had it.   I tried being a hostler. Honest, I tried, but 58 year old bodies cannot pretend they're only 35, which is bad.   I tried delivering groceries, but that was just as physical, plus the joys of pulling doubles through a city, which is bad.   So, starting Thursday I'm back to long haul; or, as they call it in my new company, line haul, which is good.   Up and down the I-5 corridor, which is kinda good.   Supposedly, I'll be home every week, which is good. Als



And people think I'm nice

It continually surprises me when people, when they first meet me, take my generally sunny disposition and smiling manner as an indication that I'm also nice. This is not true. I may have been nice at one point, and I act nice when I don't have anything better to do, but I'm not terribly good at it. But people ignore the odd moments by and large, until something happens that they can't ignore.   Case in point: a few weeks ago, I went into a coffee shop. I'd just done my grocery shopping, and si



Mystery illness strikes after meteorite hits Peruvian village

Mystery illness strikes after meteorite hits Peruvian village   Villagers in southern Peru were struck by a mysterious illness after a meteorite made a fiery crash to Earth in their area, regional authorities said Monday. Around midday Saturday, villagers were startled by an explosion and a fireball that many were convinced was an airplane crashing near their remote village, located in the high Andes department of Puno in the Desaguadero region, near the border with Bolivia.   Residents c



Tomorrow will be better

So first off, wow that Killers concert rocked! I had such an awesome time! A band called "Romance Fantasy" opened for them, then the group called "Louis XIV" played. Now actually I had heard of "Louis XIV" before, but I don't think I was familiar with their work. They were pretty good though! The Killers were awesome! They played all their popular songs (obviously), and it was really fun because everyone sang along and stuff!   There was also this adorable gay couple sitting in the row i



Holy Buddha, Shia LaBeouf is H-O-T!

As I've mentioned before, I think Shia LaBeouf (the cutie from "Transformers" and "Disturbia") is TOTALLY HOT!!!   TMZ posted an AMAZING picture of him today, so if you wanna see it, click on the link below:   http://www.tmz.com/2007/09/17/labeouf-in-labuff/   How that can be the same kid from "Even Stevens," I'll never figure out ... *fans self*



Back in the groove of things

Wow, what a last couple of weeks. (stops and catches breath) I guess I just wasn't as ready for school as I thought I was, and it was pretty hard to get caught up. Last Sunday I was still pouring over my hw at 11 in the morning. This Sunday I'm happy to report that I finished my hw yesterday at about 5:30 in the afternoon. That's the good news. Unfortunately, I have some really bad news too (in my opinion, at least). Taylor's talking about dropping out of school. I'm doing everything I can to



Mr. Brightside

SO, I just got a call from a friend. He's got an extra ticket to The Killers concert tonight! SO, I'm going! YAY! I'm so excited, it's been forever since I've been to a concert, and I love The Killers!   Now all I have to do is rearrange my schedule a bit, and figure out a way to look concert worthy within the next three hours!



Sometimes it just doesn't work out

When I got home earlier this evening from a subdued dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant and two stops at different grocery stores, I started on an entry complaining about how depressed I was. I'm still very depressed, but that doesn't matter right now.   I watched a movie.   Oh, god, we all watch movies, I can hear you saying. So what!   I don't watch that many movies, especially something new. I just don't like movies, sorry.   I watched "Memory of a Killer". It was in Dutch and F




So, gosh... it's been a long time since I blogged.   Both my kids had a birthday in the last week leaving the tally at: Daughter - 12, Son - 6.   So, Friday was my daughter's birthday and we were going to take her out to dinner at a restaurant, her choice, and we were waiting for Rich to get home from work so we could go. My daughter comes running inside to tell me that this girl that used to live next door to us for a few months, but has since moved out into a hotel, put makeup on my new



Running away with me

So last night I did what I've wanted to do metaphorically in a literal way. I ran. And Ran. And kept right on running. It was pouring rain out. I went anyway. Lightning striking all over the place. Sun set well below the horizon. I kept running. Soaken wet, heart pounding, foot numbing I stopped and walked long enough to so I could feel my foot again and catch my breath, then I ran some more. And ran, and ran. I ran right past the road I was supposed to turn down and didn't realize it for a half


Demetz in Demetz

Rewrites, rewrites, rewrites

And more rewrites.   I'm not dead, but you'd never know it from the postings, would you? When Real Life hasn't been getting in the way, I've been beating up the draft of Busted, trying to get it in shape to shop around for publication.   It's been a !@$! pain in the ass getting it ready, too.   I thought the worst part about this would be throwing out scenes. I've already tossed 30K words, the last third of the book. Not that it isn't bad; some of the stuff I tossed I really, really like.




Okay, this was my last night as hostler on the Perishible Dock. That was a given.   Part of my job, the first part, has to be accomplished by 19:00 every night because that is when the Grocery Dock shuts down, is to move the combination trailers, those that have perishible and grocery, from the perishible dock to the grocery dock. I have to do this every night.   Well, tonight the Perishible Dock was behind. They were delayed. For whatever reason, they were behind.   The Grocery Supervisor



Good advice from a stripper

One of my cousins used to work in a strip bar. Actually, two of my cousins on opposite sides of my family have, and a great-aunt was a whore, but I digress. The first cousin told me about how she had two coworkers, which we will call Lucy and Emily. Emily was a very pretty, attractive woman, and Lucy was, while lively, not anywhere near Emily in looks. Yet night after night, it was Lucy that had the bigger roll of tips to count. My cousin was extremely curious as to why this was, because she dec



Chicago, love(?), depression and New York

Chicago - Sufjan Stevens     I fell in love again all things go, all things go drove to Chicago all things know, all things know we sold our clothes to the state I don't mind, I don't mind I made a lot of mistakes in my mind, in my mind   you came to take us all things go, all things go to recreate us all things grow, all things grow we had our mindset all things know, all things know you had to find it all things go, all things go   I drove to New York in



Magnus Libras II

The design of my knowledge-base is specific to me and my interests. Another persons knowledge base may look completely different with different topics and priorities. Astronomy & AstrophysicsAstrophysics Black Holes Gravity Cosmology General Astrophysics High Energy AP Hubble Observations Neutron Stars/Pulsars Plasma Physics Stellar structure & Evolution Supernova [*]Basic Astronomy [*]Celestial Mechanics [*]General [*]History [*]Milky Way [*]NASA




I saw him outside of work today and I didn't even have to initiate it! My friend wanted to come see him, so when she came by I introduced them and she absolutely loved him. She said we were totally flirting, so that's good. He brought up dinner with another coworker of mine, and when she mentioned that I got off at the same time, she said he sounded really excited and wanted her to invite me. We all ended up going together, and it was amazing.   During the meal, at one point he kept



New Story Update!

Well ... some good news ...   Chapter 1 of the new story is ready to go (it's called "When I See You Again" -- same title as a previous effort I made, but totally different story, characters, etc. ... I just liked the title ... hehe). Sharon has finished editing, and I'll be sending it to Joe at the end of this week once I have all of the pages for my site updated. Chapter 2 has also just been sent to Sharon for the first edit, then I'll revise it some more and send it back one more time for a



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