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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Poetry Anthology Announcement!

    By Valkyrie

    The GA Poetry Anthology is returning for 2025 with the theme "Diversity"!  It's the perfect theme to show off the diverse world of poetry and its various forms.  I look forward to reading what our site poets come up with!  Please note the earlier due date.  The extra few days will give me more time to get submissions ready for the big reveal in April to celebrate National Poetry Month.     2025 Poetry Anthology - Due: March 30, 2025 The 2025 Theme is “Diversity” Feel free to

It's a Goat

I drive a Goat.   Well, that's what they call it.   Doesn't look like a goat.   Doesn't smell like a goat.   Doesn't sound like a goat.   It drives like a truck with attitude.   The one I have to drive is the local piece of shit, but it's still a Goat.   Found out I still can't back in a straight line, even with a Goat to help.   My Goat pulled a bunch of trailers last night and, then, there wasn't much of anything to do.   My trainer, who also drives a Goat, said that about on




My angel ... Dezlboi, surprised me today with something that really touched my heart. Maybe it's cause I know the circumstances from which this was born, but it's also so much more than that. You know when you know someone, you love them, and you watch them struggle and grow through hard situations only to come out the other side stronger than before? It's like... I'm PROUD of him for doing what he needed to do, and though he's not singing to me, he means every word. I can feel the bravery, the



A New Story?

It's been a long time coming, but I've finally started working on a new story. No promises as to when I'm going to be able to start posting (I'd like to have at least a few chapters done before I post anything), but it's off to a good start and I seem to have found the inspiration I needed. It will also depend on if Sharon is still willing to edit for me ... *hint hint*   All I'm going to say about it so far is that baseball is a pretty major theme, and there are also some similar themes to SO



Night Stalker

I'm practicing staying up late because tomorrow night I really start my new job on the night shift 5 PM to 3:30 AM. Ten hours plus a half hour for lunch.   Luckily, I'll only have to do this four days a week. That raises a problem, though. Do I return to "normal" during the three off days, or do I continue my nighttime schedule?   I'm opting to become a night person. A lover of lunar light, ever searching for those airy beings who disappear in daylight.   For the foreseeable future, I'll b



Kill your character Revised (v2.0)

100 Ways to Kill Your Character     Natural Causes Acute Illness/Infectious Diseases: an acute disease is a disease with either or both of a rapid onset and a short course influenza Lower respiratory infections Diarrheal diseases Tuberculosis Malaria Measles Pertussis Tetanus Meningitis Hepatitis syphilis West Nile disease Lyme Disease [*]Chronic Illness; a disease that is long-lasting or recurrent. heart disease Cancer Liver disease Kid



Wasted, again

Nothing like a good dose of alcohol to deaden the gloomies, but that isn't a solution, been there, done that.   I finished orientation a day early. I was the only person in orientation and, since I'm going to be working out of the Puyallup Yard, I didn't need to know a lot of the stuff.   So, I'm home and I'm wasted, again. Too much Tequila, again.   Bonita missed me.   I'm not certain the wife did too. You can never tell about her. She has so many memories of her childhood, I can't tell



Talon's Exciting 2007 Vacation Trip

Thought I give you an update as to the vacation.   Our trip started at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday 8/18/07. About 2 hours into the trip, we got into some stopped traffic. An hour later, we finally go passed the scene of an overturned semi-trailer. We arrived an hour later than planned at Geauga Lake in Aurora Ohio. When we left the park that night, it took us about 45 minutes to find the hotel. We could have found it sooner if I had turned the right direction.   Sunday 8/19, we drove to Cedar Poi



A blog about blogs

As I've said, here (I think) and elsewhere, I am a fan of blogs. I don't care so much for the idea of me running one, but where we are anyways. I'm told it is the fate of all English majors, so I don't feel too bad about it. I am a fan of the idea of blogging, and I especially like reading other people's blogs. My favorite sort of blog is a stream of short stories, but just about any blog will do for me, provided it is well written and there is something to interest me. A good deal of the time I



So . . . school and dating or something.

"You have 7 more seconds to decide for your life Before my tongue becomes a blade and your brain gets sliced. I warned you before I'm addicted to war I was praying for Armageddon on the day I was born."     School starts in a week. I will be a senior. I feel nothing.   Joey came out here from Hawaii to see how I live. I think his first experience was a bit too much for him. Our deal was that I go out to see him in Hawaii for a few weeks and afterward he comes out to L.A. for a while. On



Oh, Rats!

Oh, Rats!!!   In my prior blog entry, I described some of the storm damage to my house. Well, the good news is that I found a roofing contractor willing and able (they have 4x4's) to drive out this far. The bad news is they have only one 4x4, a pickup, and so it's been one or two guys working on the roof.   Sadly, none of them fit the stereotype of hot young shirtless roofers. Oh well.   There has, however, been an unexpected fringe benefit; I have house guests! Yes indeed, unexpected v

C James

C James

Denzel Washington is a stud!

... and Fresno is weird.   I waited up for Rich Saturday night till 2 am, or at least I tried to, and then we slept about three hours. I got up and took a shower and got ready to go, woke Rich up to get ready, who took considerably less time to get ready, didn't even shave, and so he had that sexy, scruffy look going on. We get in the car and I drive to Steve's thinking I'll be sweet and he can sleep longer, but apparently when I drive, he can't sleep since he's too busy looking over his shoul



100 ways to say adios to a pesky character

100 Ways to Kill Your Character     Natural Causes Acute Illness/Infectious Diseases: an acute disease is a disease with either or both of a rapid onset and a short course influenza Lower respiratory infections Diarrheal diseases Tuberculosis Malaria Measles Pertussis Tetanus Meningitis Hepatitis syphilis West Nile disease Lyme Disease [*]Chronic Illness; a disease that is long-lasting or recurrent. heart disease Cancer Liver disease Kid



Warning! Depressing Thoughts

I've been slowly sliding downhill. There's a lot of stress in my life right now, my mind responds by getting depressed. It didn't work this way before, but it does now. Such is life.   The creative juices aren't flowing as freely, which is to be expected. I'm on a downhill slide. Such is life.   Tonight, I go to Portland for orientation tomorrow. The wife gives me a sad look. I'm going away from her. She'll be alone. She's very much like a little kid. All of her stories, remembrances of happ




I think I try too hard to do things I don't know how to do. I recently decided that I hate reading high school stories and was ready to try something new for myself. I wanted to write something adult oriented, but not tragic or anything with a moral lesson. I just wanted it to involve two adult males living their lives who happened to meet. I guess my problem is that I don't have anything to reference. Most of my fiction stories come from my imagination, one where I tell myself the story and t



The frustration of inadequacy

The greatest frustration is to be without words to express what you are feeling. I have a dictionary full of words. I have a thesaurus full of words. All the words in the world are at my fingertips. I can find any word I want with the turn of a few pages or the click of a few keys. Yet I am at a loss for how to put them together to say what I feel.   That is maybe not quite true. I can say words that would get the point across. I might even be able to say them prettily or with some se



I'm back...

Yeah!!!!! I'm back ...Now I just need to figure out what I'm doing...lol   lets see...first thing...read ....then I'll read some more....then I'll start writing again   Hugs,   Tom



the Burden of Perfection

Once upon a time there was a thing called science. Science was a beautiful thing because it offered answers to those with the wits to comprehend without the need for witch-doctors or crystal balls. In fact science offered humanity something very special: an ordered universe without the need for the super-natural.   Science had a pristine logic and reasoning process because even when science reached the wrong conclusion, each step in the scientific method depends on empirical evidence and peer




I just finished Chapter 18 of The Pastel Cowboy and I reached the point in time where I'm supposed to be. So many things are afoot right now, but I can't tell you anything, so I won't.   I've been following through on Lugh's suggestion and putting more of my stuff up on eFiction. I want to put up my Kiel's Story/Tim and the Corsair series, but I want to seriously edit it before doing so. It is a bit much with all the violence, suicides, and constant talk about rape. I requested the assistance



It's that time again...

It's been over a month since my last blog so I figured I'm due for an update. My life was going relatively uneventful until these past few days.   Let's start with the whole San Francisco thing... I finally bought my plane ticket so I'll be there from Friday morning at 10AM until Monday morning at 7 or 8AM I think. I'm looking forward to it a lot... there are a few people going that I've been dieing to meet for a while now and I'm glad I'll finally get the chance. So if you're thinking about g



Don't you just hate it?

I just finished Chapter 17 of The Pastel Cowboy. I wish I could tell you what happened, but I can't because it would ruin everything, literally. (Was that a pun?)   What can I tell you?   Well, nothing, actually because what happened was so unexpected. It was another one of those creative moments when everything comes together and out pops a plot twist. And, let me tell you right now, it was one heck of a plot twist. It certainly surprised the heck out of me.   See?   It's like winning P




Well, we made it.   It was a long haul, but with our son helping with the driving, we made it in 16 hours. That's a bit long, but we did stop to see Great Salt Lake, the rocket exhibit at ATK, have lunch in Mountain Home, Idaho, and dinner in Troutdale, Oregon.   It feels good to be home.   Per request from Lugh I posted Chapter 1 of "The Pastel Cowboy" to eFiction. I don't know where this will lead, but I'm willing to follow at least for awhile.   Right now, I'm waiting for a call from



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