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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Poetry Anthology Announcement!

    By Valkyrie

    The GA Poetry Anthology is returning for 2025 with the theme "Diversity"!  It's the perfect theme to show off the diverse world of poetry and its various forms.  I look forward to reading what our site poets come up with!  Please note the earlier due date.  The extra few days will give me more time to get submissions ready for the big reveal in April to celebrate National Poetry Month.     2025 Poetry Anthology - Due: March 30, 2025 The 2025 Theme is “Diversity” Feel free to

I'm all alone :(

My Sweetie is gone for a week, I miss him and it's been one day. I miss him to the point that I'm sad enough that I hope he's not feeling like I am (which happens to us a lot) and entertaining fantasies that he's secretly coming here to surprise me.   My Angel is off with hot boys in itty, bitty pants while I have something of interest to tell him. At least I know that in five more days I'll be hugging him for real again.   My Luvuh ... well I have no idea where he is, and I guess by all



So just die, already

It's a grey and drizzly saturday, and I'm sitting here rewriting this goddamn fight scene. Again. This is its third go-round, and it's pissing me off. This is S&S stuff. It's supposed to be straightforward, "kill the monster, take its treasure, move on." I mean, there's formula. Possibly sacred formula, I'm not sure -- the genre both demands it and is antithetical to it, which might make it obligatory to acknowledge and ignore it -- but definitely formula. You'd think it was easy to follow,




I was talking politics with a friend of mine and I think I want to explain my views. I am pretty liberal, but I can usually understand both sides of an argument. Here's just what I think of a few things:   The President I think that people don't give him enough credit. I mean honestly, he's doing the best he can. I doubt he had some ulterior motives when getting into office. People expect him to make these godlike decisions and forget he's just a man. Can you imagine how stressful that job mu




So every once in a while priorities need to be adjusted, which is why I haven't been 'around' much lately.   Sam has always been a good student. He still is. But it seems that he has had some difficulty with his math class from the beginning of the year. Now, I knew he didn't like the teacher's style. He said that the first week. But what I didn't know was that he was finding it difficult to follow him and was getting behind because he hadn't been doing the math homework. Apparently he



the ride home...

"Mom?"   "Hmm?"   "What do all beaches need?"   "Sand?"   "No..."   "Water?"   "No, I'll give you a hint. It starts with L."   "Uhh... Light?"   "NO! Lifeguards."   "Okay... good idea."   "Except, sometimes they have to go."   "Go where?"   "Out."   "Out where?"   "With their hotties."   "Did you say hotties?"   "Yeah."   "Umm... what's that?"   "You know... their wives."   "Umm, okay, but that's not very nice."   "Yes, it is."   "Well, it's not very res



me too, completely...

One last thing I beg you please, just before you go I've watched you fly on paper wings half way round the world until they burned up in the atmosphere and sent you spiraling down Landing somewhere far from here with no one else around To catch you falling down And I'm looking at you now   And I can't tell if you're laughing Between each smile there's a tear in your eye There's a train leaving town in an hour It's not waiting for you and neither am I   Swing for the fences son, he



Autumn of my Mind

Contrary to popular belief, California does have seasons. They are Tourist, Fire, Holiday, and Flood. I find myself strangely homesick, because I can smell ash in the air. Not that I can escape out of the city if I wanted to, all the places I would run to has a fire blocking access. I wonder how the people at my old job are coping. At my current job, hair is being pulled and feet are being stomped, and I got to gently tell customers that it sucks to be them that the fires cut off major shipping




I'm at the Garlic Farm truck stop in Gilroy today. I delivered a load of cardboard to a box manufacturer earlier this morning. Later to night I'm going upt the road a few miles to pick up a load that has to be in Portland tomorrow night.   It's been a quiet day of doing a little work on the laptop. I'm working on the story for the Winter Anthology, tentatively titled either "Walkabout" or "Through the Door." It's about two friends, one who knows he's gay and one who very much wants to be gay b



Damn, I'm tired!

The title of this blog says it all ... I'm exhausted! I've been working at least 50-60 hours/week for the past couple months, and it's really wearing me down. For those of you who are wondering when the next chapter of "When I See You Again" will be posted, it's probably not going to be until I get back from San Francisco in early November. It's about halfway done, but I've just been too exhausted to do much writing over the past few weeks.   I'm definitely looking forward to going to San Fran



If By Chance.....the soundtrack?

Ok, so I know it's been a good minute since I've updated any of my stories, but especially If By Chance. Well, if you guys are still with me, I've sent two chapters off to Talonrider. I'm really sorry for not getting these chapters done sooner, but the good news is that as soon as I get them back, you'll have two chapters of If By Chance to read, and chapter eight is halfway finished. Also, I've been conflicted about the soundtrack for this story (yes, all of my stories have soundtracks ). I'



Naughty Doctor

I'm home for the weekend. Two straight days, two meals at my favorite Mexican restaurant.   Thursday, I figured it was time to post another chapter of The Pastel Cowboy, but when I read through Chapter 10 I realized I couldn't post it without some serious editing. In the Nifty version, there is a graphic description of a sex act between a young patient and his doctor. As far as I'm concerned, this one definitely crossed the line and couldn't show up in GA as written. (Yes, even I have some deg



I hate it when I forget the moral

It's damned annoying, that's what it is.     Not, in this case, a "what the heck was that moral, again?" but more a "damn, I had a moral and I lost track of it!"       I mean, here I am, typing away, pretty much done with the story and I realize that the big end fight scene (c'mon, it's a sword'n'sorcery story, fight scenes are obligatory) is disconnected from the rest of the piece. I have what I think is a pretty nice setup, and I managed to let the banter side track me.     Pesky cha



My Bourgeoisie Affections...

...are getting out of hand. The Terry Pratchett row has not only spilled onto the next shelf, but that shelf is fighting back. I can't fit anymore there, but I also don't want to break up what organization I've manged to create. I don't want to buy another bookshelf, but I fear it may come to that before too much longer.   I try not to take myself too seriously. I know that I'm basically a twit in the general scheme of things, but I have an Education, a Salaried Position, and an Interest in th



Decision Time

Well, it's finally come. What times that you ask? Last week, my employer sent out letters to all the County employee's that eligible for retirement. This is something that they do periodically. They offer an incentive. This year I fall into the criteria set up, 10 years employment and age 55. The other is 30 years employment and any age.   In a couple of weeks, I am to receive another letter showing what my monthly pension would be. It will be calculated to 16 years plus and additional 4 years



I thought I would feel better

So a lot has happened between me and the guy that I've developed feelings for in the past couple of months. Let's keep it short and say that I've slept at his place quite a few times, and we've cuddled and held each other and all that jazz. Nothing more, though. No kissing, and nothing beyond that. I found out through a friend that he likes me and kind of has a feeling that I like him.   I should be ecstatic right? I'm not. Apparently he's worried because I don't know how to drive. I



Drive By

About 1am last Friday I took a break from the sci-fi channel to amble off to the kitchen for a sandwich.   Shortly after arriving there I hear a series of loud POPs like a 9mm and I hit the deck. I thought I heard impacts hitting the house.   After the last of 8 shots, a car or truck punched it and left the area.   I looked for some time and found no evidence of gunfire... until this morning.   I found 3 X .380 bullet holes- two in the facia and one in a large window in the front of the



Yay Me!

Hey Guys   So im over him, i guess he decided he just wanted to play the ignore Michael game, which is fine. Idk really im not even looking anymore. If some guy wants to come up to me for once he can but other than that im done looking ><     So a co worker sent me this and i thought it was pretty cool..   So all you have to do is repost this and fill in the blanks!!!   Have fun -Mike   Dear__________,   I__ you. You have a pretty ______ . You make me _______ . You should____



Thinking of you

I was sitting in a restaurant this evening have dinner and people watching and there was this average, middle-aged guy sitting at the next table. The waitress came over to him and asked if he was ready, and he replied that he was still waiting for his wife. So about 10 minutes later his phone rings and he answers it and says:   "Hi hun *pause* I'm just sitting here at the restaurant reading a magazine and thinking of you. *pause* okay I'll see you when you get here"     I just thought



well, hell...

I was going to write all about how my son came home with these papers in his backpack that say that a first grader, thus far into the school year, should be reading 30 words in 60 seconds and that when tested, he reads 27 words in 14 seconds. Now I know that I'm math challenged, I'll be the first to step up and say so, but if I'm right... that means he reads four times faster than he should. Further, by the end of the school year, they should be able to read 60 words in 60 seconds, which he, aga



Worshipping at the Alter of the Mouse

Well everyone... it hasn't happened in 14 years...   I'm going on vacation.   I will be worshiping at the Alter of the Mouse in sunny Orlando, Florida.   Please behave. I do not intend to be online at all and if anything happens that requires me to get called on vacation... let's just say that you will no longer be a member...   I have lots of plans and lots of stuff on tap for when I get back. I should be nice and refreshed after 9 days away from the Internet and depressing news. I a


Myr in Life

SN 2005AP: Another Bright Supernova

This Type II (core collapse) supernova was captured by cameras of ROTSE-III and followed up with the Keck. Pictured is a before and after image of the general area from file images.   Lately there have been several very bright supernova, in contrast with what we usually see out of objects with similar spectral characteristics. Clearly it is a type II event- confirmed by spectra.   Why have the type II SN we've been seeing lately been so bright? Could it be because they occure in a low extinc



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