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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Poetry Anthology Announcement!

    By Valkyrie

    The GA Poetry Anthology is returning for 2025 with the theme "Diversity"!  It's the perfect theme to show off the diverse world of poetry and its various forms.  I look forward to reading what our site poets come up with!  Please note the earlier due date.  The extra few days will give me more time to get submissions ready for the big reveal in April to celebrate National Poetry Month.     2025 Poetry Anthology - Due: March 30, 2025 The 2025 Theme is “Diversity” Feel free to

Hello Again

Hehe, I like philosophy class. I especially like the way baptists gang rape logic and philosophers pretend to be experts in the other sciences. I have also decided that philosophy is probably the most useless waste of brain power possible. There is absolutely no realm within philosophy anymore other than ethics; almost all of the other major questions they pose can be answered by one of the other sciences with concrete evidence, as opposed to shaky inductive arguments.   Don't even get me



Cute guy from Spinning Class

So last Tuesday, I went to my first spinning class. For those of you who don't know what spinning is, it's a class at the health club where a group of you ride on these cycle machines and pretent your climbing up and down hill by varying the speed and resistance on the cycles & changing how you are either sitting or gripping the handlebars. Oh and an instructor is constantly yelling at you to turn it up, or pedal faster, shoulders down, tummy in, & stick your ass out!   I've been g



Happiness reins in an errant soul

Okay, so you didn't get to vote. Maybe you should've sent a comment like Old Bob. If you've got any complaints, send them his way.   No, I'm not going to change the title every month, but I might do it annually.   I'm still riding a euphoric high right now, so enjoy this happy mood while you can.   I'm working very hard on the Kevin project. The words are coming together and if all goes according to plan (i.e., I don't have a setback on the depression front, etc.) Kevin should be ready to



Small Town Gay Bar

My sister is somewhat of a Kevin Smith freak. In fact Kevin Smith is the only person that she would screw on personality alone, or so she claims. Anyhow, after the disasterous screening of Fred Claus (two snaps down, wayyyyyy down) with Viv, my sister suggested we watch this DVD she rented from Netflix called Small Town Gay Bar. It was pretty interesting, and reminds some of us in more liberal populations of the fight that is still out there.   in fact my sister posed the comment, "I didn't kn



It's easier to make promises than it is to keep them... STILL!

For the love of good golly god and all the little children dont see Fred Claus!   Need I say more?   I can, but I feel dumberer now having watched it.   And why did they show a tomboy with a bat but not a fabulous *snap* boy with a hoola hoop?   So yeah BAD MOVIE ask Viv, (who for the record chose said movie cause she didn't want to see Saw IV or Beowulf (which sounded awesome)) look at me rock the double perenthi .... (yeah I made it up) And don't listen to her, she claimed I chose it,



It's easier to make a promise than it is to keep it...

For the love of good golly god and all the little children dont see fred claus!   Need I say more?   I can, but I feel dumberer now having watched it.   And why did they show a tomboy with a bat but not a fabulous *snap* boy with a hoola hoop?   So yeah BAD MOVIE ask Viv, (who for the record chose said movie cause she didn't want to see saw IV or Beowulf (which sounded awesome)) look at me rock the double perenthi .... (yeah I made it up) And don't listen to her she claimed I chose it sh




Things have been good but bad at the same time lately. I just got a f**king speeding ticket for going 88 in a 60. It was bound to happen sooner or later with how I speed, but it still pisses me off! Oh well... that's what defensive driving is for.   I would write more but the boyfriend is getting pissy that I'm still online.   Joe (Who HATES cops with a f**king passion!)



Do I need to change?

As I was driving back from Portland today I thought about changing the title of this blog.   When I first started this, I took the title from my LiveJournal blog, which has suffered significantly from a general lack of entries since this was begun. So, I was thinking maybe I could actually have two blogs if they were named differently.   So, I came up with a few ideas and thought, "Why not give my readers a chance to influence my generally obstinate mental processes?"   I don't have to cha



Reflecting on a turbulent past

I wrote this poem some time ago, and I'm posting it again now, with some extra stanzas. It tells my story pretty well I think.   I was walking across a rope bridge Behind me, my life without you Before me, the day I move in with you Below me, no rivine, nor rushing stream Below me lay a vastly wide river Moving warm and slow To nowhere I'd rather go Than the other side.   You were standing on the other side When I saw you disappear, And a moment of confusion crossed my mind When yo


Demetz in Demetz


Well, I gone and done it this time.   I saw that Graeme was celebrating his 17th anniversary and, of course, I had to congratulate him. Seventeen years is quite an accomplishment. (I don't exactly remember number 17, but I'm sure we had fun. We'll be doing number 34 this year. Can you imagine living with the same person for 34 years?)   Well, that post put me over the hump.   I've been worried I wouldn't hit 100 posts before my 1st anniversary here, but Graeme did it to me. Now, I suppose




So, things are going. I've been making some changes over the last few months. Spending time with people I haven't seen in a while, getting to know new ones. Got a new dog. Rodent-looking little thing. Had one of those "how-much-is-that-doggy-in-the-window?" moments. Too much, but worth it.   Mostly I've been trying to get my s*** together. Like everyone else, I've got to take the time to do that sometimes. I know, not very specific. But I'm good. I hope everyone here is, too. I miss this place


DomLuka in Dom Luka

The New People

The New People   Introduction   Hello, My name is John Doe, All that I as is 10 digits, Filed away in a data bank, Ten cold digits tell my story, Alpha plus is my rank. Promise and wonder fill our brave new world, Of high technology and analysis, No new thoughts are born, They are all out worn, So we stop thinking and cease to exist.   All we are is what we have seen, The latest propaganda to have been: A socialist insecurity number, A ticket to the big matc



Weed to Home

I'm home sitting on the bed in pajamas with my laptop on my lap and cute, little Bonita beside me sleeping, playing, cleaning, or simply ignoring me. Pets are like that. They'll give you all their love, but it's on their terms. Dogs are better than cats, though. At least they don't give you a hair ball every few days. There's nothing like the sound of a retching cat.   Yesterday morning, I was waking up in Weed, CA. I like Weed. It's small town America in the mountains. Last Saturday when I dr



Blond Ambition

Well, how else would I commemorate a new path for my life than by getting a make over? Shortly after writing my last blog I got my hair restyled and dyed. I went for a shorter, messier style and a fairly flashy blond. I got my brows waxed and dyed as well, and hit up a few of my favourite shops for some new outfits. I also started the lastest round of teeth whitening products, and restructured my skin care regimen. Shallow and vail I know, but all in all I'm very pleased with the results.



Falling off the Grid

I am to visit my parents over the next couple of days, which are my "weekend" days this week. My mother in particular has been asking when I'm coming up for several weeks now, so I decided to just say, "the hell with it" and make the drive, which is about seven hours, one way. I know I don't visit them often enough, but it's a lot harder to break away from my obligations than it was a couple years ago. My job was through my college's housing department, so when I had no school, I had no work (an



my kid is SOOOOO cute! that is all...

Well, one of them is. The other is like this... pubescent, teenage girl full of angst and drama, someone save me please?!   I got home from work last night and found this on my computer... It's my son, who is six, talking to Tony.   Tony: psssst Viv: 0 Tony: ... Viv: it's matthew Tony: hi matthew...can you ask daddy a question for me? ask him if tony can iron his tie Viv: he said no Tony: how are you? Viv: gooooooooooooooooood Viv: how or you????????????????????



Free Range Apples and Johnny the Demon

Today, I drove down I-5 from the Petro truck stop in Corning, CA, to the Petro in Wheeler Ridge, CA. It was a nice quiet drive except for the accident at the bridge over the Mokelumne River. From what I could see, someone went over the bridge railing. Firemen were getting out backboards so there were a few survivors.   Other than that, it was a pleasant trip and I was able to come up with a couple story ideas.   The first had to do with what is in my trailer. Imagine, if you will, free range



Sex In My Stories? Why Hell Yes!

Ok, so maybe not in all of them. But to be truthful, I'm not uptight about it either way. If I'm working on something that doesn't need a sex scene, I'm not going to throw one in. On the other hand, if I'm working on a chapter and I stop and think to myself, You know, these two characters need to get laid, then it's on. The only limit I have is that I'll never, and I do mean never, include scenes between men or women and boys or girls. I'm not judging anyone that wants to read something like t



The lighter side of suicide bombers

Smart Bombs   Really, really dumb bomb   "Death to America, death to Israel, you guys go first..."   Suicide Bomber Barbie is fierce as long as she doesn't break a nail.   The suicide bomber homing pidgeon was a horrible idea...   Suicide bomber cat hates you...   Yassar's Big Adventure



"You are always Twenty-One." If you're lucky. Me, it's more sixteen.

I nearly always get carded. For everything. I got carded trying to buy crazy glue once. I can sometimes buy a Rated M video game once in a while, or go to a Rated R movie, but not often, and only if I take pains to make myself look as preppy as possible. It doesn't help that my ID only sort of looks like me. I've changed quite a bit in the last eight years when that photo was taken, but, sadly, I honestly look older in that picture than I do in real life. I live in dread of the day when some bar



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