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What a choice!  Loki, the Norse god of trickery and fun?  Eros (for obvious reasons)? Ceres (abundance)? Louis Armstrong? (oh, wait...) Or perhaps, best, would be the 'Unknown God' to which the Greeks referred in their pantheon in order make sure all the bases were covered...


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I want to be:


~ Osiris - The god of life, death, the flooding of the Nile and the afterlife.


~ Anubis - The Guardian of the gates to the underworld.



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Edited by The Eminent MGK
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It isn't, really. Personality is the 100% deciding factor every time. Everything else is irrelevant to attraction for me..

Now, as to sexual enjoyment, the musk can certainly increase arousal...


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Not really :) Sure, I want the guy to smell nice, but it isn't a huge priority. Plus, Like Cynus said, musk can be arousing :*) I also agree with Val, that if someone stinks, it's not gonna work out. On the flip side, if the guy is wearing too much cologne (I can smell it from more than a foot away) ...Nuh uh :no: sorry that is definitely not gonna work.


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Edited by Drew Espinosa
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Drats. I answered the wrong question, or to be more exact the former question before my computer caught up. So I'll erase that and answer the right one


Alright how important is a sense of smell in finding someone attractive.


Don't want anyone who smells dirty. Sweat can be fine, especially if you are working out or having fun. But to just stink and stay that way, no thanks.



What is your favorite scent to smell?

Edited by comicfan
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Similar to drew's response: there's an earthy kind of scent carried on the evening breeze on the first warm nights in spring. It returns maybe once or twice in the fall, but then you have to wait through the whole winter to sense it again. It promises warm, sunny, green days ahead...


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There's a lot I could answer this with, so I'm going to build a scene for you instead. My favorite scent would be the scent of a crisp autumn day in the mountains, the morning after a cool rainstorm, sitting around a campfire burning cedar and oak, a cup of warm tea in my hand with a blanket wrapped tight around my shoulders. The combination of smells would be all of the contenders rolled together in one, and the atmosphere would enhance them all.

New Q: What was the music of your adolescence? 

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I grew up in the '80s, so I would say '80s hair bands.  I was a huge fan of Van Halen (the good Van Halen, not Van Hagar), Motley Crue, and Def Leppard.  U2 was also a huge favorite of mine.  I've always loved classic rock, too so I would have to add Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and other '70s rock bands to the mix, too. 


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Yet another of the 80s but mine were a blend of rock and pop - Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Patti LaBelle, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Heart, and a few others.


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My adolescence was filled with the sounds of 90's to early 2000's alternative rock. I grew up with Blink 182, Sum 41, 311... All those bands with numbers in them. :P

New Question: How interested are you in fame? 

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Fame is not nearly as important to me as influence. I'd rather be able to make things happen and have no one know my name than to have everyone know my name and have no ability to make things happen...


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