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Suicide Notes by Michael Ford, It's funny and dealt with issues that are and were important to me. It also sent me down that led me to discover GA.


What is a food that always reminds you of something happy when you eat/smell it?

Edited by C. When
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Freshly baked cinnamon rolls. A few times a year my mother would make them, and it was some of the happiest moments of my childhood.


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In a forest on a summer day,

With pouring rain and skies of grey,

He held me close and spoke to me,

Of dreams which could, but would never be.

I'll let you make what you can of that. :)

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It seems during my sixty-eight years there are too many to decide which happy memory was the happiest, so I will give you a sample


The day I got a phone call at work from my wife telling me our long wait was over and a baby boy was being placed by our adoption agency and we were to pick him up the next morning.  This occurred in April 1980!)


What was your happiest memory in the past two years?

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After Christmas 2014, my cousin and his wife came for a visit. His younger sister showed up at the door with them. Later that night she remarked  "I invited myself" after driving from out of town to come for the visit. That was true, we only expected the locals to show up...we had a blast laughing all night. 


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Since I've already answered this question, I'll add another answer and then change it. 

One of my good friends and I got into a nasty argument at the end of nearly three years of growing tension between us. The argument reached a particularly volatile point and then the tension suddenly snapped. We simply stood there, staring at each other as if the moment was frozen in time as our minds raced backward to all the years of friendship we'd built up before any of this had begun, and it was as if we shared a light bulb moment. At the same time we came together and embraced for the first time in years, and we started to put it behind us. We're back to being as strong of friends as ever, and it wouldn't have happened without that defining moment.


Although it wasn't happy at the time, I can't help but look back on that day with a wide smile. It was the day we broke free, and freedom is always a cause for happiness.


New Question: How do you feel about public transportation vs. private transportation?

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I still don't have my driver licence so the bicycle is my only private transportation.

So I use public transportation but some of the things I see in the bus sometimes really make me think of having my driving licence real fast :pinch: 


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I think it depends on where you live.  If you live in a big city, then public transportation is vital.  If you live in the 'burbs or a more rural area, then it is less available and not as necessary. 


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I live in a rural area. There is a bus that runs twice a day into a moderately sized city. It's amazing to me how many people use that bus, considering how slow, meandering and prone to weather interruptions it is. Still, given a choice, I'd drive a car in preference - I did say that bus is slow. Painfully slow.


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I was lucky enough to live in the Seoul area for two years, and I almost instantly became aware of how amazing a well-run public transportation system can be. It's phenomenal how easily it can be done in a city, and I know I would never own a car if I lived in Seoul again. Here in Salt Lake City, the public transportation is dismal, and it needs to be better. I would love to sell my car and not have the extra expense of its use, but I can't do that here. I see the point about rural transportation, however, which is an excellent place to have your own vehicle.


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Oh the car for sure. I take the train anytime I can but the buses, no. I can't rely on it to be on time. I tried, when I thought I was being a good citizen, carbon footprint and all that.. Also, I don't fancy ever being crotch to face with anyone unless I planned it that way.. :/




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I live in a city with public transit (buses mostly), however, it is mostly abysmal. At one point, I would pass a broken down bus every other day. Some people manage with it but it is slow and round about, the only exception is a free trolley(bus) downtown that loops the busy areas. On the private side, the traffic here is awful and I nearly get hit regularly, so, if we had a half decent public transit system I would prefer it.


What is your favorite place that you have lived/ or somewhere you have been and wish to live? What makes it so great for you?

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Icheon, South Korea. (Not to be confused with Incheon, although I liked it there, too) You're 45 minutes to an hour from Seoul, so you can get to the big city if you need to, but Icheon itself is a small town nestled in rolling, green, forested hills and surrounded by rice paddies. From a natural perspective it's pretty much amazing, but there's so much more. It's one of the primary centers for high quality ceramics in East Asia, and there are hundreds of pottery shops there which you can get lost in for hours. The rice is the best in the nation, and the people are small town polite, if a bit more reserved than the population of Seoul.


Also, you're only a skip away from many different historical sites which are fantastic to explore.


And the food there is astounding...


I could go on forever.


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