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Christmas Dinner


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What's on the menu for Christmas dinner?


My family, about twelve of us all together, will be at my dad's. He's 81 and still insists on hosting the major holidays.We always have lasagne for Christmas dinner. I don't remember ever having anything else. My older sister will bring wine (we try not to let her cook), my younger sister will bring homemade bread that we'll turn into garlic bread, and I always make the desserts. This year it's red velvet cake and vanilla panna cotta with a berry trio.



 So what's cooking in your kitchen?

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What's on the menu for Christmas dinner?


My family, about twelve of us all together, will be at my dad's. He's 81 and still insists on hosting the major holidays.We always have lasagne for Christmas dinner. I don't remember ever having anything else. My older sister will bring wine (we try not to let her cook), my younger sister will bring homemade bread that we'll turn into garlic bread, and I always make the desserts. This year it's red velvet cake and vanilla panna cotta with a berry trio.



 So what's cooking in your kitchen?



Prime rib for x-mas, turkey for Thanksgiving and seafood for New Years

Edited by Benji
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A goose and a duck are the main course with dressing of course, the vegi will be brocolli and cauliflour in a cheese sauce, then baked mac and cheese and candied yams. for desert I'm making an eggnog cheesecake and a white chocolate cheesecake. My daughter helps with the deserts, my son usually helps with dinner. They'll be wine for the adults and sparkling cider for the kids. My mother comes down the block to join us for dinner, so that makes six at the table.

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A goose and a duck are the main course with dressing of course, the vegi will be brocolli and cauliflour in a cheese sauce, then baked mac and cheese and candied yams. for desert I'm making an eggnog cheesecake and a white chocolate cheesecake. My daughter helps with the deserts, my son usually helps with dinner. They'll be wine for the adults and sparkling cider for the kids. My mother comes down the block to join us for dinner, so that makes six at the table.



Duck we like, but the one year we tried a goose it was way to greasy and no one liked it.

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It's only me, my parents and my boyfriend for Christmas dinner (my first one with him!) so we're just having a big ass turkey, some baked potatos and probably some veggie stuff that I don't eat.

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We will have mostaccioli, green bean casserole, a cold meat platter with ham, turkey, and beef, jello fruit salad, mixed veggie platter, mixed cheese platter, and four kinds of bread plus hot garlic bread.   Dessert will be homemade chocolate cream pie and homemade coconut cream pie.   There will 12 people.   Drinks will be water, milk, three kinds of wine and beer. 

Here is a link to the mostaccioli recipe.  We only use a half pound of pork sausage and add a half pound of  lean ground beef.



Edited by Daddydavek
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Turkey , mashed potatoes. stuffing, veggies, pumpkin,and apple pies. Still pretty traditional in our family. There should be 12 out of 22 will be there. There's wine(for the women mostly, lol, the men dont drink anymore.)coffee, water or milk.

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We always make enough food for a moderate sized nation.  Mostly all the cooking is done by my sister and myself but we both love to cook.  She's making the traditional turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and home made mac and cheese.  I'm making beef tips w/onions, old fashioned green beans, brocolli and cheese sauce, and asparagus.  For the sweet stuff she is going to make a cherry cream cheese pie and a french chocolate pie.  I'm making gooey butter cake, cocoanut cream pie, and peanut butter pie.  And since the two of us are always scared that somehow everyone will starve we'll both probably make a few extra dishes that we haven't planned on!  We always say we're going to cut back every year and we never do. 

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We have been spending Christmas at my uncle's house in New York recently. For the past couple years he has bought a big cut of prime rib from this butcher shop in Midtown Manhattan. I can't remember the name of it, but every piece of meat you buy from there tastes like heaven. Also, since a big chunk of my extended family is Jewish, we have a lot of traditional Jewish side dishes, and macaroons! I absolutely love macaroons. Needless to say nobody ever walks away hungry from my family's Christmas dinner. 

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We're going totally untraditional this year and having Portillo's Italian beef sandwiches that my uncle mailed to us from Chicago! :vic2:


Our dessert is the only course remotely Christmassy (chocolate peppermint cheesecake and various cookies)

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Pretty traditional here.. although some of my family have special demands.


Turkey and Ham is the primary meats.  Then a few different types of salads (Salad, Macaroni Salad, Broccoli, Potato). A few casseroles that people bring. My oldest sister makes a delicious Broccoli casserole.  Baked beans.


Some of the family are Vegetarians, so I try to have more than a few things for them to select from... although it really adds to my work load.. lol.


We have desserts, usually pumpkin, lemon, and strawberry pies.  All made from scratch by me. :D Then a few cakes, like a Cinnamon cake for those that like to sip coffee after and mingle. 


We have a large family.. so it's a large spread.. I usually have to cook two turkeys.. and about a dozen pies. My mother has two kitchens though. This year with my torn muscle it was a bit of a bother to run up and down the stairs to the basement kitchen and then the main kitchen this year... but I'm probably lucky I haven't tripped or anything yet. :P 

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It is just me and Dad. We are having a honey glazed ham, fresh cheese biscuits, potatoes, baked apples, string beans, and I made my mother's cheesecake recipe and topped it peaches.

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Baked fennel with parmesan shavings, and possibly chicken liver pate on the side. Roast beef, brocolli, roast potato mountain (you can. not. have too many. ever.), roast vegetable, parsnip puree, horseradish, and intense beef jus. Christmas pudding with a port and brandy marinade. Enough sparkling wine and ginger beer (alcoholic) to wash it all down. Then 364 days off to get over it. We have christmas just the two of us and the two dogs. The peace, quiet, and lack of stress is just bliss. :)


I have a smoked ham marinating atm, and will bake it today with a spiced maple syrup crust.

Edited by NotNoNever
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Since my family don't celebrate Christmas, I've always celebrated it with my ex-boyfriend and his relatives. We did this the last five years and I've been invited over this year as well. 

They cook a traditional swedish christmas dinner. Some of the really good dishes and some are bad (really disgusting)... It's really nice as well since everyone helps out making the food out of scratch, even the small 5 year old kids. Last year I was in charge of making the meatballs. Which I did with my ex's nephews and nieces. 


So for starters they always have glögg which is mulled wine. They also have "dopp i grytan" which is where they take the leftover oils and fat from cooking the christmas ham, make a broth from it and then dip pieces of dark bread in it (this is really disgusting, I tried it once, and ever since, I make myself scarce whenever that is served). This is all before the actual dinner. 


For the christmas dinner there's a huge spread of food. The centerpiece is a mustardglazed ham, there's potatoes, a potato-gratin with onions and anchovy (called Jansson's Frestelse, I avoid this), smoked salmon, an assortment of pickled herring (the one in mustard is really good), They also serve home-made meatballs and prince sausage (small sausages) and the most disgusting thing of all... Lutefisk (white fish that has been preserved in lye over a period of time)... 


There's also a lot of side dishes with cabbages and home-made bread with a lot of cheeses. 

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The "typical" australian christmas meal is prawns and crayfish, however my family having done this once or twice have reverted to turkey this year. Always too much of everything. This is the fifth year of my boy being in Oz for christmas. Hes still not happy with the no snow, swimming, tropical thing, but i make sure he enjoys himself :-)



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We're very traditional.  Turkey and all the trimmings (God help me if I forget the pigs in blankets), more veg than you can shake a stick at, all washed down with several bottles of red wine.  Yeah, I know you should really have white wine with poultry, but I get drunk far too easily on white wine.


Pudding will be a selection of everything (mince pie, Christmas cake, Christmas pudding, Yule log etc etc) in a bowl and drowned in brandy sauce.


Turkey sandwiches in the evening.


Bubble and squeak Boxing Day morning.


And then more turkey until New Year :)

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Doing completely different show this year.  Daughter invited us to her house.  We are having honey baked ham, two salads, breads, cheeses and condiments for sandwiches.  Dessert is simply lemon icebox pie, two kinds of cookies and fudge.  Drinks are tea, beer, bourbon and wine. 


She has to fly out mid afternoon so we kept it simple, and that was more than fine with me:P

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It is just me and Dad. We are having a honey glazed ham, fresh cheese biscuits, potatoes, baked apples, string beans, and I made my mother's cheesecake recipe and topped it peaches.


comicfan! I'm making your pumpkin pie over here :D Pumpkin pie has been a favourite of mine for years and years, but I didn't get down to ever making one till I ready your story and saw the recipe!


So I don't really celebrate Christmas. We still get the holidays obviously, so when I was living with the parents we'd spend the day together, cook a nice meal etc. Mom would make something called a Bangladeshi roast. And we got a present or two out of it as well.


Now I'm living by myself, I have another friend who doesn't really celebrate coming over and we're making some sort of Xmas meal for fun :) I pulled the menu randomly from the internet:


- Roast chicken with Chinese five-spice, lemon, lime and herbs

- Potato and parsnip rosti

- Honey and mustard glazed carrots

- Mushrooms because I like them

- Brownies with orange cream

- Pumpkin pie with pouring cream

- Apple and elderflower to drink


I originally wanted to do goose, but the only place that still seemed to have them was Waitrose and it cost about £75 for a 6kg bird. Not really a reasonable spend for two people! 

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The mother-in-law has just asked me to bake my spiced plum crumble.


Am I going to go out at 8:15 at night in the rain in search of plums?


Of course I am, or I'll never hear the end of it :)

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