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I found this photo under the reccesses of the folders that was hidden, until I found it today (scratches head).


This was taken just this May when I went to Boracay beach. :D I had to ask one of the servers to get a snapshot of me. God, the irony of going alone. Haha.


I miss going to the beach. Work is becoming too much of a bloody pain in the ass these days. I need some relaxzesion.




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Oh my gosh you are handsome and I love that shirt.



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Kev... ROFL.


Sure dear. I went there alone and drank myself to death. Listened to good music while drinking a bottle of vodka on the side beaches. Really fun looking at the moon and everyone thinks you're suicidal or something because you're there alone. Don't these people think about, alone time and solitude...


I might go there again next month. :D Need another vacation.


Omg, I was doing the same thing recently this March for Spring Break... except I went to Montreal. It's perfect if u like walking in mornings at Vieux Port (Old Port), I felt like I'm in France, cobblestone streets, no one is there during the early morning, and one car parking on the road (I swear it looks like it's Citroen)... then now I'm going to Germany next summer... hmm... time for alone time and solitude again :P

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Omg, I was doing the same thing recently this March for Spring Break... except I went to Montreal. It's perfect if u like walking in mornings at Vieux Port (Old Port), I felt like I'm in France, cobblestone streets, no one is there during the early morning, and one car parking on the road (I swear it looks like it's Citroen)... then now I'm going to Germany next summer... hmm... time for alone time and solitude again :P


I find it weird how people look at you funny if you're alone in a place where you normally aren't alone. Kinda like some society stigma or something. :/

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Damn, you look like a better-looking, blue-eyed version of Brody Jenner. I like that you're not plucked and shaved to death.


If you're getting stares on the beach it's not because people think you're suicidal; it's cause they like looking at you!

Edited by methodwriter85
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I had fun last night. :)



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I can tell. Somebody oughta just wrap you up in cotton candy and ...oh, sorry, my mind wandered. Nice picture, Lacey. 0:)

Edited by rustle
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I had fun last night. :)



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OMG OMG OMG *dances about in excitement* A smile. A real smile. At last. Why have you been hiding it when it's SUCh a beautiful smile???


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Couple months old but I havent changed :P I guess

Sorry for the messy hair :S


WOW... and I LOVE the messy hair. You're going to be breaking some heart. OMG you made me sound like my mother *crawls away in shame*


Me, then me and Monique on our 1st year anniversary. <3


Those are just about the cutest pictures I have ever seen. You are so great together.

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It's been a while since I showed myself here, so I thought I'd share two pictures from my vacation. One decent and one terrible. :lol:



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This is from when I went to Side in Turkey with my family earlier this year. This picture is from the first day there...



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...And this is from the morning after. Burned by the sun(badly I might add) and hung over. My sister took this picture fast when she noticed that my middle finger was about to show her and the camera exactly how I felt about her taking a picture of me looking like that. :P





The hungover one is the decent one, right? :D:wub:




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It's well known that I hate pics of myself. Red hair, pale skin with freckles.... yeah, what's not to love right? :P Whatever anyway, I was playing with converting things to black and white and you know what? I didn't look half bad. So I'm going to do something I next to never do... show you guys me. :P Now if we could all just be grey peoples!



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