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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. The Lust Series

    A series about Unicorns and Nightmares living in an alternate universe connected to the human world.

  2. The Line

  3. Giants

  4. Generations

  5. When Love Takes Over

  6. The Fragmented

  7. Gone From Daylight

  8. Soul Music

    Shy and insecure, Geoff never expected to have a boyfriend at all, let alone one like Tony.

  9. Underneath This Big Ol’ Sky

  10. Splash Trilogy

  11. The Island Boys

  12. My Jump Off

  13. Star Crossed

  14. KADA

  15. Shades of Gray

  16. Gateway

  17. The Hudgins Saga

  18. Saving Caeorleia

  19. Camp Echo

    Aeriol and Max share an apartment, a relationship, and their friends. Jules always seems to be there. Mayaan, Nadia and her brother Alex interweave into the complex matrix. Geoffrey is Max’s confidant, but he's not always there. Sex, drugs, and spirituality float around in the cauldron that is the life of these twenty somethings. People flow in and out of their lives, but no one is left untouched. They all need to discover who they are, the 'good' have their defects, and the 'not so good' have their merits. Life is complicated... Camp Echo is not a place, it's a state of mind!

  20. My Old Anthologies

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