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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Prompt 778 and Prompt 779

Hurricanes, storms, and more! Oh my. Sending out my best wishes for everyone's safety as we head into the weekend. Being Friday that means it is time for new prompts. Hopefully, something will strike your fancy. Prompt 778 - Creative Tag - First Line Silence filled the room as he stalked his way toward me, literally tossing people out of his way as he bore down on me. Prompt 779 - Creative Tag - School When the letter arrived informing you that you were invited to t


comicfan in Prompts

10 Years of GA & How It Changed My Life

Yesterday marked my official 1 decade membership here on GA. I still remember that terrified 17 year old kid coming home from school that day and finally deciding to create an account in secret. I met a lot of great people those early first months on here, back when Chat was still a thing. Most of them are long gone now, often randomly disappearing without a trace back into the real world. I think that has been one of the weirdest experiences of my time on the internet, and especially GA. You go



Coming out

Coming Out is a personal journey for everyone. I wanted to share this. I also want to thank tim for his editing help. Thanks tim. I’m sure being around a lot of Great Writers in GA has caused this blog.    Coming out  The closet was my home, it never judged me The closet hid my loneliness and was my refuge The closet was my family and my friend The closet made me safe it kept my secret The closet knew I was Gay   One day it said it



CSR Discussion Day: The Heart of Oskar Prinz by Mike Arram

How's your August? Happy to be over? My summer vacation is rapidly coming to a close, with this being my last week "off" so I am cramming in everything fun and relaxing I can. Of course, I spent a couple of hours this month completely absorbed into Mike Arram's story, The Heart of Oskar Prinz, which was a thoroughly enjoyable escape. Did you? If you did, I'm sure you have some thoughts to share in the comments. And you CAN'T miss the answers he shared!! Make sure you read on, comment, and prompt


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Story Updates

I decided to go into a deeper look as to what I'm doing for the next little while and what each story comes from and when it should be on the schedule. For the rest of August: 1) I am going to post my Drabble a Day (Prompt Me, Prompt Me Week 1 will come out sometime tomorrow. Week 2 shall come out on the 2nd of September. Thus I need to edit and post it up in the next few days to get that pre-scheduled. Each week will be scheduled for a Monday so I don't have to worry about it. 2)

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis


Catfishing I’m sure you have heard of it, and I’m sure you know what it is, but here is the definition that I found on the word: INFORMAL•US lure (someone) into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona. "he was being catfished by a cruel prankster" Being that we are an online community we are always prime for catfishers to join and then lure possible members to lie to. We do have members who come and for their own personal sense of saf


wildone in News Archive

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 18 - Aug. 24)

First off, I need to remind everyone that they have one month to go out and buy me my birthday present Well we are about to head into the last month of the 'Summer Months' in North America. I know the southern states kids, teens and adults are back in skewl and the northern ones and Canada are about to head back in about a week. Not totally clear on how Europe works  Summer here is also a time where we slow down at GA. With College/University Students home for the summer and working or suc


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Proof of Concept

In Fleeting Eternity, Tad, one of the main characters is an artist.  He drew in a graphic novel style, and he depicted many of his experiences in a sequential way - essentially creating a wordless, "novel" of his life over the span of a few years. So many readers asked if the story was based on something I had read, if there was such a book.  It made me think about the possibilities, and mourn my lack of skill with drawing. I'm nothing if not stubborn, so I thought around the problem. 

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Prompt 776 and Prompt 777

Another week is over and it's my turn to torment, um, I mean offer you some inspiration. Yes, ladies and gentleman I have new prompts for you. Prompt 776 - Creative Tag - First Line "I need to, um, tell you something. Okay?" Prompt 777 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story  - A full moon, a cracked window, an old letter, a skateboard, and a stuffed toy. Those are my offerings to you this week. Luckily, there were some brave souls who


comicfan in Prompts

Classic Author Excerpt: Consolation Parents by Bill W

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring Bill W's story, Consolation Parents? It's a short story written for the 2014 Summer Anthology The Backup Plan. The story is one of many of Bill's short stories written for the anthologies. Have you read them? He explores many different themes, social conventions, and more all packed into tiny bite-sized plots that can capture readers. This one pulled me in as a parent.    I picked this scene because it resonated so well with the emotions and showed


Cia in Classic Feature

New Chapter, & Where do you get your ideas from?

A new chapter of Not Your Mentor, Chapter 4, is up. It’s always interesting where ideas for stories come from. Even I don’t always understand—or remember—where an idea for a story came from. Often, an idea will come to me, and I start writing, and half an hour later, I can’t remember exactly what the original idea was. It’s already changed dramatically from the original concept. Some stories are based on people I see, and I try to imagine a back story for them. Other stories are b



Looking for...

Hi, I am trying to find a story I read a while back, about a guy who is employed by an old school mate, to be a minder for his difficult younger brother. does anyone know the name of the story? Quokka



Push, twist, pull it seem so simple

Push, twist, pull it seems so simple  we all do this everyday  I open bottles all the time except  when it meant the most I failed  I had a date circled on the calendar it was 33 years ago it was both my birthday and the day I planned to escape my pain. I didn’t have anyone to support me my father and mother both hated me. I was there but I wasn’t there if they spoke it was to tell me I had did something wrong or I was not important. They always demand I did things for them.



Classic Author Feature: Consolation Parents by Bill W

As the year speeds up, seasons change, and my own kids grow and continue to make me older (so not nice of them!) I often find myself pulled toward stories that feature parents. But not every story is always sweetness and light and happy--and life is truly represented in this tale that will tug at your heart and maybe make you reach for a tissue or two as well. One of Bill's many anthology entries, you will have missed out if you haven't read Consolation Parents before.     


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 11 - Aug. 17)

So I really have nothing to talk about this week in the Weekly Update preamble, so I thought I would throw out a joke and some useless trivia Why did the chicken cross the playground? Did you know that giraffes only need 5 to 30 minutes of sleep in a 24 hour period They often achieve that in quick naps that may last only a minute or two at a time! Now, onto what happened around these parts this week! Monday, Renee gave us a great story review from @Puppilull: Wednes


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 774 and Prompt 775

Wow. This week has been crazy, but we made it to another Friday. You know what that means? No, not a night out and no work tomorrow! It means I have prompts for you.   Prompt 774 - Creative Tag - Doppelganger It has been a long week and you decide to treat yourself to a nice meal. You spot this nice restaurant as you go home and decide to give it a shot. As you walk in the door the loud noise in the place becomes suddenly silent. You pause as you fear the place might be in th


comicfan in Prompts

Orientation Week and Health

The very very last of our new Teaching Assistants gave me her paperwork today. Reminded her that she never wants to be the very very last person.  Her excuse is that she's a commuter (who only lives an hour away). I had people from out of state turn in their stuff before they even moved; even the international students who didn't have stuff to give me until they got here this week had turned their things in already. Blood pressure is continuing to climb after having gone wacky the first wee

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Featured Story: Little Ms. Who

Hard to believe that it's already August!  Seems like this year has gone so fast. To start this week off right, we have a review from Puppilull. Enjoy! Little Ms. Who Pmsingtiger Reviewer: Puppilull Status: Complete Word Count: 71,016 Meeting the person of your dreams and then falling in love. A story as old as mankind. But when the person you meet isn’t who you think they are, thing can get complicated. Really complicated. Add a psycho bitch and a small town which may or m

I Think I'm Insane

Okay, so. I mentioned this in the CoTT 2 forum but I am doing a 365 Day Prompt a Day thing.  How does it work and why do I do this to myself? I've actually done this before. I did it for fanfiction and did 365 short pieces for various fandoms. This time I'm just doing this with my original writing. I will be posting it. Not right now. Probably starting next month I will post the week worth of works. I'll get into details on it.  As for how it works?  Well, I have lists. And I

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 4 - Aug. 10)

I had an idea today I think we should start a swap your life club here at GA! Why you ask and how? Well, we all live in a area that seems to be effected by the weather right now around the world, so what if you could trade lives with another member that wants your weather for a bit. So @Slytherin for example says she is too cold in the wild north of Scandinavia and @Daddydavek says he is burning up in the Mid West of the US. Well, those two will swap places for a week or two But this mea


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

What to Expect from Me and My Stories

What does one do when she is unable to sleep because Insomnia and Midnight Zoomies via ESA cats?  Why come on this lovely site and update you guys as to what is going to go down with my stories and what you can expect in the future! That's what.  A little history: I lost everything that I was writing, editing and posting at the time (mostly fanfiction but also every single original WIP that I had) about 4 years ago. My flashdrive reformatted. Twice. I was lucky in the way that I was ab

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

Where Have I Been?

Seven. Years.  Has it really been that long? Yes, yes it has. It has been that long. When I last popped up, I was 28 years. It has been an insane, intense 7 years.  My mother started having physical issues in 2002. Mid-2003, she found out what she was having issues with and we started to work on getting her disability. 2003, she had surgery 3 different times, the second time rather minor and just to make sure things were fine with the first surgery.  In the last seven years, life

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

Prompt 772 and Prompt 773

We made it to another Friday. That is reason to enough to celebrate, but it also means I've come with new offerings for you. Prompt 772 - Creative Tag - First Line The rain has been falling for hours, soaking my skin, and wiping out my tracks as I do my best to leave the pain behind me while I try to escape before anyone notices I'm gone.  Prompt 773 - Creative Tag - New Day You went with your friends to see the fortune teller that they had booked as a evening's ent


comicfan in Prompts

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