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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept.15 - Sept 21)

So am I normal? Now before the usual peanut gallery jumps in with a resounding YES (or is that NO), let me explain. Today, for a Saturday I was bored. I played on the computer, I cleaned the condo, I took the car for a wash, and still was bored. So I flicked on the TV and started going through the hundreds of channels and nothing really appealed to me. Next I turned on Prime Video, nope, nothing caught my fancy. Then it was over to Netflix. Well they are featuring a movie that I have


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

WOW—Eight Years!

Eight years ago I joined GA. Time to reminisce—a lot of firsts. Sorry. On September 21, 2011, I switched from lurker to member. I wanted to be able to comment and get notifications. Meanwhile, I wrote my first prompt story. Thank you GA for your encouraging comments and reactions. I became an author and wrote my first anthology story, The Wardrobe. Again, thank you GA for motivating and encouraging me to write my first mini-series, Four Perspectives. The next step was my first multi-ch



Our Galaxy is a Dumpster Fire

Before they came, we silly humans thought it would be the coolest thing ever to meet aliens. We forgot what happened in our own history when primitive cultures met more advanced cultures with technology maybe fifty or a hundred years more advanced. Then came Chris Columbus the Conehead from somewhere in the general direction of the constellation we call the Southern Cross. That wasn't his name or his races name. That was unpronounceable to humans. Good old Chris was an entrepreneur. He offe



Prompt 784 & Prompt 785

Well I'm off to recover from eye surgery, but I still have prompts for all of you. Let's see if any of these tempt you into writing. Prompt 784 - Creative Tag - Neko You were busy tracking the crime ring that was trafficking in exotic animals. Finally having enough evidence, you and your team swarm in to arrest the crooks and save the animals. You never expected to find a beaten and half starved person in a cage. It isn't until you finally pull the semi-conscious person out you sp


comicfan in Prompts

Anthology Flashback Fall 2013 Part 3 of 4

We are bringing back our Anthology Thursday features! Each month, we'll do a flashback to a previous Anthology.  During that month, we'll feature each of the stories from that theme. This month, we're jumping back to the Fall of 2013 and the theme of Pandora's Box. The third set of 5 stories:  


Myr in Anthologies

Recent Events

Blood pressure has continued to swing from way too high to way too low -- and yesterday it did both in one day.  I know part of the "high" was taking my evening medication later than I normally do by almost two hours + very high level of pain. A multi-state property management agency just bought the house across the street and down one. They want to turn it into a "short-term rental" [which the city defines as anything less than 30-days] full time. To do that you have to apply for a permit

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

September Classic Author Excerpt: What Might Have Been by Luc

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring Luc's novella What Might Have Been? There's a banner there if you want to download it and share it in your signature, maybe along with a link and promo to help fellow readers find the story? You never know what sort of gems the older stories are hiding! Clearly this emotional story fits in with the CSR story, Willpower, and that's what I chose to share this month because holding on to your memories and never knowing where life will take you and what choices


Cia in Classic Feature

Houseboat Adventure

We’re now on the road, headed back from our house-boating vacation. The first thing we did was load everything onboard, then we got a crash course on not crashing the boat.  After our thirty-minute briefing, we pulled away from the dock and onto the open water of Shasta Lake. Our only goal was to have a good time.  To that end, we tooled along on the beautiful and sunny lake until we found a safe, secluded little inlet. We docked by motoring slowly forward and gently kissing the s

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

September Classic Author Feature: What Might Have Been by Luc

Oh, the summer has passed, yet another school year begins, and I'm forced to acknowledge that my children have grown older and made me older. It's so strange to watch them grow up and remember my own youth in contrast. We make memories, I try to help them make memories, but it's so true that you can't go back and you never know... what might have been. This is just one more of many amazing stories posted by the promoted authors who have been shifted to Classic author status that new site readers


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 8 - Sept. 14)

So I was thinking this week . Does that make everyone cringe? Today when I wrote this up. it is the 14th, so just a reminder to you all that we are now 10 days from my birthday and tomorrow will be 3 months away from Christmas. Now I don't want all of you all to fret and worry over having to get me pressies for both celebrations in the next 3 months! I know you all were planning on spending at least $50 Canadian ($12.50 US) on each present, so why don't you combine the two and each of y


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 782 and Prompt 783

Welcome to another Friday. Is it me or are the weeks flying by? Anyway time for some new temptations. Prompt 782 - Creative First Line I'm done forgiving you, so get out! Prompt 783 - Creative Dance You were invited to a friend's party. The last thing you expected was to be swept off your feet and be the center of attention with an incredible partner dancing all night. Who was it and what happened after your dance? So that is the prompts for the week. Reme


comicfan in Prompts

Anthology Flashback Fall 2013 Part 2 of 4

We are bringing back our Anthology Thursday features! Each month, we'll do a flashback to a previous Anthology.  During that month, we'll feature each of the stories from that theme. This month, we're jumping back to the Fall of 2013 and the theme of Pandora's Box. The second 5 stories:  


Myr in Anthologies

Good Things are Coming

"Good Things are Coming" I stared down at the carefully written chalk letters on the sidewalk under my feet.  I was on a walk during my break, and I wondered why someone wrote such a message. I continued on my way. "Good Things are Coming" 'Are they?'  I asked myself as I rounded the corner to head around the block and head back toward my office.  'Are they really?'  It's so hard to be positive sometimes.  I'll admit, I felt a little irritated at the blind, uninformed, and ba

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Signature Author Special Review

Yep, you read the title right!  Today, we're going to take a look at some of the stories by our Signature Authors and what the review team thinks of them. We're doing something a little bit different this go around though, because the review team didn't just each pick one author to review, they picked all the authors. Below, you will find a one line review for a story from each of our Signature authors! A huge thanks go out to our review team for taking the time to put this together for our enjo

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Signature Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 1 - Sept. 7)

The first week of September has arrived and things are a changing! I've notice a bit of a uptick in the forums and stories and also feeling a change in the weather and length of days. I never understood how people who live closer to the equator have little to no deviation in the length of days. Just seems strange to me . Then the further you go south or north towards the poles, you get longer days/shorter nights and visa versa as the equinoxes are reached. But then again, it would be strange to


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

DEAD is not a Better Place

i’m angry and hurt, and need to get this off my chest. People will tell you that death is a part of life, it’s all part of the circle of life.  Well, they’re full of crap. Death is death. And it sucks. Doesn’t matter who it is, if you lose someone you love, it sucks. Like Great Aunt Betty, the one who would sneak you that candy you loved at the family reunion—it’s a loss and it hurts. A nephew with leukemia—hurts like a punch to the gut. A nephew was hit by a car, while he



Self-Publishing, Self-Marketing, and the Self

There is this overwhelmingly popular opinion that self-publishing, to some degree, isn't valid. It's what we do here on GA, of course, and putting out your work for free on the Internet for people to see seems to be acceptable and sometimes commended, but as soon as an author tries to make money from self-publishing their work—either by setting up a Patreon and asking for donations, or by publishing their work using services like Lulu and Amazon KDP and thus circumventing the traditional publish

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Prompt 780 and Prompt 781

Another week has come and gone, yet I'm stuck here with a rainy Friday. Rainy days and Fridays usually mean I've got prompts for you. Onwards, brave souls. Prompt 780 - Creative Tag - Enemy Mine The war between worlds has left both sides devastated. Chemicals released on by the warriors from both planets have caused major changes on the people, plants, and animals. With a little less than a fifth of both populations surviving, the remaining leaders attempt to make peace. Unfortuna


comicfan in Prompts

Anthology Flashback Fall 2013 Part 1 of 4

We are bringing back our Anthology Thursday features! Each month, we'll do a flashback to a previous Anthology.  During that month, we'll feature each of the stories from that theme. This month, we're jumping back to the Fall of 2013 and the theme of Pandora's Box. The first 5 stories: Please help us out by reading and reviewing these stories.


Myr in Anthologies

No-Win Scenario

I'm in a situation where I feel like if I engage, I lose. No matter how I engage, the outcome will be the same. I feel like I'm being wilfully misunderstood. Like assumptions have been made about who and what I am, what I'm like, and no matter what I say or do, the people in question won't change their minds about me. And it makes me question everything. What if they're right? What if I'm the asshole here? I've tried dialogue, but feel like I'm met by a brick wall, utterly unyielding. I've

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Ask an Author 2.0 #23

Hi there!   Although I have a couple of questions and responses predating the ones in this issue, I felt these responses were time sensitive. The question came in soon after someone claimed Ask An Author only featured established, popular authors. Wrooong! The member who sent in in suggested asking it of newer authors and provided a short list of candidates.   Here’s the message I sent out:   In case you haven't come across it, the first Wednesday of every month I c

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday in Author Interviews

September CSR Feature: Willpower by northie

Well, September is the start of Fall in the US, and this story was written for the 2017 Fall anthology "The Fall Out"... so this is the perfect month to feature it! Plus, I don't know about everyone else but with school kicking back off, September is a rude shock to my system. I have a routine to get back into, kids to nag back into their routine, and a school full of K-5 students ready to run me ragged. Naps are a biological imperative! Much like Will's father in the beginning of the story, it'


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug.25 - Aug 31)

I wonder if you are the same as me. Do you like being lied to on a consistent basis? I think not!! So why do we plan our days according to the local weather person? All week up to and including last night and this morning, they said this Labour Day Long Weekend would be mainly sunny with a chance of brief showers on Monday. Fair enough. So this morning, I get up, shower, put on suntan lotion because the also said the UV Index was going to be high. Dress in shorts, t-shirt and sandals and of


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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