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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

That Call you Don't Want

I got that call that you don't want today.   I've been dreading it. I hoped it would take longer.   My brothers battle with cancer is over. He's going home for hospice care.    We don't know how long he'll last but it's not expected to be long.    This is why I've been away a lot. Silly cat pictures is about all I can manage at the moment.    I'll be back.     



Writing Resources Page

We have consolidated and removed two different forums that were dedicated to Writing Resources.  We have instead replaced them with a single Writing Resources page. This page will be a constant work in progress as we update and make better ways to organize it.  There are already a ton of resources linked on the page.  If you're writing and stuck on something, there is probably a resource there for you. https://gayauthors.org/writingresources/  


Myr in Technology Archive

All Stories Updated in 2018

Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories Strawberry Chapstick by Comicality Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories GA Writing Prompts by Dolores Esteban Summer's End by Parker Owens The Hollow Hills by Valkyrie Castle Dark by Cole Matthews Superhero Surprise by Cia Igneous by Valkyrie Culled by Parker Owens The Death, Life and Suicide of Tommy Crouch by Tarek Donohue by Mikiesboy Lifting the Veil by Headstall Je


Myr in News Archive

Happy New Year and Announcements

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Over the next few weeks, we will be doing a number of things around the site to simplify and streamline things.  We have a very large sprawl of forums at this point that are semi-active or less.  We are working on consolidating those so that only what we need is around.  The Announcement forum is the first thing that is highly visible that is getting removed.  We will post Announcements in the most appropriate blog going forward.  When we do so, we'll use


Myr in News Archive

December CSR Discussion Day: House of Storms by Geron Kees

This month's featured CSR story was Geron Kee's The House of Storms. Did you catch the feature at the beginning of the month featuring it? There were a lot of positive thoughts urging readers to check it out! If you did, make sure you share your thoughts below in the comments, but first, as always I pumped this month's author with all sorts of questions during an interview, so check that out!    Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point? I


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec.23 - Dec.29)

So, who is ready to bring in the New Year with a bang? Well let's do something a little different as we all here at GA enjoyed the holidays so let's finish off with you taking over! Why don't we discuss the New Year. I know a few years ago I failed miserably when I said I wanted to be more of a drama queen in the coming year Well, some of you may have thought I'd succeeded. But what the h e double hockey sticks, lets ask you what you are going to make your resolution to be this upcoming year .


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

dèanamh na tha math dhomh fhìn

Finally switching out some light fixtures in my loft, which means once that is done I can start to repaint, replacing the hideous colors that were there when I moved in. So this afternoon I cranked up the music (hopefully not enough to bother the neighbors), started some prep-work, and did a couple of test patches.  I'm a twisted individual who actually finds painting a room to be relaxing; and though some may have found my song choices to be a an odd choice for relief from grief, the music and

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

In Medias Res

My friend S had me call the cemetery yesterday, to check to see if C's family had ordered a headstone yet, or if they needed more cash -- those things are expensive.  The cemetery sent a letter to his father, but I think they have the wrong address (they sent it within this state but last I knew, from not too many month's ago, his father lived one state over); but you'd think they would have confirmed the address they have on file??? They'll send another letter (to the same, possibly incorrect,

Fae Briona

Fae Briona


empty frame decoration beauty at the edge in the beginning at the end beauty   but nothing except foolish  filler  mars  the captured soul    doubt refusal the sad silence the only gesture left       1.7.19 Monday



2018 Fall Anthology Wrap Up

Sorry all, I know that this was supposed to post this morning, but the CenturyLink nationwide outage has affected us and made doing much of anything next to impossible. Hubby managed to get our mobile hotspots working so that I could post the wrap up blog. We had 17 brand new stories for your enjoyment from a variety of authors. Hopefully you've had a chance to read all the offerings, and there's something for everyone, but if you haven't, here's a master list for you of all the 2018 Fall Anthol

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Improve & Encourage #13: The Tollbooth Operator

Hello all, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!  It's hard to believe that the year is nearly over, and it's been such an exciting year. For today's blog, we're going to start wrapping up one of our previous blog features. The Improve & Encourage feature was a fun one to do, but it's time to move on to a new feature. With that in mind, I'm working on getting the final few Improve & Encourage posts and it will be complete in the near future. Today, to help get us started, we have a cri

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Critique

December blahs

I'm terrible at keeping a blog.   Then again I'm terrible or so I've been told.   I'm feeling older than ever. Work has been crazy. Considering I work the return desk, this is crunch time. Long hours, little sleep, and worry about friends drains what reserves I have.   Add that I have a cold and blah.   My circle of close friends grows smaller and I know a few people are concerned. Considering my health and the end of a seven year relationship and friendsh



"Wearing men's clothes doesn't make you a boy."

No. You're right. It doesn't. I'm not trans masculine because I wear men's clothes. I wear men's clothes because I'm trans masculine. It's not because they're more comfortable (though they are), it's not because I don't like women's clothes (I do), it's because if people are going to recognise me as not a girl, I need to have a masculine gender expression, which starts with clothes. I wear men's clothes for the same reason most cis guys do.    Whenever they talk about kids who are tran

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Christmas Story Special Review

Well, it's Christmas Eve. Hope everyone is ready and if you celebrate, hopefully Santa visits you tonight. Make sure you're in bed early! To help you get into the holiday spirit, we asked the review team to pick some of their favorite Christmas/Holiday stories and write a short review. If you haven't already read these stories, they are definitely worth checking out. And maybe, if you have an extra moment or two during a lull in the festivities, leave the authors a story review!  Now, I'm going

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 16 - Dec. 22)

Merry Christmas to all!! Yes, I'm a day or two early depending on your timezone, but what the h e double hockey sticks , lets get into the spirit of the message and wish everyone, their friends and their families all the very best over Christmas You may not observe Christmas so as mentioned, in the spirit, we all here at the GA Blog wish you too the very best!!   We did things a little different this week with the blogs posting, so here is a wrap up!   Monday, Cia took t


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Feeling down tonight

Warning guys - female reproductive issues   This past Tuesday I had a total hysterectomy after 10 years of dealing with endometrial hyperplasia. After the surgery, the gyn examined a suspicious ovarian cyst and determined it is cancer. Good news, the cyst was intact and he believes he got it all, but sent everything off to a lab to be sure. Waiting on the results is wearing me down. Hormone induced mood swings probably aren’t helping. And no, I’m not a candidate for hormone replacement



Home for the Holidays

Visit to the cemetery went well, I think.  It started to rain lightly as I was putting the flowers on his grave, which seemed somehow appropriate. It's only been a month so he has no  headstone yet. I need to try and call the funeral home next week and see if they will tell me if the family has enough $ to cover the cost.  I know I could just find his sis' number online, but I'm reluctant to do that for reasons I can't quite explain even to myself.   Started grief counseling last night

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Marriage, boys, and husbands

I know I’ve said this before; I always wanted a marriage like my parents have. Of course, I knew it wouldn’t be traditional, given the fact I am Gay, but I wanted it all the same.   As I hung with friends, played baseball and hockey, went through school, I came to realize I was often assuming a dominant position, and often asked to lead. It was sort of a natural thing.  I ended up in school taking criminology and socio-legal studies, and received my degree. I went on to become a police




I have a set of values I tend to try to live my life by, nowadays.  I've culled these from various sources, trying to be as objective as possible when evaluating how this can impact my life without regard for where I initially picked up the idea.  Like for instance, a lot of what I believe and try to live by is blatantly stolen from Christianity, which would have once left a sour taste in my mouth, but now I recognize it for what it is.  It's just a good idea with a sordid past because of people



December Classic Author Excerpt: Someday Out of the Blue by LittleBuddhaTW

Did you catch Monday's feature of this month's Classic story, Someday Out of the Blue by LittleBuddhaTW? We shared the ad and a graphic you can add to your signature, plus a glowing review from a fan. If that didn't convince you to read the story, how about this excerpt below?    I picked this excerpt because I wanted to point out all the drama this poor guy is going through. And, while most teenagers think they have a lot to shoulder under or face burdens that feel super dramatic and


Cia in Classic Feature

Fall Anthology: Fight Back & Good Intentions - Set 4 *NOW LIVE*

Well, this is it. The last of the anthology stories is finally live. Today's installment brings you three different authors. Don't forget to leave a review to let the authors know what you think and how much you appreciate their contributions to the anthology. In case you missed any of the previous sets, I've included the links below.    Fall Anthology: Set 1 Fall Anthology: Set 2 Fall Anthology: Set 3   Now, let's take a look at Set 4!!!      

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies


Just letting my followers / readers know that I have started doing a rewrite of the "Outack" story. Not sure how long befor it will be published. Q



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