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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

The shape of things

Ever look back and realize you've done more than you thought you did?   I've mentioned some word counts before. Edited chapter 4 of "2-14-9X" today for @Comicality's magazine. When I pasted the edits into this running word file I keep the whole story in I noticed something.    30, 747 words   Now, that's not too far from the last publicized count, I know. But it's still been a while since I took stock of the whole, you know?   Considering most of that was



Weekly Wrap Up (Oct 7 - Oct 13)

Well we just missed a Friday the 13th by a day  Would have been great to have one in this month. I know that some of our non North American friends don't see the hype over Halloween, but we all here do! A chance to become someone else, to come up with new and better ideas on how to scare someone, or revisit an old one. So if you are not into Halloween, why not join us and let your hair down and take in all the fun that we are having here at GA! Actually, why not comment simply your country, if y


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Me and My Mental Health

I'd almost forgotten I even had this blog. Figure, since I'm back, it's time I post something again, so I thought I might talk a bit about why I've been gone for so long and what's up with my mental health situation, which is a lot, actually.   First of all, I've been on some medication for the past five years that eventually sapped me of all my creativity. I've been virtually unable to write for over two years, only managing to pen the odd scene or jot down a plot idea here and there,

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

College Weeks 7 & 8

Howdy y'all! We are now halfway through the Fall Term. So, without further ado, let's begin!   PHYS 2425: Last week, we learned about Elastic and Inelastic Collisions, and Explosions. Hear that @Page Scrawler? I learned more ways to blow up Michigan.  This week we started learning about Rotational Motion. However this week was mostly devoted to preparing for Exam 2, which reminds me, I didn't really explain how these Physics Exams are graded by my professor.   So to explain,

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

A submissive's journey ... Perception

Something happened yesterday that tossed me off the rails for the evening and halfway through the day, today. Well, not off completely but it has made me think - a lot.    i have a tendency to just say things. Often i shouldn't, and things that are to me a joke, are not always taken that way.  Especially when it is about something relating to my/ our lifestyle.  Most of you who read this blog, or my work know i am a submissive. My Sir, Dom, Husband is Michael.   When i made t



Writing Prompts #708 & #709

I think there can be some great spooky stories to come from these prompts. A party hat, crime scene tape? A costume party gone wrong? Or just what might you see when you're tired and passing by... well, what can you come up with? Let's see some creativity!      Prompt 708 – Challenge Tag – Description Create a scene where the main character is exhausted. Make it clear to any reader how tired the character is. However, you may not use the words tired, exhausted, sleepy,


Cia in Prompts

It's been a while, huh?

In September of last year, things in my memory get hazy quickly.  Bits and pieces have come back to me over time that I now know to be accurate, but I still have to recreate what happened based on how my memory fits in with explanations from friends and family, text messages and emails, and my hospital records.   Since I was nineteen, I’ve been somewhat of a heavy drinker on and off.  God knows what all the drugs I did in my younger days did to me.  There were multiple times as a teen



Caption This Challenge! Halloween Edition

In the past, I've done Caption This Challenges in the newsletter, and since we have an open blog today, I thought we'd have some Halloween fun with one on the site blog. It's a super simple challenge that helps get your creative juices flowing... write a caption for this image below that tells the story in a minimum of words and share it in the blog comments. You have just 30 words or less to share what you think is happening in the picture. Narrate the scene, share what's going through the view


Cia in Fun Stuff

Book Club Suggestions - Fantasy Category

I used to be an avid reader, and read tons of books when I was in school. Lately, with work and busier life I end up reading mostly online stories in GA (thanks again you wonderful authors), but I still like to hold "real" paper books from time to time.  My idea with the blog entrances Book Club Suggestions is to share some a book in a particular category, and have you guys do the same (if someone joins me). When growing up I felt that most books I found and read were "strong heroes, sensit



Featured Story: The Web

Who's into a spooky story? It's October after all, and time for all sorts of shivery scary stories all set to send a chill up your spine. Check out what Puppilull thought about one of MrM's short stories from his flash collection of vignettes. Sometimes, it just takes a few words to truly bring out the heart-pounding fright... and he kicks it off with the title alone: The Web (eww!)   Vignettes Collection: The Web MrM Reviewer: Puppilull Status: Com


Cia in Featured Stories

Sexual Assault and the aftermath

CAUTION: THE FOLLOWING BLOG ENTRY TALKS ABOUT SEXUAL ASSAULT AND MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS. PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Hey everyone , How’s everyone? I hope everyone’s doing good. I haven’t been doing that great. I might say, I have been doing quite awful suffering from both depression and anxiety for the past two months or so. I have been kind of absent from the site due to being extremely busy with the university for the past couple of months (dissertation is not the most favourite t

Victor Gutte

Victor Gutte

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept 30 - Oct 6)

Now that October is well on its way, let's get excited for the 31st, which is All Hallow's Eve. Now if you really want to be scared, picture yourself waking up on a Sunday morning to find me in your bedroom watching you sleep .   If that is too much to handle, maybe check out the two stories being published every Sunday for the next 4 weeks! Check later today for the discussion forums and links to the stories or sign up for the GA Weekly Newsletter.     So shall we


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #706 & #707

October has come! It's time to enjoy some flash fiction this first Freaky Friday. What's that sound...? Is it... a creepy cackle? A spooky rattle? Maybe you can come up with a spooky twist to prompt #706 because I know that would freak me out and there's all sorts of paranormal premises that you could use! Hmm....     Prompt 706 – Creative Tag – Sleep The patient has been in the hospital for longer than you’ve been alive. They barely look eighteen, and doctors keep runn


Cia in Prompts

Ask an Author 2.0 #12

It’s been a year since Ask an Author’s reboot. Although the feature appears to be as popular as ever, getting questions continues to be a struggle. Serious or silly, professional or personal, short or long, what you ask makes the monthly blog possible. Don’t be shy, tell me what you want to know, and I’ll look for answers. • • • • • A self-described NoCal gay, @Ashi puts the social in social media in Gay Authors. The man has to be one of the friendliest people around here. What many of

15 years

15 years with no drugs or drinking.   Holy shit.   I remember when missing out for a day or a few days was... really uncomfortable.   When I first started writing, I got some flak about including a lot of drugs. Well, they did say write what you know. When I first really started writing, that's what I knew.   It took a while but I move on. I still dream about the... never mind.    What I find is sad is that a lot of gay people have trouble in rec



October CSR Feature: Atlantis Shift series by Carlos Hazday

October brings us a nice long month to read, a full 28 days, so I wanted to feature a series. Carlos Hazday's Atlantis Shift series delves into the mystical world under the waves that so fascinates many due to the very mystery it still holds on the planet, and I couldn't pass it up. It's also another older feature from his early days showing his creativity from the beginning and his growth since then. You'll get to know more about these stories and Carlos in my interview at the end of the month,


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept 23 - Sept 29)

Wow, September is gone. How may days to Christmas? Maybe I will write a Christmas Tale to get everyone into the season     Please, if you are an author, read and reread Cia's Wednesday Blog Post as it has some really, really, really valuable information on how to protect your works on the internets!   To start of the week, Cia hosted the CSR Day for September:   Wednesday was the important day to learn about protecting your works on the internets:   The


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

College Weeks 5 & 6

Howdy y'all! It's time for another College Week, or two.     So, last weekend, I was simply too buried in homework to actually write up a blog post. And while I still have plenty of homework this weekend, it isn't as bad as it was last week.    So, let's get started!   PHYS 2425: In Physics, last week we learned about Energy, Conservation of Energy, and Simple Machines. This week, we learned about Linear Momentum. MATH 2414: Last week, my class reviewed what we

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

Writing Prompts #704 & #705

September has nearly fled, October is fast approaching, and the Extreme Halloween flash fiction stories are due. Did you write a prompt piece for that event? We're going to share it in the newsletter and more, so make sure you get that flash piece posted! If you didn't, maybe you can write something for these prompts, provided by GA's very own prompt guru, Comicfan!  Prompt 704 – Creative Tag – New Home You’ve bought a home that is over a hundred years old, but looks like brand n


Cia in Prompts

Plagarism and Protecting Your Stories

As a few authors might have noted, there was some cause for concern earlier this week in regards to unsolicited commercial interest in some GA authors' stories. We have shut that down, hopefully for good as the so-called author/eBook producer has pulled their content from sale as well, but I will be continuing to monitor content for a while to see if they pop back up again with any stories that have GA content in them stolen from the site. Which is what I'm here to talk about today... We don't j


Cia in Writing Tips

September CSR Discussion Day: Time Will Tell by Remijay

September was a short month week-wise for reading the CSR story, so we had a shorter selection (and much shorter than last month's!) with Remijay's Time Will Tell. Did you make the time to read this contemporary twin feature? That's one of the interesting parts of this--the story started posting years before it was finished. Make sure you share what you think in the comments below, but first I want to share my interview with Remijay where I ask him about writing over the course of years.   


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept 16 - Sept 22)

So we had a bit lighter week here at the blog. It was a relief for me, I didn't have to get up at 3:30 AM EVERY morning to feature the blog of the day EVERY day     Actually Cia was up at 2 AM to write up the September Classic Author. When does she sleep?   Skip to Wednesday Cia slept in to 2:03 to give us the September Classic Author Excerpt   Friday, Cia brought us all this weeks Comicfan's Prompts of the Week:   Friday Comsie wrapped up the week wit


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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