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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

In The Gloaming

Have a friend who will take me to the cemetery where C is burred tomorrow. Taking the spray of flowers to lay on his grave, along with a not-too-personal note. If I'd had more time, I would have had them get roses that were  a bit more lavender than pink, and bit whiter than cream --- but considering this was essentially a rush, as I want to see him to say goodbye before Christmas, this will do.  I still think it's lovely.   Lots to say to him tomorrow. I hope that somewhere, he can he

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

December Classic Author Feature: Someday Out of the Blue by LittleBuddhaTW

Well the year is nearly over, but we have one last feature for 2018 for readers to enjoy from our Classic Authors. This story features some of readers' favorite themes here on GA: coming of age, first love, and jocks/geeks themes.      Length: 223,509   Description: Connor Matthews, a shy boy who comes from an abusive family is accidentally hit in the head by a lacrosse ball one day, which leads him to meet Ryan, an attractive redhead, and his younger brother, Toby


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 9 - Dec. 14)

What to discuss this week.... hmm, a friend and his family are in  Hawaii and they saw a one legged bird, so they decided to call it Steve 😮   But this is the same friend, to his wife's anger, gives me one sock every year at Christmas.     Shall we move on and into the Weekly Update?   Monday, we had another Featured Story, this one done up by Cole Matthews:   Tuesday was round 2 of what seems to be becoming a popular new blog by Renee.  


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Mo bhilis, Mo gradh

This is copied from a status update.  Wasn't thinking clearly when I posted it, so put it there instead of here in the blog:   My heart is broken this weekend.  The man I had been dating off and on who lives about an hour away died last month -- and I just found out about it this Friday night; almost a month later. He works in retail and this is always a crazy time so not hearing from him for a bit wasn't unusual, but that bit got longer... then longer.  When I sent him another txt on

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien

The Things They Carried is a wonderful book.    It is a book about the Vietnam war, especially about a group of American soldiers. I've read a few books about the war, and I've always been fascinated about the treatment of those returning. No ticker tape parades for them. Bad things happened in that police action, I know.   This book was written by Tim O'Brien. He himself is written into the story because he was there, yet it is fiction. And I cannot be positive, but I'm sure



Conversation With My Mother

'I don't understand why you want to hide your curves like that,' she said, while I adjusted my binder. 'You look wonderful just as you are.' And I thought, That's kind of hilarious, really, because you're always bugging me about losing weight. I told her, 'It's not about how I look. It's about how I feel.' 'No, I know. I understand.' No you don't. 'But wouldn't it be better if people were just happy with the bodies they have?' I sighed. 'Would be nice, yeah. But we don't live in t

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Fall Anthology: Fight Back & Good Intentions - Set 3 *NOW LIVE*

It's that time again! Hope you're ready for another round of anthology stories. If you missed the first two sets, you can find them at the links below:   Fall Anthology: Set 1 Fall Anthology: Set 2   Now, lets take a look at what we have for Set 3!     Culled Parker Owens     Leading the Way Puppilull       A Tempest in a Teapot Myr     Igneous Valkyrie   Well, that

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Q & A: Round 2

Who's ready for another Q & A session??? For the second round, I added in a question for Poets. I had A LOT of feedback this go around, so I really hope I didn't miss anyone! Read on to see what Authors, Readers, Editors, and Poets had to say! Enjoy!         Authors: Do you use an outline? Why or why not?   @Thorn Wilde -  I used to be terrible at outlining my stories, but I found that it resulted in a lot of unfinished novels and novellas. I don't do out

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Interviews

Featured Story: The Hollow Hills

Welcome to another Monday!  While Monday's might be the start of your work week, there is also a bright spot, at least on THIS Monday. Today we have a review from Cole Matthews on Valkyrie's in progress story, The Hollow Hills. Just a reminder, if you'd like to bring some attention to a story that you're reading, you are more than welcome to write a blog review for it!  We do have a review team, but we also welcome reviews from members outside of the review team. If you're interested in reviewin

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Jesse 101: The Musical

Music         Track List Video Killed The Radio Star (Ben Folds Five Cover Of The Buggles) - General Theme Images Of Heaven (Peter Godwin) - Dream Out Of Reach Billboard (If I’m Honest) (Jacob Whitesides) - Taken For Granted Show You (Shawn Mendes) - Not Settling For Second Place He Likes Boys (Simone Battle) - Lori’s Deal All Eyes On You (St. Lucia) - Chance Encounters Shooting Stars (Bag Raiders) - Bridging Th



Paycheck Addict

I did a lot of research over the years trying to find the cheapest place in the world to live. The cheapest I found was about $500 dollars a month in Vietnam. I had no clue what the cost of living would be in the Philippines when I moved here last February. To my surprise, it is only about $200 dollars a month for a small home and everything I need, including the most important thing; the internet.   I left my job in New York City for several reasons, but the most important one was bec

Giorge Leedy

Giorge Leedy

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 2 - Dec. 8)

♪♪♪  Wellllll, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightf.............   Okay, who turned off the power so they don't have to listen to me sing?   I can take a hint though!   So first things first, we are now on the second release of the staggered releasing of the Fall Anthology. Now that you have read a few or all of them, we are curious on your opinion. So here goes the first every GA Weekly Update Poll Question! Make sure you answer it


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Identity Crisis?

I'm sat here shivering. It's cold out, but I feel like it's not just that. I just feel really anxious.   I went to my mum's today, to celebrate Finland's Independence Day. We had food and champagne and watched the broadcast from the gala at the presidential palace in Helsinki. It was nice. I had planned to talk to her about my gender. About the non-binary thing. About trans-masculinity. About how I feel about myself and my body and my brain right now. And I couldn't. It just didn't ...

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Fall Anthology: Fight Back & Good Intentions - Set 2 *NOW LIVE*

Who's ready for some more anthology stories? Did you like and comment on the 4 posted last week? In case you missed them, you can check out the first set in last week's blog post. So whose wonderful stories do we have for you this week? Well, let's take a little looksie, shall we?     The Death, Life and Suicide of Tommy Crouch by Tarek Donohue Mikiesboy   Lifting the Veil Headstall   Jealousy CassieQ       Martin

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Ask an Author 2.0 #14

Living in South Florida, the chances of a cold, snowy December are about as good as the chances of me not messing up commas in my writing. This time of year, my thoughts often turn to scaling the border wall and visiting our neighbors to the north. Oh, wait, never mind about that wall. Wrong direction. Anyway, because I’m thinking of snow, our Canadian members come to mind. The current issue of Ask an Author features a few of our authors from the frozen north. For good measure, I’ve added s

December CSR Feature: The House of Storms by Geron Kees

Can you believe it's already December?  Nope, your eyes are not deceiving you. Cia has been super busy, but luckily for me, she'd already chosen the December CSR, and now it's my turn to help her out!  Hopefully in between all your holiday activities, you'll be able to find time to read this story, set in 1948!  The discussion day will finish out the year here in the blogs, and will be on December 31st!  If you haven't read anything by Geron Kees yet, now is a great time to start!  Hope you enjo

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 23 - Dec. 1)

December 1st, WOW   So, if you are counting and partaking in Christmas, that is 23 more sleeps to Christmas Eve, and if Santa shows up this year you'll be opening your pressies in 24 days. Or if you are Jewish, Chanukah starts in 2 days!! Either way, I just want everyone to be forewarned that I will be expecting you all to send me a present this year . If not, then you will have to make a New Year's Resolution in 30 days to make sure you get me one next year   We had a bi


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Comings out

Yesterday I was in the studio at school to record a jazz trio. Piano, drums and accordion, it was pretty weird and wonderful (I still have one of those songs stuck in my head...). I am the only one in my class who's not a cis man. Probably the only one who's queer. So hanging out with and working with these guys can feel kind of lonely, I guess. But after recording, my studio partner and I were packing down the equipment. Third guy had a concert he was mixing, so it was just the two of us, and v

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Brokeback Mountain and Other Terrible Films

Note: I'm frustrated. I swear. Deal with it.   I was browsing YouTube yesterday when I came across a 10 Best LGBTQ Movies video. As I always do, I clicked on it, cause I'm always up for potentially finding new movies to watch. There were some good ones on the list, such as Call Me By Your Name, Milk, and Weekend for instance, and I found a couple I hadn't seen, either. But when they got down to #3, they lost me, because according to them the third best LGBTQ film in history is Brokebac

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Twenty Years

Twenty years ago today, on December 1, 1998, the Miami-Dade County Commission approved the addition of sexual orientation to the county’s human rights ordinance. The battle many had fought over the past year culminated in victory. A temporary achievement since the hateful Christian Coalition worked to place the decision on the ballot the following year. They lost.   For over a year, I helped increase awareness, raise money, conduct outreach, lobby politicians, debate homophobes, and gr

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday

Fall Anthology: Fight Back & Good Intentions - Set 1 *NOW LIVE*

Welcome, welcome, welcome!  Hope you've come to do some reading!  As decided via the poll, we're going to try a new way of posting the anthologies this go around. Might be a good thing as we have a pretty good sized anthology this time as well. At first glance, it looks like the anthologies will post in four sets. We're starting with the first set this week and then will post a set every week until they're all posted. Hopefully this new way of posting will garner a bit more feedback for all of t

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Q & A: Round 1

Hey All!!!  Hope everyone is doing well. So, this week we're going to start one of our new features. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten the Author Guess Who, but we'll start that one after the new year (new year, new feature!). This week, we're going to take a look at the Q & A questions I asked. These features are for Authors, Readers, and Editors, so something for everyone!  Let's take a look at the questions and answers.         Authors: Have you experienced writer

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Interviews

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