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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

March CSR Discussion Day: Second Chances by Meric Cotton

Have you taken a second look at @MericCotton's completed story if you read Second Chances once before? Or was this your first time reading it? Either way, this month's CSR selection was something a little different than the usual teen or twenties or even thirties fair. Sometimes life passes before we know it (How is it almost April already?) and things happen.... Make sure you share your thoughts about the story in the comments, but first, as always, my interview with the author first!   


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Saying I Love You

There are about a million ways to say those three words “I Love You.”                                           Have you eaten?                                         Sleep well.                                         Drive safely.                                         Grab a coat.   These are some of the ways it’s said in my house.  There are others, not as obvious, but we all know them when we hear them.   And it’s not just that way with lovers and s



Night Blooms

. Night Blooms Haibun   Early the other morning, I couldn’t sleep anymore from all the memory-filled dreams I was having, so I took the dog outside. Standing in the garden, all the world peaceful and sweet, I saw a truly Mid-western moon – the type I grew up. Placid and nearly full, and yet hidden within the glory of its own eerie light. Moons like this remind me I have no home anymore, not with my parents now gone from the world.   5 AM, the moon playing night

AC Benus

AC Benus


Need a vacation -- too much stress.   Reading "Between the Shadow and the Soul" has brought back memories of my cub. Wish I knew where he was, but he stopped talking to me a couple of years ago. My cub is the one person I've loved with all my heart who I knew would never love me back the same way. He stayed in my apartment for about a month while he was trying to get things together. Always tried to be circumspect about when he was going out, to not hurt my feelings, but I always knew.

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Lemme tell ya'll a thing

Okay, so, I will say this first.  Do not be mean to your customer service people.  No matter what, never start out a call being mean.  You never know who you'll get.  Sometimes you'll get me.  And bitch I am good at my job, but woe unto the person who angers me.   This woman today, last call of my day, continued to berate me and call me names and refuse to be cooperative whilst she was yelling at a police officer as well.  Ms. Barbara was a handful, but like the professional I am, I at



Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 17 - Mar. 23)

Well now that it is officially the end of winter on the Northern Hemisphere, let's not wish that winter on anyone in the Southern I think  it was rough on our European, Asian and North American friends.   Just a reminder, I am still looking for completed stories or series for the weekly blog. If you have a favourite, or two, or more, make sure you send me a PM @wildone I have one left, so send me some...please   Cia started the week off with our introduction to a new Classi


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 744 and Prompt 745

Spring is here! Or it is supposed to be in the Northern Hemisphere. So is it inspiring you or do you need a little help? If you need help, might I suggest some new prompts?     Prompt 744 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – a sea shell, a blue blanket, a snowman, a caution sign, and a bench.   Prompt 745 – Creative Tag – First Line “I’m so tired of always being the one to apologize.”   If you wrote a prompt st


comicfan in Prompts

My Mental Illness Is Not Your Punchline

Mental illness and disability carry a lot of stigma, and a lot of people don’t understand it. Assumptions are made about various mental illnesses and the people who have them. And the way that we use terms related to mental illness in everyday language to describe completely different things can do a lot more harm than you think it might.   This isn’t about getting offended, by the way. This is about enforcing harmful stereotypes that actually hurt people who suffer from mental illness

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

March Classic Author Excerpt: Kombat Kids by GhostRyder15

How's your schedule? Spring break looming for you? Or are you just looking to crash from all the harsh winter or summer weather and need a good reason to take a break? Well, once again we have another Classic Author feature to tickle your interest and catch your eye in case you missed this early author from GA's beginning days!    Kombat Kids is set in a place very familiar to me... the Pacific Northwest. Not far from the Columbia River, this is a region with a lot of rich plant-life,


Cia in Classic Feature

March Classic Author Feature: Kombat Kids by GhostRyder15

This time of year, I'm always hoping for some spring to warm things here in the north, and I'm sure the south is getting ready for some relief from their heat. Either way, the extreme swings and highs and lows are starting to level out... usually. Washington is a great place to enjoy this time of year, and if you read GhostRyder's Kombat Kids, you'll get a great glimpse at the wonderful settings his story has to share as he takes readers on a journey along with his characters as they learn to ov


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar.10 - Mar.16)

So, don't tell anyone  but I think Renee missed her hour of sleep this week  . This makes less work for me, and gives me something to tease her about  . I do have to admit that I don't have a lil' one under that age of 1 that I'm tending to day in and day out, so I guess I shall forgive her  Why don't we all share our love  .   On a more sad note, we have members in New Zealand that we should share our love with too  .   Monday, Renee introduced us to another featured story


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Bluegrass Symphony

I miss many things about Kentucky.  And though it took a while, I finally realized what it is that I truly long to experience again.   Let's start with what I don't miss - the people.  Those are the most mixed bag when it comes to my thoughts of my home state.  I've met some of the most honest, hard-working, and caring people there.  Yet, I've also run into some awful apples.  They were judgmental, hardened by poverty and suffering from a lack of opportunity - all of which conspired to

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Patreon: What It Is, and What It Isn't

Patreon is a service that I think a lot of people don't quite understand. Some people find it disingenuous, for instance, to ask people for money for a product that they will later be giving away for free, as many do. Others see it as akin to begging. That second one I find particularly odd... If anything, it's like busking.    Some history first: Back in the olden days, it was common for talented artists to acquire patrons. A patron might provide the artist with food, a place to live,

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Writing Prompts #740, #741, #742, & #743

Well, I've kind of slacked this week (read as completely forgot), and there was no Wednesday post. I had a plan, but the good news is that the current Q & A has been extended, so you have until the end of this month to get your answers to me! Also, there were no prompts last week since we had a promotion announcement, so this week I'm making up for it with 4 new prompts for you to contemplate and perhaps use to pen your next story!  Happy Writing!         Prompt 740

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Religion and manners (or lack there of)

Going through chemo I haven't minded too much the physical changes happening. Well showering when my hair was falling out was a nightmare - very fine hairs that I could feel but not get off.   How others are reacting is getting to me. At work I've had to report two cancer survivors to administration. Both tried to offer me support, before I had announced my cancer. One chose to discuss it in the public bathroom where students were present. The other thought it was a great idea to tell



The Strong One

I've always been the helper - the strong one.   I'm the one people go to, to be heard.  I'm the one people know can handle more.  I carry my load, and then yours, and theirs, and the world's too.   But today, I didn't want to get out of bed.  I feel like there's a band of iron around my chest like the world is crushing me.  There's no reason, and if there's no reason then there's no fix.   There's nobody in my life who I can lean on, simply because I've never asked

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Aquaman Movie Review

Starring Jason Momoa as Arthur/Aquaman, Amber Heard as Mera, Willem Dafoe as Vulko, Patrick Wilson as King Orm/Ocean Master, Nicole Kidman as Atlanna, and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Manta. It was directed by the wonderfully talented James Wan, the creator of the Saw Franchise.   Aquaman takes place shortly after the events of Justice League. This bit of information seemed to be slipped in right away to make sure we all know this is part of the DCEU. But just as Wonder Woman carved her ow

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud


Hello my faithful readers, just letting you know that I am currently in the city of Darwin, in the Northern Territory Of Australia, after completing a three day and two night.experience on the Ghan train from Adelaide in the South to the Northern capital of Darwin, which is a 2720 kilometre journey. Saw some incredible sights, and I hope to include my experiences in future stories. The Ghan train had a total of two engines and 38 carriages and it was 902 metres long. Regards Preston, a



Featured Story: Lighthouses

Welcome to another Monday!  Did you remember to set your clocks forward an hour? It's time for a new story review, and this one is brought to you by Cole Matthews!  Enjoy!     Lighthouses: Volume One ValentineDavis 21 Reviewer: Cole Matthews Status: Complete Word Count: 67,960   Gayauthors is a great place for writers and readers for many reasons. There are lots of new characters, topics, engagements, love, folly, and fictional conflict providin

Well Adjusted?

"You know, for a guy who grew up in Kentucky, you seem pretty well adjusted to the whole gay thing."   I thought about what Greg had said as I drove home.  I hadn't replied other than to smile and nod.  What would he feel if I told him all of it?  I toyed with the idea, but it was too early for that.  He didn't need to know just how damaged I was.   Regardless of my choice to keep the entirety of the truth from Greg, I couldn't stop it from replaying in my mind.  It was just

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 3 - Mar. 9)

Lucky I'm doing this tonight before I go to bed, as tomorrow, don't come looking to borrow a cup of sugar (do people actually do that?) as I might bite your head off . Yes, last night was this biannual silly thing called Daylight Savings Time. If you don't have this annoying time shift in your neck of the woods, it resets our clocks an hour ahead or behind to accommodate for longer days for the summer and shorter days for the winter and energy consumption. Unfortunately Saturday night was the ki


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Bled the Blood

My musical buddy, a guy named Jonathan Foster is going to use a song I wrote in his next album.  That's pretty damn cool and flattering.  I wrote it for a story, and it turned out pretty good.   If you want to abuse your ears here's me singing my acapella version of it. Bled the Blood  Jonathan will do a better job though, thankfully.   I've got just enough of a few gifts to know that I am not quite at a level that can be considered exceptional.  But, that's all right.  I'm p

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Gay Bookstore Goodness

https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2019/03/group-strangers-shopping-bookstore-suicidal-gay-man-called-shop/#disqus_thread   If you want a feel-good story that will probably make you cry, then click the link.   I really needed something like this when I came out.  I didn't get it, and it was a very rough time.  Maybe I'll write about it at some point, but not right now - I want to function for the rest of the day.    

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

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