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  • Myr

    Horror Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 0 Most Read Horror - Body Snatcher Revolving around the invasion or replacement of human bodies by extraterrestrial beings, parasites, or other entities, body snatcher horror explores the loss of control over one's own body. No stories Top 3 Most Read Horror - Gothic (aka gothic romanticism; and dark romanticism): fiction mixing themes of horror, romance, and death Shadow‘s Reach (Halloween Noir) by Jack Poignet In Process Hungry for Gains by Jack

October Classic Excerpt: The Leanai Scath by Andy78

Did you see Monday's blog post featuring this month's Classic Author story and ad? This month's selection is a short story, so I don't want to share too much of it with you because that might spoil too much before you read it. Andy has a real knack with writing one shots that draw you in and make you want to know (and force him to write) more, and The Leanai Scath is no exception.  So much of this story seems like it's just a normal tale, but then there are nuances that let you know that so


Cia in Classic Feature

October Classic Feature: The Leanai Scath by Andy78

This month we have a one shot story competition, and it's the last full month before your short story is due for the Fall anthology, so I went with a Classic Author One Shot story that features something from beyond the normal... aliens! Or are they? Well... let's see what Andy78 came up with in The Leanai Scath.    The Leanai Scath by Andy78 Length: 1,774 Description: The Leanai Scáth appeared on Earth two centuries ago. They have been herded into colonies on the


Cia in Classic Feature


Warning: If relationships that include sex with others apart from committed partners offends you then skip this entry. Like so many of us who have a non-hetero identity, I've done a lot of research on sexuality.  I've also researched for stories I write (particularly the one I'm currently posting, Camp Refuge).  One that I discovered while researching was demisexuality.  Here's urban dictionary's definition of it, and it works pretty well.  https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=De

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 13 - Oct. 19)

Skiddy-mer-rink-a-dink-a-boomp, skiddy-mer-rink-a-doo, Means I love you. Skiddy-mer-rink-a-dink-a-boomp, skiddy-mer-rink-a-doo, Means I'll be true Skiddy-mer-rink-a-dink-a-boomp, skiddy-mer-rink-a-doo, All the time he sings this rhyme Skiddy-mer-rink-a-dink-a-boomp, skiddy-mer-rink-a-doo, Means I love you. Why is it the older I get, the more appealing that nursery rhyme songs appeal to me? Am I regressing? Anyhooooo On Monday @spikey582 had a great review of Cole


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

A Tiny (Yeah...) Update

So...a quick update while I take a break from editing and creating this Hellsing Ultimate Word Crawl... If you've noticed, on your end, The Roads That We Explore is sitting at chapter 4. Why? Well....Mostly because I'm holding onto the rest while I finish off their edits. I'm setting them up to post from October 25th at 3PM to October 31st at 3PM. I just set up story 7 and will be editing story 8, 9, 10 and 11 in the coming days.  Next story to be worried about will be my holiday stori

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

Prompt 792 and Prompt 793

Well, we are half way through the month and we have made it to another Friday. Are you ready for Halloween? Are you ready for candy and scary movies? Are you set to enjoy the creepy and the outlandish? Hopefully, this week's prompts might inspire you to write. Prompt 792 - Creative Tag - First Line "Damn, I can never get blood out of a silk shirt!" Prompt 793 - Creative Tag - The Great Pumpkin You'd heard the rumor in school when you were a kid. The farm at the edge


comicfan in Prompts

Stories Archive Software Update

Hello everyone!  It is that time again.  The Stories Archive software on Gay Authors has been updated.  We've had a whole lot of bug fixes and a couple of new features added. IMPORTANT NOTE: Stat's are Rebuilding for the next few days.  You'll know when it's done because not every story will be ranked #1 with 0 views. New Features Site level Story view statistics are now available.  We have been collecting timestamped story/chapter views since Jan of 2018.  That is just shy of


Myr in Technology Archive

Anthology Flashback - Fall 2014 - Scars 3 of 4

October is upon us and it is time for another month of Flashbacks!  But first, authors, please make sure you are working on the anthologies due November 15th!  (see above) Without further ado, here is part 3 of 4 of October 2019's Anthology Flashback.  We are going back to Fall of 2014 with the them of Scars!  


Myr in Anthologies

Featured Story: Shade

Morning all. Sorry, I'm a bit behind so let's get right to this great review of @Cole Matthews story, Shade! Shade Cole Matthews Reviewer: spikey582 Status: Complete Word Count: 7,113 With it being October, I definitely felt like getting into the Halloween spirit by reviewing a ghostly horror story, and Cole Matthews' submission from the seasonal short story contest fits the bill perfectly. This was actually a great treat for me, to go back through the site specifically seek

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct.6 - Oct.12)

Good Day Everyone! This is Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend, and I'm a little messed up on what day it is It is like I forgot that today is  Sunday. Oh well. Here is what happened in these parts of GA this past week. On Monday, Cia introduced us all to the October CSR feature:   Then on the Tuesday, Renee gave us another edition of the Author Guess Who:   Thursday, Mr. Myr was back with a round of Anthologies from 2014.   Friday, was Comicfan's chanc


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

How I Write Now

I was going to do a long thing about how I have changed my writing process in the 7 years that I was gone from the website. I even had that post started and named, but then I decided to change it up.  I'm still going to talk about my writing process but now I'm going to just do it in a concise and point by point way. At least I hope it turns out concise.  Getting that idea This is where the whole thing starts. Before this was the only step before I started writing on the

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

Prompt 790 and Prompt 791

Hello and welcome to another attempt to get you to write and share your prompt stories. Prompts are usually short tales. However, over the years a prompt has inspired an author and multi chapter stories or novels have happened. They have been used as the start of chapters and as a way to reintroduce old characters into new settings. In plain English, prompts are there to inspire you to think or write in new ways. Don't be afraid to try one. Here are two new prompts to get you writing. Promp


comicfan in Prompts

Don't call me a child

Don't call me a child and say my life has been easy. My life has been far from easy. My first real happy memory is being a birthday party for the first time by people who cared for me, I don't know how old I was but it was at least 4, and it was given to me not by my biological parents. Another HAPPY memory in a courthouse being given a new last name by a family who showed me love. I was seven. It was even said go ahead take them they're not my problem now. Yes looking back I can see how I was a



Author Guess Who #4

I know it's been a while, but it's time for another Author Guess WHO!  You'll have a couple of weeks to guess the author. Good luck! Sorry about the lack of extra formatting. Posting using my phone again.   What is one thing that most GA members might not know about you? I used to listen almost exclusively to heavy metal, before I realised that the world wasn't divided into heavy metal and bubblegum pop.   What prompted you to write your

October CSR Feature: Spirits & Spare Parts

Wow, it's October 2019, and I've been doing the CSR blog every month for 7 years this year.... 7 is one of those spoooooky numbers. Or is it lucky? Guess it depends on who you ask... or if you're in Vegas? When the holiday season comes around, I like to change this up, or really, any season where I can theme the stories or give readers a chance to try something a little different. I've been doing interviews, a LOT of interviews, over the years as well. Well, this month it's going to be a little


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

A list of moments

*That moment when you don't have enough of the right kind of holes on the back of your TV. * That moment of pain when you have to unplug something *That moment of frustration when the splitter you added to have everything plugged in ruins the one time you actually had all the damn chords looking good for once. (Because even though no one else will ever look at them,  YOU had the satisfaction of knowing)  *That moment when you don't have enough of the right kind of holes on the bac



Weekly Wrap Up (Sept.29 - Oct.5)

Sorry folks, no weekly update this week. Carry on with your daily activities and God Save the Queen. Okay, so I was saying to a ex GA'er friend that I had nothing to write about to start the Weekly Wrap Up and he suggested that I couldn't do that to you all So here is a look at what happened over the past week! Monday, it was CSR discussion day where Cia chatted with @northie Then on Wednesday, it was the first one of the month and the blog was turned over to Carlos:


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Three Poems for Colin

. for Colin   Sonnet No. 1   Your fingers inch along my shoulder blades, Caressing, releasing, gripping and spread Like dripping flame to drench me in cascades Where every part of me your hands are led.  Soothing exploration is what I feel, A student under a master's care, Whose object is loving and meant to heal, Though silent and extremely aware. But the fire in me which your caress stokes Is o

AC Benus

AC Benus

Today is not a good day

Today is not a good day - update 10/7/19 I have a questions for you Guys and Gals how many of you Check for lumps?  Let’s have a show of hands?  Hum not many why?  Don’t think it can happen to you?  I thought that till today. I found a lump in my right breast, Yes, I’m a guy and Yes we do get them. I’m concerned about this, who wouldn’t be. Everyone thinks the Big Cancer. Now the waiting and the worrying begins. Can’t get into the Doctors till Monday. I so wish you could



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